# Certificate signing service An ACME-like shell server certificate signing service. A service that listens on a unix domain socket and signs certificate signing requests. It verifies the CSR's subject corresponds to the username of the peer. If a user tries to get a certificate for another user the request will be rejected. It will also add an email address as the SubjectAltName. This is for client certificates. ## Usage Run the server: ```shell $ cert-service-server ``` Get a certificate with the client program: ```shell $ cert-service-client -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQDHPBHCG+BI9EMW [...] jV6RSgZDKsR4uB/F5NDy4BA= -----END PRIVATE KEY----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDJjCCAg6gAwIBAgIIYW+9Z0sUthMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwFjEUMBIGA1UE AwwLaGFzaGJhbmcuc2gwHhcNMjAxMjA5MjE0ODI5WhcNMjEwMzA5MjE0ODI5WjAR MQ8wDQYDVQQDDAZyZXluaXIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIB AQDHPBHCG+BI9EMWI3lGQLcYB9x8HS8j8GED8kA3JT+Dl7KYSQWgwc8t9TDgOeCi 2rEGTYsEFCBtlIDBmxobBNeJrjPEQzIc4rR9xVUzEx/NRQnVIfmSHVS2KdO5VbuE qTWW7nMkeT5TyVu1RNy68skwK8wlxIcKPvlc++e63iBKylhQeM46NhPALp1rq+0R 1nOrUTWkS+Am5cqdd/CFd7X39dfSE1KWDfeA+o/+F9pxguvOCxgcbigdbZna++A5 AIOJnovgwyOTCsVLaGk9oAuAgdvA+51kJPXJWfZ4h2NuXCtDgk5Jk2SDZwqmes7V tLv6R0/nRcXzoBmgpBKJ9JufAgMBAAGjfTB7MB0GA1UdDgQWBBTovATFyp1rnx+n iw2+N9169G4sEDAhBgNVHREEGjAYgRZyZXluaXJAZGUxLmhhc2hiYW5nLnNoMB8G A1UdIwQYMBaAFCocYDyF6oJJRo8jBX2523nTtZjQMBYGA1UdJQEB/wQMMAoGCCsG AQUFBwMCMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAwEuoaUFEq8o6RQCGJNpExiKT1Yz5T /0PMi0XmXfdPe8bzo3b6JfNZ7S7tgKlYdRXUxPx8Yjed9ZzeZejk01/WsJGOE2Hl WDuKGmS4cB09/5one+QXg1A8dWfnteVFem1atyOsXQHYHaM2UEItxjK/Axw0MgMx tKKTux6qrZhPnnjFjaYHFX7etVAFD8ePaX/kgLkXGKAaKAWJ2rQU3eZe/yCMG6kl D036TTu0FjmzRS86WyDqYwJJDiwu4LERscMn6sQlCbX3xj63l19deAf908k78mF2 hc+6DdQZU1foRfjsBjlaF44ggx+6/pGcr0rByvX5gKorVg1BsUcZpXZZ -----END CERTIFICATE----- ``` A key and CSR is created by the client and the key and certificate is just printed out to stdout in PEM format. Ideally, you should be able to pass a CSR you have created on another machine, but it is not yet implemented in this proof of concept. ## Motivation This was written with [hashbang.sh](https://hashbang.sh/) in mind - a open registration shell server. SSH keys are used for authenticating with hashbang.sh machines, but users might want to connect to services using TLS or send signed and/or encrypted email. ## Design The server `cert-service-server` loads up a certificate authority and listens on a socket. A client `cert-service-client` can connect to this socket and make a signing request. Using `SO_PEERCRED` the server decides if the client is allowed to have its certificate signed. The peers communicate using a custom protocol based on [ASN.1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASN.1). **This is a proof of concept put together in an evening. The quality of the code reflects that.**