
30 lines
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{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load bornhack %}
{% block body %}
<p class="lead">The following conflicts have been found between events in the AutoScheduler, events with a red table cell will not be scheduled together.</p>
<p><a class="btn btn-default" href="{% url 'backoffice:autoschedule_manage' camp_slug=camp.slug %}"><i class="fas fa-undo"></i> Back</a></p>
<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered">
{% for autoevent,event in scheduler.autoevents| %}
<th><a href="{% url 'backoffice:event_detail' camp_slug=camp.slug slug=event.slug %}">{{ event.title }}</a></th>
{% endfor %}
{% for autoevent,event in scheduler.autoevents| %}
<th><a href="{% url 'backoffice:event_detail' camp_slug=camp.slug slug=event.slug %}">{{ event.title }}</a></th>
{% for rowautoevent,rowevent in scheduler.autoevents| %}
{% if rowautoevent in autoevent.unavailability or rowautoevent == autoevent or autoevent in rowautoevent.unavailability %}
<td class="text-center danger"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></td>
{% else %}
<td class="text-center success"><i class="fas fa-check"></i></td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<p><a class="btn btn-default" href="{% url 'backoffice:autoschedule_manage' camp_slug=camp.slug %}"><i class="fas fa-undo"></i> Back</a></p>
{% endblock body %}