Thomas Steen Rasmussen edcf363027
Merge teamcomms branch. Refactor team app and add events app.
* Primary commit towards improved team communications. Add new events app to handle team notifications when various events happen, with a Type model which contain event types and a Routing model which controls routing of events to teams. Add shortslug for Camp and Team models. contains the code for sending irc and email notifications for teams. The first two eventtypes have been added in datamigrations, 'ticket_created' and 'public_credit_name_changed', and the tickets and profile apps have been adjusted accordingly. Team IRC channels can be marked as managed and if so the IRC bot will register the team channel with ChanServ if possible. Team IRC channels can be marked as private and the bot will set invite only and maintain an ACL with team members. Users can set their NickServ username in their profile to get on the ACL. Rework all team views and templates. Remove TeamArea model and make Team have an FK to Camp directly. Add docstrings a whole bunch of places. Move signal handlers to and in a few apps. Add basic team mailing list handling, more work to be done. Update bootstrap-devsite script to add more teammembers and add some team event routing for the two eventtypes we have.

* default to the console backend for email unless we specifically ask for realworld email

* fix signal for public_credit_name approval irc message

* fix name display on /people/ page

* fix the text on people pages when all non-responsible team members are anonymous

* handle cases where we fallback to the area responsible properly

* readd removed property, it is used in team_detail view

* make it possible to filter profiles by public_credit_name_approved

* add method for sending IRC messages in ircbot.utils.add_irc_message(), extend periodic bot method to do more than check for outgoing messages so rename it, refactor chanserv and nickserv handling code, create methods to check and join/part IRC channels as needed, maintain channel ACLs for private channels, do not autojoin any channels when instatiating the bot instead rely on the new check_irc_channels() method to join them, rename profile presave signal, add checking for changed nickserv usernames for acl handling, add teammember.irc_channel_acl_ok boolean to track ACL state, add missing help_text properties to TeamMember fields, rename teammember postsave signal, add teammember deleted signal, readd wrongly deleted EnsureTeamMemberResponsibleMixin

* add a few missing early returns
2018-04-09 23:11:05 +02:00

70 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable file

# Loop over migrations in the
# BornHack website project, apply
# one by one, and run
# postgresql_autodoc for each.
# Use the generated .dot files
# to generate PNGs and watermark
# the PNG with the migration name.
# Finally use $whatever to combine
# all the PNGs to an animation and
# marvel at the ingenuity of Man.
# This scripts makes a million
# assumptions about the local env.
# and installed packages. Enjoy!
# /Tykling, April 2018
#set -x
# warn the user
read -p "WARNING: This scripts deletes and recreates the local pg database named bornhackdb several times. Continue? "
# wipe database
sudo su postgres -c "dropdb bornhackdb; createdb -O bornhack bornhackdb"
# run migrate with --fake to get list of migrations
MIGRATIONS=$(python migrate --fake | grep FAKED | cut -d " " -f 4 | cut -d "." -f 1-2)
# wipe database again
sudo su postgres -c "dropdb bornhackdb; createdb -O bornhack bornhackdb"
# create output folder
sudo rm -rf postgres_autodoc
mkdir postgres_autodoc
sudo chown postgres:postgres postgres_autodoc
# loop over migrations
ALFACOUNTER=$(printf "%04d" $COUNTER)
echo "processing migration #${COUNTER}: $MIG"
APP=$(echo $MIGRATION | cut -d "." -f 1)
MIG=$(echo $MIGRATION | cut -d "." -f 2)
echo "--- running migration: APP: $APP MIGRATION: $MIG ..."
python migrate --no-input $APP $MIG
echo "--- running postgresql_autodoc and dot..."
cd postgres_autodoc
sudo su postgres -c "mkdir ${ALFACOUNTER}-$MIGRATION"
# run postgresql_autodoc
sudo su postgres -c "postgresql_autodoc -d bornhackdb"
# create PNG from .dot file
sudo su postgres -c "dot -Tpng -o bornhackdb.png"
# create watermark image with migration name as white on black text
sudo su postgres -c "convert -background none -undercolor black -fill white -font DejaVu-Sans-Mono-Bold -size 5316x4260 -pointsize 72 -gravity SouthEast label:${ALFACOUNTER}-${MIGRATION} background.png"
# combine the images
sudo su postgres -c "composite -gravity center bornhackdb.png background.png final.png"
cd ..
cd ..