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2010-12-21 20:10:44 +00:00
* GNU niceload is now part of GNU Parallel. GNU niceload slows down a
program if the load average is above a certain limit.
* Implemented --tmpdir to buffer standard output and standard error in
a different place.
* Implemented --load to wait until the load is below a limit before
starting another job on that computer.
* Implemented --nice set the niceness of jobs running both locally and
* Implemented --dry-run to print the job without running it.
* Implemented --tty as the old default of assigning a tty to the first
job causes problems.
* Review with focus on clusters. Thanks to Taylor Gillespie
* Review with focus on protein similarity.
* Review in Spanish.
* Quite a few bug fixes and man page updates.
* Implemented {/} for the input line with the path removed (basename).
* Implemented {/.} for the input line with extension and path removed
* Output from --progress is now sent to standard error instead of
standard output.
* --eta was broken and counted down from 0. Now fixed.
* Standard output and standard error are flushed after every job so if
standard output does not end with a newline it will still be grouped
with the rest of standard output.
* --command, -c, --file, and -f are now removed as options. They were
never used in practice.
* GetOptionsFromArray rewritten to work with old Perl libraries.
* The file COPYING now contains the GNU General Public License 3
* Major rewrite to make the code more object oriented and easier to
maintain in the future.
2010-12-21 20:10:44 +00:00
2010-11-13 13:57:39 +00:00
* Using -j myfile the number of jobs can be changed while GNU Parallel
is running simply by changing the content of myfile.
* Implemented --profile to use different .parallel/config for
different situations.
* Ugly newlines in $PARALLEL and .parallel/config are no longer
needed. Instead you have to use \ in front of special shell
* --workdir puts the files transferred to remote machines in a
specified directory.
* $PARALLEL_PID is set to the process id of GNU Parallel.
* $PARALLEL_SEQ is set to the sequence number of the job.
* -v now only shows the command to run. Use -v -v to show the
ssh/rsync wrapping.
* Slow spawning error is now only a warning.
* If stdin is a tty and input is read from stdin you now get a
* GNU sql: \n and \x0a in arguments is replaced with newline.
* Patch for Debian package and spelling mistakes. Thanks to Rogério
Brito <rbrito at ime dot usp dot br>
* Mac OS X Homebrew package. Thanks to Jonathan Palardy <jonathan dot
palardy at gmail dot com>
* FreeBSD port. Thanks to Chris Howey <howeyc at gmail dot com>
* Pardus package. Thanks to Fethican Coşkuner
<fethicanc at gmail dot com>
* First review in Chinese. Thanks to 曾義峰:
* First review in print: Nov 2010
* First review in Spanish:
* First review in Dutch thanks to Koen Vervloesem <koen at vervloesem
dot eu>:
* Blog review thanks to R. Tyler Croy <tyler at monkeypox dot org>:
* 5000 views of the intro video:
* As usual a bunch of bugfixes and more usage examples in the man
* GNU Parallel was presented at FSCONS 2010-11-07: Hopefully the
video will be online soon.
* See GNU Parallel live at FSCONS 2010-11-07:
* Untested Debian and xUbuntu packages available through OpenSUSE
build service:
* Using --retries a job will be retried on another computer if it
fails. This is useful if some jobs fail for no apparent reason (such
as network failure).
* BSD xargs -o (open /dev/tty) is now default for the job running in
foreground. Useful for interactive commands like:
ls | parallel -Xuj1 vi
* GNU sql now supports SQLite.
* Renamed .dburl.aliases to .sql/aliases and /etc/sql/aliases.
* GNU sql now support --list-tables
* Alias for DBURL can contain '?query' part with %-quoting.
2010-09-05 22:48:28 +00:00
* Using --shebang GNU Parallel can be used as the parser for a script.
E.g: #!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang traceroute (followed by lines of
* First community generated bugfixes
* Alt Linux package of GNU Parallel. Thanks to Michael Shigorin <mike
at altlinux dot org>
* Sunfreeware package of GNU Parallel. Thanks to Steven M. Christensen
<sunfreeware at>
* Untested CentOS, Fedora, Mandriva, RedHat, and SUSE packages
available through OpenSUSE build service:
* Review of GNU Parallel. Thanks to Andrew McFague amcfague at wgen dot net
* First 1000 views of the intro video
* sql - a small script to access sql bases from the command line which
is a handy companion to parallel --colsep
2010-08-22 09:00:52 +00:00
* Counting semaphore functionality: start a job in the background. If
N jobs are already running, wait for one to complete. Examples:
sem 'sleep 2; echo foo'; sem 'sleep 1; echo bar'; sem --wait
sem -j2 'sleep 2; echo foo'; sem -j2 'sleep 1; echo bar'; sem --wait
* With --colsep a table can be used as input. Example:
cat tab_sep_table | parallel --colsep '\t' echo col1 {1} col2 {2}
* --trim can remove white space around arguments.
* --sshloginfile '..' means use ~/.parallel/sshloginfile
* Zero install package. Thanks to Tim Cuthbertson <tim3d dot junk at
gmail dot com>
* OpenSUSE package. Thanks to Markus Ammer <mkmm at gmx-topmail dot
* NixOS package. Thanks to Ludovic Courtès <ludo at gnu dot org>
* Web review
Thanks to Pavel Nuzhdin <pnzhdin at gmail dot com>
* Web review
Thanks to Phil Sung <psung at alum dot mit dot edu>
* Arguments can now be given on the command line. Example:
parallel bzip2 ::: *.txt
* xapply like functionality. Example:
parallel diff {1} {2} :::: filelist1 filelist2
parallel diff {1} {2} ">"{1.}-{2.}.diff :::: filelist1 filelist2
* Arch Linux package. Thanks to Peter Simons <simons at cryp dot to>
* Mandriva package. Thanks to Sandro Cazzaniga <kharec at mandriva dot
* -L -l -n -s now implies -X unless -m is set
* New video showing the new options. or at and
* 100% options complete with xargs. All options for xargs can now be
used in GNU Parallel - even the more exotic.
* --basefile for transferring basedata. When running jobs on remote
computers --basefile will transfer files before the first jobs is
run. It can be used to transfer data that remains the same for each
job such as scripts or lookup tables.
* --progress shows progress. To see how many jobs is running on each
server use --progress. It can be turned on even after GNU Parallel
is started.
* --eta shows estimated time left in seconds.
* --halt-on-error stops if an error occurs. GNU Parallel will default
to run all jobs - even if some of them fail. With --halt-on-error
GNU Parallel can ignore errors, wait for the currently running jobs
to finish, or stop immediately when an error occurs.
* GNU Parallel now has support for running jobs on remote machines
* Intro video
2010-04-28 11:37:34 +00:00
* GNU Parallel is now official GNU software