open Wire_commands let oid = Asn.OID.(base 1 3 <| 6 <| 1 <| 4 <| 1 <| 49836 <| 5171) let decode_strict codec cs = match Asn.decode codec cs with | Ok (a, cs) -> if Cstruct.length cs > 0 then Error (`Msg "trailing bytes") else Ok a | Error (`Parse msg) -> Error (`Msg msg) let projections_of asn = let c = Asn.codec Asn.der asn in (decode_strict c, Asn.encode c) let my_explicit ?cls id ~label:_ asn = Asn.S.explicit ?cls id asn let version = let f = function | 1 -> `V1 | x -> Asn.S.error (`Parse (Printf.sprintf "unknown version number 0x%X" x)) and g `V1 = 1 in f g let header = let f (version, _) = { version } and g h = h.version, 0 in f g @@ Asn.S.(sequence2 (required ~label:"version" version) (required ~label:"placeholder" int)) let csr = let f data = match X509.Signing_request.decode_der data with | Ok csr -> csr | Error (`Msg e) -> Asn.S.error (`Parse e) and g csr = X509.Signing_request.encode_der csr in f g Asn.S.octet_string let cert = let f data = match X509.Certificate.decode_der data with | Ok cert -> cert | Error (`Msg e) -> Asn.S.error (`Parse e) and g cert = X509.Certificate.encode_der cert in f g Asn.S.octet_string let wire_command = let f = function | `C1 csr -> `Sign_request csr | `C2 () -> assert false and g = function | `Sign_request csr -> `C1 csr in f g @@ Asn.S.(choice2 (my_explicit 0 ~label:"sign-request" csr) (my_explicit 1 ~label:"placeholder" null)) let payload = let f = function | `C1 cmd -> `Command cmd | `C2 cert -> `Sign cert | `C3 e -> `Failure e and g = function | `Command cmd -> `C1 cmd | `Sign cert -> `C2 cert | `Failure e -> `C3 e in f g @@ Asn.S.(choice3 (my_explicit 0 ~label:"command" wire_command) (my_explicit 1 ~label:"sign" cert) (my_explicit 2 ~label:"failure" utf8_string)) let wire = Asn.S.(sequence2 (required ~label:"header" header) (required ~label:"payload" payload)) let wire_of_cstruct, wire_to_cstruct = projections_of wire