Chat Control - What comes next?

What is chatcontrol?

  • EU law to protect children against sexual abuse in the context of the internet
  • Sounds good? Well, actually...

Let me use a meme ...

Let me use a meme ...

Let me use a meme ...

Let me use a meme ...

That doesn't make any sense?

We need to go back in time to explain this

The internet: Where people post cat pictures and bad stuff


Service providers: Keep a clean house


CSAM = Child sexual abuse material

  • Terminology: "child pornography" sounds too harmless according to some
  • A "child" is any person under the age 18
  • Scope: Digital display of sexual acts and organs that include minors

Not only publicly shared contents



Chatcontrol 1.0 is born

Art. 5(1): Confidentiality of Communications
Art. 6: Confidentiality of traffic data

Chatcontrol 2.0

  • Will supercede the temporary chatcontrol 1.0
  • New: Services must scan when given a detection order
  • Attack on encryption: Communication/original data must be scanned.
  • Fundamental technical and legal problems:
    • Scanning contents not possible without breaking or circumventing encryption
    • Untargeted surveillance not compatible with EU law
    • Lots of experts from different areas say this is a bad idea

Chatcontrol: A logical fallacy

  • CSAM on the internet is a real problem
  • This does not imply that surveillance is the solution
  • It implies that we need to think about meaningful solutions

Meaningful solutions require an understanding of the problem

  • Child sexual abuse is a very difficult topic to talk about
  • Limited public knowledge
  • Legal minefield
  • Very emotional topic (think of the children!)
  • Do politicians understand the reality of the problem?

Reading literature

  • Written by a journalist who reports on crimes in darknets
  • Describes circumstances for child abuse offline and online
  • Explains how predators think and operate

CSAM can be spread under many different circumstances

Trying to get a full picture

  • Criminal pedophiles are a real problem that needs to be addressed
  • About half of the suspects investigated by the police are minors according to German criminal statistics
  • Laws need to take into consideration the side effects they have

Darknet CSAM forums

Achilles heel of CSAM forums: Storage

  • Visual content is expensive: Space and bandwith
  • Donations are risky, because they leave a trail. Very tight budget.
  • The journalist reported all URLs to the file hosters. Very quickly taken offline!
  • URL takedowns contributed significantly to downfall of the CSAM forum.

Why CSAM darknet forums are probably popular

  • Anyone can join (as opposed to closed chat groups)
  • More people can contribute content
  • Content can be downloaded on demand, all local data is volatile
  • Police is not issuing URL takedown requests
  • People can move to another forum if one is taken down and repost URLs

What about end-to-end encryption in private chats?

Criminal pedophiles who chat with other criminal pedophiles ...

  • know they are hated by everyone else
  • apply additional layers of encryption
  • prevent the software or network from reporting any hits

Chatcontrol will be very ineffective here

Back to the legislative process ...

The 3 important EU institutions


The Commission's Chatcontrol 2.0. Proposal

  • Mandatory detection in places on the internet with significant risk of CSA(M)
  • Automatic reporting of hits to EU center (part of Europol)
  • Encrypted communication must also be scanned

Negotiations in the (previous) EU parliament

  • Lots of heated discussions
  • Things that got removed: Untargeted surveillance, client-side scanning, mandatory age verification for communication services, blocking content (delete instead), age restrictions for messenger apps

Negotiations in the EU Council

  • Failure to reach an agreement in the last 2 years
  • Proposal from Commission mostly unchanged
  • Hungary has presidency until end of year

Foul compromise: Upload moderation

  • It's not legal to do mass scanning
  • Get permission from people to have their messages scanned

πŸ‘‰οΈ URL scanning implies text scanning

Next step: The Trilogue

  • Council finds compromise πŸ‘‰οΈ Council, Parliament and Commission need to find an overarching compromise
  • Trilogue not visible to the public
  • Afterwards: Additional readings in parliament and council and potential adoption if there is enough agreement

The public and chatcontrol

  • Much public criticism from digital right groups and the pirate party
  • Several letters from world-leading cryptographers explaining that this is a terrible idea
  • Statement from the german Kinderschutzbund that they don't think that chatcontrol helps children
  • EDRi: Is this the most criticised draft EU law of all time?

Ashton Kutcher

  • American TV Star
  • Founded "NGO" Thorn. A software company to fight human trafficking and other abuse
  • Has easy access to Commission


Hashes as indicators

  • Chatcontrol proposal: "the EU Centre will create, maintain and operate databases of indicators of online child sexual abuse that providers will be required to use to comply with the detection obligations."
  • Hashes ("Indicators") are inherently tied to a (possibly proprietary) algorithm
  • If scanning becomes mandatory, there are only very few software companies that can provide scanning software

Commission does not adhere to good administrative standards

  • Austria complained to EU ombudsman that not all meeting documents with Thorn were published
  • Commission argues that "disclosure would undermine the comercial interests of the organisations concerned"
  • Ombudman's Assessment: The law would very likely affect citizen's day-to-day life by limiting their right to privacy and that is why public discourse about these documents is meaningful.


Ashton Kutcher resigns from Thorn

Writing a letter of support for a rapist didn't end well

A new EU commission?

  • Current Commission will stay in office until around the end of the year
  • Ursula von der LeyenπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ got reelected yesterday and will rule for another 5 years
  • Ylva JohanssonπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ will very likely be replaced by Jessika RoswallπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ

What to do now?

  • Keep talking about it. We need more media coverage!
  • Support organisations that fight for digital rights.
  • Suggest meaningful child protection on the internet

Meaningful child protection on the internet

  • Anonymity is a virtue on the internet, especially for children.
  • Education for teachers, parents & children about (online) abuse
  • Sexual abuse is usually a question of power assymetry.
    Empowerment of potential victims helps prevention!
  • Make it less taboo to talk about the risk of child abuse
  • The police should delete content!
  • Minors need to learn that sharing other's nudes, is neither funny nor okay

Meaningful use of AI for child protection

  • Detect when the user wants to upload nudes and inform the user why this might be a bad idea (client-side)
  • Detect grooming/sextortion and inform the user (client-side)
  • Do NOT automatically send data to the authorities.
    -> Let user actively report or block instead
  • Make your voice sound older with an AI


Apple tried to develop similar hashing software but gave up

hash of real CSAM: 59a34eabe31910abfb06f308

Hash collisions are impossible to avoid, because we try to project an infinite space into a finite one.

Upcoming dates

  • 10-11 October 2024: Planned presentation of Council Presidency progress report and discussion of EU interior ministers on mandatory chat control (chat control 2.0)
  • 12-13 December 2024: EU interior ministers scheduled to adopt mandatory chat control (chat control 2.0) position
  • tbc: Envisaged trilogue negotiations on the final text of the Chatcontrol 2.0 legislation between Commission, Parliament and Council, as well as adoption of the result

Info from

TODO: Author is experienced in reporting on the darknet Much abuse has an offline element and potentially no online element What information is the commission using to make decisions? Some abusers care about power and not pedophelia

Red: Illegal intent Black: Legal intent Yellow: Legal pedophilic intent Below the surface: Not affected by chatcontrol

technologically neutral. Not requirements to scan a certain way but the scanning must be effective. Official name: Laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse

current comparison of negotiation states: A lot of positions of the council are the same as the commission

Still legally questionable if it is a true approval - Scanning URLs implies scanning text meant to be encrypted - Deleting known CSAM-URLs would be a better idea

- "That 70s show" co-star Danny Masterson on trial for rape - After writing a character letter in support to him, there was a huge public outcry - Kutcher published an apology video that was very poorly received - Kutcher resigned from Thorn