Preparing the HTML embed ------------------------ If your handle on mastodon is @superman@fortitude.fortress the remote follow portal page is this: https://fortitude.fortress/users/superman/remote_follow In the following HTML snippet to embed on your site replace {uri} with your remote_follow link corresponding to what was just explained.
Next decide on the icon you want to use: mastodon-follow-dark-da.svg mastodon-follow-dark-en.svg mastodon-follow-dark.svg mastodon-follow-light-da.svg mastodon-follow-light-en.svg mastodon-follow-light.svg This is the icon you upload to somewhere on your site. Replace {icon} with the path to your icon in the above HTML snippet. You can adjust the image size in the style attribute as appropriate for your site. Insert the HTML snippet in the place where you want the button on your page. I have prepared variants of the script to match the icons. Pick the appropriate one and upload it to your site. Replace {script} in the snippet below and insert it in the of your website. IMPORTANT: Remember to change the account and portal settings to point to your mastodon account. You can change the link that "Create account" points to in the create_url setting and easily translate the strings to other languages. Implementation notes -------------------- The script reserves the following globals: HTML/CSS: #mastodonfollow input[name="mastodon-handle"] .mastodon-follow-container .mastodon-follow-title .mastodon-follow-input .mastodon-follow-button JS: var mastodon_follow_settings var mastodon_follow_strings var mastodon_follow_container function mastodon_follow_create_style function mastodon_follow_go function mastodon_follow_lookup function mastodon_follow_show Bugs ---- Report bugs to License: Zlib