mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 12:47:54 +00:00
parallel: ssh command hexed to a script in $PARALLEL_REMOTE_TMPDIR.
This commit is contained in:
@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ New in this release:
News about GNU Parallel:
@ -1939,7 +1939,6 @@ sub parse_options(@) {
if(defined $opt::version) { version(); wait_and_exit(0); }
if(defined $opt::record_env) { record_env(); wait_and_exit(0); }
if(defined $opt::show_limits) { show_limits(); }
if(@opt::sshlogin) { @Global::sshlogin = @opt::sshlogin; }
if(@opt::sshloginfile) { read_sshloginfiles(@opt::sshloginfile); }
if(@opt::return) { push @Global::ret_files, @opt::return; }
@ -2214,6 +2213,7 @@ sub parse_options(@) {
if(defined $opt::show_limits) { show_limits(); }
if(remote_hosts() and ($opt::X or $opt::m or $opt::xargs)) {
# As we do not know the max line length on the remote machine
@ -2412,6 +2412,7 @@ sub init_globals() {
$Global::max_jobs_running = 0;
$Global::job_already_run = '';
$ENV{'TMPDIR'} ||= "/tmp";
if(not $ENV{HOME}) {
# $ENV{HOME} is sometimes not set if called from PHP
@ -4239,6 +4240,17 @@ sub parse_sshlogin() {
::min($Global::minimal_command_line_length, $sshlogin->maxlength());
$Global::host{$sshlogin_string} = $sshlogin;
$Global::usable_command_line_length =
# Usable len = maxlen - 3000 for wrapping, div 2 for hexing
int(($Global::minimal_command_line_length - 3000)/2);
if($opt::max_chars) {
if($opt::max_chars <= $Global::usable_command_line_length) {
$Global::usable_command_line_length = $opt::max_chars;
} else {
::warning("Value for option -s should be < ".
if(@allowed_hostgroups) {
# Remove hosts that are not in these groups
while (my ($string, $sshlogin) = each %Global::host) {
@ -4436,9 +4448,6 @@ sub filter_hosts() {
$Global::minimal_command_line_length =
::debug("init", "Timing from -S:$sshlogin ",
" nsockets:",$nsockets_ref->{$sshlogin},
" ncores:", $ncores_ref->{$sshlogin},
@ -5356,7 +5365,7 @@ sub citation() {
sub show_limits() {
# Returns: N/A
print("Maximal size of command: ",Limits::Command::real_max_length(),"\n",
"Maximal used size of command: ",Limits::Command::max_length(),"\n",
"Maximal usable size of command: ",$Global::usable_command_line_length,"\n",
"Execution of will continue now, and it will try to read its input\n",
"and run commands; if this is not what you wanted to happen, please\n",
@ -9443,23 +9452,39 @@ sub sshlogin_wrap($) {
$monitor_parent_sshd_script =
# This will be packed in ', so only use "
::spacefree(0,'$shell = "'.($ENV{'PARALLEL_SHELL'} || '$ENV{SHELL}').'";'.
'$tmpdir = "'.::perl_quote_scalar($ENV{'TMPDIR'}).'";'.
'$tmpdir = $ENV{"TMPDIR"} || "'.
'$nice = '.$opt::nice.';'.
'$termseq = "'.$opt::termseq.'";'.
# }
# Check that $tmpdir is writable
-w $tmpdir ||
# Set $PARALLEL_TMP to a non-existent file name in $TMPDIR
do {
$ENV{PARALLEL_TMP} = $tmpdir."/par".
join"", map { (0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(62)] } (1..5);
} while(-e $ENV{PARALLEL_TMP});
# Set $script to a non-existent file name in $TMPDIR
do {
$script = $tmpdir."/par".
join"", map { (0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(62)] } (1..5);
} while(-e $script);
open($fh,">",$script) || die;
# \040 = space - but we remove spaces in the script
# ' needed due to rc-shell
close $fh;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub { $done = 1; };
$pid = fork;
unless($pid) {
# Make own process group to be able to kill HUP it later
eval { setpgrp };
eval { setpriority(0,0,$nice) };
exec $shell, "-c", ($bashfunc."@ARGV");
die "exec: $!\n";
die("exec failed: $!");
my $parent = getppid;
do {
@ -9640,24 +9665,32 @@ sub sshlogin_wrap($) {
qq{print(STDERR "parallel: Cannot chdir to $wd\\n") && exit 255;};
my ($csh_friendly,$envset,$bashfuncset) = env_as_eval();
my $remote_command = $pwd.$envset.$bashfuncset.
$quoted_remote_command = "perl -e ". ::Q($remote_command);
my $dq_remote_command = ::Q($quoted_remote_command);
if(length $dq_remote_command > 999
not $csh_friendly
$command =~ /\n/) {
# csh does not deal well with > 1000 chars in one word
# csh does not deal well with $ENV with \n
$quoted_remote_command =
"perl -e ". ::Q(::Q(base64_zip_eval()))." ".
join" ",::shell_quote(::shell_quote(string_zip_base64($remote_command)));
} else {
$quoted_remote_command = $dq_remote_command;
my $cmd = $command;
# q// does not quote \, so we must do that
$cmd =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
my $remote_command =
# "#" is needed because Perl on MacOS X adds NULs
# when running pack q/H10000000/
my $hex = unpack "H*", $remote_command."#";
# csh does not deal well with > 1000 chars in one word
# Insert space every 1000 char
$hex =~ s/\G.{1000}\K/ /sg;
# Explanation:
# Write this without special chars: eval pack 'H*', join '',@ARGV
# GNU_Parallel = String so people can see this is from GNU Parallel
# eval+ = way to write 'eval ' without space (gives warning)
# pack+ = way to write 'pack ' without space
# q/H10000000/,= almost the same as "H*" but does not use *
# join+q//, = join '',
$remote_command = 'GNU_Parallel,eval+pack+q/H10000000/,join+q//,@ARGV '
. $hex;
$quoted_remote_command = "perl -X -e ". $remote_command;
my $sshcmd = $sshlogin->sshcommand();
my ($pre,$post,$cleanup)=("","","");
@ -11264,7 +11297,7 @@ sub slot($) {
# Add arguments from arg_queue until the number of arguments or
# max line length is reached
# Uses:
# $Global::minimal_command_line_length
# $Global::usable_command_line_length
# $opt::cat
# $opt::fifo
# $Global::JobQueue
@ -11274,8 +11307,7 @@ sub slot($) {
# Returns: N/A
my $self = shift;
my $next_arg;
my $max_len = $Global::minimal_command_line_length
|| Limits::Command::max_length();
my $max_len = $Global::usable_command_line_length || die;
if($^O eq "darwin") {
# Darwin's limit is affected by:
# * number of environment names (variables+functions)
@ -12317,13 +12349,6 @@ sub max_length($) {
rename $len_cache.$$, $len_cache || ::die_bug("rename cache file");
$Limits::Command::line_max_len = tmux_length($cached_limit);
if($opt::max_chars) {
if($opt::max_chars <= $cached_limit) {
$Limits::Command::line_max_len = $opt::max_chars;
} else {
::warning("Value for -s option should be < $cached_limit.");
return int($Limits::Command::line_max_len);
@ -12417,7 +12442,7 @@ sub tmux_length($) {
my @out;
for my $l (1, 2020, 16320, 100000, $len) {
for my $l (1, 2020, 16320, 30000, $len) {
my $tmpfile = ::tmpname("tms");
my $tmuxcmd = $ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'}.
" -S $tmpfile new-session -d -n echo $l".
@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ stdout ping -w 1 -c 1 centos3 >/dev/null || (
cd vagrant/tange/centos3/ 2>/dev/null
cd ../vagrant/tange/centos3/ 2>/dev/null
cd ../../../..
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'mkdir -p .parallel bin; touch .parallel/will-cite'
scp -q .*/src/{parallel,sem,sql,niceload,env_parallel*} $SSHLOGIN1:bin/
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'touch .parallel/will-cite; mkdir -p bin'
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'echo PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/bin >> .bashrc'
# Allow login from centos3 to $SSHLOGIN2 (that is shellshock hardened)
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh $SSHLOGIN2 'cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys'
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub >>.ssh/authorized_keys; chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys'
@ -641,7 +641,6 @@ export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | grep par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
parallel --timeout 1000% -j10 --tag -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1' |
perl -pe 's/,31,0/,15,0/' |
perl -pe 's/131\d\d\d/131XXX/' |
# Replace $PWD with . even if given as ~/...
perl -pe 's:~:'$HOME':g' |
perl -pe 's:'$PWD':.:g' |
@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ par_test_build_and_install() {
rm -rf parallel-20??????/
tar xf ~/privat/parallel/$LAST
cd parallel-20??????/
rm -rf /tmp/parallel-install
echo "### Test normal build and install"
# Make sure files depending on *.pod have to be rebuilt
@ -125,7 +126,9 @@ par_test_build_and_install() {
./configure --prefix=/tmp/parallel-install &&
(stdout nice make -j3 >/dev/null;
stdout nice make install) |
perl -pe 's/make\[\d\]/make[0]/g;s/\d{8}/00000000/g'
perl -pe 's/make\[\d\]/make[0]/g;
s/rm: cannot remove.*\n//;
echo '### Test installation missing pod2*'
parallel which ::: pod2html pod2man pod2texi pod2pdf |
@ -135,7 +138,9 @@ par_test_build_and_install() {
./configure --prefix=/tmp/parallel-install &&
(stdout nice make -j3 >/dev/null;
stdout nice make install) |
perl -pe 's/make\[\d\]/make[0]/g;s/\d{8}/00000000/g'
perl -pe 's/make\[\d\]/make[0]/g;
s/rm: cannot remove.*\n//;
parallel which {}.hidden ::: pod2html pod2man pod2texi pod2pdf |
sudo parallel mv {} {.}
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# Each should be taking 30-100s and be possible to run in parallel
# I.e.: No race conditions, no logins
par_shard() {
par_shard_a() {
echo '### --shard'
# Each of the 5 lines should match:
# ##### ##### ######
@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ par_shard() {
shard_on_col 1
shard_on_col 2
par_shard_b() {
echo '### --shard'
shard_on_col_name() {
@ -33,7 +36,10 @@ par_shard() {
shard_on_col_name A 1
shard_on_col_name B 2
par_shard_c() {
echo '### --shard'
shard_on_col_expr() {
@ -43,7 +49,9 @@ par_shard() {
shard_on_col_expr '1 $_%=3' 1
shard_on_col_expr '2 $_%=3' 2
par_shard_d() {
shard_on_col_name_expr() {
@ -55,10 +63,10 @@ par_shard() {
shard_on_col_name_expr 'B $_%=3' 2
echo '*** broken'
# Shorthand for --pipe -j+0
seq 200000 | parallel --pipe --shard 1 wc |
perl -pe 's/(.*\d{5,}){3}/OK/'
# Combine with arguments
# Should be shorthand for --pipe -j+0
#seq 200000 | parallel --pipe --shard 1 wc |
# perl -pe 's/(.*\d{5,}){3}/OK/'
# Combine with arguments (should compute -j10 given args)
seq 200000 | parallel --pipe --shard 1 echo {}\;wc ::: {1..5} ::: a b |
perl -pe 's/(.*\d{5,}){3}/OK/'
@ -440,7 +448,7 @@ par_max_length_len_128k() {
parallel -X echo {}aa{} | head -n 1 | wc -c
seq 1 60000 | perl -pe 's/$/.gif/' |
parallel -X echo {} aa {} | head -n 1 | wc -c
) | perl -pe 's/131\d\d\d/131xxx/g'
) | perl -pe 's/(\d\d+)\d\d\d/${1}xxx/g'
par_round_robin_blocks() {
@ -530,15 +538,19 @@ par_plus_dyn_repl() {
par_keeporder_roundrobin() {
echo 'bug #50081: --keep-order --round-robin should give predictable results'
. `which env_parallel.bash`
export PARALLEL="-j13 --block 1m --pipe --roundrobin"
random1G() {
< /dev/zero openssl enc -aes-128-ctr -K 1234 -iv 1234 2>/dev/null |
head -c 1G;
run_roundrobin() {
random1G() {
< /dev/zero openssl enc -aes-128-ctr -K 1234 -iv 1234 2>/dev/null |
head -c 1G;
random1G |
parallel $1 -j13 --block 1m --pipe --roundrobin 'echo {#} $(md5sum)' |
a=$(random1G | parallel -k 'echo {#} $(md5sum)' | sort)
b=$(random1G | parallel -k 'echo {#} $(md5sum)' | sort)
c=$(random1G | parallel 'echo {#} $(md5sum)' | sort)
env_parset a,b,c run_roundrobin ::: -k -k ''
if [ "$a" == "$b" ] ; then
# Good: -k should be == -k
if [ "$a" == "$c" ] ; then
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ par_show_limits() {
(echo b; echo c; echo f) | parallel -j1 -kX --show-limits -s 100 echo {}ar
echo "### BUG: empty lines with --show-limit"
echo | stdout parallel --show-limits
) | perl -pe 's/131\d\d\d/131xxx/'
) | perl -pe 's/(\d+)\d\d\d/${1}xxx/'
par_test_delimiter() {
@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ par_PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS() {
echo '### test rsync opts'
touch parallel_rsync_opts.test
parallel --rsync-opts -rlDzRRRR -vv -S parallel@lo --trc {}.out touch {}.out ::: parallel_rsync_opts.test |
perl -ne 's/(rsync .*?RRRR)/print $1/ge'
perl -nE 's/(rsync .*?RRRR)/say $1/ge'
parallel -vv -S parallel@lo --trc {}.out touch {}.out ::: parallel_rsync_opts.test |
perl -ne 's/(rsync .*?RRRR)/print $1/ge'
perl -nE 's/(rsync .*?RRRR)/say $1/ge'
rm parallel_rsync_opts.test parallel_rsync_opts.test.out
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ D hgrp=csh@lo+c+lo
D hgrp=csh@lo+lo+c
D hgrp=lo+c+csh@lo
D hgrp=lo+csh@lo+c
E agrp=lo+b+c+bash@lo+csh@lo
E agrp=b+bash@lo+c+csh@lo+lo
E agrp=b+bash@lo+c+lo+csh@lo
E agrp=b+bash@lo+csh@lo+c+lo
E agrp=b+bash@lo+csh@lo+lo+c
@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ E agrp=b+bash@lo+lo+csh@lo+c
E agrp=b+c+bash@lo+csh@lo+lo
E agrp=b+c+bash@lo+lo+csh@lo
E agrp=b+c+csh@lo+bash@lo+lo
E agrp=b+c+csh@lo+lo+bash@lo
E agrp=b+c+lo+bash@lo+csh@lo
E agrp=b+c+lo+csh@lo+bash@lo
E agrp=b+csh@lo+bash@lo+c+lo
@ -253,6 +254,7 @@ E agrp=b+lo+c+csh@lo+bash@lo
E agrp=b+lo+csh@lo+bash@lo+c
E agrp=b+lo+csh@lo+c+bash@lo
E agrp=bash@lo+b+c+csh@lo+lo
E agrp=bash@lo+b+c+lo+csh@lo
E agrp=bash@lo+b+csh@lo+c+lo
E agrp=bash@lo+b+csh@lo+lo+c
E agrp=bash@lo+b+lo+c+csh@lo
@ -277,18 +279,20 @@ E agrp=bash@lo+lo+csh@lo+b+c
E agrp=bash@lo+lo+csh@lo+c+b
E agrp=c+b+bash@lo+csh@lo+lo
E agrp=c+b+bash@lo+lo+csh@lo
E agrp=c+b+csh@lo+bash@lo+lo
E agrp=c+b+csh@lo+lo+bash@lo
E agrp=c+b+lo+bash@lo+csh@lo
E agrp=c+b+lo+csh@lo+bash@lo
E agrp=c+bash@lo+b+csh@lo+lo
E agrp=c+bash@lo+csh@lo+b+lo
E agrp=c+bash@lo+b+lo+csh@lo
E agrp=c+bash@lo+csh@lo+b+lo
E agrp=c+bash@lo+csh@lo+lo+b
E agrp=c+bash@lo+lo+b+csh@lo
E agrp=c+bash@lo+lo+csh@lo+b
E agrp=c+csh@lo+b+bash@lo+lo
E agrp=c+csh@lo+b+lo+bash@lo
E agrp=c+csh@lo+bash@lo+b+lo
E agrp=c+csh@lo+bash@lo+lo+b
E agrp=c+csh@lo+lo+b+bash@lo
E agrp=c+csh@lo+lo+bash@lo+b
E agrp=c+lo+b+bash@lo+csh@lo
@ -296,10 +300,12 @@ E agrp=c+lo+b+csh@lo+bash@lo
E agrp=c+lo+bash@lo+b+csh@lo
E agrp=c+lo+bash@lo+csh@lo+b
E agrp=c+lo+csh@lo+b+bash@lo
E agrp=c+lo+csh@lo+bash@lo+b
E agrp=csh@lo+b+bash@lo+c+lo
E agrp=csh@lo+b+bash@lo+lo+c
E agrp=csh@lo+b+c+bash@lo+lo
E agrp=csh@lo+b+c+lo+bash@lo
E agrp=csh@lo+b+lo+bash@lo+c
E agrp=csh@lo+b+lo+c+bash@lo
E agrp=csh@lo+bash@lo+b+c+lo
E agrp=csh@lo+bash@lo+b+lo+c
@ -321,6 +327,7 @@ E agrp=csh@lo+lo+c+b+bash@lo
E agrp=csh@lo+lo+c+bash@lo+b
E agrp=lo+b+bash@lo+c+csh@lo
E agrp=lo+b+bash@lo+csh@lo+c
E agrp=lo+b+c+bash@lo+csh@lo
E agrp=lo+b+c+csh@lo+bash@lo
E agrp=lo+b+csh@lo+bash@lo+c
E agrp=lo+b+csh@lo+c+bash@lo
@ -328,6 +335,7 @@ E agrp=lo+bash@lo+b+c+csh@lo
E agrp=lo+bash@lo+b+csh@lo+c
E agrp=lo+bash@lo+c+b+csh@lo
E agrp=lo+bash@lo+c+csh@lo+b
E agrp=lo+bash@lo+csh@lo+b+c
E agrp=lo+bash@lo+csh@lo+c+b
E agrp=lo+c+b+bash@lo+csh@lo
E agrp=lo+c+b+csh@lo+bash@lo
@ -335,6 +343,7 @@ E agrp=lo+c+bash@lo+b+csh@lo
E agrp=lo+c+bash@lo+csh@lo+b
E agrp=lo+c+csh@lo+b+bash@lo
E agrp=lo+c+csh@lo+bash@lo+b
E agrp=lo+csh@lo+b+bash@lo+c
E agrp=lo+csh@lo+b+c+bash@lo
E agrp=lo+csh@lo+bash@lo+b+c
E agrp=lo+csh@lo+bash@lo+c+b
@ -115,8 +115,10 @@ par_tmux_different_shells() {
par_tmux_length() {
echo '### works'
stdout parallel -Sparallel@lo --tmux echo ::: \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\;\@ | grep -v 'See output'
stdout parallel -Sparallel@lo --tmux echo ::: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | grep -v 'See output'
stdout parallel -Sparallel@lo --tmux echo ::: \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\;\@ |
perl -pe 's:/tmp/\S+::'
stdout parallel -Sparallel@lo --tmux echo ::: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
perl -pe 's:/tmp/\S+::'
echo '### These blocked due to length'
stdout parallel -Slo --tmux echo ::: \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\;\@ | grep -v 'See output'
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote() {
export -f outer
stdout parallel --tag -k outer ::: '-Slo -j10' '' |
perl -pe 's/131\d\d\d/131xxx/g';
perl -pe 's/(\d\d+)\d\d\d/${1}xxx/g';
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
@ -844,7 +844,8 @@ _EOF
# Old versions of fish sometimes throw up bugs all over,
# but seem to work OK otherwise. So ignore these errors.
ssh fish@lo "$myscript" 2>&1 |
perl -ne '/fish:|fish\(/ and next; print'
perl -ne '/fish:|fish\(/ and next; print' |
perl -pe 's:/tmp/par.....:script:'
par_ksh_underscore() {
@ -1648,14 +1649,14 @@ _EOF
par_ash_environment_too_big() {
myscript=$(cat <<'_EOF'
echo 'bug #50815: env_parallel should warn if the environment is too big'
. `which env_parallel.ash`;
@ -1706,7 +1707,7 @@ par_ash_environment_too_big() {
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+10)"'"; };'
env_parallel echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote-not-supported
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+10)"'"; };'
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote_remote+10)"'"; };'
env_parallel -S lo echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote_remote-not-supported
bigfunc() { true; }
@ -1719,14 +1720,14 @@ par_bash_environment_too_big() {
myscript=$(cat <<'_EOF'
echo 'bug #50815: env_parallel should warn if the environment is too big'
len_overhead=-$( (shopt;alias;typeset -f;typeset -p) | wc -c)/1000
. `which env_parallel.bash`;
@ -1777,7 +1778,7 @@ par_bash_environment_too_big() {
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+20)"'"; };'
env_parallel echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+20)"'"; };'
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote_remote+20)"'"; };'
env_parallel -S lo echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote_remote
bigfunc() { true; }
@ -1793,14 +1794,14 @@ par_csh_environment_too_big() {
par_dash_environment_too_big() {
myscript=$(cat <<'_EOF'
echo 'bug #50815: env_parallel should warn if the environment is too big'
. `which env_parallel.dash`;
@ -1851,7 +1852,7 @@ par_dash_environment_too_big() {
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+10)"'"; };'
env_parallel echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote-not-supported
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+10)"'"; };'
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote_remote+10)"'"; };'
env_parallel -S lo echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote_remote-not-supported
bigfunc() { true; }
@ -1870,15 +1871,15 @@ par_ksh_environment_too_big() {
echo 'bug #50815: env_parallel should warn if the environment is too big'
len_functions=-$(functions|wc -c)/1000
len_variables=-$(typeset -p | wc -c)/1000
. `which env_parallel.ksh`;
repeat() {
@ -1928,7 +1929,7 @@ par_ksh_environment_too_big() {
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+20)"'"; };'
env_parallel echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+20)"'"; };'
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote_remote+20)"'"; };'
env_parallel -S lo echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote_remote
bigfunc() { true; }
@ -1940,15 +1941,15 @@ _EOF
par_mksh_environment_too_big() {
myscript=$(cat <<'_EOF'
echo 'bug #50815: env_parallel should warn if the environment is too big'
. `which env_parallel.mksh`;
repeat() {
@ -1999,7 +2000,7 @@ par_mksh_environment_too_big() {
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+20)"'"; };'
env_parallel echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+10)"'"; };'
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote_remote+10)"'"; };'
env_parallel -S lo echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote_remote
bigfunc() { true; }
@ -2011,14 +2012,14 @@ _EOF
par_sh_environment_too_big() {
myscript=$(cat <<'_EOF'
echo 'bug #50815: env_parallel should warn if the environment is too big'
len_fun=1 # unsupported
len_fun_remote=1 # unsupported
len_fun_quote=1 # unsupported
len_fun_quote_remote=1 # unsupported
. `which env_parallel.sh`;
@ -2069,7 +2070,7 @@ par_sh_environment_too_big() {
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+10)"'"; };'
env_parallel echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote-not-supported
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote+10)"'"; };'
eval 'bigfunc() { a="'"$(repeat \" $len_fun_quote_remote+10)"'"; };'
env_parallel -S lo echo ::: fail_bigfunc_quote_remote-not-supported
bigfunc() { true; }
@ -2940,7 +2941,8 @@ par_fish_env_parallel_session() {
ssh fish@lo "$myscript"
ssh fish@lo "$myscript" 2>&1 |
perl -pe 's:/tmp/par.....:script:g'
par_ksh_env_parallel_session() {
@ -3330,4 +3332,6 @@ compgen -A function | grep par_ | LC_ALL=C sort -r |
@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ par_propagate_env() {
par_env_parallel_big_env() {
echo '### bug #54128: command too long when exporting big env'
. `which env_parallel.bash`
a=`rand | perl -pe 's/\0//g'| head -c 70000`
a=`rand | perl -pe 's/\0//g'| head -c 20000`
env_parallel -Slo echo should not ::: fail 2>&1
a=`rand | perl -pe 's/\0//g'| head -c 80000`
a=`rand | perl -pe 's/\0//g'| head -c 25000`
env_parallel -Slo echo should ::: fail 2>/dev/null || echo OK
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ cd tmp
touch ~/.parallel/will-cite
echo '### test parallel_tutorial'
rm -f /tmp/runs
srcdir=$(pwd | perl -pe 's=$ENV{HOME}==')
export SERVER1=parallel@lo
export SERVER2=csh@lo
export PARALLEL=-k
@ -54,6 +57,8 @@ perl -ne '$/="\n\n"; /^Output/../^[^O]\S/ and next; /^ / and print;' ../../src/
# --workdir ...
# .../privat/parallel2/
# + cat ... | (Bash outputs these in random order)
s/\+ cat.*\n//;
# + echo ... | (Bash outputs these in random order)
@ -97,6 +102,7 @@ perl -ne '$/="\n\n"; /^Output/../^[^O]\S/ and next; /^ / and print;' ../../src/
s/url.*= .*doi.org.*//;
s/.Feel free to use .nocite.*//;
s:^/tmp/par.*(.) my_func2:script$1 my_func2:;
' | uniq
# 3+3 .par files (from --files), 1 .tms-file from tmux attach
find {$TMPDIR,/var/tmp,/tmp}/{fif,tms,par[^a]}* -mmin -10 2>/dev/null | wc -l
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ stdout ssh $SSHLOGIN1 ls 'tmp/parallel.file*' || echo OK
stdout ssh $SSHLOGIN2 ls 'tmp/parallel.file*' || echo OK
echo 'Input for ssh'
cat /tmp/myssh1-run /tmp/myssh2-run | perl -pe 's/(PID.)\d+/${1}00000/g;s/(SEQ[ =]|line)\d/$1X/g;' |
perl -pe 's/\S*parallel-server\S*/one-server/;s:\S[a-zA-Z0-9/\\+=]{500,}\S:base64:;'
perl -pe 's/\S*parallel-server\S*/one-server/;s:( [0-9a-f]{500,})+( [0-9a-f]+)?: hex:g;'
rm /tmp/myssh1-run /tmp/myssh2-run
rm -rf /tmp/parallel.file*
@ -30,8 +30,10 @@ export LANG=C
echo '### Test --transfer --return --cleanup'
rm -rf /tmp/parallel.file*
stdout ssh $SSHLOGIN1 rm -rf 'tmp/parallel.file*' '/tmp/parallel.file*'
stdout ssh $SSHLOGIN2 rm -rf 'tmp/parallel.file*' '/tmp/parallel.file*'
stdout ssh $SSHLOGIN1 rm -rf 'tmp/parallel.file*' '/tmp/parallel.file*' |
grep -v 'Warning: Permanently added.*known hosts'
stdout ssh $SSHLOGIN2 rm -rf 'tmp/parallel.file*' '/tmp/parallel.file*' |
grep -v 'Warning: Permanently added.*known hosts'
(seq 1 2) >/tmp/test17
echo '# Create some weirdly files in /tmp'
mkdir -p /tmp/parallel.file
@ -520,14 +520,14 @@ par_load_blocks ### Test if --load blocks. Bug.
par_load_blocks 53d025127ae99ab79e8502aae2d9bea6 -
par_load_blocks 53d025127ae99ab79e8502aae2d9bea6 -
par_long_line_remote ### Deal with long command lines on remote servers
par_long_line_remote 2 6 30006
par_long_line_remote 3 50 250050
par_long_line_remote 6 6 30006
par_long_line_remote 6 50 250050
par_maxlinelen_X_I ### Test max line length -X -I
par_maxlinelen_X_I 88ab30e1d8b7459fddf88986ff282950 -
par_maxlinelen_X_I Chars per line (817788/7): 116826
par_maxlinelen_X_I 42d5c115907de0044ef988a0639204cd -
par_maxlinelen_X_I Chars per line (817788/13): 62906
par_maxlinelen_m_I ### Test max line length -m -I
par_maxlinelen_m_I 51736abdee4738369ce04b354d40c887 -
par_maxlinelen_m_I Chars per line (697800/6): 116300
par_maxlinelen_m_I 2f0d9d11a071f5dbe6bd876a19499ff5 -
par_maxlinelen_m_I Chars per line (697810/11): 63437
par_nice Check that --nice works
par_nice load_10
par_nice bzip2 18
@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ par_xargs_compat a_b c
par_xargs_compat d
par_xargs_compat e
par_xargs_compat ### test too long args
par_xargs_compat parallel: Error: Command line too long (1000005 >= 131XXX) at input 0: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
par_xargs_compat parallel: Error: Command line too long (1000005 >= 64031) at input 0: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
par_xargs_compat xargs: argument line too long
par_xargs_compat parallel: Error: Command line too long (1000007 >= 10) at input 0: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
par_xargs_compat 1 2
@ -1071,8 +1071,10 @@ par_test_job_number 8
par_test_job_number 9
par_test_job_number 10
par_too_long_line_X bug #54869: Long lines break
par_too_long_line_X 1 29302 131012
par_too_long_line_X 1 12698 63490
par_too_long_line_X 1 15890 63952
par_too_long_line_X 1 12796 63980
par_too_long_line_X 1 12796 63980
par_too_long_line_X 1 518 2590
par_trailing_space_line_continuation ### Test of trailing space continuation
par_trailing_space_line_continuation foo ole bar
par_trailing_space_line_continuation quux
@ -1533,12 +1533,12 @@ par_macron
par_macron ¯<¯<¯>¯> -k /usr/bin/bash: ¯: No such file or directory
par_macron ¯<¯<¯>¯> -k /usr/bin/bash: ¯: No such file or directory
par_max_length_len_128k ### BUG: The length for -X is not close to max (131072)
par_max_length_len_128k 131xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 131xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 131xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 131xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 131xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 131xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 64xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 64xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 64xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 64xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 64xxx
par_max_length_len_128k 64xxx
par_memfree ### test memfree - it should be killed by timeout
par_memfree Free mem: 1k
par_memfree parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
@ -1727,6 +1727,8 @@ par_shard 9 8
par_shard 9 9
par_shard 2 c2
par_shard *** broken
par_shard parallel: Error: --shard requires --jobs to be higher than the number of
par_shard parallel: Error: arguments. Increase --jobs.
par_sighup ### Test SIGHUP
par_sighup 1
par_sighup 10
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
par_10000_5_rpl_X ### Test -X with 10000 args and 5 replacement strings
par_10000_5_rpl_X 5
par_10000_5_rpl_X 4
par_10000_5_rpl_X 4
par_10000_5_rpl_X 3
par_10000_5_rpl_X 2
par_10000_5_rpl_X 2
par_10000_5_rpl_X 2
par_10000_5_rpl_X 1
par_10000_m_X ### Test -m with 10000 args
par_10000_m_X 2 29996 186684
par_10000_m_X c606aec1723ee5cc15f2a1b95d83d3cf -
par_10000_m_X 3 29994 186685
par_10000_m_X 68c56110ece48d4cd34af322ea65ebaf -
par_X_I_meta ### Test -X -I with shell meta chars
par_X_I_meta 2
par_X_I_meta 2
par_X_I_meta 2
par_X_I_meta 2
par_X_I_meta 3
par_X_I_meta 3
par_X_I_meta 3
par_X_I_meta 3
par_children_receive_sig ### Do children receive --termseq signals
par_children_receive_sig parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_children_receive_sig parallel: Warning: show_signals ''
@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ par_shebang sh B
par_shebang sh C
par_show_limits ### Test --show-limits
par_show_limits Maximal size of command: 131xxx
par_show_limits Maximal used size of command: 131xxx
par_show_limits Maximal usable size of command: 64xxx
par_show_limits Execution of will continue now, and it will try to read its input
par_show_limits and run commands; if this is not what you wanted to happen, please
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ par_show_limits bar
par_show_limits car
par_show_limits far
par_show_limits Maximal size of command: 131xxx
par_show_limits Maximal used size of command: 100
par_show_limits Maximal usable size of command: 100
par_show_limits Execution of will continue now, and it will try to read its input
par_show_limits and run commands; if this is not what you wanted to happen, please
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ par_show_limits press CTRL-D or CTRL-C
par_show_limits bar car far
par_show_limits ### BUG: empty lines with --show-limit
par_show_limits Maximal size of command: 131xxx
par_show_limits Maximal used size of command: 131xxx
par_show_limits Maximal usable size of command: 64xxx
par_show_limits Execution of will continue now, and it will try to read its input
par_show_limits and run commands; if this is not what you wanted to happen, please
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ par_bug56403 2 job2cjob2d
par_delay_Xauto TODO: --retries for those that fail and --sshdelay
par_delay_Xauto ### bug #58911: --delay Xauto
par_delay_Xauto 0
par_delay_Xauto 5
par_delay_Xauto 2
par_distribute_input_by_ability ### bug #48290: round-robin does not distribute data based on business
par_distribute_input_by_ability ### Distribute input to jobs that are ready
par_distribute_input_by_ability Job-slot n is 50% slower than n+1, so the order should be 1..7
@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ Control case: Burn for 2.9 seconds
stdout /usr/bin/time -f CPUTIME=%U parallel --timeout 5 -q perl -e "while(1){ }" ::: 1 | \grep -q CPUTIME=1
1=OK 1
par_PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS ### test rsync opts
par_PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS rsync --protocol 30 -rlDzRRRRrsync --protocol 30 --rsync-path='cd ././.; rsync' -rlDzRRRRrsync --protocol 30 -zzrrllddRRRRrsync --protocol 30 --rsync-path='cd ././.; rsync' -zzrrllddRRRR
par_PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS rsync --protocol 30 -rlDzRRRR
par_PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS rsync --protocol 30 --rsync-path='cd ././.; rsync' -rlDzRRRR
par_PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS rsync --protocol 30 -zzrrllddRRRR
par_PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS rsync --protocol 30 --rsync-path='cd ././.; rsync' -zzrrllddRRRR
par_continuous_output Test delayed output with ''
par_continuous_output -u is optimal but hard to reach, due to non-mixing
par_continuous_output 1
@ -35,24 +35,24 @@ par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33
par_pipepart_remote 9 9 28
par_pipepart_remote 14 14 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 9 9 28 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 14 14 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 9 9 28 /tmp/parallel-local-ssh2-tmpdir/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 14 14 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 9 9 28 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 14 14 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 11 11 33 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_pipepart_remote 9 9 28 /tmp/parXXXXX
par_tee_ssh A 1 A 1
par_tee_ssh A 1 1000000 1000000 6888896
par_tee_ssh A 2 A 2
@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ par_tmux_different_shells # command is currently too long for csh. Maybe it can
par_tmux_different_shells 0
par_tmux_different_shells 4
par_tmux_length ### works
par_tmux_length See output with: tmux -S attach
par_tmux_length See output with: tmux -S attach
par_tmux_length ### These blocked due to length
par_transfer_return_multiple_inputs ### bug #43746: --transfer and --return of multiple inputs {1} and {2}
par_transfer_return_multiple_inputs ### and:
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 1 5 1 1 244
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 1 6 1 1 730
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 1 7 1 1 2188
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 1 8 1 1 6562
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 1 9 1 1 19684
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 1 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 1 10 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 1 1 1 5
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 2 1 1 11
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 4 1 1 83
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 5 1 1 245
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 6 1 1 731
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 7 1 1 2189
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 8 1 1 6563
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 10 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 1 1 1 6
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 4 1 1 84
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 5 1 1 246
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 6 1 1 732
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 7 1 1 2190
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 8 1 1 6564
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 10 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 4 1 1 1 7
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 3 1 1 33
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 4 1 1 87
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 5 1 1 249
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 6 1 1 735
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 7 1 1 2193
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 10 0 0 0
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 3 1 1 34
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 4 1 1 88
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 5 1 1 250
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 6 1 1 736
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 7 1 1 2194
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 10 0 0 0
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 3 1 1 35
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 4 1 1 89
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 5 1 1 251
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 6 1 1 737
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 7 1 1 2195
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 10 0 0 0
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 3 1 1 36
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 4 1 1 90
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 5 1 1 252
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 6 1 1 738
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 7 1 1 2196
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 10 0 0 0
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 3 1 1 37
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 4 1 1 91
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 5 1 1 253
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 6 1 1 739
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 7 1 1 2197
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 10 0 0 0
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 1 5 1 1 244
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 1 6 1 1 730
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 1 7 1 1 2188
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 1 8 1 1 6562
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 1 9 1 1 19684
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 1 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 1 10 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 1 1 1 9
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 2 1 1 27
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 4 1 1 243
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 5 1 1 729
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 6 1 1 2187
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 7 1 1 6561
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 8 1 1 19683
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 10 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 1 1 1 14
@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 3 1 1 134
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 4 1 1 404
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 5 1 1 1214
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 6 1 1 3644
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 7 1 1 10934
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 8 1 1 32804
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 7 1 1 10xxx
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 10 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 1 1 1 19
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 3 1 1 187
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 4 1 1 565
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 5 1 1 1699
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 6 1 1 5101
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 7 1 1 15307
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 7 1 1 15xxx
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 10 0 0 0
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 3 1 1 240
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 4 1 1 726
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 5 1 1 2184
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 6 1 1 6558
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 7 1 1 19680
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 7 1 1 19xxx
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 10 0 0 0
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 3 1 1 293
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 4 1 1 887
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 5 1 1 2669
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 6 1 1 8015
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 7 1 1 24053
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 10 0 0 0
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 3 1 1 346
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 4 1 1 1048
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 5 1 1 3154
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 6 1 1 9472
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 7 1 1 28426
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 10 0 0 0
@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 2 1 1 129
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 3 1 1 399
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 4 1 1 1209
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 5 1 1 3639
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 6 1 1 10929
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 7 1 1 32799
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 6 1 1 10xxx
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 10 0 0 0
@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 2 1 1 146
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 3 1 1 452
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 4 1 1 1370
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 5 1 1 4124
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 6 1 1 12386
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 7 1 1 37172
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 6 1 1 12xxx
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 10 0 0 0
@ -214,63 +214,79 @@ par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 2 1 1 163
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 3 1 1 505
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 4 1 1 1531
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 5 1 1 4609
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 6 1 1 13843
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 7 1 1 41545
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 6 1 1 13xxx
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 10 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131xxx) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (885735 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (164025 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (492075 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1476225 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (229635 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (688905 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2066715 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (262440 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (787320 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361960 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (885735 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2657205 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (328050 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (984150 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952450 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (885735 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (164025 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (492075 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1476225 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (229635 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (688905 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2066715 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (262440 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (787320 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361960 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (885735 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2657205 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (328050 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (984150 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952450 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (885xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (164xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (492xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1476xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (76xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (229xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (688xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2066xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (87xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (262xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (787xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (885xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2657xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (109xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (328xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (984xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 " 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (885xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (164xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (492xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1476xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (76xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (229xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (688xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2066xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (87xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (262xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (787xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (885xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2657xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (109xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (328xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (984xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote -Slo -j10 ' 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 1 1 2 6
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 2 1 2 12
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 3 1 2 30
@ -278,7 +294,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote " 1 4 1 2 84
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 5 1 2 246
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 6 1 2 732
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 7 1 2 2190
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 8 1 2 6564
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 10 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 2 1 1 2 8
@ -297,7 +313,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote " 3 3 1 2 34
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 4 1 2 88
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 5 1 2 250
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 6 1 2 736
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 7 1 2 2194
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 10 0 0 0
@ -307,7 +323,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote " 4 3 1 2 36
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 4 1 2 90
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 5 1 2 252
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 6 1 2 738
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 7 1 2 2196
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 10 0 0 0
@ -317,7 +333,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote " 5 3 1 2 38
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 4 1 2 92
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 5 1 2 254
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 6 1 2 740
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 7 1 2 2198
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 10 0 0 0
@ -356,7 +372,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote " 9 2 1 2 28
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 3 1 2 46
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 4 1 2 100
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 5 1 2 262
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 6 1 2 748
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 6 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 9 0 0 0
@ -366,7 +382,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote " 10 2 1 2 30
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 3 1 2 48
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 4 1 2 102
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 5 1 2 264
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 6 1 2 750
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 6 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 9 0 0 0
@ -378,7 +394,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 4 1 2 84
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 5 1 2 246
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 6 1 2 732
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 7 1 2 2190
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 8 1 2 6564
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 10 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 2 1 1 2 12
@ -397,7 +413,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 3 1 2 138
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 4 1 2 408
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 5 1 2 1218
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 6 1 2 3648
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 7 1 2 10938
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 10 0 0 0
@ -407,7 +423,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 3 1 2 192
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 4 1 2 570
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 5 1 2 1704
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 6 1 2 5106
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 7 1 2 15312
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 10 0 0 0
@ -417,7 +433,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 3 1 2 246
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 4 1 2 732
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 5 1 2 2190
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 6 1 2 6564
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 7 1 2 19686
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 10 0 0 0
@ -446,7 +462,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 2 1 2 138
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 3 1 2 408
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 4 1 2 1218
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 5 1 2 3648
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 6 1 2 10938
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 6 1 2 10xxx
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 9 0 0 0
@ -456,7 +472,7 @@ par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 2 1 2 156
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 3 1 2 462
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 4 1 2 1380
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 5 1 2 4134
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 6 1 2 12396
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 6 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 9 0 0 0
@ -466,79 +482,91 @@ par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 2 1 2 174
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 3 1 2 516
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 4 1 2 1542
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 5 1 2 4620
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 6 1 2 13854
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 6 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 7 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 8 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 9 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 10 0 0 0
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131xxx) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131xxx) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote " 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 131xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote " 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote " 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (262440 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (787320 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361960 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (328050 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (984150 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952450 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote " 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote " 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote " 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote " 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (3542940 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote " 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (153090 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (459270 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1377810 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (4133430 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (174960 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (524880 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1574640 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (4723920 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (5314410 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (218700 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (656100 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1968300 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (5904900 >= 131xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote ' 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (262440 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (787320 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361960 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (328050 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (984150 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952450 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (3542940 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (153090 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (459270 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1377810 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (4133430 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (174960 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (524880 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1574640 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (4723920 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (5314410 >= 131xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (218700 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (656100 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1968300 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (5904900 >= 131xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote " 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote " 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote " 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote " 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote " 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (87xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (262xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (787xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote " 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (109xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (328xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (984xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote " 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote " 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote " 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote " 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote " 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (3542xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote " 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (153xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (459xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1377xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (4133xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (174xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (524xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1574xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (4723xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (5314xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (72xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (218xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (656xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1968xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote " 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (5904xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote ' 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote ' 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (87xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (262xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (787xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (109xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (328xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (984xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (131xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (393xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (3542xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (153xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (459xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1377xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (4133xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (174xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (524xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1574xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (4723xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (5314xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (72xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (218xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (656xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (1968xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote ' 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (5904xxx >= 64xxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_basefile_cleanup ### bug #46520: --basefile cleans up without --cleanup
par_basefile_cleanup bug_46520
par_basefile_cleanup bug_46520
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ par_zsh_underscore (eval):1: command not found: myecho
par_zsh_underscore OK if no .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ myecho
par_zsh_underscore zsh:1: command not found: myfunc
par_zsh_underscore OK if no .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ myfunc
par_zsh_underscore zsh:1: command not found: myfunc
par_zsh_underscore script:2: command not found: myfunc
par_zsh_underscore OK if no .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ myfunc
par_zsh_parset parset
par_zsh_parset ### parset into array
@ -327,9 +327,9 @@ par_zsh_env_parallel_session l2func
par_zsh_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_zsh_env_parallel_session level2 array OK
par_zsh_env_parallel_session zsh:1: command not found: aliasbefore
par_zsh_env_parallel_session zsh:1: command not found: aliasbefore
par_zsh_env_parallel_session zsh:1: command not found: funcbefore
par_zsh_env_parallel_session script:2: command not found: aliasbefore
par_zsh_env_parallel_session zsh:1: command not found: funcbefore
par_zsh_env_parallel_session script:2: command not found: funcbefore
par_zsh_env_parallel_session no_before
par_zsh_env_parallel_session no_before
par_zsh_env_parallel_session no_before
@ -480,13 +480,13 @@ par_sh_underscore variables in aliases work
par_sh_underscore variables in aliases work
par_sh_underscore variables in aliases work
par_sh_underscore variables in aliases work
par_sh_underscore /bin/sh: 3: not_copied_alias: not found
par_sh_underscore script: 4: not_copied_alias: not found
par_sh_underscore error=OK
par_sh_underscore aliases work
par_sh_underscore aliases work
par_sh_underscore /bin/sh: 1: myecho: not found
par_sh_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_sh_underscore /bin/sh: 1: myecho: not found
par_sh_underscore script: 2: myecho: not found
par_sh_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_sh_parset parset
par_sh_parset ### parset into vars with comma
@ -581,27 +581,9 @@ par_sh_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_remote
par_sh_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote
par_sh_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote_remote
par_sh_environment_too_big Rest should fail - functions not supported in sh
par_sh_environment_too_big sh: XXX: perl: Argument list too long
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_sh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar
par_sh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_remote
par_sh_environment_too_big sh: XXX: perl: Argument list too long
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_sh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_sh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote
par_sh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote_remote
par_sh_environment_too_big fail_bigfunc-not-supported
par_sh_environment_too_big fail_bigfunc_remote-not-supported
@ -610,106 +592,106 @@ par_sh_environment_too_big fail_bigfunc_quote_remote-not-supported
par_sh_env_parallel_session ### Test env_parallel --session
par_sh_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1 should be transferred
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 30: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 30: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 30: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l1var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 30: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 30: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 30: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l1var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session ### level0+1 should be hidden, level2 should be transferred
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 3: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 3: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 3: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 3: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 3: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 3: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l2var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level2func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level2alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 3: level2func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 3: level2alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 3: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l2var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level2func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: level2alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 2: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1+2 should be transferred
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 31: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 31: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 31: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l1var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 31: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 31: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 31: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l1var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l2var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level2func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level2alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 31: level2func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 31: level2alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 31: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l2var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level2func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level2alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session ### level0+1+2 should be transferred
par_sh_env_parallel_session l0var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 29: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 29: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 29: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l0var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l1var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 29: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 29: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 29: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l1var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level1alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l2var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level2func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level2alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 29: level2func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 29: level2alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 29: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session l2var
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level2func: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: level2alias: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: XXX: Bad substitution
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 1: aliasbefore: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 1: aliasbefore: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 1: funcbefore: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 2: aliasbefore: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 1: funcbefore: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 2: funcbefore: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session no_before
par_sh_env_parallel_session no_before
par_sh_env_parallel_session after aliasafter_OK
par_sh_env_parallel_session after aliasafter_OK
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 3: funcafter: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session /bin/sh: 3: funcafter: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session script: 4: funcafter: not found
par_sh_env_parallel_session after varafter_OK
par_sh_env_parallel_session after varafter_OK
par_sh_env_parallel OK
@ -736,8 +718,8 @@ par_mksh_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_mksh_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_mksh_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_mksh_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_mksh_underscore /bin/mksh: not_copied_alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_underscore /bin/mksh: not_copied_func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_underscore script[9]: not_copied_alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_underscore script[9]: not_copied_func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_underscore error=OK
par_mksh_underscore error=OK
par_mksh_underscore aliases in and arrays in functions work
@ -750,7 +732,7 @@ par_mksh_underscore aliases in functions work
par_mksh_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_mksh_underscore /bin/mksh: myfunc: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_underscore OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_mksh_underscore /bin/mksh: myfunc: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_underscore script[9]: myfunc: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_underscore OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_mksh_parset parset
par_mksh_parset ### parset into array
@ -886,56 +868,20 @@ par_mksh_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_remote
par_mksh_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote
par_mksh_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote_remote
par_mksh_environment_too_big Rest should fail
par_mksh_environment_too_big mksh: /bin/perl: Argument list too long
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_mksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar
par_mksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_remote
par_mksh_environment_too_big mksh: /bin/perl: Argument list too long
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_mksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote
par_mksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote_remote
par_mksh_environment_too_big mksh: /bin/perl: Argument list too long
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_mksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc
par_mksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_remote
par_mksh_environment_too_big mksh: /bin/perl: Argument list too long
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_mksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_mksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_quote
par_mksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_quote_remote
par_mksh_env_parallel_session ### Test env_parallel --session
par_mksh_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1 should be transferred
par_mksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
@ -951,16 +897,16 @@ par_mksh_env_parallel_session level1 array OK
par_mksh_env_parallel_session ### level0+1 should be hidden, level2 should be transferred
par_mksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level1func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level1alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level1func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level1alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level1func: inaccessible or not found
@ -976,8 +922,8 @@ par_mksh_env_parallel_session level2 array OK
par_mksh_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1+2 should be transferred
par_mksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
@ -1024,9 +970,9 @@ par_mksh_env_parallel_session l2func
par_mksh_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_mksh_env_parallel_session level2 array OK
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: aliasbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: aliasbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: funcbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: aliasbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session /bin/mksh: funcbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: funcbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_mksh_env_parallel_session no_before
par_mksh_env_parallel_session no_before
par_mksh_env_parallel_session no_before
@ -1075,8 +1021,8 @@ par_ksh_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_ksh_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_ksh_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_ksh_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_ksh_underscore /bin/ksh: line 4: not_copied_alias: not found
par_ksh_underscore /bin/ksh: line 4: not_copied_func: not found
par_ksh_underscore script[9]: not_copied_alias: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_underscore script[9]: not_copied_func: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_underscore error=OK
par_ksh_underscore error=OK
par_ksh_underscore aliases in and arrays in functions work
@ -1085,11 +1031,11 @@ par_ksh_underscore aliases in functions work
par_ksh_underscore aliases in functions work
par_ksh_underscore /bin/ksh: myecho: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_ksh_underscore /bin/ksh: myecho: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_underscore script[9]: myecho: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_ksh_underscore /bin/ksh: myfunc: not found
par_ksh_underscore OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_ksh_underscore /bin/ksh: myfunc: not found
par_ksh_underscore script[9]: myfunc: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_underscore OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_ksh_parset parset
par_ksh_parset ### parset into array
@ -1229,65 +1175,20 @@ par_ksh_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_remote
par_ksh_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote
par_ksh_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote_remote
par_ksh_environment_too_big Rest should fail
par_ksh_environment_too_big ksh[XXX]: perl: /bin/perl: cannot execute [Argument list too long]
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_ksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar
par_ksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_remote
par_ksh_environment_too_big ksh[XXX]: perl: /bin/perl: cannot execute [Argument list too long]
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_ksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote
par_ksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote_remote
par_ksh_environment_too_big ksh[XXX]: perl: /bin/perl: cannot execute [Argument list too long]
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_ksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc
par_ksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_remote
par_ksh_environment_too_big ksh[XXX]: perl: /bin/perl: cannot execute [Argument list too long]
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_ksh_environment_too_big ksh[XXX]: perl: /bin/perl: cannot execute [Argument list too long]
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_ksh_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_ksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_quote
par_ksh_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_quote_remote
par_ksh_env_parallel_session ### Test env_parallel --session
par_ksh_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1 should be transferred
par_ksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level0func: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level0alias: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0func: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0alias: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level0func: not found [No such file or directory]
@ -1303,16 +1204,16 @@ par_ksh_env_parallel_session level1 array OK
par_ksh_env_parallel_session ### level0+1 should be hidden, level2 should be transferred
par_ksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level0func: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level0alias: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0func: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0alias: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level0func: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level0alias: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level1func: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level1alias: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level1func: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level1alias: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level1func: not found [No such file or directory]
@ -1328,8 +1229,8 @@ par_ksh_env_parallel_session level2 array OK
par_ksh_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1+2 should be transferred
par_ksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level0func: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level0alias: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0func: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: level0alias: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session fail
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh[XXX]: level0func: not found [No such file or directory]
@ -1376,9 +1277,9 @@ par_ksh_env_parallel_session l2func
par_ksh_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_ksh_env_parallel_session level2 array OK
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh: line 3: aliasbefore: not found
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh: line 3: aliasbefore: not found
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh: line 3: funcbefore: not found
par_ksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: aliasbefore: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session /bin/ksh: line 3: funcbefore: not found
par_ksh_env_parallel_session script[9]: funcbefore: not found [No such file or directory]
par_ksh_env_parallel_session no_before
par_ksh_env_parallel_session no_before
par_ksh_env_parallel_session no_before
@ -1426,8 +1327,10 @@ par_fish_underscore variables in aliases and arrays in functions work
par_fish_underscore variables in aliases and arrays in functions work
par_fish_underscore variables in aliases and arrays in functions work
par_fish_underscore variables in aliases and arrays in functions work
par_fish_underscore script (line 15):
par_fish_underscore not_copied_alias 'error=OK'
par_fish_underscore ^
par_fish_underscore script (line 15):
par_fish_underscore not_copied_func 'error=OK'
par_fish_underscore ^
par_fish_underscore error=OK
@ -1440,13 +1343,16 @@ par_fish_underscore myecho $myarray functions $argv
par_fish_underscore ^
par_fish_underscore in function 'myfunc' with arguments 'work'
par_fish_underscore OK if ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no myecho
par_fish_underscore script (line 3):
par_fish_underscore myecho $myarray functions $argv
par_fish_underscore ^
par_fish_underscore in function 'myfunc' with arguments 'work'
par_fish_underscore called on line 9 of file script
par_fish_underscore OK if ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no myecho
par_fish_underscore myfunc work
par_fish_underscore ^
par_fish_underscore OK if ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no myfunc
par_fish_underscore script (line 6):
par_fish_underscore myfunc work
par_fish_underscore ^
par_fish_underscore OK if ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no myfunc
@ -1540,7 +1446,7 @@ par_fish_env_parallel_session fish:
par_fish_env_parallel_session aliasbefore must_fail
par_fish_env_parallel_session ^
par_fish_env_parallel_session fish: Unknown command: aliasbefore
par_fish_env_parallel_session fish:
par_fish_env_parallel_session script (line 6):
par_fish_env_parallel_session aliasbefore must_fail
par_fish_env_parallel_session ^
par_fish_env_parallel_session fish: Unknown command: funcbefore
@ -1548,7 +1454,7 @@ par_fish_env_parallel_session fish:
par_fish_env_parallel_session funcbefore must_fail
par_fish_env_parallel_session ^
par_fish_env_parallel_session fish: Unknown command: funcbefore
par_fish_env_parallel_session fish:
par_fish_env_parallel_session script (line 6):
par_fish_env_parallel_session funcbefore must_fail
par_fish_env_parallel_session ^
par_fish_env_parallel_session no_before
@ -1580,13 +1486,13 @@ par_dash_underscore variables in aliases work
par_dash_underscore variables in aliases work
par_dash_underscore variables in aliases work
par_dash_underscore variables in aliases work
par_dash_underscore /bin/dash: 3: not_copied_alias: not found
par_dash_underscore script: 4: not_copied_alias: not found
par_dash_underscore error=OK
par_dash_underscore aliases work
par_dash_underscore aliases work
par_dash_underscore /bin/dash: 1: myecho: not found
par_dash_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_dash_underscore /bin/dash: 1: myecho: not found
par_dash_underscore script: 2: myecho: not found
par_dash_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_dash_parset parset
par_dash_parset ### parset into vars with comma
@ -1667,27 +1573,9 @@ par_dash_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_remote
par_dash_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote
par_dash_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote_remote
par_dash_environment_too_big Rest should fail - functions not supported in dash
par_dash_environment_too_big dash: XXX: perl: Argument list too long
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_dash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar
par_dash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_remote
par_dash_environment_too_big dash: XXX: perl: Argument list too long
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_dash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_dash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote
par_dash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote_remote
par_dash_environment_too_big fail_bigfunc-not-supported
par_dash_environment_too_big fail_bigfunc_remote-not-supported
@ -1696,67 +1584,67 @@ par_dash_environment_too_big fail_bigfunc_quote_remote-not-supported
par_dash_env_parallel_session ### Test env_parallel --session
par_dash_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1 should be transferred
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 33: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 33: level0alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 33: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 33: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 33: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session ### level0+1 should be hidden, level2 should be transferred
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: level0alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 4: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 4: level0alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 4: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: level0alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: level1alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 4: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 4: level1alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 4: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: level1alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: level2func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 4: level2func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 4: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: level2func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 3: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1+2 should be transferred
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 35: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 35: level0alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 35: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 35: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 35: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level2func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 35: level2func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 35: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level2func: not found
@ -1764,30 +1652,30 @@ par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session ### level0+1+2 should be transferred
par_dash_env_parallel_session l0var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l0alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 32: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 32: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l0var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l0alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 32: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 32: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level2func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 32: level2func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 32: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_dash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: level2func: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 1: aliasbefore: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session /bin/dash: 1: aliasbefore: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session script: 2: aliasbefore: not found
par_dash_env_parallel_session no_before
par_dash_env_parallel_session no_before
par_dash_env_parallel_session after aliasafter_OK
@ -1927,8 +1815,8 @@ par_bash_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_bash_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_bash_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_bash_underscore variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_bash_underscore /bin/bash: line XX: not_copied_alias: command not found
par_bash_underscore /bin/bash: line XX: not_copied_func: command not found
par_bash_underscore script: line XX: not_copied_alias: command not found
par_bash_underscore script: line XX: not_copied_func: command not found
par_bash_underscore error=OK
par_bash_underscore error=OK
par_bash_underscore aliases in and arrays in functions work
@ -1937,11 +1825,11 @@ par_bash_underscore aliases in functions work
par_bash_underscore aliases in functions work
par_bash_underscore /bin/bash: line XX: myecho: command not found
par_bash_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_bash_underscore /bin/bash: line XX: myecho: command not found
par_bash_underscore script: line XX: myecho: command not found
par_bash_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_bash_underscore /bin/bash: line XX: myfunc: command not found
par_bash_underscore OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_bash_underscore /bin/bash: line XX: myfunc: command not found
par_bash_underscore script: line XX: myfunc: command not found
par_bash_underscore OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_bash_parset parset
par_bash_parset ### parset into array
@ -2088,65 +1976,20 @@ par_bash_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_remote
par_bash_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote
par_bash_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote_remote
par_bash_environment_too_big Rest should fail
par_bash_environment_too_big /usr/local/bin/env_parallel.bash: line XXX: /bin/perl: Argument list too long
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_bash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar
par_bash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_remote
par_bash_environment_too_big /usr/local/bin/env_parallel.bash: line XXX: /bin/perl: Argument list too long
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_bash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote
par_bash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote_remote
par_bash_environment_too_big /usr/local/bin/env_parallel.bash: line XXX: /bin/perl: Argument list too long
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_bash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc
par_bash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_remote
par_bash_environment_too_big /usr/local/bin/env_parallel.bash: line XXX: /bin/perl: Argument list too long
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_bash_environment_too_big /usr/local/bin/env_parallel.bash: line XXX: /bin/perl: Argument list too long
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_bash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_bash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_quote
par_bash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_quote_remote
par_bash_env_parallel_session ### Test env_parallel --session / --end-session
par_bash_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1 should be transferred
par_bash_env_parallel_session fail
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level0func: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level0alias: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session script: line XXX: level0func: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session script: line XXX: level0alias: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session fail
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level0func: command not found
@ -2162,16 +2005,16 @@ par_bash_env_parallel_session level1 array OK
par_bash_env_parallel_session ### level0+1 should be hidden, level2 should be transferred
par_bash_env_parallel_session fail
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level0func: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level0alias: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session script: line XXX: level0func: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session script: line XXX: level0alias: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session fail
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level0func: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level0alias: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session fail
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level1func: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level1alias: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session script: line XXX: level1func: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session script: line XXX: level1alias: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session fail
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level1func: command not found
@ -2187,8 +2030,8 @@ par_bash_env_parallel_session level2 array OK
par_bash_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1+2 should be transferred
par_bash_env_parallel_session fail
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level0func: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level0alias: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session script: line XXX: level0func: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session script: line XXX: level0alias: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session fail
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: level0func: command not found
@ -2235,9 +2078,9 @@ par_bash_env_parallel_session l2func
par_bash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_bash_env_parallel_session level2 array OK
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: aliasl0: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: aliasl0: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: funcl0: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session script: line XXX: aliasl0: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session /bin/bash: line XXX: funcl0: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session script: line XXX: funcl0: command not found
par_bash_env_parallel_session no_before
par_bash_env_parallel_session no_before
par_bash_env_parallel_session no_before
@ -2284,13 +2127,13 @@ par_ash_underscore variables in aliases work
par_ash_underscore variables in aliases work
par_ash_underscore variables in aliases work
par_ash_underscore variables in aliases work
par_ash_underscore /bin/ash: 3: not_copied_alias: not found
par_ash_underscore script: 4: not_copied_alias: not found
par_ash_underscore error=OK
par_ash_underscore aliases work
par_ash_underscore aliases work
par_ash_underscore /bin/ash: 1: myecho: not found
par_ash_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_ash_underscore /bin/ash: 1: myecho: not found
par_ash_underscore script: 2: myecho: not found
par_ash_underscore OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_ash_parset parset
par_ash_parset ### parset into vars with comma
@ -2371,27 +2214,9 @@ par_ash_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_remote
par_ash_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote
par_ash_environment_too_big OK_bigfunc_quote_remote
par_ash_environment_too_big Rest should fail - functions not supported in ash
par_ash_environment_too_big ash: XXX: perl: Argument list too long
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_ash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar
par_ash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_remote
par_ash_environment_too_big ash: XXX: perl: Argument list too long
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: variables or define functions.
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy.
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment once:
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_ash_environment_too_big env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_ash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote
par_ash_environment_too_big parallel: Error: Command line too long (XXX >= XXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote_remote
par_ash_environment_too_big fail_bigfunc-not-supported
par_ash_environment_too_big fail_bigfunc_remote-not-supported
@ -2400,67 +2225,67 @@ par_ash_environment_too_big fail_bigfunc_quote_remote-not-supported
par_ash_env_parallel_session ### Test env_parallel --session
par_ash_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1 should be transferred
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 33: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 33: level0alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 33: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 33: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 33: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session ### level0+1 should be hidden, level2 should be transferred
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: level0alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 4: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 4: level0alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 4: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: level0alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: level1alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 4: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 4: level1alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 4: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: level1alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: level2func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 4: level2func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 4: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: level2func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 3: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session ### level0 should be hidden, level1+2 should be transferred
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 35: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 35: level0alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 35: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level0alias: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 35: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 35: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level2func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 35: level2func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 35: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level2func: not found
@ -2468,30 +2293,30 @@ par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session ### level0+1+2 should be transferred
par_ash_env_parallel_session l0var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l0alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 32: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 32: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l0var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l0alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level0func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 32: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 32: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l1alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level1func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level2func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 32: level2func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 32: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2var
par_ash_env_parallel_session l2alias
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: level2func: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: XXX: Bad substitution
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 1: aliasbefore: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session /bin/ash: 1: aliasbefore: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session script: 2: aliasbefore: not found
par_ash_env_parallel_session no_before
par_ash_env_parallel_session no_before
par_ash_env_parallel_session after aliasafter_OK
@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ echo '### true < 32767-ys.xi'
### true < 32767-ys.xi
stdout xargs true < 32767-ys.xi
stdout parallel -k true < 32767-ys.xi
parallel: Error: Command line too long (65541 >= 64031) at input 0: y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ...
echo '### true < 16383-ys.xi'
### true < 16383-ys.xi
stdout xargs true < 16383-ys.xi
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
echo '### Test of xargs -m command lines > 130k'; seq 1 60000 | parallel -m -j1 echo a{}b{}c | tee >(wc >/tmp/awc$$) >(sort | md5sum) >/tmp/a$$; wait; CHAR=$(cat /tmp/a$$ | wc -c); LINES=$(cat /tmp/a$$ | wc -l); echo "Chars per line:" $(echo "$CHAR/$LINES" | bc); cat /tmp/awc$$; rm /tmp/a$$ /tmp/awc$$
### Test of xargs -m command lines > 130k
51736abdee4738369ce04b354d40c887 -
Chars per line: 116300
6 119994 697800
2f0d9d11a071f5dbe6bd876a19499ff5 -
Chars per line: 63437
11 119989 697810
echo '### Test of xargs -X command lines > 130k'; seq 1 60000 | parallel -X -j1 echo a{}b{}c | tee >(wc >/tmp/bwc$$) >(sort | (sleep 1; md5sum)) >/tmp/b$$; wait; CHAR=$(cat /tmp/b$$ | wc -c); LINES=$(cat /tmp/b$$ | wc -l); echo "Chars per line:" $(echo "$CHAR/$LINES" | bc); cat /tmp/bwc$$; rm /tmp/b$$ /tmp/bwc$$
### Test of xargs -X command lines > 130k
88ab30e1d8b7459fddf88986ff282950 -
Chars per line: 116826
7 60000 817788
42d5c115907de0044ef988a0639204cd -
Chars per line: 62906
13 60000 817788
echo '### Test of xargs -m command lines > 130k'; seq 1 60000 | parallel -k -j1 -m echo | md5sum
### Test of xargs -m command lines > 130k
e606ff4068f4b48582d3305d39f93caf -
0896c693a7d42440f31c13c803d27df2 -
echo '### This causes problems if we kill child processes'; # 2>/dev/null to avoid parallel: Warning: Starting 45 processes took > 2 sec.
### This causes problems if we kill child processes
seq 2 40 | parallel -j 0 seq 1 10 2>/dev/null | sort | md5sum
@ -59,8 +59,9 @@ please cite as described in 'parallel --citation'.
echo '### bug #39787: --xargs broken'
### bug #39787: --xargs broken
nice perl -e 'for(1..30000){print "$_\n"}' | $NICEPAR --xargs -k echo | perl -ne 'print length $_,"\n"'
echo '### --delay should grow by 3 sec per arg'
### --delay should grow by 3 sec per arg
stdout /usr/bin/time -f %e parallel --delay 3 true ::: 1 2 | perl -ne '$_ >= 3 and $_ <= 8 and print "OK\n"'
@ -29,35 +29,35 @@ parallel: Error: Command line too long (4049 >= 4047) at input 0: 4038
echo '### tmux-1.8'
### tmux-1.8
seq 1 5 100 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 par_tmux
See output with: tmux-1.8 -S /tmp/parallel-local7-tmpdir/tmsXXXXX attach
parallel: Error: Command line too long (9 >= -1264) at input 0: 1
seq 101 5 200 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 par_tmux
See output with: tmux-1.8 -S /tmp/parallel-local7-tmpdir/tmsXXXXX attach
parallel: Error: Command line too long (111 >= -1264) at input 0: 101
seq 201 5 300 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 par_tmux
See output with: tmux-1.8 -S /tmp/parallel-local7-tmpdir/tmsXXXXX attach
parallel: Error: Command line too long (211 >= -1264) at input 0: 201
seq 301 5 400 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 par_tmux
See output with: tmux-1.8 -S /tmp/parallel-local7-tmpdir/tmsXXXXX attach
parallel: Error: Command line too long (311 >= -1264) at input 0: 301
seq 401 5 460 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 par_tmux
See output with: tmux-1.8 -S /tmp/parallel-local7-tmpdir/tmsXXXXX attach
parallel: Error: Command line too long (411 >= -1264) at input 0: 401
echo '### tmux-1.8 fails'
### tmux-1.8 fails
echo 462 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 par_tmux
parallel: Error: Command line too long (472 >= 472) at input 0: 462
parallel: Error: Command line too long (472 >= -1264) at input 0: 462
echo 463 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 par_tmux
parallel: Error: Command line too long (473 >= 472) at input 0: 463
parallel: Error: Command line too long (473 >= -1264) at input 0: 463
echo 464 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 par_tmux
parallel: Error: Command line too long (474 >= 472) at input 0: 464
parallel: Error: Command line too long (474 >= -1264) at input 0: 464
echo '### tmux-1.8 0..255 ascii'
### tmux-1.8 0..255 ascii
perl -e 'print map { ($_, map { pack("c*",$_) } grep { $_>=1 && $_!=10 } $_-110..$_),"\n" } 0..255' | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 stdout parallel --tmux --timeout 5 echo | par_tmux_filter; echo $?
See output with: tmux-1.8 -S /tmp/parallel-local7-tmpdir/tmsXXXXX attach
parallel: Error: Command line too long (6 >= -1264) at input 0: 0
echo '### tmux-1.9 0..255 ascii'
### tmux-1.9 0..255 ascii
@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ See output with: tmux -S /tmp/parallel-local7-tmpdir/tmsXXXXX attach
echo '### Test critical lengths. Must not block'
### Test critical lengths. Must not block
seq 140 260 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 stdout parallel --tmux echo '{}{=$_="&"x$_=}' | par_tmux_filter
See output with: tmux-1.8 -S /tmp/parallel-local7-tmpdir/tmsXXXXX attach
parallel: Error: Command line too long (150 >= -1264) at input 0: 140
seq 140 260 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.9 stdout parallel --tmux echo '{}{=$_="&"x$_=}' | par_tmux_filter
See output with: tmux-1.9 -S /tmp/parallel-local7-tmpdir/tmsXXXXX attach
seq 560 850 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.8 stdout parallel --tmux echo '{}{=$_="a"x$_=}' | par_tmux_filter
parallel: Error: Command line too long (568 >= 472) at input 0: 560
parallel: Error: Command line too long (568 >= -1264) at input 0: 560
seq 560 850 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.9 stdout parallel --tmux echo '{}{=$_="a"x$_=}' | par_tmux_filter
See output with: tmux-1.9 -S /tmp/parallel-local7-tmpdir/tmsXXXXX attach
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ a1b1^c1[.}c
echo "### BUG: The length for -X is not close to max (131072)"
### BUG: The length for -X is not close to max (131072)
seq 1 4000 | nice parallel -k -X echo {.} aa {}{.} {}{}d{} {}dd{}d{.} |head -n 1 |wc
1 12817 131016
1 6725 64004
echo '### Test -N'
### Test -N
seq 1 5 | $NICEPAR -kN3 echo {1} {2} {3}
@ -1,17 +1,100 @@
par_big_func 1 7968 191232
par_big_func 1 5368 128772
par_big_func_name 1 4960 119040
par_big_func_name 1 40 960
par_big_var_func_name 1 4956 118944
par_big_var_func_name 1 4956 118944
par_big_var_func_name 1 3424 82116
par_many_args 1 16400 32800
par_many_args 1 3600 7200
par_many_func 1 4372 104928
par_many_func 1 2296 55076
par_many_var 1 5124 122976
par_many_var 1 1544 37028
par_many_var_big_func 1 4404 105696
par_many_var_big_func 1 2264 54308
par_many_var_func 1 6624 158976
par_many_var_func 1 44 1028
par_big_func 1 3824 91776
par_big_func 1 3824 91776
par_big_func 1 3824 91776
par_big_func 1 1864 44676
par_big_func_name 1 820 19680
par_big_func_name 1 820 19680
par_big_func_name 1 820 19680
par_big_func_name 1 820 19680
par_big_func_name 1 820 19680
par_big_func_name 1 820 19680
par_big_func_name 1 80 1920
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 816 19584
par_big_var_func_name 1 280 6660
par_many_args 1 3148 6296
par_many_args 1 3148 6296
par_many_args 1 3148 6296
par_many_args 1 3148 6296
par_many_args 1 3148 6296
par_many_args 1 3148 6296
par_many_args 1 1112 2224
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 232 5568
par_many_func 1 172 4100
par_many_var 1 984 23616
par_many_var 1 984 23616
par_many_var 1 984 23616
par_many_var 1 984 23616
par_many_var 1 984 23616
par_many_var 1 984 23616
par_many_var 1 764 18308
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 264 6336
par_many_var_big_func 1 68 1604
par_many_var_func 1 2484 59616
par_many_var_func 1 2484 59616
par_many_var_func 1 1700 40772
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ num30000
my_func() {
echo in my_func $1
@ -701,7 +701,6 @@ foo
parallel --workdir . -S $SERVER1 pwd ::: ""
parallel --workdir ... -S $SERVER1 pwd ::: ""
parallel -S $SERVER1 --sshdelay 0.2 echo ::: 1 2 3
@ -779,6 +778,7 @@ BASH_FUNC_run_once%%
# The function is only copied if using Bash
my_func2() {
@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ withpassword
export VAR
parallel --env _ -S $SERVER1 'echo $VAR; my_func2' ::: bar
/bin/bash: my_func2: command not found
script: my_func2: command not found
NOT='not exported var'
alias myecho=echo
not_ex() {
@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ For details: see man env_parallel
export -f my_func3
parallel -vv --workdir ... --nice 17 --env _ --trc {}.out \
-S $SERVER1 my_func3 {} ::: abc-file
ssh -l parallel lo -- mkdir -p ./.TMPWORKDIR && rsync --protocol 30 -rlDzR -e'ssh -l parallel' ./abc-file lo:./.TMPWORKDIR;ssh -l parallel lo -- exec perl -e "'"'@GNU_Parallel=split/_/,"use_IPC::Open3;_use_MIME::Base64";eval"@GNU_Parallel";$chld=$SIG{CHLD};$SIG{CHLD}="IGNORE";my$zip=(grep{-x$_}"/usr/local/bin/bzip2")[0]||"bzip2";open3($in,$out,">&STDERR",$zip,"-dc");if(my$perlpid=fork){close$in;$eval=join"",<$out>;close$out;}else{close$out;print$in(decode_base64(join"",@ARGV));close$in;exit;}wait;$SIG{CHLD}=$chld;eval$eval;'"'" BASE64;_EXIT_status=$?; mkdir -p ./. && rsync --protocol 30 --rsync-path='cd ./.TMPWORKDIR/./.; rsync' -rlDzR -e'ssh -l parallel' lo:./abc-file.out ./.;ssh -l parallel lo -- 'sh -c '"'"'rm -f ./.TMPWORKDIR/abc-file 2>/dev/null;rmdir ./.TMPWORKDIR/ ./.parallel/tmp/ ./.parallel/ 2>/dev/null;rm -rf ./.TMPWORKDIR;'"'";ssh -l parallel lo -- 'sh -c '"'"'rm -f ./.TMPWORKDIR/abc-file.out 2>/dev/null;rmdir ./.TMPWORKDIR/ ./.parallel/tmp/ ./.parallel/ 2>/dev/null;rm -rf ./.TMPWORKDIR;'"'";ssh -l parallel lo -- rm -rf .TMPWORKDIR;exit $_EXIT_status;
ssh -l parallel lo -- mkdir -p ./.TMPWORKDIR && rsync --protocol 30 -rlDzR -e'ssh -l parallel' ./abc-file lo:./.TMPWORKDIR;ssh -l parallel lo -- exec perl -X -e GNU_Parallel,eval+pack+q/H10000000/,join+q//,@ARGV BASE64;_EXIT_status=$?; mkdir -p ./. && rsync --protocol 30 --rsync-path='cd ./.TMPWORKDIR/./.; rsync' -rlDzR -e'ssh -l parallel' lo:./abc-file.out ./.;ssh -l parallel lo -- 'sh -c '"'"'rm -f ./.TMPWORKDIR/abc-file 2>/dev/null;rmdir ./.TMPWORKDIR/ ./.parallel/tmp/ ./.parallel/ 2>/dev/null;rm -rf ./.TMPWORKDIR;'"'";ssh -l parallel lo -- 'sh -c '"'"'rm -f ./.TMPWORKDIR/abc-file.out 2>/dev/null;rmdir ./.TMPWORKDIR/ ./.parallel/tmp/ ./.parallel/ 2>/dev/null;rm -rf ./.TMPWORKDIR;'"'";ssh -l parallel lo -- rm -rf .TMPWORKDIR;exit $_EXIT_status;
parset myvar1,myvar2 echo ::: a b
echo $myvar1
echo $myvar2
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ OK
Input for ssh
-l vagrant one-server -- mkdir -p ./.
-l vagrant one-server rsync --server -lDrRze.iLsfxC . ./.
-l vagrant one-server -- exec perl -e '@GNU_Parallel=split/_/,"use_IPC::Open3;_use_MIME::Base64";eval"@GNU_Parallel";$chld=$SIG{CHLD};$SIG{CHLD}="IGNORE";my$zip=(grep{-x$_}"/usr/local/bin/bzip2")[0]||"bzip2";open3($in,$out,">&STDERR",$zip,"-dc");if(my$perlpid=fork){close$in;$eval=join"",<$out>;close$out;}else{close$out;print$in(decode_base64(join"",@ARGV));close$in;exit;}wait;$SIG{CHLD}=$chld;eval$eval;' base64
-l vagrant one-server -- exec perl -X -e GNU_Parallel,eval+pack+q/H10000000/,join+q//,@ARGV hex
-l vagrant one-server cd ././tmp; rsync --server --sender -lDrRze.iLsfxC . './parallel.file.
-l vagrant one-server cd ././tmp; rsync --server --sender -lDrRze.iLsfxC . './parallel.file.
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ newlineX.out'"'"' 2>/dev/null;rmdir ./tmp/ ./ 2>/dev/null;'
newlineX.out2'"'"' 2>/dev/null;rmdir ./tmp/ ./ 2>/dev/null;'
-l vagrant one-server -- mkdir -p ./.
-l vagrant one-server rsync --server -lDrRze.iLsfxC . ./.
-l vagrant one-server -- exec perl -e '@GNU_Parallel=split/_/,"use_IPC::Open3;_use_MIME::Base64";eval"@GNU_Parallel";$chld=$SIG{CHLD};$SIG{CHLD}="IGNORE";my$zip=(grep{-x$_}"/usr/local/bin/bzip2")[0]||"bzip2";open3($in,$out,">&STDERR",$zip,"-dc");if(my$perlpid=fork){close$in;$eval=join"",<$out>;close$out;}else{close$out;print$in(decode_base64(join"",@ARGV));close$in;exit;}wait;$SIG{CHLD}=$chld;eval$eval;' base64
-l vagrant one-server -- exec perl -X -e GNU_Parallel,eval+pack+q/H10000000/,join+q//,@ARGV hex
-l vagrant one-server cd ././tmp; rsync --server --sender -lDrRze.iLsfxC . './parallel.file.
-l vagrant one-server cd ././tmp; rsync --server --sender -lDrRze.iLsfxC . './parallel.file.
Reference in a new issue