
123 lines
4.7 KiB

# The default ````
# flake8: noqa
def set_prefs(prefs):
"""This function is called before opening the project"""
# Specify which files and folders to ignore in the project.
# Changes to ignored resources are not added to the history and
# VCSs. Also they are not returned in `Project.get_files()`.
# Note that ``?`` and ``*`` match all characters but slashes.
# '*.pyc': matches 'test.pyc' and 'pkg/test.pyc'
# 'mod*.pyc': matches 'test/mod1.pyc' but not 'mod/1.pyc'
# '.svn': matches 'pkg/.svn' and all of its children
# 'build/*.o': matches 'build/lib.o' but not 'build/sub/lib.o'
# 'build//*.o': matches 'build/lib.o' and 'build/sub/lib.o'
prefs["ignored_resources"] = [
# Specifies which files should be considered python files. It is
# useful when you have scripts inside your project. Only files
# ending with ``.py`` are considered to be python files by
# default.
# prefs['python_files'] = ['*.py']
# Custom source folders: By default rope searches the project
# for finding source folders (folders that should be searched
# for finding modules). You can add paths to that list. Note
# that rope guesses project source folders correctly most of the
# time; use this if you have any problems.
# The folders should be relative to project root and use '/' for
# separating folders regardless of the platform rope is running on.
# 'src/my_source_folder' for instance.
# prefs.add('source_folders', 'src')
# You can extend python path for looking up modules
# prefs.add('python_path', '~/python/')
# Should rope save object information or not.
prefs["save_objectdb"] = True
prefs["compress_objectdb"] = False
# If `True`, rope analyzes each module when it is being saved.
prefs["automatic_soa"] = True
# The depth of calls to follow in static object analysis
prefs["soa_followed_calls"] = 0
# If `False` when running modules or unit tests "dynamic object
# analysis" is turned off. This makes them much faster.
prefs["perform_doa"] = True
# Rope can check the validity of its object DB when running.
prefs["validate_objectdb"] = True
# How many undos to hold?
prefs["max_history_items"] = 32
# Shows whether to save history across sessions.
prefs["save_history"] = True
prefs["compress_history"] = False
# Set the number spaces used for indenting. According to
# :PEP:`8`, it is best to use 4 spaces. Since most of rope's
# unit-tests use 4 spaces it is more reliable, too.
prefs["indent_size"] = 4
# Builtin and c-extension modules that are allowed to be imported
# and inspected by rope.
prefs["extension_modules"] = []
# Add all standard c-extensions to extension_modules list.
prefs["import_dynload_stdmods"] = True
# If `True` modules with syntax errors are considered to be empty.
# The default value is `False`; When `False` syntax errors raise
# `rope.base.exceptions.ModuleSyntaxError` exception.
prefs["ignore_syntax_errors"] = False
# If `True`, rope ignores unresolvable imports. Otherwise, they
# appear in the importing namespace.
prefs["ignore_bad_imports"] = False
# If `True`, rope will insert new module imports as
# `from <package> import <module>` by default.
prefs["prefer_module_from_imports"] = False
# If `True`, rope will transform a comma list of imports into
# multiple separate import statements when organizing
# imports.
prefs["split_imports"] = False
# If `True`, rope will remove all top-level import statements and
# reinsert them at the top of the module when making changes.
prefs["pull_imports_to_top"] = True
# If `True`, rope will sort imports alphabetically by module name instead of
# alphabetically by import statement, with from imports after normal
# imports.
prefs["sort_imports_alphabetically"] = False
# Location of implementation of rope.base.oi.type_hinting.interfaces.ITypeHintingFactory
# In general case, you don't have to change this value, unless you're an rope expert.
# Change this value to inject you own implementations of interfaces
# listed in module rope.base.oi.type_hinting.providers.interfaces
# For example, you can add you own providers for Django Models, or disable the search
# type-hinting in a class hierarchy, etc.
] = "rope.base.oi.type_hinting.factory.default_type_hinting_factory"
def project_opened(project):
"""This function is called after opening the project"""
# Do whatever you like here!