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package Cwd;
use strict;
use Exporter;
$VERSION = '3.30';
my $xs_version = $VERSION;
@ISA = qw/ Exporter /;
@EXPORT = qw(cwd getcwd fastcwd fastgetcwd);
push @EXPORT, qw(getdcwd) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
@EXPORT_OK = qw(chdir abs_path fast_abs_path realpath fast_realpath);
# sys_cwd may keep the builtin command
# All the functionality of this module may provided by builtins,
# there is no sense to process the rest of the file.
# The best choice may be to have this in BEGIN, but how to return from BEGIN?
if ($^O eq 'os2') {
local $^W = 0;
*cwd = defined &sys_cwd ? \&sys_cwd : \&_os2_cwd;
*getcwd = \&cwd;
*fastgetcwd = \&cwd;
*fastcwd = \&cwd;
*fast_abs_path = \&sys_abspath if defined &sys_abspath;
*abs_path = \&fast_abs_path;
*realpath = \&fast_abs_path;
*fast_realpath = \&fast_abs_path;
return 1;
# Need to look up the feature settings on VMS. The preferred way is to use the
# VMS::Feature module, but that may not be available to dual life modules.
my $use_vms_feature;
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
if (eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require VMS::Feature; }) {
$use_vms_feature = 1;
# Need to look up the UNIX report mode. This may become a dynamic mode
# in the future.
sub _vms_unix_rpt {
my $unix_rpt;
if ($use_vms_feature) {
$unix_rpt = VMS::Feature::current("filename_unix_report");
} else {
my $env_unix_rpt = $ENV{'DECC$FILENAME_UNIX_REPORT'} || '';
$unix_rpt = $env_unix_rpt =~ /^[ET1]/i;
return $unix_rpt;
# Need to look up the EFS character set mode. This may become a dynamic
# mode in the future.
sub _vms_efs {
my $efs;
if ($use_vms_feature) {
$efs = VMS::Feature::current("efs_charset");
} else {
my $env_efs = $ENV{'DECC$EFS_CHARSET'} || '';
$efs = $env_efs =~ /^[ET1]/i;
return $efs;
# If loading the XS stuff doesn't work, we can fall back to pure perl
eval {
if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load( __PACKAGE__, $xs_version);
} else {
require DynaLoader;
push @ISA, 'DynaLoader';
__PACKAGE__->bootstrap( $xs_version );
# Must be after the DynaLoader stuff:
# Big nasty table of function aliases
VMS =>
cwd => '_vms_cwd',
getcwd => '_vms_cwd',
fastcwd => '_vms_cwd',
fastgetcwd => '_vms_cwd',
abs_path => '_vms_abs_path',
fast_abs_path => '_vms_abs_path',
MSWin32 =>
# We assume that &_NT_cwd is defined as an XSUB or in the core.
cwd => '_NT_cwd',
getcwd => '_NT_cwd',
fastcwd => '_NT_cwd',
fastgetcwd => '_NT_cwd',
abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
realpath => 'fast_abs_path',
dos =>
cwd => '_dos_cwd',
getcwd => '_dos_cwd',
fastgetcwd => '_dos_cwd',
fastcwd => '_dos_cwd',
abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
# QNX4. QNX6 has a $os of 'nto'.
qnx =>
cwd => '_qnx_cwd',
getcwd => '_qnx_cwd',
fastgetcwd => '_qnx_cwd',
fastcwd => '_qnx_cwd',
abs_path => '_qnx_abs_path',
fast_abs_path => '_qnx_abs_path',
cygwin =>
getcwd => 'cwd',
fastgetcwd => 'cwd',
fastcwd => 'cwd',
abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
realpath => 'fast_abs_path',
epoc =>
cwd => '_epoc_cwd',
getcwd => '_epoc_cwd',
fastgetcwd => '_epoc_cwd',
fastcwd => '_epoc_cwd',
abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
MacOS =>
getcwd => 'cwd',
fastgetcwd => 'cwd',
fastcwd => 'cwd',
abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
# Find the pwd command in the expected locations. We assume these
# are safe. This prevents _backtick_pwd() consulting $ENV{PATH}
# so everything works under taint mode.
my $pwd_cmd;
foreach my $try ('/bin/pwd',
'/QOpenSys/bin/pwd', # OS/400 PASE.
) {
if( -x $try ) {
$pwd_cmd = $try;
my $found_pwd_cmd = defined($pwd_cmd);
unless ($pwd_cmd) {
# Isn't this wrong? _backtick_pwd() will fail if somenone has
# pwd in their path but it is not /bin/pwd or /usr/bin/pwd?
# See [perl #16774]. --jhi
$pwd_cmd = 'pwd';
# Lazy-load Carp
sub _carp { require Carp; Carp::carp(@_) }
sub _croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_) }
# The 'natural and safe form' for UNIX (pwd may be setuid root)
sub _backtick_pwd {
# Localize %ENV entries in a way that won't create new hash keys
my @localize = grep exists $ENV{$_}, qw(PATH IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV);
local @ENV{@localize};
my $cwd = `$pwd_cmd`;
# Belt-and-suspenders in case someone said "undef $/".
local $/ = "\n";
# `pwd` may fail e.g. if the disk is full
chomp($cwd) if defined $cwd;
# Since some ports may predefine cwd internally (e.g., NT)
# we take care not to override an existing definition for cwd().
unless ($METHOD_MAP{$^O}{cwd} or defined &cwd) {
# The pwd command is not available in some chroot(2)'ed environments
my $sep = $Config::Config{path_sep} || ':';
my $os = $^O; # Protect $^O from tainting
# Try again to find a pwd, this time searching the whole PATH.
if (defined $ENV{PATH} and $os ne 'MSWin32') { # no pwd on Windows
my @candidates = split($sep, $ENV{PATH});
while (!$found_pwd_cmd and @candidates) {
my $candidate = shift @candidates;
$found_pwd_cmd = 1 if -x "$candidate/pwd";
# MacOS has some special magic to make `pwd` work.
if( $os eq 'MacOS' || $found_pwd_cmd )
*cwd = \&_backtick_pwd;
else {
*cwd = \&getcwd;
if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
# We need to make sure cwd() is called with no args, because it's
# got an arg-less prototype and will die if args are present.
local $^W = 0;
my $orig_cwd = \&cwd;
*cwd = sub { &$orig_cwd() }
# set a reasonable (and very safe) default for fastgetcwd, in case it
# isn't redefined later (20001212 rspier)
*fastgetcwd = \&cwd;
# A non-XS version of getcwd() - also used to bootstrap the perl build
# process, when miniperl is running and no XS loading happens.
sub _perl_getcwd
# By John Bazik
# Usage: $cwd = &fastcwd;
# This is a faster version of getcwd. It's also more dangerous because
# you might chdir out of a directory that you can't chdir back into.
sub fastcwd_ {
my($odev, $oino, $cdev, $cino, $tdev, $tino);
my(@path, $path);
my($orig_cdev, $orig_cino) = stat('.');
($cdev, $cino) = ($orig_cdev, $orig_cino);
for (;;) {
my $direntry;
($odev, $oino) = ($cdev, $cino);
CORE::chdir('..') || return undef;
($cdev, $cino) = stat('.');
last if $odev == $cdev && $oino == $cino;
opendir(DIR, '.') || return undef;
for (;;) {
$direntry = readdir(DIR);
last unless defined $direntry;
next if $direntry eq '.';
next if $direntry eq '..';
($tdev, $tino) = lstat($direntry);
last unless $tdev != $odev || $tino != $oino;
return undef unless defined $direntry; # should never happen
unshift(@path, $direntry);
$path = '/' . join('/', @path);
if ($^O eq 'apollo') { $path = "/".$path; }
# At this point $path may be tainted (if tainting) and chdir would fail.
# Untaint it then check that we landed where we started.
$path =~ /^(.*)\z/s # untaint
&& CORE::chdir($1) or return undef;
($cdev, $cino) = stat('.');
die "Unstable directory path, current directory changed unexpectedly"
if $cdev != $orig_cdev || $cino != $orig_cino;
if (not defined &fastcwd) { *fastcwd = \&fastcwd_ }
# Keeps track of current working directory in PWD environment var
# Usage:
# use Cwd 'chdir';
# chdir $newdir;
my $chdir_init = 0;
sub chdir_init {
if ($ENV{'PWD'} and $^O ne 'os2' and $^O ne 'dos' and $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
my($dd,$di) = stat('.');
my($pd,$pi) = stat($ENV{'PWD'});
if (!defined $dd or !defined $pd or $di != $pi or $dd != $pd) {
$ENV{'PWD'} = cwd();
else {
my $wd = cwd();
$wd = Win32::GetFullPathName($wd) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
$ENV{'PWD'} = $wd;
# Strip an automounter prefix (where /tmp_mnt/foo/bar == /foo/bar)
if ($^O ne 'MSWin32' and $ENV{'PWD'} =~ m|(/[^/]+(/[^/]+/[^/]+))(.*)|s) {
my($pd,$pi) = stat($2);
my($dd,$di) = stat($1);
if (defined $pd and defined $dd and $di == $pi and $dd == $pd) {
$chdir_init = 1;
sub chdir {
my $newdir = @_ ? shift : ''; # allow for no arg (chdir to HOME dir)
$newdir =~ s|///*|/|g unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
chdir_init() unless $chdir_init;
my $newpwd;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
# get the full path name *before* the chdir()
$newpwd = Win32::GetFullPathName($newdir);
return 0 unless CORE::chdir $newdir;
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
return $ENV{'PWD'} = $ENV{'DEFAULT'}
elsif ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
return $ENV{'PWD'} = cwd();
elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$ENV{'PWD'} = $newpwd;
return 1;
if (ref $newdir eq 'GLOB') { # in case a file/dir handle is passed in
$ENV{'PWD'} = cwd();
} elsif ($newdir =~ m#^/#s) {
$ENV{'PWD'} = $newdir;
} else {
my @curdir = split(m#/#,$ENV{'PWD'});
@curdir = ('') unless @curdir;
my $component;
foreach $component (split(m#/#, $newdir)) {
next if $component eq '.';
pop(@curdir),next if $component eq '..';
$ENV{'PWD'} = join('/',@curdir) || '/';
sub _perl_abs_path
my $start = @_ ? shift : '.';
my($dotdots, $cwd, @pst, @cst, $dir, @tst);
unless (@cst = stat( $start ))
_carp("stat($start): $!");
return '';
unless (-d _) {
# Make sure we can be invoked on plain files, not just directories.
# NOTE that this routine assumes that '/' is the only directory separator.
my ($dir, $file) = $start =~ m{^(.*)/(.+)$}
or return cwd() . '/' . $start;
# Can't use "-l _" here, because the previous stat was a stat(), not an lstat().
if (-l $start) {
my $link_target = readlink($start);
die "Can't resolve link $start: $!" unless defined $link_target;
require File::Spec;
$link_target = $dir . '/' . $link_target
unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($link_target);
return abs_path($link_target);
return $dir ? abs_path($dir) . "/$file" : "/$file";
$cwd = '';
$dotdots = $start;
$dotdots .= '/..';
@pst = @cst;
local *PARENT;
unless (opendir(PARENT, $dotdots))
# probably a permissions issue. Try the native command.
return File::Spec->rel2abs( $start, _backtick_pwd() );
unless (@cst = stat($dotdots))
_carp("stat($dotdots): $!");
return '';
if ($pst[0] == $cst[0] && $pst[1] == $cst[1])
$dir = undef;
unless (defined ($dir = readdir(PARENT)))
_carp("readdir($dotdots): $!");
return '';
$tst[0] = $pst[0]+1 unless (@tst = lstat("$dotdots/$dir"))
while ($dir eq '.' || $dir eq '..' || $tst[0] != $pst[0] ||
$tst[1] != $pst[1]);
$cwd = (defined $dir ? "$dir" : "" ) . "/$cwd" ;
} while (defined $dir);
chop($cwd) unless $cwd eq '/'; # drop the trailing /
my $Curdir;
sub fast_abs_path {
local $ENV{PWD} = $ENV{PWD} || ''; # Guard against clobberage
my $cwd = getcwd();
require File::Spec;
my $path = @_ ? shift : ($Curdir ||= File::Spec->curdir);
# Detaint else we'll explode in taint mode. This is safe because
# we're not doing anything dangerous with it.
($path) = $path =~ /(.*)/;
($cwd) = $cwd =~ /(.*)/;
unless (-e $path) {
_croak("$path: No such file or directory");
unless (-d _) {
# Make sure we can be invoked on plain files, not just directories.
my ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($path);
return File::Spec->catfile($cwd, $path) unless length $dir;
if (-l $path) {
my $link_target = readlink($path);
die "Can't resolve link $path: $!" unless defined $link_target;
$link_target = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, $link_target)
unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($link_target);
return fast_abs_path($link_target);
return $dir eq File::Spec->rootdir
? File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, $file)
: fast_abs_path(File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, '')) . '/' . $file;
if (!CORE::chdir($path)) {
_croak("Cannot chdir to $path: $!");
my $realpath = getcwd();
if (! ((-d $cwd) && (CORE::chdir($cwd)))) {
_croak("Cannot chdir back to $cwd: $!");
# added function alias to follow principle of least surprise
# based on previous aliasing. --tchrist 27-Jan-00
*fast_realpath = \&fast_abs_path;
# VMS: $ENV{'DEFAULT'} points to default directory at all times
# 06-Mar-1996 Charles Bailey
# Note: Use of Cwd::chdir() causes the logical name PWD to be defined
# in the process logical name table as the default device and directory
# seen by Perl. This may not be the same as the default device
# and directory seen by DCL after Perl exits, since the effects
# the CRTL chdir() function persist only until Perl exits.
sub _vms_cwd {
return $ENV{'DEFAULT'};
sub _vms_abs_path {
return $ENV{'DEFAULT'} unless @_;
my $path = shift;
my $efs = _vms_efs;
my $unix_rpt = _vms_unix_rpt;
if (defined &VMS::Filespec::vmsrealpath) {
my $path_unix = 0;
my $path_vms = 0;
$path_unix = 1 if ($path =~ m#(?<=\^)/#);
$path_unix = 1 if ($path =~ /^\.\.?$/);
$path_vms = 1 if ($path =~ m#[\[<\]]#);
$path_vms = 1 if ($path =~ /^--?$/);
my $unix_mode = $path_unix;
if ($efs) {
# In case of a tie, the Unix report mode decides.
if ($path_vms == $path_unix) {
$unix_mode = $unix_rpt;
} else {
$unix_mode = 0 if $path_vms;
if ($unix_mode) {
# Unix format
return VMS::Filespec::unixrealpath($path);
# VMS format
my $new_path = VMS::Filespec::vmsrealpath($path);
# Perl expects directories to be in directory format
$new_path = VMS::Filespec::pathify($new_path) if -d $path;
return $new_path;
# Fallback to older algorithm if correct ones are not
# available.
if (-l $path) {
my $link_target = readlink($path);
die "Can't resolve link $path: $!" unless defined $link_target;
return _vms_abs_path($link_target);
# may need to turn foo.dir into [.foo]
my $pathified = VMS::Filespec::pathify($path);
$path = $pathified if defined $pathified;
return VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($path);
sub _os2_cwd {
$ENV{'PWD'} = `cmd /c cd`;
chomp $ENV{'PWD'};
$ENV{'PWD'} =~ s:\\:/:g ;
return $ENV{'PWD'};
sub _win32_cwd {
if (defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader) {
$ENV{'PWD'} = Win32::GetCwd();
else { # miniperl
chomp($ENV{'PWD'} = `cd`);
$ENV{'PWD'} =~ s:\\:/:g ;
return $ENV{'PWD'};
*_NT_cwd = defined &Win32::GetCwd ? \&_win32_cwd : \&_os2_cwd;
sub _dos_cwd {
if (!defined &Dos::GetCwd) {
$ENV{'PWD'} = `command /c cd`;
chomp $ENV{'PWD'};
$ENV{'PWD'} =~ s:\\:/:g ;
} else {
$ENV{'PWD'} = Dos::GetCwd();
return $ENV{'PWD'};
sub _qnx_cwd {
local $ENV{PATH} = '';
local $ENV{CDPATH} = '';
local $ENV{ENV} = '';
$ENV{'PWD'} = `/usr/bin/fullpath -t`;
chomp $ENV{'PWD'};
return $ENV{'PWD'};
sub _qnx_abs_path {
local $ENV{PATH} = '';
local $ENV{CDPATH} = '';
local $ENV{ENV} = '';
my $path = @_ ? shift : '.';
local *REALPATH;
defined( open(REALPATH, '-|') || exec '/usr/bin/fullpath', '-t', $path ) or
die "Can't open /usr/bin/fullpath: $!";
my $realpath = <REALPATH>;
chomp $realpath;
return $realpath;
sub _epoc_cwd {
$ENV{'PWD'} = EPOC::getcwd();
return $ENV{'PWD'};
# Now that all the base-level functions are set up, alias the
# user-level functions to the right places
if (exists $METHOD_MAP{$^O}) {
my $map = $METHOD_MAP{$^O};
foreach my $name (keys %$map) {
local $^W = 0; # assignments trigger 'subroutine redefined' warning
no strict 'refs';
*{$name} = \&{$map->{$name}};
# In case the XS version doesn't load.
*abs_path = \&_perl_abs_path unless defined &abs_path;
*getcwd = \&_perl_getcwd unless defined &getcwd;
# added function alias for those of us more
# used to the libc function. --tchrist 27-Jan-00
*realpath = \&abs_path;