
55 lines
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open Lwt.Syntax
let sock_path = "/home/reynir/cert.sock"
let version = `V1
let organization = "HashBang"
let csr user =
let dn =
Relative_distinguished_name.singleton (CN user)
|> Relative_distinguished_name.add (O organization)) in
let key : X509.Private_key.t =
`RSA (Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.generate ~bits:2048 ()) in
let csr = X509.Signing_request.create [dn] key in
key, csr
let main () =
Mirage_crypto_rng_lwt.initialize ();
let user = Unix.getpwuid (Unix.getuid ()) in
let fd = Lwt_unix.socket Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let* () = Lwt_unix.connect fd (Unix.ADDR_UNIX sock_path) in
let key, csr = csr user.pw_name in
let csr =
Result.fold csr ~ok:Fun.id
~error:(fun (`Msg e) -> Fmt.kstr failwith "CSR error: %s" e)
let* r = Cert_service.Wire_lwt.write_wire fd
({ version }, `Command (`Sign_request csr)) in
let* () =
match r with
|Error `Exception ->
let* () = Lwt_io.eprintl "Error writing to cert service" in
exit 2
| Ok () ->
let* r = Cert_service.Wire_lwt.read_wire fd in
let* cert =
match r with
| Ok ({ version = `V1 }, `Sign cert) ->
Lwt.return cert
| Ok ({ version = `V1 }, `Failure e) ->
let* () = Lwt_io.eprintf "cert service reported failure: %s\n" e in
exit 1
| Ok ({ version = `V1 }, `Command _) | Error _ ->
let* () = Lwt_io.eprintl "Error reading from cert service" in
exit 2
let* () = Lwt_io.printl (Cstruct.to_string (X509.Private_key.encode_pem key)) in
Lwt_io.printl (Cstruct.to_string (X509.Certificate.encode_pem cert))
let () = Lwt_main.run (main ())