asciinema-manuscript: Initial release.

This commit is contained in:
Ole Tange 2023-01-30 22:21:40 +01:00
parent 477c86c778
commit 4307949091

src/asciinema-manuscript Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
# Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Ole Tange, and Free
# Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>
# or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,
# Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Ole Tange, and Free Software and Foundation, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# tty1: asciinema rec demo.cast
# tty2: asciinema-manuscript
# Run commands in tty2 to set clipboard to next command
manuscript() {
# <digit> sleep this many seconds before executing command
cat <<'_'
# Definitions
PS1='$ '
S() { sleep $@; }
T() { echo -n '$ '; sleep $@; echo; }
# Wait for asciinema to read all input
sleep 5
S 0; # Make some files
S 3; seq 100 | parallel --bar seq {}0000 '>' file-{}
T 1;
S 0; # gzip files with -1 .. -7 Note how all combinations are made
S 3; parallel --bar gzip {1} '<{2}' '>{2}{1}.gz' ::: -{1..7} ::: *
T 1;
S 0; # Count the bytes in some files. Each job gets its own color
S 3; parallel --color --tag wc {} ::: file-99*
T 1;
S 0; # Remove .gz-files
S 3; rm *.gz
T 1;
S 0; # Make a big file
S 3; seq 10000000 > bigfile
T 1;
S 0; # Chop bigfile into parts with 100000 lines (slow)
S 3; cat bigfile | parallel --pipe -n100000 cat '>lines-{#}'
S 3; ls lines-*
T 1;
S 0; # Chop bigfile into parts each ~10mb (faster)
S 3; cat bigfile | parallel --pipe --block 10m cat '>10mb-{#}'
S 3; ls -l 10mb-*
T 1;
S 0; # Chop bigfile into one part per CPU thread (fastest)
S 3; parallel --pipepart -a bigfile --block -1 \
cat '>thread-part-{#}'
S 3; ls -l thread-part-*
T 1;
S 0; # Chop bigfile into one part per CPU thread - chop at 000\n
S 3; parallel --pipepart -a bigfile --block -1 --recend '000\n' \
cat '>p000-{#}'
S 3; head -1 p000-*
T 1;
S 0; # Rename all files to UPPERCASE using a {= perl expr =}
S 3; parallel mv {} {= tr/a-z/A-Z/ =} ::: *
S 3; ls
T 1;
S 0; # Move files into dirs named after the last char in the name
S 3; parallel 'mkdir -p {= $_=chop =}; mv {} {= $_=chop =}' ::: *
S 3; ls
T 1;
S 0; # Zip dirs into files
S 3; parallel --ll --color --tag zip -r '{= s:/$:: =}'.zip {} ::: */
T 1;
S 0; # Remove the dirs
S 3; rm -r */
T 1;
S 0; # Unzip zip files into dirs
S 3; parallel --ll --tag 'mkdir {.}; cd {.}; unzip ../{}' ::: *.zip
T 1;
S 0; # Remove zip and dirs
S 3; rm -r *.zip ?
T 1;
S 0; # Paint output of the failing commands
S 3; parallel --colorfailed echo Arg:{} ';' exit {} ::: 0 0 1 2 0
T 1;
S 0; # Use a bash function with one argument
doit() {
echo Doing it for $1
sleep 2
echo Done with $1
export -f doit
S 3; parallel doit ::: 1 2 3
T 1;
S 0; # Use a bash function with two argument
doubleit() {
echo Doing it for $1 $2
sleep 2
echo Done with $1 $2
export -f doubleit
S 3; parallel doubleit ::: 1 2 3 ::: a b
T 1;
S 0; # Make some logfiles
S 1; touch log
S 3; parallel seq {} '>' log.{} ::: {1..10}
S 3; ls -l
T 1;
S 0; # Simple log rotate
S 3; seq 9 -1 1 | parallel -j1 mv log.{} log.'{= $_++ =}'
S 1; mv log log.1
S 3; ls -l
T 1;
S 0; # Monitor progress of multiple jobs in parallel
slowseq() { seq "$@" | pv -qL 20; }
export -f slowseq
S 3; parallel --ll --color --tag slowseq {} ::: 150 {1..60}
T 3;
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
cd "$tmp" &&
manuscript |
parallel -j1 echo '{= s/^(\d+)\s/sleep($1);""/e; =}' |
asciinema rec - |
perl -ne 's/[ST] \d;\s?//;
/###/ and $mark++ and next;
($mark == 0 or $mark == 5) and print;
' > "$pwd"/parallel.cast