parallel: kill process groups. Fails for --tty jobs.

This commit is contained in:
Ole Tange 2015-06-01 01:11:32 +02:00
parent e57ec6deec
commit 0ab644d156
3 changed files with 31 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ New in this release:
* GNU Parallel is used in:
* Job ad asking for GNU Parallel experience:
* Bug fixes and man page updates.

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@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ sub parse_options {
sub init_globals {
# Defaults:
$Global::version = 20150524;
$Global::version = 20150531;
$Global::progname = 'parallel';
$Global::infinity = 2**31;
$Global::debug = 0;
@ -3178,6 +3178,8 @@ sub reaper {
if($job->should_we_halt() eq "now") {
# Kill children
@ -3222,17 +3224,20 @@ sub killall {
$Global::start_no_new_jobs ||= 1;
$Global::killall ||= 1;
# pids of the all children and (grand*)children
# before we start the blood bath
my @family_pids = family_pids(keys %Global::running);
my @pids = @family_pids;
kill_sleep_seq(keys %Global::running);
sub kill_sleep_seq {
# Send jobs TERM,TERM,KILL
my @term_seq = ("TERM",200,"TERM",200,"KILL",200);
# processgroups (-$pid)
my @pgrps = map { -$_ } @_;
my @term_seq = ("TERM",200,"TERM",100,"TERM",50,"KILL",25);
while(@term_seq) {
@pids = kill_sleep(shift @term_seq, shift @term_seq, @pids);
@pgrps = kill_sleep(shift @term_seq, shift @term_seq, @pgrps);
sub kill_sleep {
my ($signal, $sleep_max, @pids) = @_;
::debug("kill","kill_sleep $signal ",(join " ",sort @pids),"\n");
@ -3261,7 +3266,7 @@ sub kill_sleep {
$sleep *= 1.1;
$sleepsum += $sleep;
# Remove (grand)*children that are dead
# Remove dead children
@pids = grep { kill( 0, $_) } @pids;
return @pids;
@ -3750,7 +3755,7 @@ sub which {
# ash bash csh dash fdsh fish fizsh ksh ksh93 mksh pdksh
# posh rbash rc rush rzsh sash sh static-sh tcsh yash zsh
my @shells = (qw(ash bash csh dash fdsh fish fizsh ksh
ksh93 mksh pdksh posh rbash rc rush rzsh
ksh93 lksh mksh pdksh posh rbash rc rush rzsh
sash sh static-sh tcsh yash zsh -sh -csh),
'-sh (sh)' # sh on FreeBSD
@ -6247,6 +6252,12 @@ sub timedout {
sub kill {
my $self = shift;
sub _kill {
# Kill the job.
# Send the signals to (grand)*children and pid.
# If no signals: TERM TERM KILL
@ -6265,9 +6276,9 @@ sub kill {
for my $signal (@send_signals) {
my $alive = 0;
for my $pid (@family_pids) {
if(kill 0, $pid) {
if(CORE::kill 0, $pid) {
# The job still running
kill $signal, $pid;
CORE::kill $signal, $pid;
$alive = 1;
::debug("run","$pid is alive\n");
@ -6278,7 +6289,7 @@ sub kill {
if($signal eq "TERM" and $alive) {
# Wait up to 200 ms between TERMs - but only if any pids are alive
my $sleep = 1;
for (my $sleepsum = 0; kill 0, $family_pids[0] and $sleepsum < 200;
for (my $sleepsum = 0; CORE::kill 0, $family_pids[0] and $sleepsum < 200;
$sleepsum += $sleep) {
$sleep = ::reap_usleep($sleep);
@ -7077,6 +7088,8 @@ sub start {
if($opt::dryrun) {
$command = "true";
# Each child gets its own process group to make it safe to killall
my @setpgrp_wrap = ('perl','-e',"setpgrp\;exec '$Global::shell', '-c', \@ARGV");
$ENV{'PARALLEL_SEQ'} = $job->seq();
$ENV{'PARALLEL_TMP'} = ::tmpname("par");
@ -7086,7 +7099,7 @@ sub start {
my ($stdin_fh);
# The eval is needed to catch exception from open3
eval {
$pid = ::open3($stdin_fh, ">&OUT", ">&ERR", $Global::shell, "-c", $command) ||
$pid = ::open3($stdin_fh, ">&OUT", ">&ERR", @setpgrp_wrap, $command) ||
@ -7098,7 +7111,7 @@ sub start {
# The eval is needed to catch exception from open3
eval {
$pid = ::open3("<&IN", ">&OUT", ">&ERR", $Global::shell, "-c", $command) ||
$pid = ::open3("<&IN", ">&OUT", ">&ERR", @setpgrp_wrap, $command) ||
@ -7111,7 +7124,7 @@ sub start {
*IN = $devtty_fh;
# The eval is needed to catch exception from open3
eval {
$pid = ::open3("<&IN", ">&OUT", ">&ERR", $Global::shell, "-c", $command) ||
$pid = ::open3("<&IN", ">&OUT", ">&ERR", @setpgrp_wrap, $command) ||
$Global::tty_taken = $pid;
close $devtty_fh;
@ -7120,7 +7133,7 @@ sub start {
} else {
# The eval is needed to catch exception from open3
eval {
$pid = ::open3(::gensym, ">&OUT", ">&ERR", $Global::shell, "-c", $command) ||
$pid = ::open3(::gensym, ">&OUT", ">&ERR", @setpgrp_wrap, $command) ||

View file

@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ _
/bin/bash: my_func2: command not found
parallel -vv -S $SERVER1 echo ::: bar
ssh parallel@lo exec perl\ -e\ \\\$ENV\\\{\\\"PARALLEL_PID\\\"\\\}\\\=\\\"000000\\\"\\\;\\\$ENV\\\{\\\"PARALLEL_SEQ\\\"\\\}\\\=\\\"1\\\"\\\;\\\$bashfunc\\\ \\\=\\\ \\\"\\\"\\\;@ARGV\\\=\\\"echo\\\ bar\\\"\\\;\\\$shell\\\=\\\"\\\$ENV\\\{SHELL\\\}\\\"\\\;\\\$tmpdir\\\=\\\"/tmp/parallel-tutorial\\\"\\\;do\\\{\\\$ENV\\\{PARALLEL_TMP\\\}\\\=\\\$tmpdir.\\\"/par\\\".join\\\"\\\",map\\\{\\\(0..9,\\\"a\\\"..\\\"z\\\",\\\"A\\\"..\\\"Z\\\"\\\)\\\[rand\\\(62\\\)\\\]\\\}\\\(1..5\\\)\\\;\\\}while\\\(-e\\\$ENV\\\{PARALLEL_TMP\\\}\\\)\\\;\\\$SIG\\\{CHLD\\\}\\\=sub\\\{\\\$done\\\=1\\\;\\\}\\\;\\\$pid\\\=fork\\\;unless\\\(\\\$pid\\\)\\\{setpgrp\\\;exec\\\$shell,\\\"-c\\\",\\\(\\\$bashfunc.\\\"@ARGV\\\"\\\)\\\;die\\\"exec:\\\$\\\!\\\\n\\\"\\\;\\\}do\\\{\\\$s\\\=\\\$s\\\<1\\\?0.001+\\\$s\\\*1.03:\\\$s\\\;select\\\(undef,undef,undef,\\\$s\\\)\\\;\\\}until\\\(\\\$done\\\|\\\|getppid\\\=\\\=1\\\)\\\;kill\\\(SIGHUP,-\\\$\\\{pid\\\}\\\)unless\\\$done\\\;wait\\\;exit\\\(\\\$\\\?\\\&127\\\?128+\\\(\\\$\\\?\\\&127\\\):1+\\\$\\\?\\\>\\\>8\\\);
ssh parallel@lo exec perl -e \''@GNU_Parallel=("use","IPC::Open3;","use","MIME::Base64");eval"@GNU_Parallel";$SIG{CHLD}="IGNORE";my$zip=(grep{-x$_}"/usr/local/bin/bzip2")[0]||"bzip2";my($in,$out,$eval);open3($in,$out,">&STDERR",$zip,"-dc");if(my$perlpid=fork){close$in;$eval=join"",<$out>;close$out;}else{close$out;print$in(decode_base64(join"",@ARGV));close$in;exit;}wait;eval$eval;'\' BASE64;
my_func3() {
echo in my_func $1 > $1.out