# vim: ft=yaml.ansible --- - name: Create IPFS Kubo volume directories ansible.builtin.file: name: "{{ dir }}" owner: root mode: u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx state: directory loop: - "{{ services.ipfs.volume }}/data" - "{{ services.ipfs.volume }}/staging" loop_control: loop_var: dir - name: Copy ipfs-config.sh ansible.builtin.copy: src: ipfs/ipfs-config.sh dest: "{{ services.ipfs.volume }}/ipfs-config.sh" owner: root mode: u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx - name: Deploy IPFS Kubo Docker container community.docker.docker_container: name: ipfs_kubo state: "{{ 'absent' if down is defined and down else 'started' }}" restart: "{{ restart is defined and restart }}" recreate: "{{ recreate is defined and recreate }}" image: ipfs/kubo:{{ services.ipfs.version }} restart_policy: always default_host_ip: '' env: IPFS_DOMAIN: "{{ services.ipfs.gateway_domain }}" IPFS_PROFILE: server LOCAL_DOMAIN: "{{ services.ipfs.domain }}" networks: - name: services aliases: - ipfs_kubo volumes: - "{{ services.ipfs.volume }}/ipfs-config.sh:/container-init.d/ipfs-config.sh:ro" - "{{ services.ipfs.volume }}/data:/data/ipfs:rw" - "{{ services.ipfs.volume }}/staging:/export:rw" published_ports: - 4001:4001/tcp - 4001:4001/udp