@ -281,46 +281,47 @@ start. GNU B<parallel> only requires one step.
Here are the examples from B<ppss>'s manual page with the equivalent
using GNU B<parallel>:
B<1> ./ppss.sh standalone -d /path/to/files -c 'gzip '
1$ ./ppss.sh standalone -d /path/to/files -c 'gzip '
B<1> find /path/to/files -type f | parallel gzip
1$ find /path/to/files -type f | parallel gzip
B<2> ./ppss.sh standalone -d /path/to/files -c 'cp "$ITEM" /destination/dir '
2$ ./ppss.sh standalone -d /path/to/files -c 'cp "$ITEM" /destination/dir '
B<2> find /path/to/files -type f | parallel cp {} /destination/dir
2$ find /path/to/files -type f | parallel cp {} /destination/dir
B<3> ./ppss.sh standalone -f list-of-urls.txt -c 'wget -q '
3$ ./ppss.sh standalone -f list-of-urls.txt -c 'wget -q '
B<3> parallel -a list-of-urls.txt wget -q
3$ parallel -a list-of-urls.txt wget -q
B<4> ./ppss.sh standalone -f list-of-urls.txt -c 'wget -q "$ITEM"'
4$ ./ppss.sh standalone -f list-of-urls.txt -c 'wget -q "$ITEM"'
B<4> parallel -a list-of-urls.txt wget -q {}
4$ parallel -a list-of-urls.txt wget -q {}
B<5> ./ppss config -C config.cfg -c 'encode.sh ' -d /source/dir -m
| -u ppss -k ppss-key.key -S ./encode.sh -n nodes.txt -o
/some/output/dir --upload --download ; ./ppss deploy -C config.cfg ;
./ppss start -C config
5$ ./ppss config -C config.cfg -c 'encode.sh ' -d /source/dir \
-m -u ppss -k ppss-key.key -S ./encode.sh \
-n nodes.txt -o /some/output/dir --upload --download;
./ppss deploy -C config.cfg
./ppss start -C config
B<5> # parallel does not use configs. If you want a different username put it in nodes.txt: user@hostname
5$ # parallel does not use configs. If you want a different username put it in nodes.txt: user@hostname
find source/dir -type f |
parallel --sshloginfile nodes.txt --trc {.}.mp3 lame -a {} -o {.}.mp3 --preset standard --quiet
B<5> find source/dir -type f | parallel --sshloginfile nodes.txt --trc {.}.mp3 lame -a {} -o {.}.mp3 --preset standard --quiet
6$ ./ppss stop -C config.cfg
B<6> ./ppss stop -C config.cfg
6$ killall -TERM parallel
B<6> killall -TERM parallel
7$ ./ppss pause -C config.cfg
B<7> ./ppss pause -C config.cfg
7$ Press: CTRL-Z or killall -SIGTSTP parallel
B<7> Press: CTRL-Z or killall -SIGTSTP parallel
8$ ./ppss continue -C config.cfg
B<8> ./ppss continue -C config.cfg
8$ Enter: fg or killall -SIGCONT parallel
B<8> Enter: fg or killall -SIGCONT parallel
9$ ./ppss.sh status -C config.cfg
B<9> ./ppss.sh status -C config.cfg
B<9> killall -SIGUSR2 parallel
9$ killall -SIGUSR2 parallel
@ -342,55 +343,54 @@ B<pexec> is also a tool for running jobs in parallel.
Here are the examples from B<pexec>'s info page with the equivalent
using GNU B<parallel>:
B<1> pexec -o sqrt-%s.dat -p "$(seq 10)" -e NUM -n 4 -c -- \
'echo "scale=10000;sqrt($NUM)" | bc'
1$ pexec -o sqrt-%s.dat -p "$(seq 10)" -e NUM -n 4 -c -- \
'echo "scale=10000;sqrt($NUM)" | bc'
B<1> seq 10 | parallel -j4 'echo "scale=10000;sqrt({})" | bc > sqrt-{}.dat'
1$ seq 10 | parallel -j4 'echo "scale=10000;sqrt({})" | \
bc > sqrt-{}.dat'
B<2> pexec -p "$(ls myfiles*.ext)" -i %s -o %s.sort -- sort
2$ pexec -p "$(ls myfiles*.ext)" -i %s -o %s.sort -- sort
B<2> ls myfiles*.ext | parallel sort {} ">{}.sort"
2$ ls myfiles*.ext | parallel sort {} ">{}.sort"
B<3> pexec -f image.list -n auto -e B -u star.log -c -- \
'fistar $B.fits -f 100 -F id,x,y,flux -o $B.star'
3$ pexec -f image.list -n auto -e B -u star.log -c -- \
'fistar $B.fits -f 100 -F id,x,y,flux -o $B.star'
B<3> parallel -a image.list \
'fistar {}.fits -f 100 -F id,x,y,flux -o {}.star' 2>star.log
3$ parallel -a image.list \
'fistar {}.fits -f 100 -F id,x,y,flux -o {}.star' 2>star.log
B<4> pexec -r *.png -e IMG -c -o - -- \
'convert $IMG ${IMG%.png}.jpeg ; "echo $IMG: done"'
4$ pexec -r *.png -e IMG -c -o - -- \
'convert $IMG ${IMG%.png}.jpeg ; "echo $IMG: done"'
B<4> ls *.png | parallel 'convert {} {.}.jpeg; echo {}: done'
4$ ls *.png | parallel 'convert {} {.}.jpeg; echo {}: done'
B<5> pexec -r *.png -i %s -o %s.jpg -c 'pngtopnm | pnmtojpeg'
5$ pexec -r *.png -i %s -o %s.jpg -c 'pngtopnm | pnmtojpeg'
B<5> ls *.png | parallel 'pngtopnm < {} | pnmtojpeg > {}.jpg'
5$ ls *.png | parallel 'pngtopnm < {} | pnmtojpeg > {}.jpg'
B<6> for p in *.png ; do echo ${p%.png} ; done | \
pexec -f - -i %s.png -o %s.jpg -c 'pngtopnm | pnmtojpeg'
6$ for p in *.png ; do echo ${p%.png} ; done | \
pexec -f - -i %s.png -o %s.jpg -c 'pngtopnm | pnmtojpeg'
B<6> ls *.png | parallel 'pngtopnm < {} | pnmtojpeg > {.}.jpg'
6$ ls *.png | parallel 'pngtopnm < {} | pnmtojpeg > {.}.jpg'
B<7> LIST=$(for p in *.png ; do echo ${p%.png} ; done)
pexec -r $LIST -i %s.png -o %s.jpg -c 'pngtopnm | pnmtojpeg'
7$ LIST=$(for p in *.png ; do echo ${p%.png} ; done)
pexec -r $LIST -i %s.png -o %s.jpg -c 'pngtopnm | pnmtojpeg'
B<7> ls *.png | parallel 'pngtopnm < {} | pnmtojpeg > {.}.jpg'
7$ ls *.png | parallel 'pngtopnm < {} | pnmtojpeg > {.}.jpg'
B<8> pexec -n 8 -r *.jpg -y unix -e IMG -c \
'pexec -j -m blockread -d $IMG | \
jpegtopnm | pnmscale 0.5 | pnmtojpeg | \
pexec -j -m blockwrite -s th_$IMG'
8$ pexec -n 8 -r *.jpg -y unix -e IMG -c \
'pexec -j -m blockread -d $IMG | \
jpegtopnm | pnmscale 0.5 | pnmtojpeg | \
pexec -j -m blockwrite -s th_$IMG'
B<8> Combining GNU B<parallel> and GNU B<sem>.
8$ # Combining GNU B<parallel> and GNU B<sem>.
ls *jpg | parallel -j8 'sem --id blockread cat {} | jpegtopnm |' \
'pnmscale 0.5 | pnmtojpeg | sem --id blockwrite cat > th_{}'
B<8> ls *jpg | parallel -j8 'sem --id blockread cat {} | jpegtopnm |' \
'pnmscale 0.5 | pnmtojpeg | sem --id blockwrite cat > th_{}'
B<8> If reading and writing is done to the same disk, this may be
faster as only one process will be either reading or writing:
B<8> ls *jpg | parallel -j8 'sem --id diskio cat {} | jpegtopnm |' \
'pnmscale 0.5 | pnmtojpeg | sem --id diskio cat > th_{}'
# If reading and writing is done to the same disk, this may be
# faster as only one process will be either reading or writing:
ls *jpg | parallel -j8 'sem --id diskio cat {} | jpegtopnm |' \
'pnmscale 0.5 | pnmtojpeg | sem --id diskio cat > th_{}'
@ -403,38 +403,40 @@ running jobs on your local computer.
B<xjobs> deals badly with special characters just like B<xargs>. See
the section B<DIFFERENCES BETWEEN xargs AND GNU Parallel>.
Here are the examples from B<xjobs>'s man page with the equivalent
using GNU B<parallel>:
B<1> ls -1 *.zip | xjobs unzip
1$ ls -1 *.zip | xjobs unzip
B<1> ls *.zip | parallel unzip
1$ ls *.zip | parallel unzip
B<2> ls -1 *.zip | xjobs -n unzip
2$ ls -1 *.zip | xjobs -n unzip
B<2> ls *.zip | parallel unzip >/dev/null
2$ ls *.zip | parallel unzip >/dev/null
B<3> find . -name '*.bak' | xjobs gzip
3$ find . -name '*.bak' | xjobs gzip
B<3> find . -name '*.bak' | parallel gzip
3$ find . -name '*.bak' | parallel gzip
B<4> ls -1 *.jar | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1 > \1.idx/' | xjobs jar tf
4$ ls -1 *.jar | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1 > \1.idx/' | xjobs jar tf
B<4> ls *.jar | parallel jar tf {} '>' {}.idx
4$ ls *.jar | parallel jar tf {} '>' {}.idx
B<5> xjobs -s script
5$ xjobs -s script
B<5> cat script | parallel
5$ cat script | parallel
B<6> mkfifo /var/run/my_named_pipe;
xjobs -s /var/run/my_named_pipe &
echo unzip 1.zip >> /var/run/my_named_pipe;
echo tar cf /backup/myhome.tar /home/me >> /var/run/my_named_pipe
6$ mkfifo /var/run/my_named_pipe;
xjobs -s /var/run/my_named_pipe &
echo unzip 1.zip >> /var/run/my_named_pipe;
echo tar cf /backup/myhome.tar /home/me >> /var/run/my_named_pipe
B<6> mkfifo /var/run/my_named_pipe;
cat /var/run/my_named_pipe | parallel &
echo unzip 1.zip >> /var/run/my_named_pipe;
echo tar cf /backup/myhome.tar /home/me >> /var/run/my_named_pipe
6$ mkfifo /var/run/my_named_pipe;
cat /var/run/my_named_pipe | parallel &
echo unzip 1.zip >> /var/run/my_named_pipe;
echo tar cf /backup/myhome.tar /home/me >> /var/run/my_named_pipe
http://www.maier-komor.de/xjobs.html (Last checked: 2019-01)
@ -452,11 +454,14 @@ B<prll> generates a lot of status information on stderr (standard
error) which makes it harder to use the stderr (standard error) output
of the job directly as input for another program.
Here is the example from B<prll>'s man page with the equivalent
using GNU B<parallel>:
prll -s 'mogrify -flip $1' *.jpg
parallel mogrify -flip ::: *.jpg
1$ prll -s 'mogrify -flip $1' *.jpg
1$ parallel mogrify -flip ::: *.jpg
https://github.com/exzombie/prll (Last checked: 2019-01)
@ -477,13 +482,15 @@ semicomplete.com/blog/geekery/distributed-xargs.html (Last checked: 2019-01)
middleman(mdm) is also a tool for running jobs in parallel.
=head3 EXAMPLES FROM middleman's WEBSITE
Here are the shellscripts of
berlios.de/usage.html ported to GNU B<parallel>:
seq 19 | parallel buffon -o - | sort -n > result
cat files | parallel cmd
find dir -execdir sem cmd {} \;
1$ seq 19 | parallel buffon -o - | sort -n > result
cat files | parallel cmd
find dir -execdir sem cmd {} \;
https://github.com/cklin/mdm (Last checked: 2019-01)
@ -492,56 +499,58 @@ https://github.com/cklin/mdm (Last checked: 2019-01)
B<xapply> can run jobs in parallel on the local computer.
=head3 EXAMPLES FROM xapply's MANUAL
Here are the examples from B<xapply>'s man page with the equivalent
using GNU B<parallel>:
B<1> xapply '(cd %1 && make all)' */
1$ xapply '(cd %1 && make all)' */
B<1> parallel 'cd {} && make all' ::: */
1$ parallel 'cd {} && make all' ::: */
B<2> xapply -f 'diff %1 ../version5/%1' manifest | more
2$ xapply -f 'diff %1 ../version5/%1' manifest | more
B<2> parallel diff {} ../version5/{} < manifest | more
2$ parallel diff {} ../version5/{} < manifest | more
B<3> xapply -p/dev/null -f 'diff %1 %2' manifest1 checklist1
3$ xapply -p/dev/null -f 'diff %1 %2' manifest1 checklist1
B<3> parallel --link diff {1} {2} :::: manifest1 checklist1
3$ parallel --link diff {1} {2} :::: manifest1 checklist1
B<4> xapply 'indent' *.c
4$ xapply 'indent' *.c
B<4> parallel indent ::: *.c
4$ parallel indent ::: *.c
B<5> find ~ksb/bin -type f ! -perm -111 -print | xapply -f -v 'chmod a+x' -
5$ find ~ksb/bin -type f ! -perm -111 -print | xapply -f -v 'chmod a+x' -
B<5> find ~ksb/bin -type f ! -perm -111 -print | parallel -v chmod a+x
5$ find ~ksb/bin -type f ! -perm -111 -print | parallel -v chmod a+x
B<6> find */ -... | fmt 960 1024 | xapply -f -i /dev/tty 'vi' -
6$ find */ -... | fmt 960 1024 | xapply -f -i /dev/tty 'vi' -
B<6> sh <(find */ -... | parallel -s 1024 echo vi)
6$ sh <(find */ -... | parallel -s 1024 echo vi)
B<6> find */ -... | parallel -s 1024 -Xuj1 vi
6$ find */ -... | parallel -s 1024 -Xuj1 vi
B<7> find ... | xapply -f -5 -i /dev/tty 'vi' - - - - -
7$ find ... | xapply -f -5 -i /dev/tty 'vi' - - - - -
B<7> sh <(find ... |parallel -n5 echo vi)
7$ sh <(find ... |parallel -n5 echo vi)
B<7> find ... |parallel -n5 -uj1 vi
7$ find ... |parallel -n5 -uj1 vi
B<8> xapply -fn "" /etc/passwd
8$ xapply -fn "" /etc/passwd
B<8> parallel -k echo < /etc/passwd
8$ parallel -k echo < /etc/passwd
B<9> tr ':' '\012' < /etc/passwd | xapply -7 -nf 'chown %1 %6' - - - - - - -
9$ tr ':' '\012' < /etc/passwd | xapply -7 -nf 'chown %1 %6' - - - - - - -
B<9> tr ':' '\012' < /etc/passwd | parallel -N7 chown {1} {6}
9$ tr ':' '\012' < /etc/passwd | parallel -N7 chown {1} {6}
B<10> xapply '[ -d %1/RCS ] || echo %1' */
10$ xapply '[ -d %1/RCS ] || echo %1' */
B<10> parallel '[ -d {}/RCS ] || echo {}' ::: */
10$ parallel '[ -d {}/RCS ] || echo {}' ::: */
B<11> xapply -f '[ -f %1 ] && echo %1' List | ...
11$ xapply -f '[ -f %1 ] && echo %1' List | ...
B<11> parallel '[ -f {} ] && echo {}' < List | ...
11$ parallel '[ -f {} ] && echo {}' < List | ...
@ -554,30 +563,32 @@ very much like GNU B<parallel>. B<apply> does not run jobs in
parallel. B<apply> does not use an argument separator (like B<:::>);
instead the template must be the first argument.
Here are the examples from IBM's Knowledge Center and the
corresponding command using GNU B<parallel>:
1. To obtain results similar to those of the B<ls> command, enter:
=head4 To obtain results similar to those of the B<ls> command, enter:
apply echo *
parallel echo ::: *
1$ apply echo *
1$ parallel echo ::: *
2. To compare the file named B<a1> to the file named B<b1>, and the
file named B<a2> to the file named B<b2>, enter:
=head4 To compare the file named a1 to the file named b1, and
the file named a2 to the file named b2, enter:
apply -2 cmp a1 b1 a2 b2
parallel -N2 cmp ::: a1 b1 a2 b2
2$ apply -2 cmp a1 b1 a2 b2
2$ parallel -N2 cmp ::: a1 b1 a2 b2
3. To run the B<who> command five times, enter:
=head4 To run the B<who> command five times, enter:
apply -0 who 1 2 3 4 5
parallel -N0 who ::: 1 2 3 4 5
3$ apply -0 who 1 2 3 4 5
3$ parallel -N0 who ::: 1 2 3 4 5
4. To link all files in the current directory to the directory
B</usr/joe>, enter:
=head4 To link all files in the current directory to the directory
/usr/joe, enter:
apply 'ln %1 /usr/joe' *
parallel ln {} /usr/joe ::: *
4$ apply 'ln %1 /usr/joe' *
4$ parallel ln {} /usr/joe ::: *
ssw_aix_71/com.ibm.aix.cmds1/apply.htm (Last checked: 2019-01)
@ -593,46 +604,60 @@ output. This means you will have to write a wrapper for most programs.
B<paexec> has a job dependency facility so a job can depend on another
job to be executed successfully. Sort of a poor-man's B<make>.
Here are the examples from B<paexec>'s example catalog with the equivalent
using GNU B<parallel>:
=over 1
=head4 1_div_X_run
=item 1_div_X_run:
1$ ../../paexec -s -l -c "`pwd`/1_div_X_cmd" -n +1 <<EOF [...]
../../paexec -s -l -c "`pwd`/1_div_X_cmd" -n +1 <<EOF [...]
parallel echo {} '|' `pwd`/1_div_X_cmd <<EOF [...]
1$ parallel echo {} '|' `pwd`/1_div_X_cmd <<EOF [...]
=item all_substr_run:
=head4 all_substr_run
../../paexec -lp -c "`pwd`/all_substr_cmd" -n +3 <<EOF [...]
parallel echo {} '|' `pwd`/all_substr_cmd <<EOF [...]
2$ ../../paexec -lp -c "`pwd`/all_substr_cmd" -n +3 <<EOF [...]
=item cc_wrapper_run:
2$ parallel echo {} '|' `pwd`/all_substr_cmd <<EOF [...]
../../paexec -c "env CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O2 `pwd`/cc_wrapper_cmd" \
=head4 cc_wrapper_run
3$ ../../paexec -c "env CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O2 `pwd`/cc_wrapper_cmd" \
-n 'host1 host2' \
-t '/usr/bin/ssh -x' <<EOF [...]
parallel echo {} '|' "env CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O2 `pwd`/cc_wrapper_cmd" \
-S host1,host2 <<EOF [...]
# This is not exactly the same, but avoids the wrapper
parallel gcc -O2 -c -o {.}.o {} \
3$ parallel echo {} '|' "env CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O2 `pwd`/cc_wrapper_cmd" \
-S host1,host2 <<EOF [...]
=item toupper_run:
# This is not exactly the same, but avoids the wrapper
parallel gcc -O2 -c -o {.}.o {} \
-S host1,host2 <<EOF [...]
../../paexec -lp -c "`pwd`/toupper_cmd" -n +10 <<EOF [...]
parallel echo {} '|' ./toupper_cmd <<EOF [...]
# Without the wrapper:
parallel echo {} '| awk {print\ toupper\(\$0\)}' <<EOF [...]
=head4 toupper_run
4$ ../../paexec -lp -c "`pwd`/toupper_cmd" -n +10 <<EOF [...]
4$ parallel echo {} '|' ./toupper_cmd <<EOF [...]
# Without the wrapper:
parallel echo {} '| awk {print\ toupper\(\$0\)}' <<EOF [...]
=head2 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN map(sitaramc) AND GNU Parallel
Summary table (see legend above):
I1 - - I4 - - -
M1 (M2) M3 M4 M5 -
- O2 O3 - O5 - - N/A N/A O10
E1 - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- -
(M2): Only if there is a single replacement string.
B<map> sees it as a feature to have less features and in doing so it
also handles corner cases incorrectly. A lot of GNU B<parallel>'s code
is to handle corner cases correctly on every platform, so you will not
@ -707,8 +732,14 @@ context replace:
B<map> requires Perl v5.10.0 making it harder to use on old systems.
B<map> has no way of using % in the command (GNU B<parallel> has -I to
specify another replacement string than B<{}>).
To put a % in the command line B<map> requires you to use %%:
seq 10 | map -n1 echo % +10%% {}
seq 10 | parallel -I ,, echo ,, +10% {}
GNU B<parallel> has -I to specify another replacement string than
B<{}> if you use B<{}> in the command template.
By design B<map> is option incompatible with B<xargs>, it does not
have remote job execution, a structured way of saving results,
@ -717,7 +748,7 @@ delimiter (only field delimiter), logging of jobs run with possibility
to resume, keeping the output in the same order as input, --pipe
processing, and dynamically timeouts.
https://github.com/sitaramc/map (Last checked: 2020-04)
@ -753,21 +784,25 @@ fails for output larger than 200k:
It is assumed that the '--rpl's above are put in B<~/.parallel/config>
and that it is run under a shell that supports '**' globbing (such as B<zsh>):
B<1> ladon "**/*.txt" -- echo RELPATH
1$ ladon "**/*.txt" -- echo RELPATH
B<1> parallel echo RELPATH ::: **/*.txt
1$ parallel echo RELPATH ::: **/*.txt
B<2> ladon "~/Documents/**/*.pdf" -- shasum FULLPATH >hashes.txt
2$ ladon "~/Documents/**/*.pdf" -- shasum FULLPATH >hashes.txt
B<2> parallel shasum FULLPATH ::: ~/Documents/**/*.pdf >hashes.txt
2$ parallel shasum FULLPATH ::: ~/Documents/**/*.pdf >hashes.txt
B<3> ladon -m thumbs/RELDIR "**/*.jpg" -- convert FULLPATH -thumbnail 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 thumbs/RELPATH
3$ ladon -m thumbs/RELDIR "**/*.jpg" -- convert FULLPATH \
-thumbnail 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 \
B<3> parallel mkdir -p thumbs/RELDIR\; convert FULLPATH -thumbnail 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 thumbs/RELPATH ::: **/*.jpg
3$ parallel mkdir -p thumbs/RELDIR\; convert FULLPATH
-thumbnail 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 \
thumbs/RELPATH ::: **/*.jpg
B<4> ladon "~/Music/*.wav" -- lame -V 2 FULLPATH DIRNAME/BASENAME.mp3
4$ ladon "~/Music/*.wav" -- lame -V 2 FULLPATH DIRNAME/BASENAME.mp3
B<4> parallel lame -V 2 FULLPATH DIRNAME/BASENAME.mp3 ::: ~/Music/*.wav
4$ parallel lame -V 2 FULLPATH DIRNAME/BASENAME.mp3 ::: ~/Music/*.wav
https://github.com/danielgtaylor/ladon (Last checked: 2019-01)
@ -802,21 +837,21 @@ jobs. This can be emulated by GNU B<parallel> using B<bash>'s B<ulimit>:
B<1> cat things.list | jobflow -threads=8 -exec ./mytask {}
1$ cat things.list | jobflow -threads=8 -exec ./mytask {}
B<1> cat things.list | parallel -j8 ./mytask {}
1$ cat things.list | parallel -j8 ./mytask {}
B<2> seq 100 | jobflow -threads=100 -exec echo {}
2$ seq 100 | jobflow -threads=100 -exec echo {}
B<2> seq 100 | parallel -j100 echo {}
2$ seq 100 | parallel -j100 echo {}
B<3> cat urls.txt | jobflow -threads=32 -exec wget {}
3$ cat urls.txt | jobflow -threads=32 -exec wget {}
B<3> cat urls.txt | parallel -j32 wget {}
3$ cat urls.txt | parallel -j32 wget {}
B<4> find . -name '*.bmp' | jobflow -threads=8 -exec bmp2jpeg {.}.bmp {.}.jpg
4$ find . -name '*.bmp' | jobflow -threads=8 -exec bmp2jpeg {.}.bmp {.}.jpg
B<4> find . -name '*.bmp' | parallel -j8 bmp2jpeg {.}.bmp {.}.jpg
4$ find . -name '*.bmp' | parallel -j8 bmp2jpeg {.}.bmp {.}.jpg
@ -836,15 +871,15 @@ is killed.
Output to stderr (standard error) is changed if the command fails.
Here are the two examples from B<gargs> website.
B<1> seq 12 -1 1 | gargs -p 4 -n 3 "sleep {0}; echo {1} {2}"
1$ seq 12 -1 1 | gargs -p 4 -n 3 "sleep {0}; echo {1} {2}"
B<1> seq 12 -1 1 | parallel -P 4 -n 3 "sleep {1}; echo {2} {3}"
1$ seq 12 -1 1 | parallel -P 4 -n 3 "sleep {1}; echo {2} {3}"
B<2> cat t.txt | gargs --sep "\s+" -p 2 "echo '{0}:{1}-{2}' full-line: \'{}\'"
2$ cat t.txt | gargs --sep "\s+" -p 2 "echo '{0}:{1}-{2}' full-line: \'{}\'"
B<2> cat t.txt | parallel --colsep "\\s+" -P 2 "echo '{1}:{2}-{3}' full-line: \'{}\'"
2$ cat t.txt | parallel --colsep "\\s+" -P 2 "echo '{1}:{2}-{3}' full-line: \'{}\'"
@ -966,11 +1001,11 @@ instead of ^ as that is closer to bash's ${var%postfix}):
--rpl '{/:} s:(.*/)?([^/.]+)(\.[^/]+)*$:$2:'
--rpl '{@(.*?)} /$$1/ and $_=$1;'
Here are the examples from B<rush>'s website with the equivalent
command in GNU B<parallel>.
B<1. Simple run, quoting is not necessary>
$ seq 1 3 | rush echo {}
@ -1518,6 +1553,8 @@ Make Ctrl-C kill all running processes
Here are the 5 examples converted to GNU Parallel:
1$ ls *.c | map f 'foo $f'
@ -1556,6 +1593,8 @@ B<loop> cannot run functions:
export -f myfunc
loop 'myfunc this fails'
Some of the examples from https://github.com/Miserlou/Loop/ can be
emulated with GNU B<parallel>:
@ -1760,48 +1799,50 @@ to fit on a single command line.
B<paral> has no support for running jobs remotely.
=head3 EXAMPLES FROM README.markdown
The examples from B<README.markdown> and the corresponding command run
with GNU B<parallel> (B<--results
'out_{#}_{=s/[^\sa-z_0-9]//g;s/\s+/_/g=}.log' --eta> is omitted from
the GNU B<parallel> command):
paral "command 1" "command 2 --flag" "command arg1 arg2"
parallel ::: "command 1" "command 2 --flag" "command arg1 arg2"
1$ paral "command 1" "command 2 --flag" "command arg1 arg2"
1$ parallel ::: "command 1" "command 2 --flag" "command arg1 arg2"
paral "sleep 1 && echo c1" "sleep 2 && echo c2" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 4 && echo c4" "sleep 5 && echo c5"
parallel ::: "sleep 1 && echo c1" "sleep 2 && echo c2" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 4 && echo c4" "sleep 5 && echo c5"
# Or shorter:
parallel "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: {1..5}
2$ paral "sleep 1 && echo c1" "sleep 2 && echo c2" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 4 && echo c4" "sleep 5 && echo c5"
2$ parallel ::: "sleep 1 && echo c1" "sleep 2 && echo c2" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 4 && echo c4" "sleep 5 && echo c5"
# Or shorter:
parallel "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: {1..5}
paral -n=0 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1"
parallel ::: "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1"
# Or shorter:
parallel -j0 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1
3$ paral -n=0 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1"
3$ parallel ::: "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1"
# Or shorter:
parallel -j0 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1
paral -n=1 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1"
parallel -j1 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1
4$ paral -n=1 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1"
4$ parallel -j1 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1
paral -n=2 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1"
parallel -j2 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1
5$ paral -n=2 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1"
5$ parallel -j2 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1
paral -n=5 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1"
parallel -j5 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1
6$ paral -n=5 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \
"sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1"
6$ parallel -j5 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1
paral -n=1 "echo a && sleep 0.5 && echo b && sleep 0.5 && \
echo c && sleep 0.5 && echo d && sleep 0.5 && \
echo e && sleep 0.5 && echo f && sleep 0.5 && \
echo g && sleep 0.5 && echo h"
parallel ::: "echo a && sleep 0.5 && echo b && sleep 0.5 && \
echo c && sleep 0.5 && echo d && sleep 0.5 && \
echo e && sleep 0.5 && echo f && sleep 0.5 && \
echo g && sleep 0.5 && echo h"
7$ paral -n=1 "echo a && sleep 0.5 && echo b && sleep 0.5 && \
echo c && sleep 0.5 && echo d && sleep 0.5 && \
echo e && sleep 0.5 && echo f && sleep 0.5 && \
echo g && sleep 0.5 && echo h"
7$ parallel ::: "echo a && sleep 0.5 && echo b && sleep 0.5 && \
echo c && sleep 0.5 && echo d && sleep 0.5 && \
echo e && sleep 0.5 && echo f && sleep 0.5 && \
echo g && sleep 0.5 && echo h"
https://github.com/amattn/paral (Last checked: 2019-01)
@ -1811,19 +1852,21 @@ https://github.com/amattn/paral (Last checked: 2019-01)
B<concurr> is built to run jobs in parallel using a client/server
The examples from B<README.md>:
concurr 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' : arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
parallel 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' ::: arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
1$ concurr 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' : arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
1$ parallel 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' ::: arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
concurr 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' :: file1 file2 file3
parallel 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' :::: file1 file2 file3
2$ concurr 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' :: file1 file2 file3
2$ parallel 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' :::: file1 file2 file3
concurr 'echo {}' < input_file
parallel 'echo {}' < input_file
3$ concurr 'echo {}' < input_file
3$ parallel 'echo {}' < input_file
cat file | concurr 'echo {}'
cat file | parallel 'echo {}'
4$ cat file | concurr 'echo {}'
4$ cat file | parallel 'echo {}'
B<concurr> deals badly empty input files and with output larger than
64 KB.
@ -1857,37 +1900,45 @@ https://github.com/spion/npm-parallel (Last checked: 2019-01)
=head2 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN machma AND GNU Parallel
B<machma> runs tasks in parallel. It gives time stamped
output. It buffers in RAM. The examples from README.md:
output. It buffers in RAM.
# Put shorthand for timestamp in config for the examples
echo '--rpl '\
\''{time} $_=::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime())'\' \
> ~/.parallel/machma
echo '--line-buffer --tagstring "{#} {time} {}"' >> ~/.parallel/machma
find . -iname '*.jpg' |
machma -- mogrify -resize 1200x1200 -filter Lanczos {}
find . -iname '*.jpg' |
parallel --bar -Jmachma mogrify -resize 1200x1200 -filter Lanczos {}
The examples from README.md:
cat /tmp/ips | machma -p 2 -- ping -c 2 -q {}
cat /tmp/ips | parallel -j2 -Jmachma ping -c 2 -q {}
1$ # Put shorthand for timestamp in config for the examples
echo '--rpl '\
\''{time} $_=::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime())'\' \
> ~/.parallel/machma
echo '--line-buffer --tagstring "{#} {time} {}"' \
>> ~/.parallel/machma
cat /tmp/ips |
machma -- sh -c 'ping -c 2 -q $0 > /dev/null && echo alive' {}
cat /tmp/ips |
parallel -Jmachma 'ping -c 2 -q {} > /dev/null && echo alive'
2$ find . -iname '*.jpg' |
machma -- mogrify -resize 1200x1200 -filter Lanczos {}
find . -iname '*.jpg' |
parallel --bar -Jmachma mogrify -resize 1200x1200 \
-filter Lanczos {}
find . -iname '*.jpg' |
machma --timeout 5s -- mogrify -resize 1200x1200 -filter Lanczos {}
find . -iname '*.jpg' |
parallel --timeout 5s --bar mogrify -resize 1200x1200 \
-filter Lanczos {}
3$ cat /tmp/ips | machma -p 2 -- ping -c 2 -q {}
3$ cat /tmp/ips | parallel -j2 -Jmachma ping -c 2 -q {}
find . -iname '*.jpg' -print0 |
machma --null -- mogrify -resize 1200x1200 -filter Lanczos {}
find . -iname '*.jpg' -print0 |
parallel --null --bar mogrify -resize 1200x1200 -filter Lanczos {}
4$ cat /tmp/ips |
machma -- sh -c 'ping -c 2 -q $0 > /dev/null && echo alive' {}
4$ cat /tmp/ips |
parallel -Jmachma 'ping -c 2 -q {} > /dev/null && echo alive'
5$ find . -iname '*.jpg' |
machma --timeout 5s -- mogrify -resize 1200x1200 \
-filter Lanczos {}
5$ find . -iname '*.jpg' |
parallel --timeout 5s --bar mogrify -resize 1200x1200 \
-filter Lanczos {}
6$ find . -iname '*.jpg' -print0 |
machma --null -- mogrify -resize 1200x1200 -filter Lanczos {}
6$ find . -iname '*.jpg' -print0 |
parallel --null --bar mogrify -resize 1200x1200 \
-filter Lanczos {}
https://github.com/fd0/machma (Last checked: 2019-06)
@ -1909,6 +1960,8 @@ B<interface> does not buffer output, so output from different jobs mixes.
The overhead for each target is O(n*n), so with 1000 targets it
becomes very slow with an overhead in the order of 500ms/target.
=head3 EXAMPLES FROM interlace's WEBSITE
Using B<prips> most of the examples from
https://github.com/codingo/Interlace can be run with GNU B<parallel>:
@ -2319,17 +2372,18 @@ For full support of {n..m:s} including negative numbers use a dynamic
replacement string like this:
PARALLEL=--rpl\ \''{r((-?\d+)?)\.\.((-?\d+)?)((:([^}]*))?)}
PARALLEL=--rpl\ \''{r((-?\d+)?)\.\.((-?\d+)?)((:([^}]*))?)}
$a = defined $$2 ? $$2 < 0 ? 1+$#arg+$$2 : $$2 : 1;
$b = defined $$4 ? $$4 < 0 ? 1+$#arg+$$4 : $$4 : $#arg+1;
$s = defined $$6 ? $$7 : " ";
$_ = join $s,@arg[$a..$b]'\'
You can then do:
head /etc/passwd | parallel --colsep : echo ..={1r..} ..3={1r..3} 4..={1r4..} 2..4={1r2..4} 3..3={1r3..3} ..3:-={1r..3:-} ..3:/={1r..3:/} -1={-1} -5={-5} -6={-6} -3..={1r-3..}
head /etc/passwd | parallel --colsep : echo ..={1r..} ..3={1r..3} \
4..={1r4..} 2..4={1r2..4} 3..3={1r3..3} ..3:-={1r..3:-} \
..3:/={1r..3:/} -1={-1} -5={-5} -6={-6} -3..={1r-3..}
@ -2370,6 +2424,7 @@ virtual memory will cause the machine to crash.
https://github.com/voodooEntity/threader (Last checked: 2020-04)
Summary table (see legend above):
@ -2496,9 +2551,53 @@ output to stderr (this can be prevented with -q)
https://github.com/jreisinger/runp (Last checked: 2020-04)
=head2 Todo
=head2 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN papply AND GNU Parallel
Summary table (see legend above):
- - - I4 - - -
M1 - M3 - - M6
- - O3 - O5 - - N/A N/A O10
E1 - - E4 - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- -
B<papply> does not print the output if the command fails:
$ papply 'echo %F; false' foo
"echo foo; false" did not succeed
B<papply>'s replacement strings (%F %d %f %n %e %z) can be simulated in GNU
B<parallel> by putting this in B<~/.parallel/config>:
--rpl '%F'
--rpl '%d $_=Q(::dirname($_));'
--rpl '%f s:.*/::;'
--rpl '%n s:.*/::;s:\.[^/.]+$::;'
--rpl '%e s:.*\.:.:'
--rpl '%z $_=""'
B<papply> buffers in RAM, and uses twice the amount of output. So
output of 5 GB takes 10 GB RAM.
The buffering is very CPU intensive: Buffering a line of 5 GB takes 40
seconds (compared to 10 seconds with GNU B<parallel>).
=head3 Examples as GNU Parallel
1$ papply gzip *.txt
1$ parallel gzip ::: *.txt
2$ papply "convert %F %n.jpg" *.png
2$ parallel convert {} {.}.jpg ::: *.png
https://pypi.org/project/papply/ (Last checked: 2020-04)
=head2 Todo