Add organization
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

Also fix a test.
This commit is contained in:
Reynir Björnsson 2020-12-13 14:57:22 +01:00
parent e73145d054
commit ff5773a47b
4 changed files with 42 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -3,9 +3,13 @@ open Lwt.Syntax
let sock_path = "/home/reynir/cert.sock"
let version = `V1
let organization = "HashBang"
let csr user =
let dn =
X509.Distinguished_name.(Relative_distinguished_name.singleton (CN user)) in
Relative_distinguished_name.singleton (CN user)
|> Relative_distinguished_name.add (O organization)) in
let key : X509.Private_key.t =
`RSA (Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.generate ~bits:2048 ()) in
let csr = X509.Signing_request.create [dn] key in

View File

@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ let main () =
Mirage_crypto_rng_lwt.initialize ();
let cacert = Rresult.R.get_ok (load_cacert (Fpath.v cacert_path)) in
let cakey = Rresult.R.get_ok (load_cakey (Fpath.v cakey_path)) in
let t = { = ""; cacert; cakey } in
let t = { = "";
organization = "HashBang"; cacert; cakey } in
let server_fd = Lwt_unix.socket Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let old_umask = Unix.umask 0o011 in
let () = try Unix.unlink sock_path

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@ -8,22 +8,27 @@ let wire_to_cstruct = Wire_asn.wire_to_cstruct
type t = {
host : string;
organization : string;
cacert : X509.Certificate.t;
cakey : X509.Private_key.t;
let check_csr_dn csr user =
let subject =
[X509.Distinguished_name.(Relative_distinguished_name.singleton (CN user))] in
let check_csr_dn csr dn =
if X509.Distinguished_name.equal
( csr).subject
then Ok ()
else R.error_msgf "Bad subject in csr: %a"
X509.Distinguished_name.pp ( csr).subject
let sign t csr user =
check_csr_dn csr user >>= fun () ->
let subject =
Relative_distinguished_name.singleton (CN user)
|> Relative_distinguished_name.add (O t.organization)
check_csr_dn csr subject >>= fun () ->
let issuer = X509.Certificate.subject t.cacert in
let email = Printf.sprintf "%s@%s" user in
let valid_from = () in

View File

@ -8,9 +8,12 @@ let ca_privkey =
(`RSA (Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.generate ~bits:1024 ()))
let dn_of_name name =
(CN name))]
let organization = "Free Shell Servers, Inc."
let dn_of_name ?(organization=organization) name =
let open X509.Distinguished_name in
let open Relative_distinguished_name in
[ singleton (CN name) |> add (O organization) ]
let ca_cert =
let gen_ca () =
@ -49,37 +52,46 @@ let csr subject =
(Lazy.force csr_privkey)
let check_csr_dn_good () =
let name = "reynir" in
let csr = csr (dn_of_name name) in
let subject = dn_of_name "reynir" in
let csr = csr subject in
Alcotest.(check @@ result unit Alcotest.reject)
"good dn in csr"
(Ok ())
csr name)
csr subject)
let check_csr_dn_different () =
let name = "reynir" in
let csr = csr (dn_of_name name) in
match Cert_service.check_csr_dn csr "notreynir" with
let subject = dn_of_name "reynir" in
let csr = csr subject in
match Cert_service.check_csr_dn csr (dn_of_name "notreynir") with
| Ok () -> "check succeeded, expected failure"
| Error (`Msg _) -> ()
let check_csr_dn_diff_org () =
let subject = dn_of_name ~organization:"Evil Corp" "reynir" in
let csr = csr subject in
match Cert_service.check_csr_dn csr (dn_of_name "reynir") with
| Ok () -> "check succeeded, expected failure"
| Error (`Msg _) -> ()
let check_csr_dn_extra () =
let name = "reynir" in
let csr = csr (dn_of_name name @ dn_of_name "bob") in
match Cert_service.check_csr_dn csr "notreynir" with
let subject = dn_of_name "reynir" in
let csr = csr (subject @ dn_of_name "bob") in
match Cert_service.check_csr_dn csr (dn_of_name "reynir") with
| Ok () -> "check succeeded, expected failure"
| Error (`Msg _) -> ()
let check_csr_tests = [
"check_csr_dn_good", `Quick, check_csr_dn_good;
"check_csr_dn_different", `Quick, check_csr_dn_different;
"check_csr_dn_diff_org", `Quick, check_csr_dn_diff_org;
"check_csr_dn_extra", `Quick, check_csr_dn_extra;
let good_sign () =
let t = { = "";
cacert = Lazy.force ca_cert;
cakey = Lazy.force ca_privkey;
@ -93,6 +105,7 @@ let good_sign () =
let bad_sign () =
let t = { = "";
cacert = Lazy.force ca_cert;
cakey = Lazy.force ca_privkey;