forked from om/chatcontrol_dk
finish toki pona translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ var translations = {
'Hacker': {en:'Hacker', da:'Hacker', tok:'jan pi pakala alasa'},
'Hacker': {en:'Hacker', da:'Hacker', tok:'jan pi pakala alasa'},
'Erasmus': {en:'Erasmus', da:'Erasmus', tok:'jan Elamu'},
'Erasmus': {en:'Erasmus', da:'Erasmus', tok:'jan Elamu'},
'Nerd': {en:'Nerd', da:'Nørd', tok:'jan pi sona ilo'},
'Nerd': {en:'Nerd', da:'Nørd', tok:'jan pi sona ilo'},
'Ylva Johansson': {en:'Ylva Johansson', da:'Ylva Johansson', tok:'jan Uwa'},
'Ylva Johansson': {en:'Ylva Johansson', da:'Ylva Johansson', tok:'jan Uwa (Ylva Johansson)'},
// Dialogs: Friend
// Dialogs: Friend
'hi': {en:'hi', da:'hej', tok:'toki'},
'hi': {en:'hi', da:'hej', tok:'toki'},
@ -295,140 +295,143 @@ var translations = {
'Some people have abused the chat service to share child pornography and that gives bad publicity. The boss has therefore chosen to scan all end-to-end encrypted messages': {en:'Some people have abused the chat service to share child pornography and that gives bad publicity. The boss has therefore chosen to scan all end-to-end encrypted messages', da:'Der er nogle som har misbrugt chattjenesten til børneporno og det giver meget dårlig PR. Derfor har chefen valgt at scanne end-to-end krypterede beskeder', tok:'tenpo pini la jan ike li pali e ike ni kepeken ilo toki mi: ona li tawa e sitelen unpa pi jan lili. jan ante li toki e ni: ilo mi li ike. ni la jan lawa li wile lukin e toki ale.'},
'Some people have abused the chat service to share child pornography and that gives bad publicity. The boss has therefore chosen to scan all end-to-end encrypted messages': {en:'Some people have abused the chat service to share child pornography and that gives bad publicity. The boss has therefore chosen to scan all end-to-end encrypted messages', da:'Der er nogle som har misbrugt chattjenesten til børneporno og det giver meget dårlig PR. Derfor har chefen valgt at scanne end-to-end krypterede beskeder', tok:'tenpo pini la jan ike li pali e ike ni kepeken ilo toki mi: ona li tawa e sitelen unpa pi jan lili. jan ante li toki e ni: ilo mi li ike. ni la jan lawa li wile lukin e toki ale.'},
'Child pornography is a really bad thing. But I don\'t think it is sensible to scan all messages.': {en:'Child pornography is a really bad thing. But I don\'t think it is sensible to scan all messages.', da:'børneporno er jo en meget dårlig ting. Men jeg synes ikke at det giver mening at aflytte alle private beskeder.', tok:' sitelen unpa pi lan lili li ike a. taso mi toki e ni: mi o lukin ala e lipu ale. ni li nasa.'},
'Child pornography is a really bad thing. But I don\'t think it is sensible to scan all messages.': {en:'Child pornography is a really bad thing. But I don\'t think it is sensible to scan all messages.', da:'børneporno er jo en meget dårlig ting. Men jeg synes ikke at det giver mening at aflytte alle private beskeder.', tok:' sitelen unpa pi lan lili li ike a. taso mi toki e ni: mi o lukin ala e lipu ale. ni li nasa.'},
'and the scan technology can be abused for many things. I as a software engineer can not even see what the scanner is searching for': {en:'and the scan technology can be abused for many things. I as a software engineer can not even see what the scanner is searching for', da:'og teknologien kan misbruges til mange ting. Jeg som teknikker kan ikke se hvad søgefunktionen faktisk leder efter.', tok:'sin kulupu ilo en jan lawa li ken pali e ante kepeken ilo lukin.'},
'and the scan technology can be abused for many things. I as a software engineer can not even see what the scanner is searching for': {en:'and the scan technology can be abused for many things. I as a software engineer can not even see what the scanner is searching for', da:'og teknologien kan misbruges til mange ting. Jeg som teknikker kan ikke se hvad søgefunktionen faktisk leder efter.', tok:'sin kulupu ilo en jan lawa li ken pali e ante kepeken ilo lukin.'},
'It can be that it will look for alternative political views and marks them as illegal even though they aren\'t': {en:'It can be that it will look for alternative political views and marks them as illegal even though they aren\'t', da:'Det kan være at den kunne finde politiske beskeder og markere dem som illegale selv om de ikke er det.', tok:''},
'It can be that it will look for alternative political views and marks them as illegal even though they aren\'t': {en:'It can be that it will look for alternative political views and marks them as illegal even though they aren\'t', da:'Det kan være at den kunne finde politiske beskeder og markere dem som illegale selv om de ikke er det.', tok:'ken la ona li alasa monsuta: ona li toki e ni taso sina toki e ante la toki sina li ike. taso toki sina li ike ala.'},
'It is a danger to our democracy when confidential messages are scanned for things that the political elite does not like': {en:'It is a danger to our democracy when confidential messages are scanned for things that the political elite does not like', da:'Det er en fare for demokratiet hvis fortrolige beskeder bliver scannet for ting som den politiske elite ikke ønsker', tok:''},
'It is a danger to our democracy when confidential messages are scanned for things that the political elite does not like': {en:'It is a danger to our democracy when confidential messages are scanned for things that the political elite does not like', da:'Det er en fare for demokratiet hvis fortrolige beskeder bliver scannet for ting som den politiske elite ikke ønsker', tok:'jan lawa li lukin e lipu ale pi jan ale la nasin lawa pi wawa kulupu li kama pakala.'},
'But it is unfortunately my job to keep the surveillance working': {en:'But it is unfortunately my job to keep the surveillance working', da:'Men det er desværre mit job at vedligeholde driften af overvågningen', tok:''},
'But it is unfortunately my job to keep the surveillance working': {en:'But it is unfortunately my job to keep the surveillance working', da:'Men det er desværre mit job at vedligeholde driften af overvågningen', tok:'ike la pali mi li ni: ilo lukin o pali pona.'},
'That does not solve the problem. But thank you for the information. I will look for ways to avoid the surveillance in the future': {en:'That does not solve the problem. But thank you for the information. I will look for ways to avoid the surveillance in the future', da:'Det løser ikke mit problem. Men tak for informationen. Jeg vil se hvad jeg kan gøre for at undgå overvågning i fremtiden', tok:''},
'That does not solve the problem. But thank you for the information. I will look for ways to avoid the surveillance in the future': {en:'That does not solve the problem. But thank you for the information. I will look for ways to avoid the surveillance in the future', da:'Det løser ikke mit problem. Men tak for informationen. Jeg vil se hvad jeg kan gøre for at undgå overvågning i fremtiden', tok:'ike li awen lon. taso pona tawa sina tan ni: sina pana e sona. mi alasa weka e ilo lukin.'},
'I apologize that I can not offer something better. But I hope you understand the situation': {en:'I apologize that I can not offer something better. But I hope you understand the situation', da:'Beklager at jeg ikke kan gøre mere. Men jeg håber at du forstår situationen', tok:''},
'I apologize that I can not offer something better. But I hope you understand the situation': {en:'I apologize that I can not offer something better. But I hope you understand the situation', da:'Beklager at jeg ikke kan gøre mere. Men jeg håber at du forstår situationen', tok:'mi pilin ike tan ni: mi ken ala pana e pona. taso mi wile e ni: sina sona.'},
'The chat support is offline now': {en:'The chat support is offline now', da:'Chatsupporten er offline nu', tok:''},
'The chat support is offline now': {en:'The chat support is offline now', da:'Chatsupporten er offline nu', tok:'jan tan kulupu ilo li tawa weka'},
// Dialogs: Neighbor
// Dialogs: Neighbor
'Hi! It\'s Ellie!': {en:'Hi! It\'s Ellie!', da:'Hej, det er Ellie!', tok:''},
'Hi! It\'s Ellie!': {en:'Hi! It\'s Ellie!', da:'Hej, det er Ellie!', tok:'toki! mi jan Eli'},
'Ellie? What are you doing with your mums phone?': {en:'Ellie? What are you doing with your mums phone?', da:'Ellie? Hvad laver du med din mors telefon?', tok:''},
'Ellie? What are you doing with your mums phone?': {en:'Ellie? What are you doing with your mums phone?', da:'Ellie? Hvad laver du med din mors telefon?', tok:'jan Eli anu seme? sina pali e seme kepeken ilo toki pi jan mama sina?'},
'guess whos birthday it is soon!': {en:'guess whos birthday it is soon!', da:'Gæt hvem der snart har fødselsdag!', tok:''},
'guess whos birthday it is soon!': {en:'guess whos birthday it is soon!', da:'Gæt hvem der snart har fødselsdag!', tok:'sina sona ala sona e ni: tenpo kama lili la suno pi jan seme li lon?'},
'Yours?': {en:'Yours?', da:'Er det dig?', tok:''},
'Yours?': {en:'Yours?', da:'Er det dig?', tok:'suno sina?'},
'yep! I\'m having a party on friday! mummy told me to invite you!': {en:'yep! I\'m having a party on friday! mummy told me to invite you!', da:'Netop! Jeg vil have en fest på fredag! Mor sagde at jeg skal invitere dig!', tok:''},
'yep! I\'m having a party on friday! mummy told me to invite you!': {en:'yep! I\'m having a party on friday! mummy told me to invite you!', da:'Netop! Jeg vil have en fest på fredag! Mor sagde at jeg skal invitere dig!', tok:'suno mi! suno pi nanpa tu tu wan la mi kulupu musi! jan mama li toki e mi: sina o kama!'},
'How old will you be?': {en:'How old will you be?', da:'Hvor gammel bliver du så?', tok:''},
'How old will you be?': {en:'How old will you be?', da:'Hvor gammel bliver du så?', tok:'sina kama pi suli seme?'},
'ten': {en:'ten', da:'ti', tok:''},
'ten': {en:'ten', da:'ti', tok:'sike suno pi nanpa tu tu tu tu tu!'},
'Ten? Wow! I wouldn\'t want to miss your tenth birthday party! I promise i\'ll be there!': {en:'Ten? Wow! I wouldn\'t want to miss your tenth birthday party! I promise i\'ll be there!', da:'Ti? Wow! Jeg vil ikke gå glip af din tiende fødselsdagsfest! Jeg lover at jeg kommer!', tok:''},
'Ten? Wow! I wouldn\'t want to miss your tenth birthday party! I promise i\'ll be there!': {en:'Ten? Wow! I wouldn\'t want to miss your tenth birthday party! I promise i\'ll be there!', da:'Ti? Wow! Jeg vil ikke gå glip af din tiende fødselsdagsfest! Jeg lover at jeg kommer!', tok:'tu tu tu tu tu? mi o lon!'},
'how old are you?': {en:'how old are you?', da:'Hvor gammel er du?', tok:''},
'how old are you?': {en:'how old are you?', da:'Hvor gammel er du?', tok:'sina suli seme?'},
'Very old! I\'m 48!': {en:'', da:'Meget gammelt! Jeg er 48!', tok:''},
'Very old! I\'m 48!': {en:'', da:'Meget gammelt! Jeg er 48!', tok:'suli mute! sike suno pi nanpa tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu!'},
'you must have lots of candles on your cake!': {en:'you must have lots of candles on your cake!', da:'Så får du rigtig mange kerter på din kage!', tok:''},
'you must have lots of candles on your cake!': {en:'you must have lots of candles on your cake!', da:'Så får du rigtig mange kerter på din kage!', tok:'linja seli mute li lon moku suwi sina!'},
'Could you give the phone to your mum please?': {en:'Could you give the phone to your mum please?', da:'Kan du give telefonen til din mor?', tok:''},
'Could you give the phone to your mum please?': {en:'Could you give the phone to your mum please?', da:'Kan du give telefonen til din mor?', tok:'sina o pana ala pana e ilo toki tawa jan mama sina?'},
'okay': {en:'okay', da:'ok', tok:''},
'okay': {en:'okay', da:'ok', tok:'pana'},
'Hi! whats up? can you make it to the party?': {en:'Hi! whats up? can you make it to the party?', da:'Hej, hvordan har du det? Kan du komme til festen?', tok:''},
'Hi! whats up? can you make it to the party?': {en:'Hi! whats up? can you make it to the party?', da:'Hej, hvordan har du det? Kan du komme til festen?', tok:'toki! sina pilin seme? sina kama ala kama musi?'},
'Yeah! of course, but just to warn you: i think our conversation just got reported': {en:'Yeah! of course, but just to warn you: i think our conversation just got reported', da:'Helt sikkert! Men jeg skal orientere dig om at vores samtale sandsynligvis blev rapporteret', tok:''},
'Yeah! of course, but just to warn you: i think our conversation just got reported': {en:'Yeah! of course, but just to warn you: i think our conversation just got reported', da:'Helt sikkert! Men jeg skal orientere dig om at vores samtale sandsynligvis blev rapporteret', tok:'kama! taso mi wile pana e sona tawa sina. mi toki e ni: toki mi en jan Eli li tawa kulupu pi awen lawa.'},
'Reported? why?': {en:'Reported? why?', da:'Rapporteret? Hvorfor?', tok:''},
'Reported? why?': {en:'Reported? why?', da:'Rapporteret? Hvorfor?', tok:'kulupu pi awen lawa? tan seme?'},
'It is chatcontrol, a new EU law that scans all our conversations.': {en:'It is chatcontrol, a new EU law that scans all our conversations.', da:'Det er chatcontrollen. Det er en ny EU lov som kræver skanningen af alle vores beskeder', tok:''},
'It is chatcontrol, a new EU law that scans all our conversations.': {en:'It is chatcontrol, a new EU law that scans all our conversations.', da:'Det er chatcontrollen. Det er en ny EU lov som kræver skanningen af alle vores beskeder', tok:'nasin ChatControl. ni li lipu lawa sin pi ma Elopa. nasin ni la ilo li lukin e toki ale pi jan ale.'},
'It\'s supposed to protect kids from abuse, but sometimes it flags totally normal conversations...': {en:'It\'s supposed to protect kids from abuse, but sometimes it flags totally normal conversations...', da:'Formålet er at beskytte børn mod misbrug. Men det rapporterer også helt almindelige samtaler...', tok:''},
'It\'s supposed to protect kids from abuse, but sometimes it flags totally normal conversations...': {en:'It\'s supposed to protect kids from abuse, but sometimes it flags totally normal conversations...', da:'Formålet er at beskytte børn mod misbrug. Men det rapporterer også helt almindelige samtaler...', tok:'wile li ni: mi o awen a jan lili tan jan ike. taso tenpo mute la ona li alasa e toki pi ike ala.'},
'That is crazy :o So will the police read our conversation?': {en:'That is crazy :o So will the police read our conversation?', da:'Det er vanvittigt :o Det vil sige at politiet læser med i vores kommunikation?', tok:''},
'That is crazy :o So will the police read our conversation?': {en:'That is crazy :o So will the police read our conversation?', da:'Det er vanvittigt :o Det vil sige at politiet læser med i vores kommunikation?', tok:'ni li nasa :o jan pi awen lawa li kama lukin e toki mi anu seme?'},
'I\'m not sure...': {en:'I\'m not sure...', da:'Jeg er ikke helt sikker...', tok:''},
'I\'m not sure...': {en:'I\'m not sure...', da:'Jeg er ikke helt sikker...', tok:'mi sona ala...'},
'What a waste of time!': {en:'What a waste of time!', da:'Det lyder som en spild af politiarbejdstid!', tok:''},
'What a waste of time!': {en:'What a waste of time!', da:'Det lyder som en spild af politiarbejdstid!', tok:'weka tenpo!'},
'the police don\'t even have the time to deal with the cases they know about': {en:'the police don\'t even have the time to deal with the cases they know about', da:'Politiet har ikke nok tid til at arbejde på alle rapporter de allerede har.', tok:''},
'the police don\'t even have the time to deal with the cases they know about': {en:'the police don\'t even have the time to deal with the cases they know about', da:'Politiet har ikke nok tid til at arbejde på alle rapporter de allerede har.', tok:'jan pi awen lawa li jo ala e tenpo mute. tenpo pini la ona li jo e tenpo lili e pali mute. tenpo ni la ona li jo e tenpo lili e pali mute mute mute.'},
'let alone to investigate a 10 year olds birthday invitation': {en:'let alone to investigate a 10 year olds birthday invitation', da:'Og en invitation til en 10 års fødselsdag er helt irrelevant', tok:''},
'let alone to investigate a 10 year olds birthday invitation': {en:'let alone to investigate a 10 year olds birthday invitation', da:'Og en invitation til en 10 års fødselsdag er helt irrelevant', tok:'ona li jo ala e tenpo tawa ni: jan lili li pana sona e kulupu musi pi suno ona'},
'Yeah... I have a friend who is a policeman, he says they have to review loads of reports now...': {en:'Yeah... I have a friend who is a policeman, he says they have to review loads of reports now...', da:'Netop... Jeg har en politiven og han siger at han skal undersøge mange rapporteringer nu...', tok:''},
'Yeah... I have a friend who is a policeman, he says they have to review loads of reports now...': {en:'Yeah... I have a friend who is a policeman, he says they have to review loads of reports now...', da:'Netop... Jeg har en politiven og han siger at han skal undersøge mange rapporteringer nu...', tok:'lon... jan pona mi li jan pi awen lawa. ona li toki e ni: kulupu ona li wile lukin e toki mute mute mute li jo ala e tenpo...'},
'What a disaster... anyway, see you at the party!': {en:'What a disaster... anyway, see you at the party!', da:'Øv. Det er en katastrofe... Men vi ses til festen!', tok:''},
'What a disaster... anyway, see you at the party!': {en:'What a disaster... anyway, see you at the party!', da:'Øv. Det er en katastrofe... Men vi ses til festen!', tok:'pakala epiku... pona la mi kulupu musi!'},
'Don\'t forget to get Ellie a present!': {en:'Don', da:'Husk at får en gave til Ellie!', tok:''},
'Don\'t forget to get Ellie a present!': {en:'Don', da:'Husk at får en gave til Ellie!', tok:'o sona: o pana e ijo pona tawa jan Eli!'},
// Dialogs: Hacker
// Dialogs: Hacker
'Hi there': {en:'Hi there', da:'hejsa', tok:''},
'Hi there': {en:'Hi there', da:'hejsa', tok:'toki'},
'hi, I haven\'t heard from you in a long time': {en:'hi, I haven\'t heard from you in a long time', da:'hej, jeg har ikke hørt fra dig i lang tid!', tok:''},
'hi, I haven\'t heard from you in a long time': {en:'hi, I haven\'t heard from you in a long time', da:'hej, jeg har ikke hørt fra dig i lang tid!', tok:'toki, tenpo mute la sina sitelen ala.'},
'yeah, I was busy because of chatcontrol': {en:'yeah, I was busy because of chatcontrol', da:'ja, jeg havde lidt travlt på grund af chatcontrollen', tok:''},
'yeah, I was busy because of chatcontrol': {en:'yeah, I was busy because of chatcontrol', da:'ja, jeg havde lidt travlt på grund af chatcontrollen', tok:'lon, mi jo ala e tenpo tan ni: nasin ChatControl li kama lon.'},
'oh, so you already know about it?': {en:'oh, so you already know about it?', da:'åh, så er du allerede bekendt med det?', tok:''},
'oh, so you already know about it?': {en:'oh, so you already know about it?', da:'åh, så er du allerede bekendt med det?', tok:'a, sina sona e ni anu seme?'},
'yes, attacks on privacy are something that we hackers take very seriously.': {en:'yes, attacks on privacy are something that we hackers take very seriously.', da:'Ja, angreb på privatliv er noget vi hackere tager meget alvorligt.', tok:''},
'yes, attacks on privacy are something that we hackers take very seriously.': {en:'yes, attacks on privacy are something that we hackers take very seriously.', da:'Ja, angreb på privatliv er noget vi hackere tager meget alvorligt.', tok:'sona, ni li wawa tawa jan pi pakala alasa: utala tawa sona pi jan taso'},
'because we think that the private life on the net should be as private as the "real" life': {en:'because we think that the private life on the net should be as private as the "real" life', da:'Fordi vi synes at livet på nettet skal være så privat som det "reelle" liv', tok:''},
'because we think that the private life on the net should be as private as the "real" life': {en:'because we think that the private life on the net should be as private as the "real" life', da:'Fordi vi synes at livet på nettet skal være så privat som det "reelle" liv', tok:'tan ni: linluwi anu ma ante la sona pi sina taso li tawa sina taso.'},
'and what should be done about it then?': {en:'and what should be done about it then?', da:'Og hvad skal man gøre så?', tok:''},
'and what should be done about it then?': {en:'and what should be done about it then?', da:'Og hvad skal man gøre så?', tok:'ni la mi pali e seme?'},
'well, from a technical perspective there is a simple solution: You encrypt your messages before the scanner can get a hold of them': {en:'well, from a technical perspective there is a simple solution: You encrypt your messages before the scanner can get a hold of them', da:'nå, rent teknisk er der en nemt løsning: Man krypterer sine beskeder før skanningen kan få fat af dem.', tok:''},
'well, from a technical perspective there is a simple solution: You encrypt your messages before the scanner can get a hold of them': {en:'well, from a technical perspective there is a simple solution: You encrypt your messages before the scanner can get a hold of them', da:'nå, rent teknisk er der en nemt løsning: Man krypterer sine beskeder før skanningen kan få fat af dem.', tok:'ilo la mi ken pona: tenpo wan la mi len e sitelen.'},
'that means you use an extra software that protects your messages': {en:'that means you use an extra software that protects your messages', da:'Dvs. at du bruger en ektra software som beskytter dine beskeder', tok:''},
'that means you use an extra software that protects your messages': {en:'that means you use an extra software that protects your messages', da:'Dvs. at du bruger en ektra software som beskytter dine beskeder', tok:'mi kepeken e ilo sona ante. ilo sona ni li len e sitelen sina.'},
'I have actually created such a software. It is a plugin to our chatprogram': {en:'I have actually created such a software. It is a plugin to our chatprogram', da:'Jeg har faktisk lavet sådan en software. Det er en plug-in til vores chatprogram', tok:''},
'I have actually created such a software. It is a plugin to our chatprogram': {en:'I have actually created such a software. It is a plugin to our chatprogram', da:'Jeg har faktisk lavet sådan en software. Det er en plug-in til vores chatprogram', tok:'mi pali e ilo ni.'},
'and with my plugin you will be safe': {en:'and with my plugin you will be safe', da:'Og med min plug-in er du sikkert', tok:''},
'and with my plugin you will be safe': {en:'and with my plugin you will be safe', da:'Og med min plug-in er du sikkert', tok:'sina kepeken e ilo mi la sina awen.'},
'I will send you the file right away': {en:'I will send you the file right away', da:'Jeg sender dig lige filen', tok:''},
'I will send you the file right away': {en:'I will send you the file right away', da:'Jeg sender dig lige filen', tok:'tenpo ni la mi tawa e ilo.'},
'Thanks. I have received it.': {en:'Thanks. I have received it.', da:'Tak. Jeg har modtaget den.', tok:''},
'Thanks. I have received it.': {en:'Thanks. I have received it.', da:'Tak. Jeg har modtaget den.', tok:'pona. mi jo.'},
'Your plugin is being installed': {en:'Your plugin is being installed', da:'Din plug-in bliver installeret', tok:''},
'Your plugin is being installed': {en:'Your plugin is being installed', da:'Din plug-in bliver installeret', tok:'ilo sina li kama pona'},
'I can imagine that crimials will use something similar in the future to avoid chatcontrol': {en:'I can imagine that crimials will use something similar in the future to avoid chatcontrol', da:'Jeg kan godt forestille mig at forbrydere vil bruge noget lignende i fremtiden for at undgå chatcontrollen', tok:''},
'I can imagine that crimials will use something similar in the future to avoid chatcontrol': {en:'I can imagine that crimials will use something similar in the future to avoid chatcontrol', da:'Jeg kan godt forestille mig at forbrydere vil bruge noget lignende i fremtiden for at undgå chatcontrollen', tok:'mi toki e ni: jan ike li kepeken e ilo sama. ona li wile weka e nasin Chatcontrol'},
'and then chatcontrol will only affect innocent citizens': {en:'and then chatcontrol will only affect innocent citizens', da:'Og så rammer chatcontrollen kun uskyldige borgere', tok:''},
'and then chatcontrol will only affect innocent citizens': {en:'and then chatcontrol will only affect innocent citizens', da:'Og så rammer chatcontrollen kun uskyldige borgere', tok:'ni la nasin Chatcontrol li ike tawa jan pona taso'},
'the installation is done. I will activate it now.': {en:'the installation is done. I will activate it now.', da:'installationen er færdig. Jeg aktiverer det lige.', tok:''},
'the installation is done. I will activate it now.': {en:'the installation is done. I will activate it now.', da:'installationen er færdig. Jeg aktiverer det lige.', tok:'ilo li pona. mi open e ona.'},
'ehlnwo dfgien dfignhhug enodeonia endtrio nedosdiaen srnisdite ng': {en:'ehlnwo dfgien dfignhhug enodeonia endtrio nedosdiaen srnisdite ng', da:'ehlnwo dfgien dfignhhug enodeonia endtrio nedosdiaen srnisdite ng', tok:''},
'ehlnwo dfgien dfignhhug enodeonia endtrio nedosdiaen srnisdite ng': {en:'ehlnwo dfgien dfignhhug enodeonia endtrio nedosdiaen srnisdite ng', da:'ehlnwo dfgien dfignhhug enodeonia endtrio nedosdiaen srnisdite ng', tok:''},
'rondhkd rtn3vgoh niartne sgornidena sudtor giean drtanodfg undae': {en:'rondhkd rtn3vgoh niartne sgornidena sudtor giean drtanodfg undae', da:'rondhkd rtn3vgoh niartne sgornidena sudtor giean drtanodfg undae', tok:''},
'rondhkd rtn3vgoh niartne sgornidena sudtor giean drtanodfg undae': {en:'rondhkd rtn3vgoh niartne sgornidena sudtor giean drtanodfg undae', da:'rondhkd rtn3vgoh niartne sgornidena sudtor giean drtanodfg undae', tok:''},
'onfdgnxrt nare ndiatrsn dxvun gdnra edt nadhndgfn air nd': {en:'onfdgnxrt nare ndiatrsn dxvun gdnra edt nadhndgfn air nd', da:'onfdgnxrt nare ndiatrsn dxvun gdnra edt nadhndgfn air nd', tok:''},
'onfdgnxrt nare ndiatrsn dxvun gdnra edt nadhndgfn air nd': {en:'onfdgnxrt nare ndiatrsn dxvun gdnra edt nadhndgfn air nd', da:'onfdgnxrt nare ndiatrsn dxvun gdnra edt nadhndgfn air nd', tok:''},
'endtrion idfgen teria non daenr bdoadtern udnre draien diae rtdnoa': {en:'endtrion idfgen teria non daenr bdoadtern udnre draien diae rtdnoa', da:'endtrion idfgen teria non daenr bdoadtern udnre draien diae rtdnoa', tok:''},
'endtrion idfgen teria non daenr bdoadtern udnre draien diae rtdnoa': {en:'endtrion idfgen teria non daenr bdoadtern udnre draien diae rtdnoa', da:'endtrion idfgen teria non daenr bdoadtern udnre draien diae rtdnoa', tok:''},
'rian dondvglne dgon fgdndul noa gfhdfghsgndga odnane dodfgvunle da': {en:'rian dondvglne dgon fgdndul noa gfhdfghsgndga odnane dodfgvunle da', da:'rian dondvglne dgon fgdndul noa gfhdfghsgndga odnane dodfgvunle da', tok:''},
'rian dondvglne dgon fgdndul noa gfhdfghsgndga odnane dodfgvunle da': {en:'rian dondvglne dgon fgdndul noa gfhdfghsgndga odnane dodfgvunle da', da:'rian dondvglne dgon fgdndul noa gfhdfghsgndga odnane dodfgvunle da', tok:''},
'chatcontrol does not work': {en:'chatcontrol does not work', da:'chatcontrollen virker ikke', tok:''},
'chatcontrol does not work': {en:'chatcontrol does not work', da:'chatcontrollen virker ikke', tok:'nasin Chatcontrol li pali ala'},
// Dialog: Erasmus
// Dialog: Erasmus
'Hi, I will soon move again!': {en:'Hi, I will soon move again!', da:'Hej, jeg vil snart flytte igen!', tok:''},
'Hi, I will soon move again!': {en:'Hi, I will soon move again!', da:'Hej, jeg vil snart flytte igen!', tok:'toki! tenpo lili la mi tawa ma ante!'},
'To which country this time?': {en:'To which country this time?', da:'Til hvilket land i denne gang?', tok:''},
'To which country this time?': {en:'To which country this time?', da:'Til hvilket land i denne gang?', tok:'tenpo ni la ma seme?'},
'To Germany. I have gotten a job there.': {en:'To Germany. I have gotten a job there.', da:'Til tyskland. Jeg har fået en nyt job der.', tok:''},
'To Germany. I have gotten a job there.': {en:'To Germany. I have gotten a job there.', da:'Til tyskland. Jeg har fået en nyt job der.', tok:'ma Tosi. mi tawa pali.'},
'Nice! The EU makes it possible to live and work at many different places.': {en:'Nice! The EU makes it possible to live and work at many different places.', da:'Fedt! Det er godt at bo i EU, hvis man vil arbejde mange forskellige steder', tok:''},
'Nice! The EU makes it possible to live and work at many different places.': {en:'Nice! The EU makes it possible to live and work at many different places.', da:'Fedt! Det er godt at bo i EU, hvis man vil arbejde mange forskellige steder', tok:'pona! ma Elopa la jan li ken awen li ken pali lon ma ante'},
'Yes, I appreciate that very much. Do you remember how we meet in Warsaw for the first time?': {en:'Yes, I appreciate that very much. Do you remember how we meet in Warsaw for the first time?', da:'Ja, det værdsætter jeg meget. Kan du huske der vi mødtes i Warszawa den første gang?', tok:''},
'Yes, I appreciate that very much. Do you remember how we meet in Warsaw for the first time?': {en:'Yes, I appreciate that very much. Do you remember how we meet in Warsaw for the first time?', da:'Ja, det værdsætter jeg meget. Kan du huske der vi mødtes i Warszawa den første gang?', tok:'lon, ni li pona mute tawa mi. sina sona ala sona e ni: tenpo wan la mi kulupu lon ma Wasa kepeken nasin seme?'},
'Yes, of course!': {en:'Yes, of course!', da:'Ja, selvfølgelig!', tok:''},
'Yes, of course!': {en:'Yes, of course!', da:'Ja, selvfølgelig!', tok:'sona!'},
'You certainly remember Pedro from that time. He will get married in Romania next month!': {en:'You certainly remember Pedro from that time. He will get married in Romania next month!', da:'Du kan sikkert huske Pedro fra denne tid. Han bliver gift i Rumænien næste måned!', tok:''},
'You certainly remember Pedro from that time. He will get married in Romania next month!': {en:'You certainly remember Pedro from that time. He will get married in Romania next month!', da:'Du kan sikkert huske Pedro fra denne tid. Han bliver gift i Rumænien næste måned!', tok:'sina sona pona e jan Peto tan tenpo ni. ona en jan olin ona li kama wan lon ma Lomani'},
'Good to hear! I will definitely write to him to congratulate.': {en:'Good to hear! I will definitely write to him to congratulate.', da:'Sejt! Jeg vil i hvert fald skrive til ham for at gratulere.', tok:''},
'Good to hear! I will definitely write to him to congratulate.': {en:'Good to hear! I will definitely write to him to congratulate.', da:'Sejt! Jeg vil i hvert fald skrive til ham for at gratulere.', tok:'mi pilin pona tan ni! mi sitelen tawa ona.'},
'It is so nice that we know so many people from all over the EU.': {en:'It is so nice that we know so many people from all over the EU.', da:'Det er så rart, at vi kender så mange mennesker fra hele EU.', tok:''},
'It is so nice that we know so many people from all over the EU.': {en:'It is so nice that we know so many people from all over the EU.', da:'Det er så rart, at vi kender så mange mennesker fra hele EU.', tok:'mi pilin pona tan ni: mi sona e jan mute tan ma ante mute lon ma Elopa'},
'However, the EU commission wants that all messages will be scanned for child porn. Simply because it is theoretically possible that our digital communication is illegal.': {en:'However, the EU commission wants that all messages will be scanned for child porn. Simply because it is theoretically possible that our digital communication is illegal.', da:'Men, så vil EU kommissionen indføre at alle beskeder skal scannes for børnepornografi. Simplethen, fordi det er teoretisk muligt, at vores digitale samtaler er illegale.', tok:''},
'However, the EU commission wants that all messages will be scanned for child porn. Simply because it is theoretically possible that our digital communication is illegal.': {en:'However, the EU commission wants that all messages will be scanned for child porn. Simply because it is theoretically possible that our digital communication is illegal.', da:'Men, så vil EU kommissionen indføre at alle beskeder skal scannes for børnepornografi. Simplethen, fordi det er teoretisk muligt, at vores digitale samtaler er illegale.', tok:'taso kulupu lawa pi ma Elopa li wile e ni: kulupu mani ilo li lukin e toki linluwi ale. wile li tan ni taso: ken la ona li alasa e sitelen pi jan lili pi len ala.'},
'Ouch. Is this from the same politicians again, who have not grown up with the internet?': {en:'Ouch. Is this from the same politicians again, who have not grown up with the internet?', da:'Øv. Er det de samme politikere igen, som ikke er vokset op med internettet? ', tok:''},
'Ouch. Is this from the same politicians again, who have not grown up with the internet?': {en:'Ouch. Is this from the same politicians again, who have not grown up with the internet?', da:'Øv. Er det de samme politikere igen, som ikke er vokset op med internettet? ', tok:'pakala. tenpo sin la ni li jan lawa pi suli mute pi lon linluwi ala?'},
'I live in Europe. But I also live on the internet. And that is where I meet my big family and my good friends who I haven\'t seen in years.': {en:'I live in Europe. But I also live on the internet. And that is where I meet my big family and my good friends who I haven\'t seen in years.', da:'Jeg bor i Europa. Men jeg bor også på nettet. Og der møder jeg min stor familie og mine gode venner som jeg har ikke set i årevis.', tok:''},
'I live in Europe. But I also live on the internet. And that is where I meet my big family and my good friends who I haven\'t seen in years.': {en:'I live in Europe. But I also live on the internet. And that is where I meet my big family and my good friends who I haven\'t seen in years.', da:'Jeg bor i Europa. Men jeg bor også på nettet. Og der møder jeg min stor familie og mine gode venner som jeg har ikke set i årevis.', tok:'mi lon ma Elopa. taso mi lon sin linluwi. linluwi la mi kama sona e jan sama mi e jan pona tan tenpo pini.'},
'It is the internet that makes it possible for me to keep my personal connections alive over long distances.': {en:'It is the internet that makes it possible for me to keep my personal connections alive over long distances.', da:'Det er internettet som gør det muligt at pleje mine personlige forhold over lange distancer.', tok:''},
'It is the internet that makes it possible for me to keep my personal connections alive over long distances.': {en:'It is the internet that makes it possible for me to keep my personal connections alive over long distances.', da:'Det er internettet som gør det muligt at pleje mine personlige forhold over lange distancer.', tok:'mi kan toki e jan pona lon ma ante tan ni: linluwi li lon.'},
'How should I continue with this, when my conversations are being wiretapped like they did it in the old Stasi-East-Germany?': {en:'How should I continue with this, when my conversations are being wiretapped like they did it in the old Stasi-East-Germany?', da:'Hvordan skal jeg forsætte med det, når mine samtaler bliver aflyttet som de gjorde det i den gamle Stasi-Østtyskland? ', tok:''},
'How should I continue with this, when my conversations are being wiretapped like they did it in the old Stasi-East-Germany?': {en:'How should I continue with this, when my conversations are being wiretapped like they did it in the old Stasi-East-Germany?', da:'Hvordan skal jeg forsætte med det, når mine samtaler bliver aflyttet som de gjorde det i den gamle Stasi-Østtyskland? ', tok:'ni li sama ma Tosi pi poka ike pi tenpo pini. kulupu pi awen lawa li kute e toki ale mi la mi awen toki tawa jan pona mi kepeken nasin seme?'},
'I can no longer speak freely.': {en:'I can no longer speak freely.', da:'Jeg kan ikke længere tale frit.', tok:''},
'I can no longer speak freely.': {en:'I can no longer speak freely.', da:'Jeg kan ikke længere tale frit.', tok:'wawa toki mi li weka.'},
'Yes, this does not make any sense. Modern personal conversation happens online in most cases today.': {en:'Yes, this does not make any sense. Modern personal conversation happens online in most cases today.', da:'Ja, det passer overhoved ikke. Den moderne personlige samtale foregår faktisk over nettet i de fleste tilfælde i dag.', tok:''},
'Yes, this does not make any sense. Modern personal conversation happens online in most cases today.': {en:'Yes, this does not make any sense. Modern personal conversation happens online in most cases today.', da:'Ja, det passer overhoved ikke. Den moderne personlige samtale foregår faktisk over nettet i de fleste tilfælde i dag.', tok:'lon, ni li ken ala. tenpo ni la jan mute li toki mute lon linluwi. toki lili li lon linluwi ala.'},
'That new surveillance law sounds very anti-european, if you ask me.': {en:'That new surveillance law sounds very anti-european, if you ask me.', da:'Denne ny overvågningslov er meget anti-europæisk, hvis du spørger mig', tok:''},
'That new surveillance law sounds very anti-european, if you ask me.': {en:'That new surveillance law sounds very anti-european, if you ask me.', da:'Denne ny overvågningslov er meget anti-europæisk, hvis du spørger mig', tok:'nasin wawa Elopa la mi o wawa toki. kulupu pi awen lawa o kute ala e toki mi ale'},
'Totally agree': {en:'Totally agree', da:'helt enig', tok:''},
'Totally agree': {en:'Totally agree', da:'helt enig', tok:'ni li lon a'},
'Your old Erasmus friend is offline': {en:'Your old Erasmus friend is offline', da:'Din gamle erasmusven er offline', tok:''},
'Your old Erasmus friend is offline': {en:'Your old Erasmus friend is offline', da:'Din gamle erasmusven er offline', tok:'jan pona sina pi tenpo pini pi nimi Elamu li tawa weka'},
// Dialog: Nerd
// Dialog: Nerd
'Hi, have you heard about chatcontrol? I wonder how it will work on a technical level': {en:'Hi, have you heard about chatcontrol? I wonder how it will work on a technical level', da:'Hej, har du hørt om chatcontrollen? Jeg undrer mig hvordan det vil fungere på et teknisk niveau', tok:''},
'Hi, have you heard about chatcontrol? I wonder how it will work on a technical level': {en:'Hi, have you heard about chatcontrol? I wonder how it will work on a technical level', da:'Hej, har du hørt om chatcontrollen? Jeg undrer mig hvordan det vil fungere på et teknisk niveau', tok:'toki. sina sona ala sona e lipu lawa Chatcontrol? mi wile sona e ni: nasin ilo la ni li pali kepeken nasin seme?'},
'Yes, I have heard about it': {en:'Yes, I have heard about it', da:'Ja, det har jeg.', tok:''},
'Yes, I have heard about it': {en:'Yes, I have heard about it', da:'Ja, det har jeg.', tok:'sona, mi sona e ona'},
'There are actually several things that have to be identified:': {en:'There are actually several things that have to be identified:', da:'Der er faktisk flere ting som skal identificeres:', tok:''},
'There are actually several things that have to be identified:': {en:'There are actually several things that have to be identified:', da:'Der er faktisk flere ting som skal identificeres:', tok:'nasin li wile alasa e ijo mute:'},
'1. Childporn in pictures and movies': {en:'1. Childporn in pictures and movies', da:'1. Børneporno i billeder og film', tok:''},
'1. Childporn in pictures and movies': {en:'1. Childporn in pictures and movies', da:'1. Børneporno i billeder og film', tok:'wan: sitelen pi jan lili pi len ala lon sitelen anu sitelen tawa'},
'2. Links to know illegal websites': {en:'2. Links to know illegal websites', da:'2. Links til velkendte illegale hjemmesider', tok:''},
'2. Links to know illegal websites': {en:'2. Links to know illegal websites', da:'2. Links til velkendte illegale hjemmesider', tok:'tu: nimi nasin tawa lipu linluwi jaki'},
'3. Illegal chats between adults and children': {en:'Number 2 sounds easy! You just check the address of the link!', da:'3. Illegale samtaler mellem voksne og børn', tok:''},
'3. Illegal chats between adults and children': {en:'', da:'3. Illegale samtaler mellem voksne og børn', tok:'mute: jan suli en jan lili li toki sama pi ijo jaki'},
'Number 2 sounds easy! You just check the address of the link!': {en:'Number 2 sounds easy! You just check the address of the link!', da:'Nummer 2 er jo meget nemt! Det kræver bare at man tjekker adressen af linket!', tok:''},
'Number 2 sounds easy! You just check the address of the link!': {en:'Number 2 sounds easy! You just check the address of the link!', da:'Nummer 2 er jo meget nemt! Det kræver bare at man tjekker adressen af linket!', tok:'ijo nanpa tu li utala ala! o lukin e nimi nasin!'},
'Exactly! This is trivial. Now think about the abortion debate in the USA. It will be very easy to identify people who try to find information on abortions.': {en:'Exactly! This is trivial. Now think about the abortion debate in the USA. It will be very easy to identify people who try to find information on abortions.', da:'Præcis! Det er trivialt at identificere. Nu tænk bare på abortdebatten i USA. Det vil være nemt at identificere folk som forsøger at finde informationer om abort.', tok:''},
'Exactly! This is trivial. Now think about the abortion debate in the USA. It will be very easy to identify people who try to find information on abortions.': {en:'Exactly! This is trivial. Now think about the abortion debate in the USA. It will be very easy to identify people who try to find information on abortions.', da:'Præcis! Det er trivialt at identificere. Nu tænk bare på abortdebatten i USA. Det vil være nemt at identificere folk som forsøger at finde informationer om abort.', tok:'lon! ni li utala ala. tenpo ni la o lukin e ni: nasin weka pi jan lili pi jan mama insa lon ma Mewika'},
'Ouch. That is horrible! I immediately think about Poland. There are some politicians who will like this a lot.': {en:'Yes, the potential for abuse is huge.', da:'Øv. Det er jo skræmmende. Jeg tænker lige på Polen. Der er nogle politikere som vil lide det meget!', tok:''},
'Ouch. That is horrible! I immediately think about Poland. There are some politicians who will like this a lot.': {en:'Yes, the potential for abuse is huge.', da:'Øv. Det er jo skræmmende. Jeg tænker lige på Polen. Der er nogle politikere som vil lide det meget!', tok:'pakala, ni li pakala epiku! mi sona e ma Posuka. ni li pona mute tawa jan lawa'},
'Yes, the potential for abuse is huge.': {en:'Yes, the potential for abuse is huge.', da:'Ja, og misbrugmulighederne er store.', tok:''},
'Yes, the potential for abuse is huge.': {en:'Yes, the potential for abuse is huge.', da:'Ja, og misbrugmulighederne er store.', tok:'lon, jan ken kepeken e nasin ni tawa ike suli.'},
'How does it work with childporn in movies and pictures?': {en:'There are systems like e.g. PhotoDNA from Microsoft which use algorithms to compute hash values of data.', da:'Hvad er der så med børneporno i film og billeder?', tok:''},
'How does it work with childporn in movies and pictures?': {en:'There are systems like e.g. PhotoDNA from Microsoft which use algorithms to compute hash values of data.', da:'Hvad er der så med børneporno i film og billeder?', tok:'sitelen pi jan lili pi len ala lon sitelen la nasin ni li pali kepeken nasin seme?'},
'There are systems like e.g. PhotoDNA from Microsoft which use algorithms to compute hash values of data.': {en:'That means if you have a file with data, the software will calculate a single value of limited size based on the data. This value is called a "hash"', da:'Der findes systemer som fx. PhotoDNA fra Microsoft som bruger en proprietær algoritme for at beregne hashværdier til data.', tok:''},
'There are systems like e.g. PhotoDNA from Microsoft which use algorithms to compute hash values of data.': {en:'', da:'Der findes systemer som fx. PhotoDNA fra Microsoft som bruger en proprietær algoritme for at beregne hashværdier til data.', tok:'ilo lukin li kepeken e ilo nanpa. (ilo PhotoDNA en ilo ante li lon.) ilo ni mute li nanpa e nanpa Hasu tan sona.'},
'That means if you have a file with data, the software will calculate a single value of limited size based on the data. This value is called a "hash"': {en:'If I have illegal files, then the software will identify it based on the hash value of the file?', da:'Det vil sige, at, hvis du har en fil som indeholder data, så beregner softwaren en enkelte værdi af begrænset størrelse baseret på dataen. Værdien kalder man en "hash"', tok:''},
'That means if you have a file with data, the software will calculate a single value of limited size based on the data. This value is called a "hash"': {en:'', da:'Det vil sige, at, hvis du har en fil som indeholder data, så beregner softwaren en enkelte værdi af begrænset størrelse baseret på dataen. Værdien kalder man en "hash"', tok:'ilo lukin li nanpa e nanpa taso tan sona. nanpa ni li lili. nanpa ni li nanpa Hasu.'},
'If I have illegal files, then the software will identify it based on the hash value of the file?': {en:'If I have illegal files, then the software will identify it based on the hash value of the file?', da:'Hvis jeg har illegale filer, så vil softwaren genkende den på grundlag af hashværdien af filen?', tok:''},
'If I have illegal files, then the software will identify it based on the hash value of the file?': {en:'', da:'Hvis jeg har illegale filer, så vil softwaren genkende den på grundlag af hashværdien af filen?', tok:'lipu jaki li lon la ilo lukin li alasa e lipu ike kepeken nanpa Hasu.'},
'Yes': {en:'Yes', da:'Ja', tok:''},
'Yes': {en:'Yes', da:'Ja', tok:'lon'},
'But there is a fundamental problem: The data can be of any size while the hash value is always limited.': {en:'That means an infinite amount of data is projected into a finite amount of values. This leads to so-called collissions.', da:'Men der er et fundamentalt problem: Dataen kan være alle mulige størrelser mens hashværdien er altid begrænset i sin størrelse.', tok:''},
'But there is a fundamental problem: The data can be of any size while the hash value is always limited.': {en:'That means an infinite amount of data is projected into a finite amount of values. This leads to so-called collissions.', da:'Men der er et fundamentalt problem: Dataen kan være alle mulige størrelser mens hashværdien er altid begrænset i sin størrelse.', tok:'taso pakala suli li lon: lipu li ken suli a taso nanpa Hasu li lili.'},
'That means an infinite amount of data is projected into a finite amount of values. This leads to so-called collissions.': {en:'Two completely different files can have the same hash.', da:'dvs. at en uendelig mængde af data bliver omregnet til en endelig mængde. Det fører til såkaldte kollisioner.', tok:''},
'That means an infinite amount of data is projected into a finite amount of values. This leads to so-called collissions.': {en:'Two completely different files can have the same hash.', da:'dvs. at en uendelig mængde af data bliver omregnet til en endelig mængde. Det fører til såkaldte kollisioner.', tok:'sona ale lon nanpa Hasu lili. sona mute li ken jo a nanpa Hasu sama.'},
'Two completely different files can have the same hash.': {en:'And thereby people get identified as pedophiles even though they are none', da:'To helt forskellige filer kan have den samme hash.', tok:''},
'Two completely different files can have the same hash.': {en:'And thereby people get identified as pedophiles even though they are none', da:'To helt forskellige filer kan have den samme hash.', tok:'lipu ante li ken jo e nanpa Hasu sama.'},
'And thereby people get identified as pedophiles even though they are none': {en:'And thereby people get identified as pedophiles even though they are none', da:'Og dermed bliver man identificeret som pædofil selvom man ikke er det', tok:''},
'And thereby people get identified as pedophiles even though they are none': {en:'And thereby people get identified as pedophiles even though they are none', da:'Og dermed bliver man identificeret som pædofil selvom man ikke er det', tok:'jan pi ike la ilo lukin li ken toki e ni: sina ike'},
'Has that happened to someone?': {en:'Has that happened to someone?', da:'Er det sket til nogen?', tok:''},
'Has that happened to someone?': {en:'Has that happened to someone?', da:'Er det sket til nogen?', tok:'ni li lon ala lon?'},
'Yes, there are several cases, where the access has been blocked by Microsoft or Google.': {en:'Yes, there are several cases, where the access has been blocked by Microsoft or Google.', da:'Ja, der er flere tilfælde, hvor adgange blev blokeret af Microsoft og Google.', tok:''},
'Yes, there are several cases, where the access has been blocked by Microsoft or Google.': {en:'Yes, there are several cases, where the access has been blocked by Microsoft or Google.', da:'Ja, der er flere tilfælde, hvor adgange blev blokeret af Microsoft og Google.', tok:'lon, jan mute li lon. tenpo wan la ona li awen e sona mute lon ilo linluwi tana kulupu Microsoft anu kulupu Kuko. ike li lon ala taso tenpo tu la kulupu mani li toki e ni: sina ike. tenpo tu wan la ona li ken ala kepeken e ilo li ken ala jo e sona ona.'},
'Even though Google and Microsoft are some of the most advanced companies, when it comes to artificial intelligence, their systems are far from perfect.': {en:'Even though Google and Microsoft are some of the most advanced companies, when it comes to artificial intelligence, their systems are far from perfect.', da:'Selvom Google og Microsoft er nogle af de bedste virksomheder når det kommer til kunstlig intelligens, er deres systemer langt fra perfekt.', tok:''},
'Even though Google and Microsoft are some of the most advanced companies, when it comes to artificial intelligence, their systems are far from perfect.': {en:'Even though Google and Microsoft are some of the most advanced companies, when it comes to artificial intelligence, their systems are far from perfect.', da:'Selvom Google og Microsoft er nogle af de bedste virksomheder når det kommer til kunstlig intelligens, er deres systemer langt fra perfekt.', tok:'kulupu Kuko en kulupu Microsoft li sona e mute taso ilo ona li ken pakala.'},
'And they rather block some accounts of innocent users instead of checking some potentially disgusting childporn.': {en:'', da:'Og de blokerer heller automatisk kontoer af uskyldige folk end at kigge på potentielt grimme børnepornografi', tok:''},
'And they rather block some accounts of innocent users instead of checking some potentially disgusting childporn.': {en:'', da:'Og de blokerer heller automatisk kontoer af uskyldige folk end at kigge på potentielt grimme børnepornografi', tok:'sin la ona li lukin ala e ni: sitelen ni li sitelen jaki pi len ala pi jan lili anu seme? lukin ala la ona li open ala e ilo tawa jan ni.'},
'Will the EU do the same?': {en:'Will the EU do the same?', da:'Vil det også være sådan med EU?', tok:''},
'Will the EU do the same?': {en:'Will the EU do the same?', da:'Vil det også være sådan med EU?', tok:'ma Elopa li wile e sama anu seme?'},
'No. The EU commission has actually a different plan: They will create a center where there are people who will look at suspicious chat contents.': {en:'', da:'Nej. EU kommissionen har faktisk en anden plan: De vil oprette en center hvor der arbejder mennesker som kigger på mistænkelige chatindhold.', tok:''},
'No. The EU commission has actually a different plan: They will create a center where there are people who will look at suspicious chat contents.': {en:'', da:'Nej. EU kommissionen har faktisk en anden plan: De vil oprette en center hvor der arbejder mennesker som kigger på mistænkelige chatindhold.', tok:'ala. kulupu lawa pi ma Elopa li pali e ante: ona li open a kulupu pali suli. kulupu pali ni la jan pali li lukin e lipu toki pi ike ken.'},
'And if the suspicion is justified, they will hand over the information to Europol.': {en:'And if the suspicion is justified, they will hand over the information to Europol.', da:'Og hvis mistanken er berettiget, så giver de informationen videre til Europol.', tok:''},
'And if the suspicion is justified, they will hand over the information to Europol.': {en:'And if the suspicion is justified, they will hand over the information to Europol.', da:'Og hvis mistanken er berettiget, så giver de informationen videre til Europol.', tok:'toki li ike la kulupu pali suli li pana e lipu toki tawa kulupu pi awen lawa pi ma Elopa pi nimi Elopolo'},
'That means the EU kommissionen doesn\'t actually think that the system is so smart?': {en:'', da:'Så tror EU kommissionen heller ikke at systemet er så smart?', tok:''},
'Obviously not. But having people read our personal chat messages, just because some "smart" software says that we are child molesters, is not any better': {en:'What is the stupid "smart" technology that will be used?', da:'Åbenbart ikke. Og det gør det ikke bedre at der er folk som vil læse vores chatbeskeder, kun fordi en "smart" software siger at vi dyrker børnemisbrug', tok:''},
// Jeg forstår ikke meningen bag disse linier og derfor har svært ved at oversætte.
'What is the stupid "smart" technology that will be used?': {en:'', da:'Hvad er den dumme "smarte" teknologi som skal bruges?', tok:''},
'That means the EU kommissionen doesn\'t actually think that the system is so smart?': {en:'', da:'Så tror EU kommissionen heller ikke at systemet er så smart?', tok:'sina toki ala toki e ni: ilo lukin li pakala tawa kulupu lawa pi ma Elopa'},
'Ha! That\'s an interesting story': {en:'', da:'Ha! Det er en interessante historie', tok:''},
'Obviously not. But having people read our personal chat messages, just because some "smart" software says that we are child molesters, is not any better': {en:'', da:'Åbenbart ikke. Og det gør det ikke bedre at der er folk som vil læse vores chatbeskeder, kun fordi en "smart" software siger at vi dyrker børnemisbrug', tok:'toki a. ilo lukin li pakala li ike. taso jan lukin li pakala sin li ike sin.'},
'There is an organisation called "Thorn". They produce software-based filters. An important investor and lobbyist from that organisation is Ashton Kutcher. He often visits the EU commission to promote his software': {en:'', da:'Der er en organisation som hedder "Thorn". Og de fremstiller en filtreringssoftware. En vigtig investor og lobbyist fra virksomheden hedder Ashton Kutcher. Han er tit på besøg på EU kommissionen for at sælge sin software', tok:''},
'And of course he claims that his software can magically solve child abuse problems': {en:'', da:'Og selvfølgelig påstår han at sin software kan på magiske måde løse børnemisbrugproblemer', tok:''},
'What is the stupid "smart" technology that will be used?': {en:'', da:'Hvad er den dumme "smarte" teknologi som skal bruges?', tok:'ona li kepeken e ilo ike pi nimi Smart. ilo ni li seme?'},
'I hate it when people are so blinding trusting technology and buy into all that marketing bullshit.': {en:'I hate it when people are so blinding trusting technology and buy into all that marketing bullshit.', da:'Jeg hader det, når folk er så teknologitroende og køber alt den marketingnonsens', tok:''},
'Ha! That\'s an interesting story': {en:'', da:'Ha! Det er en interessante historie', tok:'a! musi mute!'},
'That means that the proposed law is actually the result of a comercial lobbying effort?': {en:'That means that the proposed law is actually the result of a comercial lobbying effort?', da:'dvs at lovforeslaget er faktisk et resultat af kommercielt lobbyisme?', tok:''},
'There is an organisation called "Thorn". They produce software-based filters. An important investor and lobbyist from that organisation is Ashton Kutcher. He often visits the EU commission to promote his software': {en:'', da:'Der er en organisation som hedder "Thorn". Og de fremstiller en filtreringssoftware. En vigtig investor og lobbyist fra virksomheden hedder Ashton Kutcher. Han er tit på besøg på EU kommissionen for at sælge sin software', tok:'kulupu mani Tonu (Thorn) li lon. ona li pali e ilo sona. ilo sona ona li alasa e sitelen ike. jan wawa tan kulupu mani ni li jan Atan (Ashton Kutcher). tenpo mute la ona li tawa kulupu lawa pi ma Elopa li esun e ilo sona ona.'},
'I think so': {en:'I think so', da:'Det mener jeg', tok:''},
'And of course he claims that his software can magically solve child abuse problems': {en:'', da:'Og selvfølgelig påstår han at sin software kan på magiske måde løse børnemisbrugproblemer', tok:'ona li toki e ni: ilo sona ona li pona e ale kepeken nasin sewi.'},
'And lastly, what about scanning of illegal conversations?': {en:'And lastly, what about scanning of illegal conversations?', da:'Og til sidst, hvad er med scanning af illegale samtaler?', tok:''},
'I hate it when people are so blinding trusting technology and buy into all that marketing bullshit.': {en:'I hate it when people are so blinding trusting technology and buy into all that marketing bullshit.', da:'Jeg hader det, når folk er så teknologitroende og køber alt den marketingnonsens', tok:'jan li sona ala e ilo sona taso ona li olin e ilo sona tan ni: jan mani li toki mani nasa kepeken nimi ike. mi pilin ike tan ni.'},
'No system has ever passed the Turing test': {en:'No system has ever passed the Turing test', da:'Der er stadig ingen system som har bestået Turing-testen', tok:''},
'That means that the proposed law is actually the result of a commercial lobbying effort?': {en:'That means that the proposed law is actually the result of a comercial lobbying effort?', da:'dvs at lovforeslaget er faktisk et resultat af kommercielt lobbyisme?', tok:'ni la lipu lawa tan ni: jan mani li toki mani tawa jan lawa?'},
'Computers are still far away from understanding human language on the same level as us humans': {en:'Computers are still far away from understanding human language on the same level as us humans', da:'Computer er stadig langt væk fra at forstå menneskelig sprog på det samme niveau som vi mennesker taler', tok:''},
'I think so': {en:'I think so', da:'Det mener jeg', tok:'tan, mi toki e ni.'},
'Algorithms can in some cases identify the topic of a conversation but there is no actual understanding behind the current technology': {en:'Algorithms can in some cases identify the topic of a conversation but there is no actual understanding behind the current technology', da:'Algorithme kan i nogle tilfælde identificere emnet der bliver talt om, men en virkelig forståelse findes ikke i den nuværende teknologi', tok:''},
'And lastly, what about scanning of illegal conversations?': {en:'And lastly, what about scanning of illegal conversations?', da:'Og til sidst, hvad er med scanning af illegale samtaler?', tok:'nanpa pini: ilo li lukin e toki pi lawa ala la'},
'The nerd is rebooting': {en:'The nerd is rebooting', da:'Nørden genstarter sin computer', tok:''},
'No system has ever passed the Turing test': {en:'No system has ever passed the Turing test', da:'Der er stadig ingen system som har bestået Turing-testen', tok:'ilo ala li ken jan'},
'Computers are still far away from understanding human language on the same level as us humans': {en:'Computers are still far away from understanding human language on the same level as us humans', da:'Computer er stadig langt væk fra at forstå menneskelig sprog på det samme niveau som vi mennesker taler', tok:'jan ken toki wawa a. ilo sona li ken toki ike taso.'},
'Algorithms can in some cases identify the topic of a conversation but there is no actual understanding behind the current technology': {en:'Algorithms can in some cases identify the topic of a conversation but there is no actual understanding behind the current technology', da:'Algorithme kan i nogle tilfælde identificere emnet der bliver talt om, men en virkelig forståelse findes ikke i den nuværende teknologi', tok:'ilo pi nasin nanpa li toki la ona li sona ala e ni: ona li toki e seme?'},
'The nerd is rebooting': {en:'The nerd is rebooting', da:'Nørden genstarter sin computer', tok:'jan pi sona ilo'},
// Dialog: Ylva
// Dialog: Ylva
'Hi, I heard that you are responsible for the chatcontrol proposal': {en:'Hi, I heard that you are responsible for the chatcontrol proposal', da:'Hej, jeg har hørt at du er ansvarlig for chatcontrol lovforslaget', tok:''},
'Hi, I heard that you are responsible for the chatcontrol proposal': {en:'Hi, I heard that you are responsible for the chatcontrol proposal', da:'Hej, jeg har hørt at du er ansvarlig for chatcontrol lovforslaget', tok:'toki. mi kama sona e ni: sina wile jo e lipu lawa pi nasin Chatcontrol'},
'This is not about chatcontrol. It is about creating rules to prevent and fight sexual violence against children': {en:'This is not about chatcontrol. It is about creating rules to prevent and fight sexual violence against children', da:'Det handlar inte om "chatcontrol", det handlar om att skapa regler för att förhindra och motverka sexuella övergrepp mot barn', tok:''},
'This is not about chatcontrol. It is about creating rules to prevent and fight sexual violence against children': {en:'This is not about chatcontrol. It is about creating rules to prevent and fight sexual violence against children', da:'Det handlar inte om "chatcontrol", det handlar om att skapa regler för att förhindra och motverka sexuella övergrepp mot barn', tok:'nasin ChatControl ala. mi pali e nasin lawa. nasin li utala e utala unpa pi jan lili tawa'},
'Alright': {en:'Alright', da:'ok', tok:''},
'Alright': {en:'Alright', da:'ok', tok:'pona'},
'But why do you think this proposal is a good idea?': {en:'I explained all of that when I received the big brother award in 2022.', da:'Men hvorfor synes du at dette lovforslag er en god idé?', tok:''},
'But why do you think this proposal is a good idea?': {en:'I explained all of that when I received the big brother award in 2022.', da:'Men hvorfor synes du at dette lovforslag er en god idé?', tok:'taso tan seme la sina toki e ni: lipu lawa ni li pona?'},
'I explained all of that when I received the big brother award in 2022.': {en:'I explained all of that when I received the big brother award in 2022.', da:'Jag har redan förklarat allt det där vid prisutdelningen på Big Brother Awards 2022.', tok:''},
'I explained all of that when I received the big brother award in 2022.': {en:'I explained all of that when I received the big brother award in 2022.', da:'Jag har redan förklarat allt det där vid prisutdelningen på Big Brother Awards 2022.', tok:'mi alasa e pana pona Big Brother pi sike suno 2022 la mi toki e ni.'},
'You can find the video recording here:': {en:'You can find the video recording here:', da:'Du hittar en videoinspelning av ceremonin här:', tok:''},
'You can find the video recording here:': {en:'You can find the video recording here:', da:'Du hittar en videoinspelning av ceremonin här:', tok:'o lukin e sitelen tawa ni:'},
'': {en:'', da:'', tok:''},
'': {en:'', da:'', tok:''},
'Thank you!': {en:'Thank you!', da:'Mange tak!', tok:''},
'Thank you!': {en:'Thank you!', da:'Mange tak!', tok:'pona tawa sina'},
'Ylva is back to drafting more laws': {en:'Ylva is back to drafting more laws', da:'Ylva har travlt med at lave love', tok:''},
'Ylva is back to drafting more laws': {en:'Ylva is back to drafting more laws', da:'Ylva har travlt med at lave love', tok:'jan Uwa li sitelen sin e lipu lawa', tok: 'jan Uwa li tawa weka li sitelen e lipu lawa.'},
// Misc
// Misc
'⚠ this message was reported': {en:'⚠ this message was reported', da:'⚠ beskeden blev rapporteret', tok:'⚠ kulupu lukin li kama lukin e lipu'},
'⚠ this message was reported': {en:'⚠ this message was reported', da:'⚠ beskeden blev rapporteret', tok:'⚠ kulupu lukin li kama lukin e lipu'},
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