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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
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<title>Chatcontrol: Dine private beskeder skal overvåges!</title> <title>ChatControl: Dine private beskeder skal overvåges!</title>
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<h1><strong>Chatcontrol: </strong>Dine private beskeder skal overvåges</h1> <h1><strong>Chat Control: </strong>Dine private beskeder skal overvåges</h1>
</div> </div>
<p> <p>
EU-kommissionen har lavet et nyt lovforslag for at beskytte børn mod misbrug. Formålet er godt, men loven er EU-kommissionen har lavet et nyt lovforslag for at beskytte børn mod misbrug. Formålet er godt, men loven er
dårlig, fordi den kræver, at kommunikationstjenester skal <span style="white-space: nowrap">overvåges,</span> dårlig, fordi den kræver, at kommunikationstjenester skal <span style="white-space: nowrap">overvåges,</span>
hvis der er en mulighed for at børn bruger dem, eller hvis der er en mulighed for at dele billeder af hvis der er en mulighed for at børn bruger dem, eller hvis der er en mulighed for at dele billeder af
børnemisbrug. Det vil påvirke langt de fleste kommunikationstjenester og vil betyde at din kommunikation vil børnemisbrug. Det vil påvirke langt de fleste kommunikationstjenester og vil betyde at din kommunikation vil
blive overvåget, fordi alle brugere af almindelige kommunikationstjenester vil være mistænkte for børnemisbrug. blive overvåget, fordi alle brugere af almindelige kommunikationstjenster vil være mistænkte for børnemisbrug.
Konkret betyder det, at dine e-mails, chat-beskeder, video- og voiceopkald bliver analyseret af algoritme, Konkret betyder det, at dine e-mails, chat-beskeder, video- og voiceopkald bliver analyseret af algorithme,
for at vurdere hvis de har illegale indhold. Analysen vil foregår direkt på din computer/smartphone, så at for at vurdere hvis de har illegale indhold. Analysen vil foregår direkt på din computer/smartphone, så at
algoritmerne kan se hvad du skriver/siger før det bliver krypteret. algorithmene kan se hvad du skriver/siger før det bliver crypteret.
</p> </p>
<p> <p>
Lær mere om Chatcontrol og hvorfor det er en dårlig idé, i vores interaktive Chatcontrol film ude til Lær mere om ChatControllen og hvorfor det er en dårlig idé, i vores interaktive ChatControl film ude til
venstre. venstre.
</p> </p>
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<p><a href="#more">Finde ud af mere</a></p> <p><a href="#more">Finde ud af mere</a></p>
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@ -87,12 +95,8 @@ eu:
--> -->
<ul> <ul>
<a href="">Lovforslaget fra 28. marts 2024</a>
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
Lovforslag fra 12. september 2022</a> Det nuværende lovforslag (12. september 2022)</a>
&#127465;&#127472; &#127465;&#127472;
&#127466;&#127482; &#127466;&#127482;
</li> </li>
@ -102,15 +106,14 @@ eu:
</li> </li>
<li><a <li><a
href=""> href="">
Avisartikel om Chatcontrol (fra</a> Avisartikel om ChatControl (fra</a>
&#127465;&#127472; &#127465;&#127472;
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
Flere detaljer om den planlagte lov og tidsforløbet</a> Flere detajler om den planlagte lov og tidsforløbet</a>
&#127468;&#127463; &#127468;&#127463;
</li> </li>
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
Foredrag om Chatcontrol på BornHack 2022</a> Foredrag om ChatControl på BornHack</a>
&#127468;&#127463; &#127468;&#127463;
</li> </li>
<li><a <li><a
@ -122,14 +125,8 @@ eu:
Historie om falsk alarm i en chatsamtale med en læge</a> Historie om falsk alarm i en chatsamtale med en læge</a>
&#127468;&#127463; &#127468;&#127463;
</li> </li>
<li>Historisk film: <a
Fuldstændig telekommunikationsovervågning under besættelsen</a>
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
Tysk alliance mod Chatcontrol</a> Tysk alliance mod ChatControl</a>
&#127465;&#127466; &#127465;&#127466;
</li> </li>
<li> <li>
@ -145,7 +142,7 @@ eu:
</li> </li>
<li> <li>
<a href=""> <a href="">
Chatcontrol vil skade fri software</a> Chatcontrollen vil skade fri software</a>
&#127468;&#127463; &#127468;&#127463;
</li> </li>
<li> <li>
@ -157,9 +154,8 @@ eu:
Chatcontrol er en trussel mod open source software i EU</a> Chatcontrol er en trussel mod open source software i EU</a>
&#127465;&#127466; &#127465;&#127466;
</li> </li>
<li>Professor i kryptografi: <li><a href="">
<a href="">"EU chatcontrol loven er det mest Professor i kryptografi: "EU chatcontrol loven er det mest alarmerende lovforslag jeg har nogensinde læst.
alarmerende lovforslag jeg har nogensinde læst.
Det er et design for det mest magtfulde overvågningssystem for tekster og billeder den fri verden har Det er et design for det mest magtfulde overvågningssystem for tekster og billeder den fri verden har
nogensinde set."</a> nogensinde set."</a>
&#127468;&#127463; &#127468;&#127463;
@ -172,250 +168,10 @@ eu:
Hollandsk anti-chatcontrol hjemmeside</a> Hollandsk anti-chatcontrol hjemmeside</a>
&#127475;&#127473; &#127475;&#127473;
</li> </li>
<a href="">Portugisisk anti-chatcontrol hjemmeside</a>
<li><a href="../slides/bornhack/2023/every_message/talk.html"> <li><a href="../slides/bornhack/2023/every_message/talk.html">
Slides fra Bornhack 2023 præsentation</a> Slides fra Bornhack 2023 presentation</a>
&#127468;&#127463; &#127468;&#127463;
</li> </li>
Den tyske børnebeskyttelseforening erklærer sig uenig med chatcontrol
<a href="../local_copy/apple-letter-to-heat-initiative.pdf">Apple forklarer til børnebeskyttelseorganisation
hvorfor scanning af krypteret indhold ikke er en god idé</a>
<li>Præsident af Signal Foundation:
<a href="">"Apples redegørelse begraver idéen om at det
er muligt at scanne enhvers kommunikation og samtidigt bevare privatlivet"</a>
<li><a href="">
Lov i Storbritannien som ligner chatcontrol blev ikke vedtaget med client-side scanning fordi teknologien
ikke findes
<li><a href="">En meget lang liste med
forskellige kritikker af Chatcontrol</a>
<li>Bornhack 2023 foredrag: <a href="">Chat
the next months will be critical</a>
Den danske regering støtter loven mens hele oppositionen er imod
Hvem ville chatcontrol gavne?</a>
vil gerne have <b>alle</b> billeder uanset hvis de er relateret til børnepornografi</a>
<li>Danske kryptologer: <a
form for analyse [dvs. chatcontrol] underminerer hele ideen omkring E2E-kryptering og kommunikation"</a>
<li>Berlinske: <a
EU vil tjekke alt digitalt indhold for at bekæmpe børneporno
<li>Jyllands-Posten: <a
vil tjekke alt digitalt indhold for at bekæmpe børneporno</a>
IDA og andre organisationer: <a
om chatkontrol er totalovervågning</a>
opposition til regeringen: I bryder med ånden i grundloven</a>
<a href="">Åbent brev til justitsminister Peter
<a href="">Cybernauterne
om chatcontrol</a>
bruger microtargeting for at sprede misvisende budskaber om chatcontrol på X</a>
<li>Hollandsk teknologiekspert:
brugte religiøse og politiske holdninger til at kategorisere brugerne til at målrette reklamerne"</a>
<li>Berlinske mener: <a
Ny masseovervågning afslører endnu en blind plet i regeringens demokratiforståelse</a>
<li>Europæisk embedsmand for databeskyttelse: <a
"Der er en bred konsensus blandt databeskyttelsesinstitutioner, juridiske eksperter, akademikere,
industri, civilsamfundet, nationale lovgivere og retshåndhævere at foreslaget ikke alene er ineffektivt,
men også skadeligt"
EU's kontroversielle lov om seksualforbrydelser mod børn splitter landene </a>
<li>Ironisk: <a href="">
"Going-Dark"-arbejdsgruppen arbejder i mørket</a>
Kommissionen kan ikke påvise at frivillig chatcontrol er hensigtsmæssig
<a href="">2023: Et godt
år for privatlivet, et dårligt år for chatcontrol</a>
<li><a href="">Thorns Software er lang fra godt nok til at klassificere børnemisbrugsmateriale korrekt som reklameret</a>
<li><a href="">Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol forbyder svækkelse af end-to-end kryptering</a>
<li><a href="">Chatcontrol 1.0 forlænges indtil april 2026</a>
Tysk bog: <a href="">Direkt vor unseren Augen</a>. Bogen beskriver hvad der virkeligt forgår i den pædokriminelle verden og hvorfor politikerne tager fejl.
<a href="">Analyse af den opdaterede version af chatcontrol loven</a>
Åbent brev fra kryptologer: <a href="">Det opdateret lovforslag baserer stadig på urealistiske ideer</a>
<a href="">Historien af chatcontrol loven fra 11. Maj 2022 til Maj 2024</a>
<a href="">Nyt chatcontrol lovforslag: Brugerne bliver tvunget til at godkende deres egen overvågning ellers får de ikke lov til at dele billeder, videoer eller links</a>
<li>Global Encryption Coalition skriver: <a href="">[Chatcontrol] vil ikke løse problemet af CSAM på nettet, men det vil medføre betydningsfulde sikkerhedsrisici for alle borgere, virksomheder og regeringer</a>
<a href="">Stor stigning af falsk positive detektioner af CSAM</a>
<li><a href="">Chatcontrol: En politisk studehandel</a>
<li><a href="">Chatkontrol er langtfra dødt - det sørger Orbans Ungarn for</a>
<li><a href="">"Upload moderation" underminerer end-to-end kryptering</a>
<li>Åbent brev fra flere politikere: <a href="">Afvis chatcontrol lovforslaget!</a>
<li><a href="">EU-politikere vil untage sig fra chatcontrol-overvågning</a>
<li>Edward Snowden udtaler sig mod chatcontrol: <a href="">Det kan ende med »totalovervågning«</a>
<li><a href="">De fleste mistænkte for "børnepornografi" er mindreårige</a>
<li>EU going dark group: <a href="">Overvågningsplan for den nye EU kommission er lækket</a>
<li>Medlem af EU Kommission indrømmer: <a href="">Chatcontrol vil knække kryptering</a>
<li><a href="">Ingen vil have chatcontrol</a>
<li>Europæisk ombudsmand: <a href="">Det er dårlig administration at kommissionen ikke frigiver alle dokumenter om Thorn</a>
<li><a href="../slides/bornhack/2024/what-comes-next/talk.html">Slides fra Bornhack 2024 præsentation</a>
<li><a href="">En kronologi af en hyptotetisk fremtid med chatkontrol</a>
<li>Opdateret åbent brev fra forskere: <a href="">Chatkontrollen er stadig uacceptabelt</a>
<li> Schweiz: <a href="">Chatkontrol truer rettigheder af schweiziske statsborgere</a>
<li>EDRi: <a href="">Beskyttelse af børn online skal være baseret på empowerment af børn og ikke eksklusion</a>
<li><a href="">Der findes ingen bagdør som kan kun bruges af de "good guys"</a>
<li><a href="">Hvad er kryptering og hvorfor er den afgørende for menneskerettigheder?</a>
<li><a href="">Kinesiske hackere viser hvorfor Peter Hummelgaards chatkontrol er en risikabel og dårlig ide</a>
<li>USA: <a href="">FBI anbefaler at folk bruger E2E kryptering til deres beskeder p.g.a. kinesiske hackere som aflytter folk på amerikanske servere.</a>
<li>Finsk parlament: <a href="">"En model som forslået her, vil føre til masseovervågning af kommunikation og vil svække beskyttelse af fortrolighed i hele EU"</a>
</ul> </ul>
</div> </div>
<div id="sponsors"> <div id="sponsors">

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@ -43,6 +43,15 @@
Discover how the chatcontrol proposal would affect you by watching our Discover how the chatcontrol proposal would affect you by watching our
interactive film on the left. interactive film on the left.
</p> </p>
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<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" width="20" height="40" viewBox="0 0 20 40">
<polyline points="0,20 20,0 20,40" fill="#0084FF" onclick="swipe_viewport()" />
Check out how chatcontrol could affect you in different conversations using the blue back arrow on the
<p> <p>
<input type="range" name="typing_speed" id="typing_speed" title="typing speed" <input type="range" name="typing_speed" id="typing_speed" title="typing speed"
onChange="adjust_typing_speed(this.value)" value="50" min="0" max="100" /> onChange="adjust_typing_speed(this.value)" value="50" min="0" max="100" />
@ -91,12 +100,8 @@
--> -->
<ul> <ul>
<a href="">Updated proposal from 28.3.2024</a>
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
Proposal from 12th of September 2022</a> The current proposal (12th of September 2022)</a>
🇬🇧 🇬🇧
🇪🇺 🇪🇺
</li> </li>
@ -107,13 +112,14 @@
<li><a <li><a
href=""> href="">
News article on ChatControl (from</a> News article on ChatControl (from</a>
</li> </li>
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
More details about the planned law and timeline</a> More details about the planned law and timeline</a>
🇬🇧 🇬🇧
</li> </li>
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
Presentation about ChatControl at BornHack 2022</a> Presentation about ChatControl at BornHack</a>
🇬🇧 🇬🇧
</li> </li>
<li><a <li><a
@ -125,12 +131,6 @@
Story about a false positive in a chat with a medical doctor</a> Story about a false positive in a chat with a medical doctor</a>
🇬🇧 🇬🇧
</li> </li>
<li>Historic film: <a
Complete telecommunication surveillance under the german occupation</a>
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
German alliance against ChatControl</a> German alliance against ChatControl</a>
🇩🇪 🇩🇪
@ -160,9 +160,8 @@
Chatcontrol is an acute threat against open source in the EU</a> Chatcontrol is an acute threat against open source in the EU</a>
🇩🇪 🇩🇪
</li> </li>
<li>Cryptography professor: <li><a href="">
<a href=""> Cryptography professor: "The EUs “chat control” legislation is the most alarming proposal Ive ever read.
"The EUs “chat control” legislation is the most alarming proposal Ive ever read.
Taken in context, it is essentially a design for the most powerful text and image-based mass surveillance Taken in context, it is essentially a design for the most powerful text and image-based mass surveillance
system the free world has ever seen."</a> system the free world has ever seen."</a>
&#127468;&#127463; &#127468;&#127463;
@ -175,254 +174,10 @@
Dutch anti-chatcontrol website</a> Dutch anti-chatcontrol website</a>
&#127475;&#127473; &#127475;&#127473;
</li> </li>
<a href="">Portugese anti-chatcontrol website</a>
<li><a href="../slides/bornhack/2023/every_message/talk.html"> <li><a href="../slides/bornhack/2023/every_message/talk.html">
Slides from the Bornhack 2023 presentation</a> Slides from the Bornhack 2023 presentation</a>
&#127468;&#127463; &#127468;&#127463;
</li> </li>
The german child protection association declares their disagreement with chatcontrol
<a href="../local_copy/apple-letter-to-heat-initiative.pdf">Apple explains to a child protection
organisation why scanning of encrypted data is not a good idea</a>
<li>President of the Signal Foundation:
<a href="">"Apple's statement is the death knell for
the idea that it's possible to scan everyone's comms AND preserve privacy."</a>
<li><a href="">
UK law similar to chatcontrol failed to pass with client-side scanning because the technology doesn't
<li><a href="">A very long list of criticisms of
chatcontrol </a>
<li>Bornhack 2023 talk: <a href="">Chat Control
the next months will be critical</a>
The danish government supports the law but the whole opposition is against it
<li>Investigative Journalism: <a
would benefit from chatcontrol?</a>
would like to have <b>all</b> pictures even if they are not related to child abuse
<li>Danish cryptographers: <a
will undermine the whole idea of end-to-end encryption"</a>
<li>Berlinske: <a
The EU wants to check all digital content to fight child pornography
<li>Jyllands-Posten: <a
The EU wants to check all digital content to fight child pornography</a>
IDA and other organisations: <a
EU chatcontrol proposal is
total surveillance
complete opposition to the government: You are violating the spirit of the constitution
<a href="">Open letter to minister of justice Peter
<a href="">Cybernauts
on Chatcontrol</a>
uses microtargeting to spread misinformation about chatcontrol on X</a>
<li>Dutch technology expert:
commission used religious and polical beliefs to categorize users for targeted advertisement"</a>
<li>Berlinske thinks: <a
The support for mass surveillance highlights yet another blind spot in the government's understanding of
<li>European Data Protection Supervisor: <a
"there is a very broad and almost unprecedented consensus between the different groups of stakeholders,
including data protection bodies, legal experts, academia, industry and civil society, national
legislators and law enforcement authorities that the proposal is not only ineffective, but also harmful"
EU-countries disagree on law against child sexual abuse</a>
<li>Oh, the irony: <a
"Going-Dark" working group is working in the dark</a>
Evidence collected by the Commission in support for voluntary chatcontrol is insufficient
<a href="">2023: A good
year for privacy, a bad year for chat control
<li><a href="">Thorn's software is nowhere near as good as advertised to classify child abuse material.</a>
<li><a href="">European Court of Human Rights bans weakening of secure end-to-end encryption</a>
<li><a href="">Chatcontrol 1.0 extended until April 2026</a>
German book: <a href="">Direkt vor unseren Augen</a>. The book explains what is really happening in the world of criminal pedophiles and why politicians have the wrong ideas.
<a href="">Analysis of the updated chatcontrol proposal</a>
Open Letter from Cryptographers: <a href="">The updated chatcontrol proposal is still based on unrealistic ideas</a>
<a href="">History of the chatcontrol law from 11th of May 2022 to May 2024</a>
<a href="">New chatcontrol proposal: The users are forced to accept being surveilled or else they will not be allowed to share pictures, videos and links</a>
<li>Global Encryption Coalition says: <a href="">[Chatcontrol] will not solve the problem of the online spread of child sexual abuse material, but will introduce significant security risks for all citizens, companies, and governments.</a>
<a href="">Strong increase of false positive detections for CSAM</a>
<li><a href="">Chat Control: Horse Trading While Nobody is Watching</a>
<li><a href="">Hungary's upcoming Council presidency means that chatcontrol is far from dead</a>
<li><a href="">"Upload Moderation" undermindes End-to-End Encryption</a>
<li>Open letter from many politicians: <a href="">Reject the chatcontrol proposal!</a>
<li><a href="">EU ministers want to exempt themselves from surveillance</a>
<li>Edward Snowden warns against chatcontrol: <a href="">This can lead to »total surveillance«</a>
<li><a href="">Most suspects for "child pornograpy" are minors</a>
<li>EU going dark group: <a href="">The surveillance plan for the new EU Commission has been leaked</a>
<li>A member of the EU Commission admits: <a href="">Chatcontrol vil break encryption</a>
<li><a href="">No One Wants &quot;Chat Control&quot;</a>
<li>European Ombudsman: <a href="">The commission has conducted maladministration</a>
<li><a href="../slides/bornhack/2024/what-comes-next/talk.html">Slides from Bornhack 2024 presentation</a>
<li><a href="">Chronology of a hypothetical future with chat control</a>
<li>Updated open letters from researchers: <a href="">Chat control is still unacceptable</a>
<li> Switzerland: <a href="">Chat control threatens rights of swiss citizens</a>
<li>EDRi: <a href="">Protection of children on the internet should be based on empowerment of children and not exclusion</a>
<li><a href="">There's No Security Backdoor That's Only For The "Good Guys"</a>
<li><a href="">What is encryption and why is it key to human rights?</a>
<li><a href="">Chinese hackers demonstrate why Peter Hummelgaard's chat control is a risky and bad idea</a>
<li>USA: <a href="">The FBI recommends to use end-to-end encryption because of chinese hackers that are listening in on american servers.</a>
</ul> </ul>
</div> </div>
<div id="sponsors"> <div id="sponsors">

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<a href="da/">dansk</a> <a href="da/">dansk</a>
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<a href="tok/">toki pona</a>
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y="51.50808">We love your Data!</tspan></text>
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style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:3.175px;font-family:'Droid Sans';-inkscape-font-specification:'Droid Sans';fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:4.86913;stroke-opacity:1"
y="85.48761">I want even more scanning!</tspan></text>
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:3.175px;font-family:'Droid Sans';-inkscape-font-specification:'Droid Sans';fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:4.86913;stroke-opacity:1"
y="62.436249">And so does the EU Commission</tspan><tspan
id="tspan3">and Europol. You can only use</tspan><tspan
id="tspan4">all functionality of this site if you</tspan><tspan
id="tspan5">agree to have your images, videos</tspan><tspan
id="tspan6">and URLs scanned.</tspan></text>
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:3.175px;font-family:Ubuntu;-inkscape-font-specification:Ubuntu;fill:none;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000002;stroke-width:0.3;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:15.6;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1;paint-order:fill markers stroke"


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@ -113,6 +113,11 @@ p{
grid-row: 1; grid-row: 1;
} }
display: flex;
align-items: center;
a[href="#more"]{ a[href="#more"]{
display:inline-block; display:inline-block;
padding: 6px 8px; padding: 6px 8px;

View file

@ -33,20 +33,19 @@ mi sona e ni:
<ul> <ul>
<li> <li>
tenpo mute la mi toki tawa sina taso; me wile ala e ni: jan ante li kute ala. ilo Internet mi ken wile e ni:
ale pi linluwi ala la ni li lon. mi toki tawa sina taso; jan ante li kute ala.
linluwi kin la ni li lon. mi li lon ilo Internet la ni li sama.
</li> </li>
<li> <li>
mi ken ala ken alasa e jan ike kepeken ilo sona pi lukin e sitelen Chat? mi ken alasa e jan ike kepeken ilo sona pi lukin e sitelen Chat ale.
jan pi wile mani li toki e ni: ilo sona ni li puno mute. jan pi wile mani li toki e ni: ilo sona ni li puno mute. ona li ike.
mi toki e ni: ona li toki ike. ilo ken lukin pona. ilo ken lukin ike.
ilo ken lukin pona. taso ilo ken lukin ike.
</li> </li>
<li> <li>
nasin Chat Control ni li ante e ale. nasin Chat Control ni li ante e ale.
jan mani en jan lawa li ken lukin e sitelen mi. jan mani en jan lawa li ken lukin e sitelen mi.
sin la jan ike li ken len e lipu sina kepeken ilo ante. sin la jan ike ken len e lipu sina kepeken ilo ante.
</li> </li>
<li> <li>
tenpo wan la nasin Chat Control li wawa lili. tenpo wan la nasin Chat Control li wawa lili.
@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ mi sona e ni:
</li> </li>
<li> <li>
jan mute li sona ala e ilo sona li sona ala e lipu lawa pi nasin Chat Control. jan mute li sona ala e ilo sona li sona ala e lipu lawa pi nasin Chat Control.
mi sitelen e lipu ni tan ni: mi o weka e lipu lawa ike ni. mi sitelen lon ni tan ni: wile moli e lipu lawa ike jaki monsuta ni.
</li> </li>
</ul> </ul>

View file

@ -32,13 +32,10 @@
<h1>lipu lawa Chat Control: sina toki tawa jan pona la jan ante li kute</h1> <h1>lipu lawa Chat Control: sina toki tawa jan pona la jan ante li kute</h1>
</div> </div>
<p> <p>
kulupu lawa pi ma Elopa li sitelen e lipu sin. kulupu lawa Elopa li sitelen e lipu sin. jan ike li wile ike tawa jan lili. kulupu lawa Elopa li wili utala li wile awen e jan lili. ni li pona.
jan ike li wile ike tawa jan lili.
kulupu lawa pi ma Elopa li wile utala li wile awen e jan lili.
ni li pona.
</p> </p>
<p> <p>
o kama sona e nasin ike Chat Control. o lukin e sitelen musi. o kama sona e nasin ike Chat Control. o lukin e sitelen musi.
</p> </p>
<div id="backarrow"> <div id="backarrow">
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" width="20" height="40" viewBox="0 0 20 40"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="" width="20" height="40" viewBox="0 0 20 40">
@ -54,51 +51,60 @@
<input type="text" value="50" id="speed_indicator" readonly size="1" /> <input type="text" value="50" id="speed_indicator" readonly size="1" />
Speed Speed
</p> </p>
<p><a href="#more">o kama sona</a></p> <p><a href="#more">Find out more</a></p>
</div> </div>
<div id="more"> <div id="more">
<p> <p>
lipu lawa li wili awen e jan lili kepeken nasin Chat Control. lipu lawa li wili awen e jan lili kepeken e nasin Chat Control.
wile li pona. nasin li ike. lipu lawa li ike. wile li pona. nasin li ike. lipu lawa li ike.
lipu lawa li toki e ni: jan pali pi ilo toki o, lipu lawa li toki e ni: jan pi pali ilo toki o,
jan li kepeken e ilo sina la, sina o lukin e sitelen ona. o lukin e sitelen tan jan pi kepeken e ilo sina.
</p> </p>
nasin Chat Control la jan ante li lukin e sitelen <em>sina</em> e toki <em>sina</em>. <p>
nasin Chat Control li toki e ni: <em>sina ale</em> li ike tawa jan lili. nasin Chat Control la jan ante li lukin e sitelen <em>sina</em> e toki <em>sina</em>.
</p> nasin Chat Control li toki e ni: <em>sina ale</em> li ike tawa jan lili..
<p> </p>
kulupu pali pi ilo toki li luken e
lipu sina E-Mails e lipu sina Chat, <p>
e sitelen sina Video e toki sina Voicecall. kulupu pi pali ilo toki li luken e
ona li kepeken e ilo sona. lipu sina E-Mails e lipu sina Chat,
ilo sona li luken e lipu sina. e lipu sina Video e toki sina Voicecall.
ilo sona li toki e ni: ona li kepeken ilo sona .
lipu sina insa la toki ike li lon ala lon. ilo sona li luken e lipu sina.
</p> ilo sona li toki e ni:
<p> lipu sina insa la toki ike li lon ala lon .
ona li pakala e ilo len (Encryption) kepeken nasin ni: </p>
ona li lukin e lipu sina lon ilo sina.
tenpo tu la sina ken len (Encrypt) e lipu sina. <p>
taso tenpo wan la ona li lukin e lipu sina. ona li pakala e ilo len (Encryption) kepeken nasin ni:
</p> ona li lukin e lipu sina lon ilo sona sina .
<p> tenpo wan la ona li lukin e lipu sina.
mi utala weka e lipu ni kepeken nasin seme? tenpo tu la ona li len (Encrypt) e lipu sina.
o toki tawa jan. </p>
o toki e lipu lawa ike tawa
<a href="">jan tan ma sina lon kulupu Elopa</a>
jan mute li toki e lipu lawa ni la, <p>
jan lawa li toki e ni: mi utala e lipu ni kepeken nasin seme?
lipu lawa Chat Control li ike. o toki tawa jan ante mute.
</p> o sitelen e jan ante tan lipu Website ni.
<p> o toki e lipu ike tawa
sina ken kulupu lon ilo kulupu Email. <a href="">jan tan ma sina lon kulupu Elopa</a>
ilo kulupu la mi toki a ni: jan mute li toki e lipu lawa ni la,
mi utala kepeken nasin seme. jan lawa li toki e ni:
o kulupu lon ilo kulupu Email kepeken nasin seme: wili pi jan lili awen li pona.
o sinelen e lipu Email tawa taso lipu lawa li ike.
<a href=""></a>. </p>
sina ken kulupu lon ilo kulupu Email.
ilo kulupu la mi toki a ni:
mi utala kepeken nasin seme.
o kulupu e ilo kulupu Email kepeken nasin seme:
o sinelen e lipu Email tawa
<a href=""></a>.
<h4>sona mute</h4> <h4>sona mute</h4>
@ -118,10 +124,12 @@ eu:
lipu lawa tan tenpo ni (2022-09-12)</a> lipu lawa tan tenpo ni (2022-09-12)</a>
&#127468;&#127463; &#127466;&#127482; &#127468;&#127463; &#127466;&#127482;
</li> </li>
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
lipu lawa wile li toki e seme tawa kulupu pi wawa jan pi ilo sona pi ma Tansi (IT-Pol Denmark)?</a> kulupu lawa li wile pali e lipu lawa. lipu lawa wile li toki e seme tawa kulupu IT-Pol Denmark?</a>
&#127465;&#127472; &#127465;&#127472;
</li> </li>
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
sona sin: ma Elopa li wile lukin e sitelen sina ale (tan</a> sona sin: ma Elopa li wile lukin e sitelen sina ale (tan</a>
&#127465;&#127472; &#127465;&#127472;
@ -167,294 +175,13 @@ eu:
sona: Client-Side Scanning</a> sona: Client-Side Scanning</a>
&#127468;&#127463; &#127468;&#127463;
</li> </li>
<li><a href=""> <li><a href="">
lipu lawa Chatcontrol li ike suli tawa ilo sona Open Source lon ma Elopa</a> Chatcontrol is an acute threat against open source in the EU</a>
&#127465;&#127466; &#127465;&#127466;
</li> </li>
<li>jan sona pi ilo len nanpa: -->
<a href=""> </ul>
lipu lawa pi ma Elopa pi nimi Chat Control li monsuta mute tawa mi.
lipu lawa ni li pali e ilo lukin ike pi wawa mute.
ma mi li sona ala e ilo pi wawa ni.</a>
<li><a href="">
lipu weka pi lipu lawa Chat Control pi ma Wensa</a>
<li><a href="">
lipu weka pi lipu lawa Chat Control pi ma Netalan</a>
<a href="">
lipu weka pi lipu lawa Chat Control pi ma Potuke</a>
<li><a href="../slides/bornhack/2023/every_message/talk.html">
sitelen toki tan kulupu Bornhack 2023</a>
kulupu awen pi jan lili pi ma Tosi li toki e ni: lipu lawa Chatcontrol li ike tawa mi.
<a href="../local_copy/apple-letter-to-heat-initiative.pdf">
kulupu mani Apple li toki e ni tawa kulupu awen pi jan lili:
mi o lukin ala e sona len.</a>
<li>jan lawa pi nanpa wan tan kulupu Signal:
<a href="">
"toki pi kulupu mani Appel li moli e sona ike ni:
mi li ken lukin e toki ale li ken awen e sona len.."</a>
<li><a href="">
lipu lawa pi ma Pitan li sama lipu lawa Chat Control.
kulupu lawa pi ma Pitan li wile ala e lipu lawa ni tan ni:
ilo sona wile pi lipu lawa li lon ala.
<li><a href="">
lipu lawa Chat Control li ike tan seme? lipu ni li sitelen e tan mute</a>
<li>tenpo toki tan kulupu Bornhack 2023: <a href="">lipu lawa Chat Control tenpo kama lili li wawa</a>
lipu lawa li pona tawa kulupu lawa pi ma Tansi.
taso lipu lawa li ike tawa kulupu ante ale li.
<li>sona sin:<a
lipu lawa Chat Control li pona tawa jan seme?</a>
kulupu awen Europol li wile lukin e sitelen <b>ale</b>.
sitelen li jo ala e ike tawa jan lili la kulupu awen Europol li wile lukin sin e sitelen.
<li>jan sona pi ilo len nanpa li toki e ni: <a
lipu lawa Chatcontrol li pakala e ilo len End-To-End Encryption"</a>
<li>Berlinske: <a
kulupu lawa pi ma Elopa li wile luken e sona ala tan ni: ona li utala e ike tawa jan lili.
<li>Jyllands-Posten: <a
kulupu lawa pi ma Elopa li wile luken e sona ala tan ni: ona li utala e ike tawa jan lili.</a>
kulupu pi jan pali pi nimi IDA en kulupu ante: <a
lipu lawa pi ma Elopa pi nimi Chat Control li lukin e sona len ale.
kulupu ante li toki e ni tawa kulupu lawa: sina pakala e ale pi lipu suli ma.
<a href="">
kulupu li sitelen e lipu lawa tawa Peter Hummelgaard.
kulupu lawa pi ma Tasi la jan Peter Hummelgaard li jan lawa pi nasin pona sama.
<a href="">
lipu lawa Chatcontrol li toki e seme tawa kulupu Cybernauts</a>
<li>tenpo monsuta:
kulupu lawa pi ma Elopa li kepeken e ilo ike Microtargeting.
ona li pana e sona ike pi lipu lawa Chat Control lon ma linluwi X</a>
<li>jan sona ilo tan ma Netalan li toki e ni:
kulupu lawa li kepeken e toki sewi e toki lawa.
kulupu lawa li alasa e jan li pana e lipu ante tawa jan ante.</a>
<li>kulupu pi sona sin pi nimi Berlinske li toki e ni: <a
lukin pi sona len li pona tawa jan mute tan ni:
kulupu lawa li sona ala e nasin wawa kulupu jan.</a>
<li>jan nasin tan kulupu pi awen sona nanpa pi ma Elopa li toki e ni:
<a href="">
jan ale tan kulupu ante li toki sama e ni: lipu lawa li awen ala e jan lili li monsuta sin.
ma ante lon ma Elopa li toki sama ala e lipu lawa</a>
<li>musi ike: <a
kulupu pali pi nimi Going-Dark li pali lon pimeja</a>
kulupu lawa li alasa e sona lili. sona li toki e ni: jan li wile e nasin Chat Control.
mi wile ala e sona lili taso. mi wile e sona mute.
<a href="">
tenpo sike 2023: pona tawa sona len, ike tawa nasin Chat Control
<li><a href="">
kulupu Thorn li pali e ilo sona. ilo sona ona li ken toki e ni:
lipu ni li ike ala ike tawa jan lili?
kulupu Thorn li toki e ni: tenpo mute la ilo sona li toki pona.
taso ni li lon ala.
ilo sona li pakala mute.</a>
<li><a href="">
kulupu pi ma Elopa pi wawa jan li toki e ni:
o awen e wawa ilo pi nasin End-To-End Encryption</a>
href="">lipu lawa Chat Control pi nanpa wan li awen lon tawa tenpo April 2026</a>
lipu Tosi: <a
vor unseren Augen</a>.
jan seme li ike tawa jan lili?
ona li kepeken e nasin seme?
lipu li toki e ni.
sina kama suna e ni:
kulupu lawa li sona ala a e nasin pi jan ni.
href="">lipu lawa Chat Control pi nanpa sin li toki e seme?</a>
lipu tan jan sona pi nasin len nanpa: <a href="">
lipu lawa Chat Control pi nanpa sin li awen toki e sona pakala</a>
<a href="">
lipu lawa Chat Control tan tenpo 11th of May 2022 tawa tenpo May 2024</a>
<a href="">
lipu lawa Chat Control pi nanpa kama:
jan kepeken li pana e lipu ale la kulupu lawa li ken lukin.
jan kepeken li ken anu taso e ni:
jan ante li lukin anu mi toki ala</a>
<li>kulupu pi nanpa len pi ma ale (Global Encryption Coalition) li toki e ni: <a href="">
lipu lawa Chat Control pona ala e ike tawa jan lili lon ma linluwi.
lipu lawa Chat Control li monsuta tawa jan ale tawa kulupu mani ale tawa kulupu lawa ale.</a>
<a href="">
mi alasa e ike tawa jan lili la mi ken alasa ike.
tenpo pini la alasa ike lili li lon.
tenpo ni la alasa ike mute li lon.</a>
href="">lipu lawa Chat Control: jan li lukin ala la mi esun e soweli</a>
<li><a href="">
ma Mosijo li kama lawa e kulupu lawa Council.
ni la lipu lawa Chat Control li moli ala.</a>
<li><a href="">
nasin "Upload Moderation" li pakala e nasin End-to-End Encryption</a>
lipu tan jan lawa mute: <a href="">
o weka e wile pi lipu lawa Chat Control!</a>
<li><a href="">
jan lawa pi ma Elopa li wile e ni: mi lukin e sona len sina taso mi lukin ala e sona len mi.</a>
<li>jan Edward Snowden li toki: lipu lawa Chat Control li monsuta <a href="">li ken pali e ike suli. lipu lawa li kama luken e sona ale</a>
<li><a href="">
jan seme li pana e "sitelen pi ike tawa jan lili"? mi alasa e jan ken. jan ken mute a li jan lili sin.</a>
<li>kulupu pi ma Elopa pi nimi Going Dark: <a href="">
mi kama jo e nasin lukin len pi kulupu lawa sin</a>
<li>jan pi kulupu lawa pi ma Elopa: <a href="">lipu lawa Chat Control li pakala e nasin len sona nanpa</a>
<li><a href="">jan ala li wile e nasin Chat Control</a>
jan pi lawa lukin (Ombudsman) pi ma Elopa li toki e ni:
<a href="">kulupu lawa li lawa ike</a>
<li><a href="../slides/bornhack/2024/what-comes-next/talk.html">
sitelen tan tenpo toki tan tenpo kulupu Bornhack 2024</a>
<div id="sponsors">
<h4>Supporters of</h4> <h4>Supporters of</h4>
@ -467,9 +194,8 @@ eu:
<li><a href="">kulupu tomo Open Space Aarhus</a></li> <li><a href="">kulupu tomo Open Space Aarhus</a></li>
<li><a href="">jan Patrick Breyer (MEP)</a></li> <li><a href="">jan Patrick Breyer (MEP)</a></li>
<li><a href="">Bornhack</a> <li><a href="">Bornhack</a>
<li>sina sin anu seme?</li> <li>sina ala sina?</li>
</ul> </ul>
</div><!-- end #content --> </div><!-- end #content -->
</div><!-- end center content --> </div><!-- end center content -->