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# Simple jobs that never fails
# Each should be taking 10-30s and be possible to run in parallel
# I.e.: No race conditions, no logins
par_interactive() {
echo '### Test -p --interactive'
cat >/tmp/parallel-script-for-expect <<_EOF
seq 1 3 | parallel -k -p "sleep 0.1; echo opt-p"
seq 1 3 | parallel -k --interactive "sleep 0.1; echo opt--interactive"
chmod 755 /tmp/parallel-script-for-expect
expect -b - <<_EOF
spawn /tmp/parallel-script-for-expect
expect "echo opt-p 1"
send "y\n"
expect "echo opt-p 2"
send "n\n"
expect "echo opt-p 3"
send "y\n"
expect "opt-p 1"
expect "opt-p 3"
expect "echo opt--interactive 1"
send "y\n"
expect "echo opt--interactive 2"
send "n\n"
expect "opt--interactive 1"
expect "echo opt--interactive 3"
send "y\n"
expect "opt--interactive 3"
par_k() {
echo '### Test -k'
ulimit -n 50
(echo "sleep 3; echo begin"; seq 1 30 |
parallel -kq echo "sleep 1; echo {}";
echo "echo end") | stdout parallel -k -j0
par_sigterm() {
echo '### Test SIGTERM'
2017-01-01 16:51:14 +00:00
parallel -k -j5 sleep 3';' echo ::: {1..99} >/tmp/parallel$$ 2>&1 &
sleep 5; kill -TERM $A
sort /tmp/parallel$$
rm /tmp/parallel$$
par_pipepart_spawn() {
echo '### bug #46214: Using --pipepart doesnt spawn multiple jobs in version 20150922'
seq 1000000 > /tmp/num1000000;
stdout parallel --pipepart --progress -a /tmp/num1000000 --block 10k -j0 true |
grep 1:local | perl -pe 's/\d\d\d/999/g'
par_testhalt() {
testhalt() {
echo '### testhalt --halt '$1;
(yes 0 | head -n 10; seq 10) | stdout parallel -kj4 --halt $1 'sleep {= $_=$_*0.3+1 =}; exit {}'; echo $?;
(seq 10; yes 0 | head -n 10) | stdout parallel -kj4 --halt $1 'sleep {= $_=$_*0.3+1 =}; exit {}'; echo $?;
export -f testhalt;
stdout parallel -kj0 testhalt {1},{2}={3} \
::: now soon ::: fail success ::: 0 1 2 30% 70% |
# Remove lines that only show up now and then
perl -ne '/Starting no more jobs./ or print'
par_halt_on_error() {
mytest() {
(echo "sleep 1;$BOOL1";
echo "sleep 2;$BOOL2";
echo "sleep 3;$BOOL1") |
parallel -j10 --halt-on-error $HALT
echo $?
(echo "sleep 1;$BOOL1";
echo "sleep 2;$BOOL2";
echo "sleep 3;$BOOL1";
echo "sleep 4;non_exist";
) |
parallel -j10 --halt-on-error $HALT
echo $?
export -f mytest
parallel -j0 -k --tag mytest ::: -2 -1 0 1 2 ::: true false ::: true false
par_print_before_halt_on_error() {
echo '### What is printed before the jobs are killed'
mytest() {
(echo 0;
echo 3;
seq 0 7;
echo 0;
echo 8) |
parallel --tag -j10 -kq --halt $HALT perl -e 'sleep $ARGV[0];print STDERR @ARGV,"\n"; '$HALT' > 0 ? exit shift : exit not shift;';
echo exit code $?
export -f mytest
parallel -j0 -k --tag mytest ::: -2 -1 0 1 2
par_first_print_halt_on_error_1() {
echo '### Test first dying print --halt-on-error 1';
(echo 0; echo 3; seq 0 7;echo 0; echo 8) | parallel -j10 -kq --halt 1 perl -e 'sleep $ARGV[0];print STDERR @ARGV,"\n"; exit shift';
echo exit code $?
par_first_print_halt_on_error_2() {
echo '### Test last dying print --halt-on-error 2';
(echo 0; echo 3; seq 0 7;echo 0; echo 8) | parallel -j10 -kq --halt 2 perl -e 'sleep $ARGV[0];print STDERR @ARGV,"\n"; exit shift';
echo exit code $?
par_first_print_halt_on_error_minus_1() {
echo '### Test last dying print --halt-on-error -1';
(echo 0; echo 3; seq 0 7;echo 0; echo 8) | parallel -j10 -kq --halt -1 perl -e 'sleep $ARGV[0];print STDERR @ARGV,"\n"; exit not shift';
echo exit code $?
par_first_print_halt_on_error_minus_2() {
echo '### Test last dying print --halt-on-error -2';
(echo 0; echo 3; seq 0 7;echo 0; echo 8) | parallel -j10 -kq --halt -2 perl -e 'sleep $ARGV[0];print STDERR @ARGV,"\n"; exit not shift';
echo exit code $?
par_k_linebuffer() {
echo '### bug #47750: -k --line-buffer should give current job up to now'
parallel --line-buffer --tag -k 'seq {} | pv -qL 10' ::: {10..20}
parallel --line-buffer -k 'echo stdout top;sleep 1;echo stderr in the middle >&2; sleep 1;echo stdout' ::: end 2>&1
par_memleak() {
echo "### Test memory consumption stays (almost) the same for 30 and 300 jobs"
echo "should give 1 == true"
mem30=$( stdout time -f %M parallel -j2 true :::: <(perl -e '$a="x"x60000;for(1..30){print $a,"\n"}') );
mem300=$( stdout time -f %M parallel -j2 true :::: <(perl -e '$a="x"x60000;for(1..300){print $a,"\n"}') );
echo "Memory use should not depend very much on the total number of jobs run\n";
echo "Test if memory consumption(300 jobs) < memory consumption(30 jobs) * 110% ";
echo $(($mem300*100 < $mem30 * 110))
par_maxlinelen_m_I() {
echo "### Test max line length -m -I"
seq 1 60000 | parallel -I :: -km -j1 echo a::b::c | sort >/tmp/114-a$$;
md5sum </tmp/114-a$$;
export CHAR=$(cat /tmp/114-a$$ | wc -c);
export LINES=$(cat /tmp/114-a$$ | wc -l);
echo "Chars per line ($CHAR/$LINES): "$(echo "$CHAR/$LINES" | bc);
rm /tmp/114-a$$
par_maxlinelen_X_I() {
echo "### Test max line length -X -I"
seq 1 60000 | parallel -I :: -kX -j1 echo a::b::c | sort >/tmp/114-b$$;
md5sum </tmp/114-b$$;
export CHAR=$(cat /tmp/114-b$$ | wc -c);
export LINES=$(cat /tmp/114-b$$ | wc -l);
echo "Chars per line ($CHAR/$LINES): "$(echo "$CHAR/$LINES" | bc);
rm /tmp/114-b$$
par_compress_fail() {
echo "### bug #41609: --compress fails"
seq 12 | parallel --compress --compress-program bzip2 -k seq {} 1000000 | md5sum
seq 12 | parallel --compress -k seq {} 1000000 | md5sum
par_distribute_input_by_ability() {
echo "### bug #48290: round-robin does not distribute data based on business"
echo "### Distribute input to jobs that are ready"
echo "Job-slot n is 50% slower than n+1, so the order should be 1..7"
seq 20000000 |
parallel --tagstring {#} -j7 --block 300k --round-robin --pipe \
'pv -qL{=$_=$job->seq()**3+9=}0000 |wc -c' |
sort -nk2 | field 1
par_round_robin_blocks() {
echo "bug #49664: --round-robin does not complete"
seq 20000000 | parallel --block 10M --round-robin --pipe wc -c | wc -l
par_results_csv() {
echo "bug #: --results csv"
doit() {
parallel -k $@ --results -.csv echo ::: H2 22 23 ::: H1 11 12;
export -f doit
parallel -k --tag doit ::: '--header :' '' \
::: --tag '' ::: --lb '' ::: --files '' ::: --compress '' |
perl -pe 's:/par......par:/tmpfile:g;s/\d+\.\d+/999.999/g'
par_results_compress() {
parallel --results /tmp/ged --compress echo ::: 1 | wc -l
parallel --results /tmp/ged echo ::: 1 | wc -l
par_kill_children_timeout() {
echo '### Test killing children with --timeout and exit value (failed if timed out)'
pstree $$ | grep sleep | grep -v anacron | grep -v screensave | wc;
doit() {
for i in `seq 100 120`; do
bash -c "(sleep $i)" &
sleep $i &
echo No good;
export -f doit
parallel --timeout 3 doit ::: 1000000000 1000000001;
echo $?;
sleep 2;
pstree $$ | grep sleep | grep -v anacron | grep -v screensave | wc
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | grep par_ | sort | parallel -j6 --tag -k '{} 2>&1'