# My dotfiles This is a collection of some of my dotfiles for my Linux systems. These work on Artix, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu and Termux (Android). To install: ```console $ git clone https://git.data.coop/samsapti/dotfiles.git $ cd dotfiles $ ./install.sh ``` Note that I use `doas` instead of `sudo` (only on Artix). If you prefer `sudo`, then change all instances of `doas` to `sudo`, or simply create a symlink `doas` pointing to `sudo`: ```console sudo ln -s $(which sudo) /usr/bin/doas ``` ### Notes - You need to make `doas`/`sudo` rules that allow you to execute, `poweroff` and `reboot` (and additionally `ivpn-service` and `pkill "^ivpn-service$"` if you use IVPN) without a password, otherwise the keybindings and scripts for those won't work. - The install script requires GNU Stow to work. - Make sure to thoroughly examine these dotfiles and change them to your needs before using them. - See the READMEs in the individual subfolders here for special notes. - I use `dash` instead of `sh` or `bash` for my shell scripts. As such, all my scripts try to be as POSIX compliant as possible. If you don't want to use `dash`, you can change the shebang in the scripts to `#!/bin/sh` or `#!/bin/bash`. ## License The [Unlicense](https://git.data.coop/samsapti/dotfiles/src/branch/main/LICENSE).