#!/bin/sh echo "Configuring directories..." cd -- "$(dirname -- $0)" ZDOTDIR="$HOME/.config/zsh" mkdir -p "$ZDOTDIR" # Symlink only the individual files instead of the entire directory sleep 0.5 echo "Creating the symlinks with stow..." for dir in * do [ -d "$dir" ] && stow -t "$HOME" --ignore="README.md" "$dir" done sleep 0.5 echo "Making scripts executable..." chmod +x scripts/.local/bin/clear-clipboard.sh chmod +x scripts/.local/bin/update.sh chmod +x scripts/.local/bin/vfio.sh chmod +x sway/.config/sway/autostart.sh chmod +x waybar/.config/waybar/ivpn-reconnect.sh chmod +x waybar/.config/waybar/ivpn-status.sh chmod +x waybar/.config/waybar/mediaplayer.py sleep 0.5 echo "Done!"