
243 lines
8.9 KiB
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echo '### Test of xargs -m command lines > 130k'; seq 1 60000 | parallel -m -j1 echo a{}b{}c | tee >(wc >/tmp/awc$$) >(sort | md5sum) >/tmp/a$$; wait; CHAR=$(cat /tmp/a$$ | wc -c); LINES=$(cat /tmp/a$$ | wc -l); echo "Chars per line:" $(echo "$CHAR/$LINES" | bc); cat /tmp/awc$$; rm /tmp/a$$ /tmp/awc$$
2012-08-08 20:39:50 +00:00
### Test of xargs -m command lines > 130k
2023-07-21 02:33:22 +00:00
2f0d9d11a071f5dbe6bd876a19499ff5 -
Chars per line: 63437
11 119989 697810
echo '### Test of xargs -X command lines > 130k'; seq 1 60000 | parallel -X -j1 echo a{}b{}c | tee >(wc >/tmp/bwc$$) >(sort | (sleep 1; md5sum)) >/tmp/b$$; wait; CHAR=$(cat /tmp/b$$ | wc -c); LINES=$(cat /tmp/b$$ | wc -l); echo "Chars per line:" $(echo "$CHAR/$LINES" | bc); cat /tmp/bwc$$; rm /tmp/b$$ /tmp/bwc$$
2012-08-08 20:39:50 +00:00
### Test of xargs -X command lines > 130k
2023-07-21 02:33:22 +00:00
42d5c115907de0044ef988a0639204cd -
Chars per line: 62906
13 60000 817788
echo '### Test of xargs -m command lines > 130k'; seq 1 60000 | parallel -k -j1 -m echo | md5sum
2012-08-08 20:39:50 +00:00
### Test of xargs -m command lines > 130k
2023-07-21 02:33:22 +00:00
0896c693a7d42440f31c13c803d27df2 -
echo '### This causes problems if we kill child processes'; # 2>/dev/null to avoid parallel: Warning: Starting 45 processes took > 2 sec.
### This causes problems if we kill child processes
seq 2 40 | parallel -j 0 seq 1 10 2>/dev/null | sort | md5sum
437c0d47a99b9a7c5bcb1d132f94c2e6 -
echo '### This causes problems if we kill child processes (II)'; # 2>/dev/null to avoid parallel: Warning: Starting 45 processes took > 2 sec.
2012-08-08 20:39:50 +00:00
### This causes problems if we kill child processes (II)
seq 1 40 | parallel -j 0 seq 1 10 '| parallel -j 3 echo' 2>/dev/null | LC_ALL=C sort | md5sum
d7fb96d6a56d4347bc24930a395c431a -
echo '### Test -m'; (echo foo;echo bar) | parallel -j1 -m echo 1{}2{}3 A{}B{}C
2012-08-08 20:39:50 +00:00
### Test -m
1foo bar2foo bar3 Afoo barBfoo barC
echo '### Test -X'; (echo foo;echo bar) | parallel -j1 -X echo 1{}2{}3 A{}B{}C
2012-08-08 20:39:50 +00:00
### Test -X
1foo2foo3 1bar2bar3 AfooBfooC AbarBbarC
echo '### Bug before 2009-08-26 causing regexp compile error or infinite loop'; echo a | parallel -qX echo "'"{}"' "
### Bug before 2009-08-26 causing regexp compile error or infinite loop
echo '### Bug before 2009-08-26 causing regexp compile error or infinite loop (II)'; echo a | parallel -qX echo "'{}'"
2012-08-08 20:39:50 +00:00
### Bug before 2009-08-26 causing regexp compile error or infinite loop (II)
echo '### bug #42041: Implement $PARALLEL_JOBSLOT'
### bug #42041: Implement $PARALLEL_JOBSLOT
parallel -k --slotreplace // -j2 sleep 1\;echo // ::: {1..4} | sort
parallel -k -j2 sleep 1\;echo {%} ::: {1..4} | sort
echo '### bug #42363: --pipepart and --fifo/--cat does not work'
### bug #42363: --pipepart and --fifo/--cat does not work
seq 100 > /tmp/bug42363; parallel --pipepart --block 31 -a /tmp/bug42363 -k --fifo 'cat {} | wc'; parallel --pipepart --block 31 -a /tmp/bug42363 -k --cat 'cat {} | wc'; rm /tmp/bug42363
14 14 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
9 9 28
14 14 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
11 11 33
9 9 28
2015-02-01 13:38:26 +00:00
echo '### bug #42055: --pipepart -a bigfile should not require sequential reading of bigfile'
### bug #42055: --pipepart -a bigfile should not require sequential reading of bigfile
parallel --pipepart -a /etc/passwd -L 1 should not be run
parallel: Error: --pipepart is incompatible with --max-replace-args, --max-lines, and -L.
parallel --pipepart -a /etc/passwd -N 1 should not be run
parallel: Error: --pipepart is incompatible with --max-replace-args, --max-lines, and -L.
parallel --pipepart -a /etc/passwd -l 1 should not be run
parallel: Error: --pipepart is incompatible with --max-replace-args, --max-lines, and -L.
echo '### bug #42893: --block should not cause decimals in cat_partial'
### bug #42893: --block should not cause decimals in cat_partial
seq 100000 >/tmp/parallel-decimal; parallel --dry-run -kvv --pipepart --block 0.12345M -a /tmp/parallel-decimal true; rm /tmp/parallel-decimal
2022-01-22 16:00:32 +00:00
</tmp/parallel-decimal perl -e 'while(@ARGV){sysseek(STDIN,shift,0)||die;$left=shift;while($read=sysread(STDIN,$buf,$left>32767?32767:$left)){$left-=$read;syswrite(STDOUT,$buf);}}' 0 0 0 129450 |(true)
</tmp/parallel-decimal perl -e 'while(@ARGV){sysseek(STDIN,shift,0)||die;$left=shift;while($read=sysread(STDIN,$buf,$left>32767?32767:$left)){$left-=$read;syswrite(STDOUT,$buf);}}' 0 0 129450 129450 |(true)
</tmp/parallel-decimal perl -e 'while(@ARGV){sysseek(STDIN,shift,0)||die;$left=shift;while($read=sysread(STDIN,$buf,$left>32767?32767:$left)){$left-=$read;syswrite(STDOUT,$buf);}}' 0 0 258900 129450 |(true)
</tmp/parallel-decimal perl -e 'while(@ARGV){sysseek(STDIN,shift,0)||die;$left=shift;while($read=sysread(STDIN,$buf,$left>32767?32767:$left)){$left-=$read;syswrite(STDOUT,$buf);}}' 0 0 388350 129450 |(true)
</tmp/parallel-decimal perl -e 'while(@ARGV){sysseek(STDIN,shift,0)||die;$left=shift;while($read=sysread(STDIN,$buf,$left>32767?32767:$left)){$left-=$read;syswrite(STDOUT,$buf);}}' 0 0 517800 71095 |(true)
echo '### bug #42892: parallel -a nonexiting --pipepart'
### bug #42892: parallel -a nonexiting --pipepart
parallel --pipepart -a nonexisting wc
2019-10-21 19:18:32 +00:00
parallel: Error: File not found: nonexisting
echo '### added transfersize/returnsize to local jobs'
### added transfersize/returnsize to local jobs
echo '### normal'
### normal
seq 100 111 | parallel --joblog /dev/stderr seq {} '|' pv -qL100 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
0 292 0
0 296 0
0 300 0
0 304 0
0 308 0
0 312 0
0 316 0
0 320 0
0 324 0
0 328 0
0 332 0
0 336 0
Send Receive Exitval
echo '### --line-buffer'
### --line-buffer
seq 100 111 | parallel --joblog /dev/stderr --line-buffer seq {} '|' pv -qL100 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
0 292 0
0 296 0
0 300 0
0 304 0
0 308 0
0 312 0
0 316 0
0 320 0
0 324 0
0 328 0
0 332 0
0 336 0
Send Receive Exitval
echo '### --tag'
### --tag
seq 100 111 | parallel --tag --joblog /dev/stderr seq {} '|' pv -qL100 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
0 292 0
0 296 0
0 300 0
0 304 0
0 308 0
0 312 0
0 316 0
0 320 0
0 324 0
0 328 0
0 332 0
0 336 0
Send Receive Exitval
echo '### --tag --line-buffer'
### --tag --line-buffer
seq 100 111 | parallel --tag --line-buffer --joblog /dev/stderr seq {} '|' pv -qL100 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
0 292 0
0 296 0
0 300 0
0 304 0
0 308 0
0 312 0
0 316 0
0 320 0
0 324 0
0 328 0
0 332 0
0 336 0
Send Receive Exitval
echo '### --files'
### --files
seq 100 111 | parallel --files --joblog /dev/stderr seq {} '|' pv -qL100 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
0 292 0
0 296 0
0 300 0
0 304 0
0 308 0
0 312 0
0 316 0
0 320 0
0 324 0
0 328 0
0 332 0
0 336 0
Send Receive Exitval
parallel: Warning: Use --files0 when $TMPDIR contains newline.
echo '### --files --tag'
### --files --tag
seq 100 111 | parallel --files --tag --joblog /dev/stderr seq {} '|' pv -qL100 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
0 292 0
0 296 0
0 300 0
0 304 0
0 308 0
0 312 0
0 316 0
0 320 0
0 324 0
0 328 0
0 332 0
0 336 0
Send Receive Exitval
parallel: Warning: Use --files0 when $TMPDIR contains newline.
echo '### --pipe'
### --pipe
seq 1000 | parallel --joblog /dev/stderr --block 1111 --pipe pv -qL300 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
569 569 0
Send Receive Exitval
echo '### --pipe --line-buffer'
### --pipe --line-buffer
seq 1000 | parallel --joblog /dev/stderr --block 1111 --pipe --line-buffer pv -qL300 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
569 569 0
Send Receive Exitval
echo '### --pipe --tag'
### --pipe --tag
seq 1000 | parallel --joblog /dev/stderr --block 1111 --pipe --tag pv -qL300 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
569 569 0
Send Receive Exitval
echo '### --pipe --tag --line-buffer'
### --pipe --tag --line-buffer
seq 1000 | parallel --joblog /dev/stderr --block 1111 --pipe --tag --line-buffer pv -qL300 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
569 569 0
Send Receive Exitval
echo '### --files --pipe'
### --files --pipe
seq 1000 | parallel --joblog /dev/stderr --block 1111 --files --pipe pv -qL300 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
569 569 0
Send Receive Exitval
parallel: Warning: Use --files0 when $TMPDIR contains newline.
echo '### --files --pipe --tag'
### --files --pipe --tag
seq 1000 | parallel --joblog /dev/stderr --block 1111 --files --pipe --tag pv -qL300 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
1108 1108 0
569 569 0
Send Receive Exitval
parallel: Warning: Use --files0 when $TMPDIR contains newline.
echo '### --pipe --round-robin'
### --pipe --round-robin
seq 1000 | parallel --joblog /dev/stderr --block 1111 -j2 --pipe --round-robin pv -qL300 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 5-7 | sort
1677 1677 0
2216 2216 0
Send Receive Exitval