2022-10-08 15:46:58 +02:00

42 lines
1.2 KiB

# vi: ft=swayconfig
### GENERAL ###
# Window focus doesn't follow mouse
focus_follows_mouse no
# Mouse doesn't move to workspace on workspace change
mouse_warping none
# Automatic back-and-forth when switching to the current workspace
workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
# Workspace 10 always on second monitor (I use this for Spotify, feel free to change)
workspace 10 output "DP-2"
# Browser screenshare dialog
for_window [title="is sharing your screen.$"] border none,
# Fix Brave PWAs inhibiting keyboard shortcuts
for_window [app_id="^brave-.*-.*$"] shortcuts_inhibitor disable,
# Config for application launcher
for_window [app_id="^launcher$"] floating enable, resize set 25 ppt 55 ppt, border pixel 4
# KeePassXC-Browser popup
for_window [title="^Unlock Database - KeePassXC$"] floating enable, resize set 40 ppt 55 ppt,
# Nextcloud main status window
for_window [title="^Nextcloud$"] floating enable, border none,
# Tor Browser
for_window [app_id="^Tor Browser$"] title_format %app_id,
for_window [title="^About Tor Browser$"] floating enable,
for_window [title="about:blank.*Tor Browser"] floating enable,
# Yubico Authenticator
for_window [app_id="^$"] floating enable, resize set 15 ppt 55 ppt,