--- title: "Contact Information" --- ## Email My primary email address is [sam@sapti.me](mailto:sam@sapti.me). My student email address is [sals@itu.dk](mailto:sals@itu.dk). Only use this email address for study related communication. If you want to send me encrypted emails or verify my signatures, my public PGP key is [here](/keys/). ## Matrix My Matrix user is [@samsapti:envs.net](https://matrix.to/#/@samsapti:envs.net). ![Matrix user QR code](/images/matrix.png) If you want to message me securely, please verify my sessions below: * Element Web ```txt Session ID: WXFXCECMXX Session key: qx5r EhHy 7/sn zxPH r6kc y+4L td/i MAVj Alnv dT+5 zVM ``` * Element Android ``` Session ID: INRTGVCLVV Session key: p0TX KMti mTii eKWn VcYU SuAg 1VPB J+TO /liF 9GpS onA ``` ## Signal I use Signal for messaging as well. If you have my number, feel free to message me there. If not, you can get it by contacting me via email or Matrix.