mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 12:47:54 +00:00
parallel: -X {1}-{2} with multiple input sources. Passes testsuite.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,18 +1,40 @@
parallel echo {} ::: 1 2 3
src/parallel echo {} ::: 1 2 3
parallel echo a{}b ::: 1 2 3
src/parallel echo a{}b ::: 1 2 3
parallel echo a{}b ::: 1/Q.e 2/W.t 3/E.f
src/parallel echo a{}b ::: 1/Q.e 2/W.t 3/E.f
parallel echo a{.}b ::: 1/Q.e 2/W.t 3/E.f
src/parallel echo a{.}b ::: 1/Q.e 2/W.t 3/E.f
parallel echo a{.}b {//} ::: 1/Q.e 2/W.t 3/E.f
src/parallel echo a{.}b {//} ::: 1/Q.e 2/W.t 3/E.f
parallel echo a{.}b {//}-{/.} ::: 1/Q.e 2/W.t 3/E.f
src/parallel echo a{.}b {//}-{/.} ::: 1/Q.e 2/W.t 3/E.f
parallel --xapply echo a{3.}b {//}-{/.} ::: 1/Q.e 2/W.t 3/E.f
src/parallel --xapply echo a{3.}b {//}-{/.} ::: 1/Q.e 2/W.t 3/E.f
parallel --xapply echo a{3.}b {//}-{/.} ::: 1/Q.e ::: 2/W.t ::: 3/E.f
src/parallel --xapply echo a{3.}b {//}-{/.} ::: 1/Q.e ::: 2/W.t ::: 3/E.f
Fixed bug in {n//}
-S - should read --sshloginfile from stdin
-X for multiple input sources:
parallel -X echo mkdir -p dir-{1} dir-{1}/subdir-{2} :::: <(seq 1 5) <(seq 5 8)
parallel -X echo mkdir -p dir-{1//} dir-{1.}/subdir-{2} ::: a/foo.d b/bar.d :::: <(seq 5 8)
One jobqueue per sshlogin.
Dont start:
cat | parallel --onall -S eos,iris '(echo {3} {2}) | awk \{print\ \$2}' :::: - ::: a b c ::: 1 2 3
* load
* memory free | head -n 2 | awk \{print\ \$4+\$6+\$7\}
* swap
* seek
vmstat\ 1\ 2\ \|\ tail\ -n1\ \|\ awk\ \{print\\\ \\\$7*\\\$8\}
Dont start new job if:
* memory free is too low
Video 30. 36. 41. 48
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ pushd
== Update OpenSUSE build system ==
cd ~/privat/parallel/packager/obs
cd ~/privat/parallel/packager/obs
em home:tange/parallel/parallel.spec
find home:tange/parallel/* -type f | grep -v parallel.spec | parallel osc rm {}';' rm {}
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ https://savannah.gnu.org/news/?group=parallel
# Went over the limit at number 132 (sleep 40)
# https://support.twitter.com/entries/15364-about-twitter-limits-update-api-dm-and-following
# says 250 direct msg per day = 86400/250 = sleep 345
cat twitters | grep -iv removed |
cat twitters | grep -iv removed |
parallel -j1 sleep 354\; echo @{} You have earlier shown interest in GNU Parallel. \
A new version is out: http://nd.gd/2j '|' ttytter
@ -168,14 +168,29 @@ Subject: GNU Parallel 20110622 ('XXX') released
GNU Parallel 20116022 ('XXX') has been released. It is
available for download at: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/parallel/
For sysadmins this is a major release, as --onall makes it easy to run
the same commands on a list of computers.
New in this release:
* Parallel processing without Hadoop!
* --onall will run all the jobs on all the computers. This is useful
for systemadinistrators having multiple servers.
* --nonall runs like --onall but reads no arguments from stdin
(standard input), so is possible to do:
parallel --nonall -S computer1,computer2 uptime
* --noswap do not start a job on a server that is swapping.
* Article: Parallel processing without Hadoop!
* Article in Linux Magazine (Spanish). Thanks to Ben Martin.
* Blog post in English. Thanks to Dagon.
* Bug fixes and man page updates.
@ -3382,17 +3382,6 @@ sub populate {
if($self->number_of_args() > 0) {
# Fill up if we have a half completed line
if(defined $self->{'max_number_of_args'}) {
# If you want a number of args and do not have it then fill out the rest with empties
# so magic strings like '{2}' will be replaced with empty.
while($self->number_of_args() < $self->{'max_number_of_args'}) {
sub push {
@ -3408,7 +3397,7 @@ sub push {
if(defined $arg) {
if($self->{'positional_replace'}{$arg_no}) {
for my $used (keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
my $replacementfunction = $self->{'positional_replace'}{$arg_no}; # {} {/} {.} or {/.}
my $replacementfunction = $self->{'positional_replace'}{$arg_no}; # {} {/} {//} {.} or {/.}
# Find the single replacements
$self->{'len'}{$used} += length $arg->replace($replacementfunction);
@ -3427,7 +3416,7 @@ sub pop {
my $record = pop @{$self->{'arg_list'}};
for my $arg (@$record) {
if(defined $arg) {
for my $replacement_string qw(keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
for my $replacement_string (keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
$self->{'len'}{$replacement_string} -= length $arg->replace($replacement_string);
@ -3439,7 +3428,7 @@ sub pop_all {
# Remove all arguments
my $self = shift;
my @popped = @{$self->{'arg_list'}};
for my $replacement_string qw(keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
for my $replacement_string (keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
$self->{'len'}{$replacement_string} = 0;
$self->{'arg_list'} = [];
@ -3475,7 +3464,7 @@ sub len {
if($Global::replace{$replstring}) {
# This is a multi replacestring ({} {/} {.} {/.} {//})
# This is a multi replacestring ({} {/} {//} {.} {/.})
# Add each space between two arguments
my $number_of_args = ($#{$self->{'arg_list'}[0]}+1)*$self->number_of_args();
$len += ($number_of_args-1) * $self->{'replacecount'}{$replstring};
@ -3516,7 +3505,7 @@ sub number_of_replacements {
my $multi_regexp = multi_regexp();
my $replacement_regexp =
'\{\d+/?\.?\}'. # {n}, {n.} {n/.} {n/}
'\{\d+(?:|\.|/\.|/|//)?\}'. # {n} {n.} {n/.} {n/} {n//}
join("|",map {$a=$_;$a=~s/(\W)/\\$1/g; $a} values %Global::replace).
@ -3579,125 +3568,176 @@ sub replaced {
sub replace_placeholders {
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $quote_special_chars = shift;
my $quoteall = shift;
my $context_replace = $self->{'context_replace'};
my $context_regexp = $context_replace ? '\S*' : ''; # Regexp to match surrounding context
my $replaced;
if($self->number_of_args() == 0) {
Carp::confess("0 args should never call replaced");
if($self->{'context_replace'}) {
$replaced = $self->context_replace_placeholders($target,$quoteall);
} else {
$replaced = $self->simple_replace_placeholders($target,$quoteall);
return $replaced;
sub context_replace_placeholders {
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $quoteall = shift;
# -X = context replace
# maybe multiple input sources
# maybe --xapply
# $self->{'arg_list'} = [ [Arg11, Arg12], [Arg21, Arg22], [Arg31, Arg32] ]
my %replace;
my %replace_single;
my %replace_multi;
my @replace_context;
my @args=();
my @used_multi;
my %replace;
for my $record (@{$self->{'arg_list'}}) {
# Merge arguments from records into args
# Merge arguments from records into args for easy access
CORE::push @args, @$record;
# Replacement functions
my @rep = qw({} {/} {//} {.} {/.});
# Inner part of replacement functions
my @rep_inner = ('', '/', '//', '.', '/.');
# Regexp for replacement functions
my $rep_regexp = "(?:". join('|', map { $_=~s/(\W)/\\$1/g; $_} @rep) . ")";
# Regexp for inner replacement functions
my $rep_inner_regexp = "(?:". join('|', map { $_=~s/(\W)/\\$1/g; $_} @rep_inner) . ")";
# Seq replace string: {#}
my $rep_seq_regexp = '(?:\{\#\})';
# Normal replace strings
my $rep_str_regexp = multi_regexp();
# Fish out the words that have replacement strings in them
my $tt = $target;
my %word;
while($tt =~ s/(\S*(?:$rep_str_regexp|\{\d+$rep_inner_regexp\}|$rep_seq_regexp)\S*)/\0/o) {
# For each word: Generate the replacement string for that word.
for my $origword (keys %word) {
my @pos_replacements=();
my @replacements=();
my $w;
my $word = $origword; # Make a local modifyable copy
# replace {#} if it exists
$word =~ s/\{\#\}/$self->seq()/geo;
if($word =~ m:\{\d+$rep_inner_regexp\}:o) {
# There are positional replacement strings
my @argset;
if($#{$self->{'arg_list'}->[0]} == 0) {
# Only one input source: Treat it as a set
@argset = [ @args ];
} else {
@argset = @{$self->{'arg_list'}};
# Match 1..n where n = max args in a argset
my $pos_regexp = "(?:".join("|", 1 .. $#{$argset[0]}+1).")";
for my $argset (@argset) {
# Replace all positional arguments - e.g. {7/.}
# with the replacement function - e.g. {/.}
# of that argument
if(defined $self->{'max_number_of_args'}) {
# Fill up if we have a half completed line, so {n} will be empty
while($#$argset < $self->{'max_number_of_args'}-1) {
CORE::push @$argset, Arg->new("");
$w = $word;
$w =~ s/\{($pos_regexp)($rep_inner_regexp)\}/$argset->[$1-1]->replace('{'.$2.'}')/geo;
CORE::push @pos_replacements, $w;
if(not @pos_replacements) {
@pos_replacements = ($word);
if($word =~ m:$rep_str_regexp:) {
# There are normal replacement strings
for my $w (@pos_replacements) {
for my $arg (@args) {
my $wmulti = $w;
$wmulti =~ s/($rep_str_regexp)/$arg->replace($Global::replace_rev{$1})/geo;
CORE::push @replacements, $wmulti;
if(@replacements) {
CORE::push @{$replace{$origword}}, @replacements;
} else {
CORE::push @{$replace{$origword}}, @pos_replacements;
# Substitute the replace strings with the replacement values
# Must be sorted by length if a short word is a substring of a long word
my $regexp = join('|', map { $_=~s/(\W)/\\$1/g; $_}
sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %word);
$target =~ s/($regexp)/join(" ",@{$replace{$1}})/ge;
return $target;
sub simple_replace_placeholders {
# no context (no -X)
# maybe multiple input sources
# maybe --xapply
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $quoteall = shift;
my @args=();
my @used_multi;
my %replace;
for my $record (@{$self->{'arg_list'}}) {
# Merge arguments from records into args for easy access
CORE::push @args, @$record;
# Which replace strings are used?
# {#} {} {/} {//} {.} {/.} {n} {n/} {n//} {n.} {n/.}
for my $used (keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
if($used =~ /^{(\d+)(\D*)}$/) {
# What are the replacement values for the replace strings?
if(grep { $used eq $_ } qw({} {/} {//} {.} {/.})) {
# {} {/} {//} {.} {/.}
$replace{$Global::replace{$used}} =
join(" ", map { $_->replace($used) } @args);
} elsif($used =~ /^\{(\d+)(|\/|\/\/|\.|\/\.)\}$/) {
# {n} {n/} {n//} {n.} {n/.}
my $positional = $1; # number if any
my $replacementfunction = "{".::undef_as_empty($2)."}"; # {} {/} {.} or {/.}
# Find the single replacements
my $replacementfunction = "{".::undef_as_empty($2)."}"; # {} {/} {//} {.} or {/.}
if(defined $args[$positional-1]) {
# we have a matching argument for {n}
$replace_single{$used} = $args[$positional-1]->replace($replacementfunction);
} elsif($used =~ /^(\{\}|\{\/\}|\{\/\/\}|\{\.\}|\{\/\.\})$/) {
# Add to the multireplacement
my $replacementfunction = $used; # {} {/} {//} {.} or {/.}
CORE::push @used_multi, $replacementfunction;
if($self->{'context_replace'}) {
for my $n (0 .. $#args) {
$replace_context[$n]{$replacementfunction} =
$replace{$used} = $args[$positional-1]->replace($replacementfunction);
} else {
map { $args[$_]->replace($replacementfunction) }
0 .. $#args);
if($positional <= $self->{'max_number_of_args'}) {
# Fill up if we have a half completed line
$replace{$used} = "";
} elsif($used eq '{#}') {
$replace_single{$Global::replace{$used}} = $self->seq();
} elsif($used eq "{#}") {
# {#}
$replace{$Global::replace{$used}} = $self->seq();
} else {
my $replacements = 0;
if(%replace_single) {
my $single_regexp = join('|', map { $_=~s/(\W)/\\$1/g; $_} sort keys %replace_single);
$replacements += ($target =~ s/($single_regexp)/$replace_single{$1}/ge);
my $orig_target = $target;
if(@used_multi) {
my $multi_regexp = join('|', map {
$a=~s/(\W)/\\$1/g; $a
} @used_multi);
my %wordargs;
if($quote_special_chars) {
while($target =~ s/(.*($multi_regexp).*)/\0/o) {
my $wordarg = $1;
my $pattern = $2;
if($self->{'context_replace'}) {
my $substituted = $wordarg;
my @all=();
for my $argref (@replace_context) {
# for each argument convert a{}b to a1b a2b
my $substituted = $wordarg;
$substituted =~ s/($multi_regexp)/$argref->{$Global::replace_rev{$1}}/g;
CORE::push @all,$substituted;
$wordargs{$wordarg} = join" ",@all;
return @all;
} else {
my $substituted = $wordarg;
$substituted =~ s/($multi_regexp)/join(" ",map {$_} @{$replace_multi{$Global::replace_rev{$1}}})/eg;
$wordargs{$wordarg} = $substituted;
# Substitute the replace strings with the replacement values
my $regexp = join('|', map { $_=~s/(\W)/\\$1/g; $_} keys %replace);
if($regexp) {
if($quoteall) {
# This is for --return: The whole expression must be
# quoted - not just the replacements
%replace = map { $_ => ::shell_unquote($replace{$_}) } keys %replace;
$target =~ s/($regexp)/$replace{$1}/g;
$target = ::shell_quote_scalar($target);
} else {
while($target =~ s/(\S*($multi_regexp)\S*)/\0/o) {
my $wordarg = $1;
my $pattern = $2;
if($self->{'context_replace'}) {
my $substituted = $wordarg;
my @all=();
for my $argref (@replace_context) {
# for each argument convert a{}b to a1b a2b
my $substituted = $wordarg;
$substituted =~ s/($multi_regexp)/$argref->{$Global::replace_rev{$1}}/g;
CORE::push @all,$substituted;
$wordargs{$wordarg} = join" ",@all;
} else {
my $substituted = $wordarg;
$substituted =~ s/($multi_regexp)/join(" ",map {$_} @{$replace_multi{$Global::replace_rev{$1}}})/eg;
$wordargs{$wordarg} = $substituted;
my @k=keys %wordargs;
for(@k) {s/(\W)/\\$1/g};
my $regexp=join("|",@k);
if($quote_special_chars) {
# When --return'ing a file with added special chars
# they need to be quoted.
# E.g. --trc 'a {}'
# Not really pretty. Can this be done better?
$orig_target =~s/($regexp)/::shell_unquote($wordargs{$1})/ge;
$orig_target = ::shell_quote_scalar($orig_target);
} else {
$orig_target =~s/($regexp)/$wordargs{$1}/g;
$target =~ s/($regexp)/$replace{$1}/g;
return $orig_target;
return $target;
@ -4162,7 +4202,7 @@ sub read_arg_from_fh {
sub expand_combinations {
# Input:
# ([xmin,xmax], [ymin,ymax], ...)
# Returns ([x,y,...],[x,y,...])
# Returns ([x,y,...],[x,y,...])
# where xmin <= x <= xmax and ymin <= y <= ymax
my $minmax_ref = shift;
my $xmin = $$minmax_ref[0];
@ -4177,7 +4217,7 @@ sub expand_combinations {
} else {
for(my $x = $xmin; $x <= $xmax; $x++) {
push @p, [$x];
return @p;
@ -4214,7 +4254,7 @@ sub new {
sub replace {
my $self = shift;
my $replacement_string = shift; # {} {/} {.} {/.}
my $replacement_string = shift; # {} {/} {//} {.} {/.}
if(not defined $self->{$replacement_string}) {
my $s;
if($Global::trim eq "n") {
@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ alias or a function will not work (see why
=item B<{}>
=item B<{}> (still alpha testing)
Input line. This is the default replacement string and will normally
be used for putting the argument in the command line. It can be
changed with B<-I>.
=item B<{.}>
=item B<{.}> (still alpha testing)
Input line without extension. This is a specialized replacement string
with the extension removed. If the input line contains B<.> after the
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ B<{.}> can be used the same places as B<{}>. The replacement string
B<{.}> can be changed with B<-U>.
=item B<{/}>
=item B<{/}> (still alpha testing)
Basename of input line. This is a specialized replacement string
with the directory part removed.
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ B<{/}> can be used the same places as B<{}>. The replacement string
B<{/}> can be changed with B<--basenamereplace>.
=item B<{//}> (alpha testing)
=item B<{//}> (still alpha testing)
Dirname of input line. This is a specialized replacement string
containing the dir of the input. See B<dirname>(1).
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ B<{//}> can be used the same places as B<{}>. The replacement string
B<{//}> can be changed with B<--dirnamereplace>.
=item B<{/.}>
=item B<{/.}> (still alpha testing)
Basename of input line without extension. This is a specialized
replacement string with the directory and extension part removed. It
@ -119,14 +119,14 @@ B<{/.}> can be used the same places as B<{}>. The replacement string
B<{/.}> can be changed with B<--basenameextensionreplace>.
=item B<{#}> (beta testing)
=item B<{#}> (still alpha testing)
Sequence number of the job to run. The same as $PARALLEL_SEQ.
The replacement string B<{#}> can be changed with B<--seqreplace>.
=item B<{>I<n>B<}>
=item B<{>I<n>B<}> (still alpha testing)
Argument from input source I<n> or the I<n>'th argument. See B<-a>
and B<-N>.
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ and B<-N>.
B<{>I<n>B<}> can be used the same places as B<{}>.
=item B<{>I<n>.B<}>
=item B<{>I<n>.B<}> (still alpha testing)
Argument from input source I<n> or the I<n>'th argument without
extension. It is a combination of B<{>I<n>B<}> and B<{.}>.
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ extension. It is a combination of B<{>I<n>B<}> and B<{.}>.
B<{>I<n>.B<}> can be used the same places as B<{>I<n>B<}>.
=item B<{>I<n>/B<}>
=item B<{>I<n>/B<}> (still alpha testing)
Basename of argument from input source I<n> or the I<n>'th argument.
It is a combination of B<{>I<n>B<}> and B<{/}>. See B<-a> and B<-N>.
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ It is a combination of B<{>I<n>B<}> and B<{/}>. See B<-a> and B<-N>.
B<{>I<n>/B<}> can be used the same places as B<{>I<n>B<}>.
=item B<{>I<n>/.B<}>
=item B<{>I<n>/.B<}> (still alpha testing)
Basename of argument from input source I<n> or the I<n>'th argument
without extension. It is a combination of B<{>I<n>B<}>, B<{/}>, and
@ -1101,6 +1101,6 @@ foo bar
echo baz ugh
baz ugh
echo foo\ bar baz\
echo ugh
echo ugh
foo bar baz
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
### Test race condition on 8 CPU (my laptop)
Reference in a new issue