
148 lines
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2014-07-21 15:07:48 +00:00
echo TODO
## echo '### Test --trc --basefile --/./--foo7 :/./:foo8 " "/./" "foo9 ./foo11/./foo11'
par_--onall_--plus ### Test --plus is respected with --onall/--nonall
par_--onall_--plus lo
par_--onall_--plus lo
par_PARALLEL_SSH_function ### use function as $PARALLEL_SSH
par_PARALLEL_SSH_function Run through FOOSSH?
par_csh_variable_newline ### Can csh propagate a variable containing \n
par_csh_variable_newline 1
par_csh_variable_newline 2
par_csh_variable_newline 3
par_filename_colon ### test filename :
par_filename_colon remote-:.:
par_filename_colon content-of-:
par_files_nonall ### bug #40002: --files and --nonall seem not to work together:
par_files_nonall 1
par_hgrp_agrp ### Test --hgrp {hgrp} {agrp}
par_joblog_nonall ### bug #40001: --joblog and --nonall seem not to work together:
par_joblog_nonall 3
par_onall_transfer ### bug #46519: --onall ignores --transfer
par_onall_transfer bug46519.a
par_onall_transfer bug46519.b
par_onall_transfer bug46519.c
par_onall_transfer bug46519.a
par_onall_transfer bug46519.b
par_onall_transfer bug46519.c
par_onall_transfer bug46519.aa
par_onall_transfer bug46519.bbb
par_onall_transfer bug46519.ccc
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access 'bug46519.aa': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access '': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access '': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access 'bug46519.bbb': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access '': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access 'bug46519.ccc': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access 'bug46519.aa': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access '': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access '': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access 'bug46519.bbb': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access '': No such file or directory
par_onall_transfer ls: cannot access 'bug46519.ccc': No such file or directory
par_pipe_unneeded_spawn ### Test bug #34241: --pipe should not spawn unneeded processes
par_pipe_unneeded_spawn 1
par_pipe_unneeded_spawn 2
par_pipe_unneeded_spawn Block_end
par_pipe_unneeded_spawn 3
par_pipe_unneeded_spawn 4
par_pipe_unneeded_spawn Block_end
par_pipe_unneeded_spawn 5
par_pipe_unneeded_spawn Block_end
par_remote_load ### Test --load remote
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: perl -e 'while(1){ }'
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: perl -e 'while(1){ }'
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: perl -e 'while(1){ }'
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: perl -e 'while(1){ }'
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: perl -e 'while(1){ }'
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: perl -e 'while(1){ }'
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: perl -e 'while(1){ }'
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: perl -e 'while(1){ }'
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: perl -e 'while(1){ }'
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_remote_load parallel: Warning: perl -e 'while(1){ }'
par_remote_load OK
par_remote_nice ### Test --nice remote
2021-04-22 16:20:41 +00:00
par_remote_nice ssh lo -- exec 'perl -e '"'"'$ENV{"PARALLEL_PID"}="XXXXX";$ENV{"PARALLEL_SEQ"}="1";$ENV{"PARALLEL_SSHLOGIN"}="lo";$ENV{"PARALLEL_SSHHOST"}="lo";$ENV{"PARALLEL_JOBSLOT"}="1";$bashfunc = "";@ARGV="PAR=a bash -c \"echo \\\$PAR b\"";$shell="$ENV{SHELL}";$tmpdir="/tmp/parallel-local-ssh1-tmpdir";$nice=1;$termseq="";do{$ENV{PARALLEL_TMP}=$tmpdir."/par".join"",map{(0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(62)]}(1..5);}while(-e$ENV{PARALLEL_TMP});$SIG{CHLD}=sub{$done=1;};$pid=fork;unless($pid){eval{setpgrp};eval{setpriority(0,0,$nice)};exec$shell,"-c",($bashfunc."@ARGV");die"exec:$!\n";}my$parent=getppid;do{$s=$s<1?0.001+$s*1.03:$s;select(undef,undef,undef,$s);}until($done||getppid!=$parent);if(not$done){my@term_seq=split/,/,$termseq;if(not@term_seq){@term_seq=("TERM",200,"TERM",100,"TERM",50,"KILL",25);}while(@term_seq&&kill(0,-$pid)){kill(shift@term_seq,-$pid);select(undef,undef,undef,(shift@term_seq)/1000);}}wait;exit($?&127?128+($?&127):1+$?>>8)'"'";
par_remote_nice a b
par_ssh ### use --ssh
par_ssh Run through BARSSH?
par_ssh BARSSH
par_stop_if_no_hosts_left ### Stop if all hosts are filtered and there are no hosts left to run on
par_stop_if_no_hosts_left parallel: Warning: Removed
par_stop_if_no_hosts_left parallel: Error: Cannot run any jobs.
par_trc_colon ### Test --trc ./:dir/:foo2
par_trc_colon Content :dir/:foo2
par_trc_colon remote1
par_trc_colon Content :dir/:foo2
par_trc_colon remote2
par_trc_colondot ### Test --trc ./:/./:foo5
par_trc_colondot Content :a/./:foo5
par_trc_colondot remote./:a/./:foo5
par_trc_dashdash ### Test --trc ./--/--foo1
par_trc_dashdash Content --/--foo1
par_trc_dashdash remote1
par_trc_dashdash Content --/--foo1
par_trc_dashdash remote2
par_trc_dashdashdashspace ### Test --trc "/tmp/./--- /A" "/tmp/./ ---/B"
par_trc_dashdashdashspace ./ ---/B.a
par_trc_dashdashdashspace ./--- /A.a
par_trc_dashdashdashspace ls: No match.
par_trc_dashdashdashspace ls: cannot access './?---': No such file or directory
par_trc_dashdashdashspace ls: cannot access './---?': No such file or directory
par_trc_dashdashdashspace OK
par_trc_dashdashdashspace OK
par_trc_dashdashdot ### Test --trc ./--/./--foo4
par_trc_dashdashdot Content --/./--foo4
par_trc_dashdashdot remote--/./--foo4
par_trc_dashdashspace ### Test --trc "-- " "-- "
par_trc_dashdashspace ./ --.a
par_trc_dashdashspace ./-- .a
par_trc_dashdashspace OK
par_trc_dashdashspace ls: cannot access './ --': No such file or directory
par_trc_dashdashspace OK
par_trc_dashdashspace ls: cannot access './ --': No such file or directory
par_trc_dashdashspace OK
par_trc_dashdashspace ls: cannot access './-- ': No such file or directory
par_trc_dashdashspace OK
par_trc_dashdashspace ls: cannot access './-- ': No such file or directory
par_trc_dashdashspace OK
par_trc_dashdashspace ls: cannot access './ --.a': No such file or directory
par_trc_dashdashspace OK
par_trc_dashdashspace ls: cannot access './ --.a': No such file or directory
par_trc_dashdashspace OK
par_trc_dashdashspace ls: cannot access './-- .a': No such file or directory
par_trc_dashdashspace OK
par_trc_dashdashspace ls: cannot access './-- .a': No such file or directory
par_trc_space ### Test --trc ./" "/" "foo3
par_trc_space Content _/_foo3
par_trc_space remote1
par_trc_space Content _/_foo3
par_trc_space remote2
par_trc_spacedot ### Test --trc ./" "/./" "foo6
par_trc_spacedot Content _/./_foo6
par_trc_spacedot remote./ /./ foo6
par_wd_dashdash ### Test --wd --
par_wd_dashdash OK
par_wd_dotdotdot ### Test --wd ... --cleanup which should remove the filled tmp dir
par_wd_dotdotdot echo >uNiQuE_sTrInG.6
par_wd_quote ### Test --wd "'"
par_wd_quote OK
par_wd_space ### Test --wd " "
par_wd_space OK
par_workdir_home ### bug #40132: FreeBSD: --workdir . gives warning if . == $HOME
par_workdir_home ~