parallel: Basic --completion implemented for zsh.

This commit is contained in:
Ole Tange 2022-04-01 01:23:04 +02:00
parent cfc2eed39f
commit add978635c
3 changed files with 410 additions and 168 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
People who have helped GNU Parallel different ways.
Wu Zhenyu: Code snips for --completion zsh.
Morten Rønne: Donating his old Mac for testing.
Renan Valieris: Maintaining GNU Parallel for Anaconda Cloud.
Jakub Kulík: Maintaining GNU Parallel for Solaris-userland.

View file

@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ sub cat_partial($@) {
# for($i=$first; $i<=$last;$i*=$inc) { say int $i }
# ' "$@"
# }
# seq 111111111 > big;
# f() { ppar --test $1 -a big --pipepart --block -1 'md5sum > /dev/null'; }
# export -f f;
@ -1554,197 +1554,425 @@ sub acquire_semaphore() {
sub __PARSE_OPTIONS__() {}
sub shell_completion() {
if($opt::completion eq "zsh") {
# if(shell == zsh);
} elsif($opt::completion eq "auto") {
if($Global::shell =~ m:/zsh$|^zsh$:) {
# if(shell == zsh);
} else {
::error("--completion is not implemented for '$Global::shell'.");
} else {
::error("--completion is not implemented for '$opt::completion'.");
sub zsh_competion() {
my @zsh_completion =
("compdef _comp_parallel parallel; ",
"setopt localoptions extended_glob; ",
"local -a _comp_priv_prefix; ",
"_comp_parallel() { ",
"_arguments ");
my @och = options_completion_hash();
while(@och) {
$_ = shift @och;
# Split input like:
# "joblog|jl=s[Logfile for executed jobs]:logfile:_files"
if(/^(.*?)(\[.*?])(:[^:]*)?(:.*)?$/) {
my $opt = $1;
my $desc = $2;
my $argdesc = $3;
my $func = $4;
# opt=s => opt
$opt =~ s/[:=].$//;
# {-o,--option}
my $zsh_opt = join(",",
(map { (length $_ == 1) ? "-$_" : "--$_" }
split /\|/, $opt));
if($zsh_opt =~ /,/) { $zsh_opt = "{$zsh_opt}"; }
$desc =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
$argdesc =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
$func =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
push @zsh_completion, $zsh_opt."'".$desc.$argdesc.$func."' ";
shift @och;
push @zsh_completion,
q{'(-)1:command: _command_names -e' },
q{'*::arguments:{ _comp_priv_prefix=( '$words[1]' -n ${(kv)opt_args[(I)(-[ugHEP]|--(user|group|set-home|preserve-env|preserve-groups))]} ) ; _normal }'},
print @zsh_completion;
sub options_hash() {
# Returns:
# %hash = the GetOptions config
# %hash = for GetOptions
my %och = options_completion_hash();
my %oh;
my ($k,$v);
while(($k,$v) = each %och) {
$k =~ s/\[.*//;
$oh{$k} = $v;
return %oh;
sub options_completion_hash() {
# Returns:
# %hash = for GetOptions and shell completion
("debug|D=s" => \$opt::D,
"xargs" => \$opt::xargs,
"m" => \$opt::m,
"X" => \$opt::X,
"v" => \@opt::v,
"sql=s" => \$opt::retired,
"sql-master|sqlmaster=s" => \$opt::sqlmaster,
"sql-worker|sqlworker=s" => \$opt::sqlworker,
"sql-and-worker|sqlandworker=s" => \$opt::sqlandworker,
"joblog|jl=s" => \$opt::joblog,
"results|result|res=s" => \$opt::results,
"resume" => \$opt::resume,
"resume-failed|resumefailed" => \$opt::resume_failed,
"retry-failed|retryfailed" => \$opt::retry_failed,
"silent" => \$opt::silent,
"keep-order|keeporder|k" => \$opt::keeporder,
"no-keep-order|nokeeporder|nok|no-k" => \$opt::nokeeporder,
"group" => \$opt::group,
"xargs[Insert as many arguments as the command line length permits]"
=> \$opt::xargs,
"m[Multiple arguments]" => \$opt::m,
("X[Insert as many arguments with context as the command line length permits]"
=> \$opt::X),
"v[Verbose]" => \@opt::v,
"sql=s[Use --sql-master instead (obsolete)]:DBURL" => \$opt::retired,
"[Submit jobs via SQL server. DBURL must point to a table, which will contain --joblog, the values, and output]:DBURL"
=> \$opt::sqlmaster),
"[Execute jobs via SQL server. Read the input sources variables from the table pointed to by DBURL.]:DBURL"
=> \$opt::sqlworker),
"[--sql-master DBURL --sql-worker DBURL]:DBURL"
=> \$opt::sqlandworker),
("joblog|jl=s[Logfile for executed jobs]:logfile:_files"
=> \$opt::joblog),
("results|result|res=s[Save the output into files]:name:_files"
=> \$opt::results),
"resume[Resumes from the last unfinished job]" => \$opt::resume,
"[Retry all failed and resume from the last unfinished job]"
=> \$opt::resume_failed),
("retry-failed|retryfailed[Retry all failed jobs in joblog]"
=> \$opt::retry_failed),
"silent[Silent]" => \$opt::silent,
"[Keep sequence of output same as the order of input]"
=> \$opt::keeporder),
"[Overrides an earlier --keep-order (e.g. if set in ~/.parallel/config)]"
=> \$opt::nokeeporder),
"group[Group output]" => \$opt::group,
"g" => \$opt::retired,
"ungroup|u" => \$opt::ungroup,
=> \$opt::linebuffer,
"tmux" => \$opt::tmux,
"tmux-pane|tmuxpane" => \$opt::tmuxpane,
"null|0" => \$opt::null,
"quote|q" => \$opt::quote,
"[Output is printed as soon as possible and bypasses GNU parallel internal processing]"
=> \$opt::ungroup),
"[Buffer output on line basis]"
=> \$opt::linebuffer),
"[Use tmux for output. Start a tmux session and run each job in a window in that session. No other output will be produced]"
=> \$opt::tmux),
"[Use tmux for output but put output into panes in the first window. Useful if you want to monitor the progress of less than 100 concurrent jobs]"
=> \$opt::tmuxpane),
"null|0[Use NUL as delimiter]" => \$opt::null,
"quote|q[Quote command]" => \$opt::quote,
# Replacement strings
"parens=s" => \$opt::parens,
"rpl=s" => \@opt::rpl,
"plus" => \$opt::plus,
"I=s" => \$opt::I,
"extensionreplace|er=s" => \$opt::U,
("parens=s[Use parensstring instead of {==}]:parensstring"
=> \$opt::parens),
('rpl=s[Define replacement string]:"tag perl expression"'
=> \@opt::rpl),
"plus[Add more replacement strings]" => \$opt::plus,
"[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {}]:replace-str"
=> \$opt::I),
"[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {.} for input line without extension]:replace-str"
=> \$opt::U),
"U=s" => \$opt::retired,
"basenamereplace|bnr=s" => \$opt::basenamereplace,
"dirnamereplace|dnr=s" => \$opt::dirnamereplace,
"basenameextensionreplace|bner=s" => \$opt::basenameextensionreplace,
"seqreplace=s" => \$opt::seqreplace,
"slotreplace=s" => \$opt::slotreplace,
"jobs|j=s" => \$opt::jobs,
"delay=s" => \$opt::delay,
"sshdelay=f" => \$opt::sshdelay,
"load=s" => \$opt::load,
"noswap" => \$opt::noswap,
=> \$opt::max_line_length_allowed,
"number-of-cpus|numberofcpus" => \$opt::number_of_cpus,
"number-of-sockets|numberofsockets" => \$opt::number_of_sockets,
"number-of-cores|numberofcores" => \$opt::number_of_cores,
"number-of-threads|numberofthreads" => \$opt::number_of_threads,
=> \$opt::use_sockets_instead_of_threads,
=> \$opt::use_cores_instead_of_threads,
=> \$opt::use_cpus_instead_of_cores,
"shell-quote|shellquote|shell_quote" => \@opt::shellquote,
"nice=i" => \$opt::nice,
"tag" => \$opt::tag,
"tag-string|tagstring=s" => \$opt::tagstring,
"ctag" => \$opt::ctag,
"ctag-string|ctagstring=s" => \$opt::ctagstring,
"onall" => \$opt::onall,
"nonall" => \$opt::nonall,
"filter-hosts|filterhosts|filter-host" => \$opt::filter_hosts,
"sshlogin|S=s" => \@opt::sshlogin,
"sshloginfile|slf=s" => \@opt::sshloginfile,
"controlmaster|M" => \$opt::controlmaster,
"ssh=s" => \$opt::ssh,
=> \@opt::transfer_files,
"return=s" => \@opt::return,
"trc=s" => \@opt::trc,
"transfer" => \$opt::transfer,
"cleanup" => \$opt::cleanup,
"basefile|bf=s" => \@opt::basefile,
"template|tmpl=s" => \%opt::template,
"[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {/} for basename of input line]:replace-str"
=> \$opt::basenamereplace),
"[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {//} for dirname of input line]:replace-str"
=> \$opt::dirnamereplace),
"[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {/.} for basename of input line without extension]:replace-str"
=> \$opt::basenameextensionreplace),
"[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {#} for job sequence number]:replace-str"
=> \$opt::seqreplace),
"[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {%} for job slot number]:replace-str"
=> \$opt::slotreplace),
"[(Add +N to/Subtract -N from/Multiply N%) the number of CPU threads or read parameter from file]:_files"
=> \$opt::jobs),
"[Delay starting next job by duration]:duration" => \$opt::delay),
"[Delay starting next ssh by duration]:duration"
=> \$opt::sshdelay),
"[Only start jobs if load is less than max-load]:max-load"
=> \$opt::load),
"noswap[Do not start job is computer is swapping]" => \$opt::noswap,
"[Print maximal command line length]"
=> \$opt::max_line_length_allowed),
"[Print the number of physical CPU cores and exit (obsolete)]"
=> \$opt::number_of_cpus),
"[Print the number of CPU sockets and exit]"
=> \$opt::number_of_sockets),
"[Print the number of physical CPU cores and exit]"
=> \$opt::number_of_cores),
"[Print the number of hyperthreaded CPU cores and exit]"
=> \$opt::number_of_threads),
"[Determine how GNU Parallel counts the number of CPUs]"
=> \$opt::use_sockets_instead_of_threads),
"[Determine how GNU Parallel counts the number of CPUs]"
=> \$opt::use_cores_instead_of_threads),
"[Determine how GNU Parallel counts the number of CPUs]"
=> \$opt::use_cpus_instead_of_cores),
"[Does not run the command but quotes it. Useful for making quoted composed commands for GNU parallel]"
=> \@opt::shellquote),
('nice=i[Run the command at this niceness]:niceness:($(seq -20 19))'
=> \$opt::nice),
"tag[Tag lines with arguments]" => \$opt::tag,
"[Tag lines with a string]:str" => \$opt::tagstring),
"ctag[Color tag]:str" => \$opt::ctag,
"ctag-string|ctagstring=s[Color tagstring]:str" => \$opt::ctagstring,
("onall[Run all the jobs on all computers given with --sshlogin]"
=> \$opt::onall),
"nonall[--onall with no arguments]" => \$opt::nonall,
("filter-hosts|filterhosts|filter-host[Remove down hosts]"
=> \$opt::filter_hosts),
'[Distribute jobs to remote computers]'.
':[@hostgroups/][ncpus/]sshlogin[,[@hostgroups/][ncpus/]sshlogin[,...]] or @hostgroup'.
':_users') => \@opt::sshlogin,
"[File with sshlogins on separate lines. Lines starting with '#' are ignored.]:filename:_files"
=> \@opt::sshloginfile),
"[Use ssh's ControlMaster to make ssh connections faster]"
=> \$opt::controlmaster),
"[Use this command instead of ssh for remote access]:sshcommand"
=> \$opt::ssh),
"[Transfer filename to remote computers]:filename:_files"
=> \@opt::transfer_files),
("return=s[Transfer files from remote computers]:filename:_files"
=> \@opt::return),
("trc=s[--transfer --return filename --cleanup]:filename:_files"
=> \@opt::trc),
"transfer[Transfer files to remote computers]" => \$opt::transfer,
"cleanup[Remove transferred files]" => \$opt::cleanup,
"[Transfer file to each sshlogin before first job is started]:file:_files"
=> \@opt::basefile),
("template|tmpl=s[Replace replacement strings in file and save it in repl]:file=repl:_files"
=> \%opt::template),
"B=s" => \$opt::retired,
"ctrl-c|ctrlc" => \$opt::retired,
"no-ctrl-c|no-ctrlc|noctrlc" => \$opt::retired,
"work-dir|workdir|wd=s" => \$opt::workdir,
"[Jobs will be run in the dir mydir. (default: the current dir for the local machine, the login dir for remote computers)]:mydir:_cd"
=> \$opt::workdir),
"W=s" => \$opt::retired,
"rsync-opts|rsyncopts=s" => \$opt::rsync_opts,
"tmpdir|tempdir=s" => \$opt::tmpdir,
"usecompressprogram|compressprogram=s" => \$opt::compress_program,
=> \$opt::decompress_program,
"compress" => \$opt::compress,
"tty" => \$opt::tty,
("rsync-opts|rsyncopts=s[Options to pass on to rsync]:options"
=> \$opt::rsync_opts),
("tmpdir|tempdir=s[Directory for temporary files]:dirname:_cd"
=> \$opt::tmpdir),
"[Use prg for compressing temporary files]:prg:_commands"
=> \$opt::compress_program),
"[Use prg for decompressing temporary files]:prg:_commands"
=> \$opt::decompress_program),
"compress[Compress temporary files]" => \$opt::compress,
"tty[Open terminal tty]" => \$opt::tty,
"T" => \$opt::retired,
"H=i" => \$opt::retired,
"dry-run|dryrun|dr" => \$opt::dryrun,
"progress" => \$opt::progress,
"eta" => \$opt::eta,
"bar" => \$opt::bar,
"shuf" => \$opt::shuf,
"arg-sep|argsep=s" => \$opt::arg_sep,
"arg-file-sep|argfilesep=s" => \$opt::arg_file_sep,
"trim=s" => \$opt::trim,
"env=s" => \@opt::env,
"recordenv|record-env" => \$opt::record_env,
"session" => \$opt::session,
"plain" => \$opt::plain,
"profile|J=s" => \@opt::profile,
"[Print the job to run on stdout (standard output), but do not run the job]"
=> \$opt::dryrun),
"progress[Show progress of computations]" => \$opt::progress,
("eta[Show the estimated number of seconds before finishing]"
=> \$opt::eta),
"bar[Show progress as a progress bar]" => \$opt::bar,
"shuf[Shuffle jobs]" => \$opt::shuf,
"[Use sep-str instead of ::: as separator string]:sep-str"
=> \$opt::arg_sep),
"[Use sep-str instead of :::: as separator string between command and argument files]:sep-str"
=> \$opt::arg_file_sep),
("trim=s[Trim white space in input]:trim_method:(n l r lr rl)"
=> \$opt::trim),
"env=s[Copy environment variable var]:var:_vars" => \@opt::env,
"recordenv|record-env[Record environment]" => \$opt::record_env,
'[Record names in current environment in $PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES and exit. Only used with env_parallel. Aliases, functions, and variables with names i]'
=> \$opt::session),
('plain[Ignore --profile, $PARALLEL, and ~/.parallel/config]'
=> \$opt::plain),
"[Use profile profilename for options]:profilename:_files"
=> \@opt::profile),
"tollef" => \$opt::tollef,
"gnu" => \$opt::gnu,
"link|xapply" => \$opt::link,
"gnu[Behave like GNU parallel]" => \$opt::gnu,
"link|xapply[Link input sources]" => \$opt::link,
"linkinputsource|xapplyinputsource=i" => \@opt::linkinputsource,
# Before changing these lines, please read
# You accept to be put in a public hall of shame by removing
# these lines.
"bibtex|citation" => \$opt::citation,
"[Print the citation notice and BibTeX entry for GNU parallel, silence citation notice for all future runs, and exit. It will not run any commands]"
=> \$opt::citation),
"will-cite|willcite|nn|nonotice|no-notice" => \$opt::willcite,
# Termination and retries
"halt-on-error|haltonerror|halt=s" => \$opt::halt,
"limit=s" => \$opt::limit,
"memfree=s" => \$opt::memfree,
"memsuspend=s" => \$opt::memsuspend,
"retries=s" => \$opt::retries,
"timeout=s" => \$opt::timeout,
"term-seq|termseq=s" => \$opt::termseq,
'[When should GNU parallel terminate]:when:((now\:"kill all running jobs and halt immediately" soon\:"wait for all running jobs to complete, start no new jobs"))'
=> \$opt::halt),
'limit=s[Dynamic job limit]:"command args"' => \$opt::limit,
"[Minimum memory free when starting another job]:size"
=> \$opt::memfree),
"[Suspend jobs when there is less memory available]:size"
=> \$opt::memsuspend),
"retries=s[Try failing jobs n times]:n" => \$opt::retries,
"[Time out for command. If the command runs for longer than duration seconds it will get killed as per --term-seq]:duration"
=> \$opt::timeout),
"[Termination sequence]:sequence" => \$opt::termseq),
# xargs-compatibility - implemented, man, testsuite
"max-procs|maxprocs|P=s" => \$opt::jobs,
"delimiter|d=s" => \$opt::d,
"max-chars|maxchars|s=s" => \$opt::max_chars,
"arg-file|arg-file|a=s" => \@opt::a,
"no-run-if-empty|norunifempty|r" => \$opt::r,
"replace|i:s" => \$opt::i,
"[Add N to/Subtract N from/Multiply N% with/ the number of CPU threads or read parameter from file]:+N/-N/N%/N/procfile:_files"
=> \$opt::jobs),
("delimiter|d=s[Input items are terminated by delim]:delim"
=> \$opt::d),
("max-chars|maxchars|s=s[Limit length of command]:max-chars"
=> \$opt::max_chars),
"[Use input-file as input source]:input-file:_files" => \@opt::a),
"no-run-if-empty|norunifempty|r[Do not run empty input]" => \$opt::r,
"[This option is deprecated; use -I instead]:replace-str"
=> \$opt::i),
"E=s" => \$opt::eof,
"eof|e:s" => \$opt::eof,
"max-args|maxargs|n=s" => \$opt::max_args,
=> \$opt::max_replace_args,
"col-sep|colsep|C=s" => \$opt::colsep,
"csv"=> \$opt::csv,
"help|h" => \$opt::help,
"L=s" => \$opt::L,
"max-lines|maxlines|l:f" => \$opt::max_lines,
"interactive|p" => \$opt::interactive,
"verbose|t" => \$opt::verbose,
"version|V" => \$opt::version,
"min-version|minversion=i" => \$opt::minversion,
"show-limits|showlimits" => \$opt::show_limits,
"exit|x" => \$opt::x,
("eof|e:s[Set the end of file string to eof-str]:eof-str"
=> \$opt::eof),
"[Use at most max-args arguments per command line]:max-args"
=> \$opt::max_args),
"[Use at most max-args arguments per command line]:max-args"
=> \$opt::max_replace_args),
"col-sep|colsep|C=s[Column separator]:regexp" => \$opt::colsep,
"csv[Treat input as CSV-format]"=> \$opt::csv,
("help|h[Print a summary of the options to GNU parallel and exit]"
=> \$opt::help),
("L=s[When used with --pipe: Read records of recsize]:recsize"
=> \$opt::L),
"[When used with --pipe: Read records of recsize lines]:recsize"
=> \$opt::max_lines),
"interactive|p[Ask user before running a job]" => \$opt::interactive,
("verbose|t[Print the job to be run on stderr (standard error)]"
=> \$opt::verbose),
("version|V[Print the version GNU parallel and exit]"
=> \$opt::version),
'[Print the version GNU parallel and exit]:version:($(parallel --minversion 0))'
=> \$opt::minversion),
"[Display limits given by the operating system]"
=> \$opt::show_limits),
("exit|x[Exit if the size (see the -s option) is exceeded]"
=> \$opt::x),
# Semaphore
"semaphore" => \$opt::semaphore,
=> \$opt::semaphoretimeout,
"semaphore-name|semaphorename|id=s" => \$opt::semaphorename,
"fg" => \$opt::fg,
"bg" => \$opt::bg,
"wait" => \$opt::wait,
"semaphore[Work as a counting semaphore]" => \$opt::semaphore,
"[If secs > 0: If the semaphore is not released within secs seconds, take it anyway]:secs"
=> \$opt::semaphoretimeout),
"[Use name as the name of the semaphore]:name"
=> \$opt::semaphorename),
"fg[Run command in foreground]" => \$opt::fg,
"bg[Run command in background]" => \$opt::bg,
"wait[Wait for all commands to complete]" => \$opt::wait,
# Shebang #!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang
"shebang|hashbang" => \$opt::shebang,
=> \$opt::internal_pipe_means_argfiles,
"[GNU parallel can be called as a shebang (#!) command as the first line of a script. The content of the file will be treated as inputsource]"
=> \$opt::shebang),
=> \$opt::internal_pipe_means_argfiles),
"Y" => \$opt::retired,
=> \$opt::skip_first_line,
"[Do not use the first line of input (used by GNU parallel itself when called with --shebang)]"
=> \$opt::skip_first_line),
"bug" => \$opt::bug,
# --pipe
"pipe|spreadstdin" => \$opt::pipe,
"round-robin|roundrobin|round" => \$opt::roundrobin,
"[Spread input to jobs on stdin (standard input)]" => \$opt::pipe),
"[Distribute chunks of standard input in a round robin fashion]"
=> \$opt::roundrobin),
"recstart=s" => \$opt::recstart,
"recend=s" => \$opt::recend,
"regexp|regex" => \$opt::regexp,
"remove-rec-sep|removerecsep|rrs" => \$opt::remove_rec_sep,
"output-as-files|outputasfiles|files" => \$opt::files,
"block-size|blocksize|block=s" => \$opt::blocksize,
"block-timeout|blocktimeout|bt=s" => \$opt::blocktimeout,
"header=s" => \$opt::header,
"cat" => \$opt::cat,
"fifo" => \$opt::fifo,
"pipe-part|pipepart" => \$opt::pipepart,
"tee" => \$opt::tee,
"shard=s" => \$opt::shard,
"bin=s" => \$opt::bin,
"group-by|groupby=s" => \$opt::groupby,
"[Split record between endstring and startstring]:endstring"
=> \$opt::recend),
"[Use --regexp to interpret --recstart and --recend as regular expressions]"
=> \$opt::regexp),
"[Remove record separator]" => \$opt::remove_rec_sep),
("output-as-files|outputasfiles|files[Save output to files]"
=> \$opt::files),
"[Size of block in bytes to read at a time]:size"
=> \$opt::blocksize),
"[Timeout for reading block when using --pipe]:duration"
=> \$opt::blocktimeout),
"header=s[Use regexp as header]:regexp" => \$opt::header,
"cat[Create a temporary file with content]" => \$opt::cat,
"fifo[Create a temporary fifo with content]" => \$opt::fifo,
("pipe-part|pipepart[Pipe parts of a physical file]"
=> \$opt::pipepart),
"tee[Pipe all data to all jobs]" => \$opt::tee,
"[Use shardexpr as shard key and shard input to the jobs]:shardexpr"
=> \$opt::shard),
"[Use binexpr as binning key and bin input to the jobs]:binexpr"
=> \$opt::bin),
"group-by|groupby=s[Group input by value]:val" => \$opt::groupby,
"hgrp|hostgrp|hostgroup|hostgroups" => \$opt::hostgroups,
"embed" => \$opt::embed,
"filter=s" => \@opt::filter,
("hgrp|hostgrp|hostgroup|hostgroups[Enable hostgroups on arguments]"
=> \$opt::hostgroups),
"embed[Embed GNU parallel in a shell script]" => \$opt::embed,
("filter=s[Only run jobs where filter is true]:filter"
=> \@opt::filter),
"parset=s" => \$opt::parset,
"completion=s" => \$opt::completion,
# Parameter for testing optimal values
"test=s" => \$opt::test,
@ -1905,6 +2133,7 @@ sub parse_options(@) {
# Default: Same nice level as GNU Parallel is started at
$opt::nice ||= eval { getpriority(0,0) } || 0;
if(defined $opt::help) { usage(); exit(0); }
if(defined $opt::completion) { shell_completion(); exit(0); }
if(defined $opt::embed) { embed(); exit(0); }
if(defined $opt::sqlandworker) {
$opt::sqlmaster = $opt::sqlworker = $opt::sqlandworker;
@ -2313,7 +2542,7 @@ sub check_invalid_option_combinations() {
sub init_globals() {
# Defaults:
$Global::version = 20220323;
$Global::version = 20220331;
$Global::progname = 'parallel';
$::name = "GNU Parallel";
$Global::infinity = 2**31;
@ -2364,7 +2593,7 @@ sub init_globals() {
'{0%}' => '1 $f=1+int((log($Global::max_jobs_running||1)/log(10))); $_=sprintf("%0${f}d",slot())',
# {0%} = 0-padded seq
'{0#}' => '1 $f=1+int((log(total_jobs())/log(10))); $_=sprintf("%0${f}d",seq())',
## Bash inspired replacement strings
# Bash ${a:-myval}
'{:-([^}]+?)}' => '$_ ||= $$1',
@ -5159,7 +5388,7 @@ sub usage() {
# Before changing these lines, please read
# You accept to be put in a public hall of shame by removing
# these lines.
"This helps funding further development; AND IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT.",
@ -6119,7 +6348,6 @@ sub usleep($) {
sub make_regexp_ungreedy {
my $regexp = shift;
my $class_state = 0;
my $escape_state = 0;
my $found = 0;
@ -6463,7 +6691,7 @@ sub new($$) {
# above with: user@server:port
# So:
# [@grp+grp][ncpu/][ssh command ][[user][:password]@][server[:port]]
# [@grp+grp]/ncpu//usr/bin/ssh user:pass@server:port
if($s =~ s:^\@([^/]+)/?::) {
# Look for SSHLogin hostgroups
@ -6471,7 +6699,7 @@ sub new($$) {
# An SSHLogin is always in the hostgroup of its "numcpu/host"
$hostgroups{$s} = 1;
# [ncpu/]/usr/bin/ssh user:pass@server:port
if ($s =~ s:^(\d+)/::) { $ncpus = $1; }
@ -6501,7 +6729,7 @@ sub new($$) {
if($s and $s ne ':') {
::die_bug("SSHLogin parser failed on '$origs' => '$s'");
$string =
# Only include the sshcommand in $string if it is set by user
($sshcommand && $sshcommand." ").
@ -6605,7 +6833,7 @@ sub sshcmd($) {
return "@local";
@ -6627,7 +6855,7 @@ sub hexwrap($@) {
# $hexencoded = perl command that decodes hex and evals @cmd
my $self = shift;
my $cmd = join("",@_);
# "#" is needed because Perl on MacOS X adds NULs
# when running pack q/H10000000/
my $hex = unpack "H*", $cmd."#";

View file

@ -774,6 +774,19 @@
See also: B<--csv> B<{>I<n>B<}> B<--trim> B<--link>
=item B<--completion> I<shell> (alpha testing)
Generate shell completion code for interactive shells.
Supported shells: zsh.
Use I<auto> as I<shell> to automatically detect running shell.
Activate the completion code with:
zsh% eval "`parallel --completion auto`"
=item B<--compress>
Compress temporary files.