
78 lines
2.7 KiB

{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load bootstrap3 %}
{% load bornhack %}
{% load commonmark %}
{% block content %}
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Event: {{ event.title }}</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
{{ event.abstract|untrustedcommonmark }}
<h4>Details for <i>{{ event.title }}</i></h4>
<table class="table">
<td>{{ event.event_type.icon_html }} <a href="{% url 'backoffice:event_type_detail' camp_slug=camp.slug slug=event.event_type.slug %}">{{ event.event_type }}</a></td>
<th>Event Track</th>
<td>{{ }}</td>
{% for tag in event.tags.all %}
<span class="badge">{{ tag }}</span>
{% empty %}
{% endfor %}
<th>Video Recording</th>
<td>{{ event.video_recording|truefalseicon }}</td>
<td>{% if event.demand %}{{ event.demand }} participants expected{% else %}0 (The autoscheduler will not consider capacity/demand when scheduling this event){% endif %}</td>
<td><a href="{% url 'backoffice:event_proposal_detail' camp_slug=camp.slug %}" class="btn btn-default btn-xs"><i class="fas fa-search"></i> Show</a></td>
<th>Submitted by</th>
<td><i class="fas fa-user"></i> {{ event.proposal.user.username }}</td>
<h4>Speakers for <i>{{ event.title }}</i></h4>
{% include "includes/speaker_list_table_backoffice.html" with speaker_list=event.speakers.all noactions=True nodatatable=True %}
<h4>Schedule for <i>{{ event.title }}</i></h4>
{% if event.event_slots.exists %}
{% include "includes/event_slot_list_backoffice.html" with event_slot_list=event.event_slots.all notitle=True %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{% url 'backoffice:event_schedule' camp_slug=camp.slug slug=event.slug %}" class="btn btn-success pull-right"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i> Schedule Event</a>
<a href="{% url 'backoffice:event_update' camp_slug=camp.slug slug=event.slug %}" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i> Update Event</a>
<a href="{% url 'backoffice:event_delete' camp_slug=camp.slug slug=event.slug %}" class="btn btn-danger"><i class="fas fa-times"></i> Delete Event</a>
<a href="{% url 'backoffice:event_list' camp_slug=camp.slug %}" class="btn btn-default"><i class="fas fa-undo"></i> Event List</a>
{% endblock content %}