Fixed bug #65127: env_parallel --record-env and --recordenv should do the same.

This commit is contained in:
Ole Tange 2024-06-16 12:37:14 +02:00
parent e57686278e
commit e2677b976c
50 changed files with 1069 additions and 873 deletions

View file

@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \
if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
done | $(am__uniquify_input)`
am__DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/ NEWS \
README TODO install-sh missing
am__DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/ COPYING \
NEWS README TODO install-sh missing
distdir = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
top_distdir = $(distdir)

View file

@ -294,6 +294,11 @@ New in this release:
News about GNU Parallel:
Howto Parallel per lanciare comandi in simultanea
* <<>>

View file

@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ env_parallel() {
unset _get_ignored_VARS
# --record-env
if perl -e 'exit grep { /^--record-env$/ } @ARGV' -- "$@"; then
if perl -e 'exit grep { /^--record-?env$/ } @ARGV' -- "$@"; then
true skip

View file

@ -5733,9 +5733,6 @@ sub kill_sleep_seq(@) {
# Send jobs TERM,TERM,KILL to processgroups
# Input:
# @pids = list of pids that are also processgroups
# Killing can be slow if you follow @term_seq
# So run the killing in parallel
if(not fork()) {
# Convert pids to process groups ($processgroup = -$pid)
my @pgrps = map { -$_ } @_;
my @term_seq = split/,/,$opt::termseq;
@ -5746,8 +5743,6 @@ sub kill_sleep_seq(@) {
while(@term_seq) {
@pgrps = kill_sleep(shift @term_seq, shift @term_seq, @pgrps);
sub kill_sleep() {

View file

@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ the last half of the line is from another process. The example
B<Parallel grep> cannot be done reliably with B<xargs> because of
this. To see this in action try:
parallel perl -e "'"'$a="1"."{}"x10000000;print $a,"\n"'"'" \
parallel perl -e "'"'$a="1"."{}"x100000000;print $a,"\n"'"'" \
'>' {} ::: a b c d e f g h
# Serial = no mixing = the wanted result
# 'tr -s a-z' squeezes repeating letters into a single letter
@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ context replace:
B<map> has no support for grouping. So this gives the wrong results:
parallel perl -e '\$a=\"1{}\"x10000000\;print\ \$a,\"\\n\"' '>' {} \
parallel perl -e '\$a=\"1{}\"x100000000\;print\ \$a,\"\\n\"' '>' {} \
::: a b c d e f
ls -l a b c d e f
parallel -kP4 -n1 grep 1 ::: a b c d e f > out.par
@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ B<parallel>, but lacks many functions. All these fail:
These do something different from GNU B<parallel>
# -q to protect quoted $ and space
parallel -q perl -e '$a=shift; print "$a"x10000000' ::: a b c
parallel -q perl -e '$a=shift; print "$a"x100000000' ::: a b c
# Generation of combination of inputs
parallel echo {1} {2} ::: red green blue ::: S M L XL XXL
# {= perl expression =} replacement string

View file

@ -865,8 +865,8 @@ sub oracle_commands {
sub sqlite_commands {
my ($database_driver,%opt) = (@_);
if(not find_command_in_path($database_driver)) {
print STDERR "Database driver '$database_driver' not supported\n";
exit -1;
print STDERR "sql: Database driver '$database_driver' not supported\n";
exit 255;
my $sep = defined($::opt_s) ? "-separator '$::opt_s'" : "";
my $password = defined($opt{'password'}) ? "--password=".$opt{'password'} : "";

View file

@ -76,10 +76,19 @@ install_packages() {
sudo apt install python3-sphinx-rtd-theme || pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
echo zh_HK BIG5-HKSCS | sudo tee -a /etc/locale.gen
sudo locale-gen
sudo locale-gen zh_HK
sudo apt update &
install_sqlite2() {
mkdir /tmp/sqlite2
cd /tmp/sqlite2
git clone
cd sqlite
git checkout a2cfd57491ca357eda2a206cbcd94c6e6c7d7d93
./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make -j && sudo make install
install_oracle_client() {
# sql oracle:// && return 0
@ -136,31 +145,50 @@ setup_databases() {
setup_postgres() {
echo '# Create PostgreSQL'
sudo em /etc/postgresql/*/main/postgresql.conf
# listen_addresses = '*'
(echo; echo "listen_addresses = '*'") |
sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql/*/main/postgresql.conf
sudo service postgresql restart
# Drop database and user if needed
sudo su - postgres -c 'dropdb '`whoami`
sudo su - postgres -c 'dropuser '`whoami`
sudo su - postgres -c 'createdb '`whoami`
sudo su - postgres -c 'createuser '`whoami`
sudo su - postgres -c "sql pg:/// \"ALTER USER \\\"`whoami`\\\" WITH PASSWORD '`whoami`';\""
sudo su - postgres -c 'dropdb '$(whoami)
sudo su - postgres -c 'dropuser '$(whoami)
sudo su - postgres -c 'createdb '$(whoami)
sudo su - postgres -c 'createuser '$(whoami)
sudo su - postgres -c "sql pg:/// \"ALTER USER \\\"`whoami`\\\" WITH PASSWORD '$(whoami)';\""
sudo su - postgres -c "psql -d $(whoami) -c 'GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO \"$(whoami)\";'"
sql pg://// 'create table __test_foo_socket(i int)'
sql pg://$me:$me@// 'create table __test_foo(i int)'
sql pg://// 'drop table __test_foo_socket' &&
sql pg://$me:$me@// 'drop table __test_foo' &&
echo OK: PostgreSQL
setup_mysql() {
echo '# Create MySQL'
sudo su mysql mysqladmin create `whoami`
sudo su mysql mysqladmin create $me
# Default Debian way of getting "root" access
sudo mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf mysql <<< "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysqlrootpass';"
# Drop database and user if needed
sudo sql "$dburl" "DROP DATABASE `whoami`;DROP USER '`whoami`'@'localhost';"
sudo sql "$dburl" "CREATE DATABASE `whoami`;CREATE USER '`whoami`'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '`whoami`'; GRANT ALL ON `whoami`.* TO '`whoami`'@'localhost';"
sudo sql "$dburl" "DROP DATABASE $me;DROP USER '$me'@'localhost';"
sudo sql "$dburl" "CREATE DATABASE $me;"
sudo sql "$dburl" "CREATE USER '$me'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH auth_socket;"
sudo sql "$dburl" "ALTER USER '$me'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$me';"
sudo sql "$dburl" "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $me.* TO '$me'@'localhost';"
sudo sql "$dburl" "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
# Drop database and user if needed
sql mysql://// 'create table __test_foo_socket(i int)'
sql mysql://$me:$me@// 'create table __test_foo(i int)'
sql mysql://// 'drop table __test_foo_socket' &&
sql mysql://$me:$me@// 'drop table __test_foo' &&
echo OK: MySQL
setup_postgres &&
@ -257,6 +285,7 @@ vagrant_centos3() {
cat ~/.ssh/ >> vagrant/authorized_keys
# Centos3 only works with some weak ciphers
echo 'Host *'
echo ' GSSAPIAuthentication no'
echo ' KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1'
@ -265,12 +294,26 @@ vagrant_centos3() {
echo ' PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss'
) >> ~/.ssh/config
echo KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
echo Ciphers +3des-cbc,aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,,,
echo HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
echo PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
echo MaxStartups 100:30:1000
) | sudo tee /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/parallel.conf
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
cd vagrant/*/centos3 && vagrant up
(cat ../../authorized_keys | vagrant ssh -c "cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys";
vagrant ssh -c "sudo /sbin/ifconfig eth1")
ssh-keygen -R centos3
stdout wssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new vagrant@centos3 echo ssh centos3 started and works
stdout wssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new vagrant@centos3 echo OK: ssh centos3 started and works
stdout ssh parallel@lo 'cat .ssh/id*pub' |
ssh vagrant@centos3 "cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys"
ssh vagrant@centos3 'yes n | ssh-keygen -t rsa -f .ssh/id_rsa -N "";echo '
ssh vagrant@centos3 'cat .ssh/id*pub' |
stdout ssh parallel@lo "cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys"
ssh vagrant@centos3 ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no parallel@ echo OK: ssh vagrant@centos3 ssh parallel@ works
@ -282,17 +325,25 @@ add_key_to_auth_key() {
ssh vagrant@$1 echo vagrant@$1 OK
export -f sshaddvagrant
parallel --tag sshaddvagrant ::: centos8 freebsd13 freebsd14 rhel8 centos3
parallel --tag ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new vagrant@{} ::: parallel-server{1..4} centos3
cat ~/.ssh/*pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
sshaddlocal() {
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -R $1
ssh-copy-id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new $1
ssh $1 echo $1 OK
export -f sshaddlocal
ipv6() {
ifconfig | perl -nE '/inet6 ([0-9a-f:]+) .*(host|global)/ and say $1'
vagrant_names=$(ls vagrant/*/*/Vagrantfile| perl -pe 's:.*/(.*)/Vagrantfile:$1:')
parallel --tag ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new {} ::: lo localhost ::1 $ipv6
# parallel sshpass -p vagrant ssh-copy-id vagrant@{} ::: parallel-server{1..4} centos3
ips=" ::1 $ipv6"
# ssh-copy-id vagrant@parallel-server1..4 centos3
cat ~/.ssh/*pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
parallel --tag --timeout 20 sshaddvagrant ::: $vagrant_names parallel-server{1..4}
parallel --tag --timeout 20 sshaddlocal ::: $ips lo localhost
parallel --tag --timeout 5 ssh vagrant@{} echo OK ::: $vagrant_names parallel-server{1..4}
parallel ssh vagrant@{} 'echo "PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/bin" >> .bashrc' ::: $vagrant_names
parallel --tag --timeout 5 ssh {} echo OK ::: $ips lo localhost
install_rsync_on_vagrant() {
@ -400,7 +451,7 @@ copy_ssh_keys() {
export -f ssh_copy_id
echo '# copy id from any X to any Y'
parallel -u --bar -j3 --timeout 3 --retries 10 --tag \
parallel --bar -j3 --timeout 7 --retries 10 --tag \
ssh_copy_id {1}@lo {2}@lo ::: $(shellsplus) ::: $(shellsplus)
echo '# Test the copying went well'
parallel --bar -j2 --timeout 9 --retries 10 --tag \
@ -422,24 +473,38 @@ copy_ssh_keys() {
parallel_versions() {
install_version() {
rm -r /tmp/parallel-$1
(git clone . /tmp/parallel-$1 || git clone .. /tmp/parallel-$1) &&
cd /tmp/parallel-$1 &&
git checkout $1 &&
sudo cp src/parallel /usr/local/bin/parallel-$1
export -f install_version
git tag | grep -E '^20[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$' | parallel install_version
lsh_setup() {
ssh-keyscan localhost >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-copy-id localhost
ssh-keyscan $server >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-copy-id $user@$server
# SHELLS: lsh-client against openssh server
$INSTALL lsh-client
mkdir -p .lsh
rm -f ".lsh/yarrow-seed-file"
lsh-make-seed -o ".lsh/yarrow-seed-file"
lsh -c aes256-ctr --sloppy-host-authentication \
--capture-to ~/.lsh/host-acls lo echo Added host-auth
lsh -c aes256-ctr --sloppy-host-authentication \
--capture-to ~/.lsh/host-acls localhost echo Added host-auth
--capture-to ~/.lsh/host-acls -l $user server echo Added host-auth
rm -f .lsh/identity .lsh/
lsh-keygen | lsh-writekey -c none
export_key_to_local_users() {
lsh-export-key --openssh < ~/.lsh/ |
ssh -l $1 lo 'cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys'
ssh -l $1 $2 'cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys'
export -f export_key_to_local_users
# lsh: Protocol error: No common key exchange method.
@ -455,11 +520,9 @@ lsh_setup() {
# | ssh-ed25519
# |
# There is no longer an overlap: LSH is unsupported until there is
# a common algorithm again
(whoami; shellsplus) | parallel --bar --timeout 10 --retries 5 export_key_to_local_users
(whoami; shellsplus) | parallel --bar --timeout 10 --retries 5 'lsh -l {} lo true || export_key_to_local_users {}'
(whoami; shellsplus) | parallel --bar --timeout 10 --retries 5 'lsh -l {} lo true || echo Fail {}'
export_key_to_local_users $user $server
lsh -l $user $server echo lsh $user $server OK
add_freebsd() {
@ -585,6 +648,8 @@ rsync_versions() {
mkdir -p lib
touch lib/addrinfo.h lib/getopt.h
autoreconf -fiv
# strlcat strlcpy
perl -i -pe 's/void (strlc..)/void _$1/' util.c
configure_make_proto_install $1
build-v3.0.0() {
@ -656,16 +721,20 @@ misc() {
run() {
install_packages &&
install_tangetools &&
install_oracle_client &&
install_sqlite2 &&
(install_oracle_client; # 20240622 broken
true) &&
setup_databases &&
setup_virtual_box_network &&
add_server_to_hosts &&
vagrant_up &&
vagrant_centos3 &&
add_key_to_auth_key &&
create_shell_logins &&
copy_ssh_keys &&
lsh_setup &&
add_freebsd &&
parallel_versions &&
tmux_versions &&
bash_versions &&
rsync_versions &&

View file

@ -62,28 +62,34 @@ start_centos3
cd testsuite/ 2>/dev/null
cd ..
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'mkdir -p .parallel bin; touch .parallel/will-cite'
scp -q .*/src/{parallel,sem,sql,niceload,env_parallel*} $SSHLOGIN1:bin/
scp -q src/{parallel,sem,sql,niceload,env_parallel*} $SSHLOGIN1:bin/
if ssh $SSHLOGIN1 parallel ::: true ; then
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'echo PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/bin >> .bashrc'
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 '[ -e .ssh/ ] || ssh-keygen -t rsa -P "" -f .ssh/id_rsa'
# Allow login from centos3 to $SSHLOGIN2 (that is shellshock hardened)
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 cat .ssh/ | ssh $SSHLOGIN2 'cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys'
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'cat .ssh/ >>.ssh/authorized_keys; chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys'
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no localhost true; ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '$SSHLOGIN2' true;'
ssh $SSHLOGIN1 parallel echo {}: ssh $SSHLOGIN1 parallel ::: OK
) &
. `which env_parallel.bash`
. env_parallel.bash
env_parallel --session
par_shellshock_bug() {
bash -c 'echo bug \#43358: shellshock breaks exporting functions using --env name;
echo Non-shellshock-hardened to non-shellshock-hardened;
funky() { echo Function $1; };
funky() { echo OK: Function $1; };
export -f funky;
PARALLEL_SHELL=bash parallel --env funky -S localhost funky ::: non-shellshock-hardened'
bash -c 'echo bug \#43358: shellshock breaks exporting functions using --env name;
echo Non-shellshock-hardened to shellshock-hardened;
funky() { echo Function $1; };
funky() { echo OK: Function $1; };
export -f funky;
PARALLEL_SHELL=bash parallel --env funky -S '$SSHLOGIN2' funky ::: shellshock-hardened'
@ -94,7 +100,7 @@ par_shellshock_bug() {
export LC_ALL=C
export TMPDIR=/tmp
env_parallel --env par_shellshock_bug --env LC_ALL --env SSHLOGIN2 --env _ \
env_parallel --env par_shellshock_bug --env LC_ALL --env SSHLOGIN2 \
-vj9 -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` --retries 3 \
-S $SSHLOGIN1 --tag '{} 2>&1' \
::: $(compgen -A function | grep par_ | sort) \

testsuite/tests-to-run/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ ssh $SSHLOGIN1 touch .parallel/will-cite
cd $testsuitedir
scp -q "$testsuitedir"/../src/{parallel,sem,sql,niceload,env_parallel*} $SSHLOGIN1:bin/
. `which env_parallel.bash`
# Moving the functions to FreeBSD is a bit tricky:
# We use env_parallel.bash to copy the functions to FreeBSD
. env_parallel.bash
env_parallel --session
par_no_more_procs() {
@ -86,11 +88,6 @@ par_env_parallel() {
env_parallel myalias ::: foo
# Moving the functions to FreeBSD is a bit tricky:
# We use env_parallel.bash to copy the functions to FreeBSD
. `which env_parallel.bash`
# GNU/Linux runs bash, but the FreeBSD runs (a)sh,
# (a)sh does not support 'export -f' so any function exported
# must be unset
@ -103,9 +100,8 @@ unset TMPDIR
# As the copied environment is written in Bash dialect
# we get 'shopt'-errors and 'declare'-errors.
# We can safely ignore those.
export LC_ALL=C
PARALLEL_SHELL=sh env_parallel --timeout 100 --env _ -vj4 -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` --retries 3 \
PARALLEL_SHELL=sh env_parallel --timeout 100 -vj4 -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` --retries 3 \
-S $SSHLOGIN1 --tag '{} 2>&1' \
::: $(compgen -A function | grep par_ | sort) \
::: $(compgen -A function | G "$@" par_ | sort) \
2> >(grep -Ev 'shopt: not found|declare: not found')

testsuite/tests-to-run/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -5,13 +5,11 @@
# Jobs that depend on the hardware
# (e.g number of CPU threads, terminal type)
par__environment_too_big_ash() {
myscript=$(cat <<'_EOF'
echo 'bug #50815: env_parallel should warn if the environment is too big'
@ -80,8 +78,8 @@ _EOF
par__environment_too_big_dash() {
myscript=$(cat <<'_EOF'
echo 'bug #50815: env_parallel should warn if the environment is too big'

View file

@ -16,6 +16,49 @@ export -f stdsort
# Test amount of parallelization
# parallel --shuf --jl /tmp/myjl -j1 'export JOBS={1};'bash tests-to-run/ ::: {1..16} ::: {1..5}
par_env_parallel_recordenv() {
echo 'bug #65127: env_parallel --record-env and --recordenv should do the same.'
. env_parallel.bash
> ~/.parallel/ignored_vars
env_parallel --record-env
a=$(md5sum ~/.parallel/ignored_vars)
> ~/.parallel/ignored_vars
env_parallel --recordenv
b=$(md5sum ~/.parallel/ignored_vars)
echo There should be no difference
diff <(echo "$a") <(echo "$b")
> ~/.parallel/ignored_vars
par_-q_perl_program() {
echo "### test08 -q and perl"
echo flyp
echo _PRE 8
echo 'hatchname> 8'
) > a
echo flyp
echo _PRE 9
echo 'hatchname> 8'
) > b
echo flyp
echo _PRE 19
echo 'hatchname> 19'
) > c
echo flyp
echo _PRE 19
echo 'hatchname> 9'
) > d
ls |
parallel -q perl -ne '/_PRE (\d+)/ and $p=$1; /hatchname> (\d+)/ and $1!=$p and print $ARGV,"\n"' |
par_filter_dryrun() {
echo 'bug #65840: --dry-run doesnot apply filters'
parallel -k --filter='"{1}" ne "Not"' echo '{1} {2} {3}' ::: Not Is ::: good OK

View file

@ -14,6 +14,26 @@ export TMP5G
rm -f /tmp/*.{tmx,pac,arg,all,log,swp,loa,ssh,df,pip,tmb,chr,tms,par}
par_--shellquote_command_len() {
echo '### test quoting will not cause a crash if too long'
# echo "'''" | parallel --shellquote --shellquote --shellquote --shellquote
testlen() {
echo "$1" | parallel $2 | wc
export -f testlen
outer() {
export PARALLEL="--env testlen -k --tag"
parallel $@ testlen '{=2 $_="$arg[1]"x$_ =}' '{=3 $_=" --shellquote"x$_ =}' \
::: '"' "'" ::: {1..10} ::: {1..10}
export -f outer
stdout parallel --tag -k outer ::: '-Slo -j10' '' |
perl -pe 's/(\d+)\d\d\d\d/${1}xxxx/g';
par_squared() {
export PARALLEL="--load 300%"
squared() {

testsuite/tests-to-run/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

View file

@ -231,6 +231,6 @@ par__test_build_and_install() {
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | grep par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
compgen -A function | G "$@" par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
parallel --timeout 1000% -j10 --tag -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1' |
perl -pe 's:/usr/bin:/bin:g'

View file

@ -57,6 +57,18 @@ par__keeporder_roundrobin() {
par_retries_lb_jl() {
echo Broken in 20240522
export tmp
parallel-20240522 --lb --jl /dev/null --timeout 0.3 --retries 5 'echo should be 5 lines >> "$tmp";sleep {}' ::: 20
cat "$tmp"
> "$tmp"
parallel --lb --jl /dev/null --timeout 0.3 --retries 5 'echo 5 lines >> "$tmp";sleep {}' ::: 20
cat "$tmp"
rm "$tmp"
par_reload_slf_every_second() {
echo "### --slf should reload every second"
@ -511,7 +523,7 @@ par__memory_leak() {
export -f a_run
echo "### Test for memory leaks"
echo "Of 300 runs of 1 job at least one should be bigger than a 3000 job run"
. $(which env_parallel.bash)
. env_parallel.bash
parset small_max,big ::: 'seq 300 | parallel a_run 1 | jq -s max' 'a_run 3000'
if [ $small_max -lt $big ] ; then
echo "Bad: Memleak likely."
@ -710,6 +722,7 @@ par__plus_dyn_repl() {
par_test_ipv6_format() {
# If not MaxStartups 100:30:1000 then this will fail
ipv4() {
ifconfig | perl -nE '/inet (\S+) / and say $1'
@ -734,7 +747,7 @@ par_test_ipv6_format() {
# =>
perl -pe 's/q.*//;'
) |
parallel -j30 --delay 0.1 --argsep , parallel -S {} true ::: 1 ||
parallel -j200% --argsep , parallel -S {} true ::: 1 ||
echo Failed

testsuite/tests-to-run/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -8,6 +8,32 @@
# Each should be taking 3-10s and be possible to run in parallel
# I.e.: No race conditions, no logins
par_pty() {
parallel 'echo {} > {}' ::: 1 2 3
echo 1 > files
echo 'xargs Expect: 3 1'
echo 3 | xargs -P 1 -n 1 -a files cat -
echo 'parallel Expect: 3 1 via psedotty 2'
cat >/tmp/parallel-script-for-script <<EOF
echo 3 | parallel --tty -k -P 1 -n 1 -a files cat -
chmod 755 /tmp/parallel-script-for-script
echo via pseudotty | script -q -f -c /tmp/parallel-script-for-script /dev/null
sleep 1
echo 'xargs Expect: 1 3'
echo 3 | xargs -I {} -P 1 -n 1 -a files cat {} -
echo 'parallel Expect: 1 3 2 via pseudotty'
cat >/tmp/parallel-script-for-script2 <<EOF
echo 3 | parallel --tty -k -I {} -P 1 -n 1 -a files cat {} -
chmod 755 /tmp/parallel-script-for-script2
echo via pseudotty | script -q -f -c /tmp/parallel-script-for-script2 /dev/null
sleep 1
par__test_cpu_detection_topology() {
pack() { zstd -19 | mmencode; }
unpack() { mmencode -u | zstd -d; }

View file

@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ par_delay_Xauto() {
par_timeout() {
echo '### Test --timeout'
stdout parallel -j0 -k --timeout 2 echo {}\; sleep {}\; echo {} ::: 1.1 7.7 8.8 9.9
stdout parallel -j0 -k --timeout 2 echo {}\; sleep {}\; echo {} ::: 1.1 7.7 8.8 9.9 |
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)

View file

@ -198,7 +198,10 @@ do_dburl() {
perl -pe 's/ *\b'"$hostname"'\b */hostname/g' |
grep -v -- --------------- |
perl -pe 's/ *\bhost\b */host/g' |
perl -pe 's/ +/ /g'
perl -pe 's/ +/ /g' |
# SQLITE par_empty Error: near line 1: in prepare, no such table: TBL99999 (1)
# SQLITE par_empty Parse error near line 1: no such table: TBL99999
perl -pe 's/Error: near line 1: in prepare, (.*) .../Parse error near line 1: /'
export -f do_dburl
parallel -vk --tag do_dburl ::: CSV INFLUX MYSQL PG SQLITE

testsuite/tests-to-run/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
# GNU Parallel SQL tests
# The tests must be able to run in parallel
export SQLITE=sqlite3:///%2Frun%2Fshm%2Fparallel.db
export PG=pg://`whoami`:`whoami`@localhost/`whoami`
export MYSQL=mysql://`whoami`:`whoami`@lo/`whoami`
export PG=pg://$me:$me@localhost/$me
export MYSQL=mysql://$me:$me@/$me
export CSV=csv:///%2Frun%2Fshm%2Fcsv
rm -f /run/shm/parallel.db

testsuite/tests-to-run/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -39,10 +39,12 @@ par__sshpass_with_password() {
echo '### Crazy passwords: `date>>/tmp/trap`;(|<*&)'"'"
> /tmp/trap
# These fail. The important part is that /tmp/trap is empty
stdout parallel --onall -S5/user:'`date>>/tmp/trap`;'@host echo ::: A
stdout parallel --onall -S5/user:'`date>>/tmp/trap`;(|<*&)'"'"@host echo ::: A
) | perl -pe 's/([a-f0-9]{100,} )+[a-f0-9]{1,}/HEX/g; s/\r/\n/g;'
echo This must stay empty
) | perl -pe 's/([a-f0-9]{100,} )+[a-f0-9]{1,}/HEX/g; s/\r/\n/g;' |
perl -pe 's/(ssh: Could not resolve hostname host:) .*/$1/'
echo This must stay empty:
cat /tmp/trap
@ -413,7 +415,7 @@ _
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | grep par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
compgen -A function | G "$@" par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
parallel --timeout 130 -j6 --tag -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1'
cd ..

testsuite/tests-to-run/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

View file

@ -101,14 +101,13 @@ par_--ssh_lsh() {
# | ssh-ed25519
# |
# There is no longer an overlap: LSH is unsupported until there is
# a common algorithm again
# Code is kept if lsh is upgraded in the future
parallel --ssh 'lsh -c aes256-ctr' -S lo echo ::: OK
echo OK | parallel --ssh 'lsh -c aes256-ctr' --pipe -S csh@lo cat
parallel --ssh lsh -S lo echo ::: OK
echo OK | parallel --ssh lsh --pipe -S csh@lo cat
parallel --ssh lsh -S $sshlogin echo ::: OK
echo OK | parallel --ssh lsh --pipe -S $sshlogin cat
parallel --ssh lsh -S $sshlogin echo ::: OK
echo OK | parallel --ssh lsh --pipe -S $sshlogin cat
# Todo:
# * rsync/--trc
# * csh@lo
@ -130,26 +129,6 @@ par_env_parallel_onall() {
env_parallel -Slo --nonall doit works
par__--shellquote_command_len() {
echo '### test quoting will not cause a crash if too long'
# echo "'''" | parallel --shellquote --shellquote --shellquote --shellquote
testlen() {
echo "$1" | parallel $2 | wc
export -f testlen
outer() {
export PARALLEL="--env testlen -k --tag"
parallel $@ testlen '{=2 $_="$arg[1]"x$_ =}' '{=3 $_=" --shellquote"x$_ =}' \
::: '"' "'" ::: {1..10} ::: {1..10}
export -f outer
stdout parallel --tag -k outer ::: '-Slo -j10' '' |
perl -pe 's/(\d+)\d\d\d\d/${1}xxxx/g';
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | G par_ "$@" | sort |
# 2019-07-14 100% slowed down 4 threads/16GB

View file

@ -281,9 +281,13 @@ par__man_fish() {
set myarray arrays 'with = & " !'" '" work, too
echo $myarray[1] $myarray[2] $myarray[3] $myarray[4]
sleep 0.1
env_parallel -k echo '$myarray[{}]' ::: 1 2 3 4
sleep 0.1
env_parallel -k -S server echo '$myarray[{}]' ::: 1 2 3 4
sleep 0.1
env_parallel -k --env myarray echo '$myarray[{}]' ::: 1 2 3 4
sleep 0.1
env_parallel -k --env myarray -S server echo '$myarray[{}]' ::: 1 2 3 4
env_parallel --argsep --- env_parallel -k echo ::: multi level --- env_parallel
@ -295,7 +299,8 @@ par__man_fish() {
echo exit value $status should be 255 `sleep 1`
ssh fish@lo "$myscript" | LC_ALL=C sort
ssh fish@lo "$myscript"
#| LC_ALL=C sort
par__man_ksh() {
@ -826,7 +831,9 @@ par_--env_underscore_fish() {
echo Test single ignoring;
echo myvar > ~/.parallel/ignored_vars;
env_parallel --env _ myfunc ::: work;
sleep 0.1
env_parallel --env _ -S server myfunc ::: work;
sleep 0.1
echo myarray >> ~/.parallel/ignored_vars;
env_parallel --env _ myfunc ::: work;
env_parallel --env _ -S server myfunc ::: work;
@ -842,11 +849,11 @@ par_--env_underscore_fish() {
echo "OK if ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no myfunc" >&2;
# Old versions of fish sometimes throw up bugs all over,
# but seem to work OK otherwise. So ignore these errors.
ssh fish@lo "$myscript" 2>&1 |
perl -ne '/^\^|fish:|fish\(/ and next; print'
stdout ssh fish@lo "$myscript" |
perl -ne '/^\^|fish:|fish\(/ and next; print' |
perl -pe 's/^[ ~^]+$//g'
par_--env_underscore_ksh() {
@ -894,7 +901,11 @@ par_--env_underscore_ksh() {
echo "OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" >&2;
ssh ksh@lo "$myscript"
stdout ssh ksh@lo "$myscript" |
# /bin/ksh[999]: myfunc[1]: myecho: not found
# =>
# /bin/ksh: myecho: not found
perl -pe 's/\[\d+\]:.*\[\d+\]:/:/;'
par_--env_underscore_mksh() {
@ -909,6 +920,7 @@ par_--env_underscore_mksh() {
. `which env_parallel.mksh`;
env_parallel --record-env;
alias myecho="echo \$myvar aliases in";
# The alias is replaced in the function
myfunc() { myecho ${myarray[@]} functions $*; };
myvar="variables in";
myarray=(and arrays in);
@ -932,9 +944,9 @@ par_--env_underscore_mksh() {
env_parallel --env _ -S server myfunc ::: work;
echo myecho >> ~/.parallel/ignored_vars;
env_parallel --env _ myfunc ::: work;
echo "OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" >&2;
echo The myecho alias is replaced in the function causing this not to fail
env_parallel --env _ -S server myfunc ::: work;
echo "OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" >&2;
echo The myecho alias is replaced in the function causing this not to fail
echo myfunc >> ~/.parallel/ignored_vars;
env_parallel --env _ myfunc ::: work;
echo "OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" >&2;
@ -942,7 +954,7 @@ par_--env_underscore_mksh() {
echo "OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" >&2;
ssh mksh@lo "$myscript" |
stdout ssh mksh@lo "$myscript" |
perl -pe 's/^[EŴ]:/EW:/g'
@ -2763,7 +2775,8 @@ par_env_parallel_--session_fish() {
ssh fish@lo "$myscript" 2>&1
ssh fish@lo "$myscript" 2>&1 |
perl -pe 's/^[ ~^]+$//g'
par_env_parallel_--session_ksh() {
@ -2943,7 +2956,7 @@ par_env_parallel_--session_mksh() {
ssh mksh@lo "$myscript" |
stdout ssh mksh@lo "$myscript" |
perl -pe 's/^[EŴ]:/EW:/g'

testsuite/tests-to-run/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ par_path_remote_bash() {
cat <<'_EOS' |
echo StArT
echo BASH Path before: $PATH with no parallel
parallel echo ::: 1
parallel echo ::: 1 && echo ERROR
# Race condition stderr/stdout
sleep 1
echo '^^^^^^^^ Not found is OK'
echo 'OK: if not found ^^^^^^^^'
# Exporting a big variable should not fail
export A="`seq 1000`"
. /usr/local/bin/env_parallel.bash
# --filter-hosts to see if $PATH with parallel is transferred
env_parallel --filter-hosts --env A,PATH -Slo echo '$PATH' ::: OK
env_parallel --filter-hosts --env A,PATH -Slo echo {}: '$PATH' ::: OK
stdout ssh nopathbash@lo -T |
perl -ne '/StArT/..0 and print' |
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ par_path_remote_csh() {
source `which env_parallel.csh`
# --filter-hosts to see if $PATH with parallel is transferred
env_parallel --filter-hosts --env A,PATH -Slo echo '$PATH' ::: OK
env_parallel --filter-hosts --env A,PATH -Slo echo {}: '$PATH' ::: OK
# Sleep needed to avoid stderr/stdout mixing
sleep 1
echo Done

View file

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ par_ksh_embed() {
rm parallel-embed
ssh ksh@lo "$myscript" |
stdout ssh ksh@lo "$myscript" |
# ./parallel-embed[XXX]: env_parallel[16122]: _which_PAR[15964]: perl: /usr/bin/perl: cannot exec
perl -pe 's/env_parallel[^:]*: _which_PAR[^:]*: //'
@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ par_env_parallel_big_env() {
echo '### bug #54128: command too long when exporting big env'
. env_parallel.bash
env_parallel --session
a=`rand | perl -pe 's/\0//g'| head -c 40000`
env_parallel -Slo echo should not ::: fail 2>&1
a=`rand | perl -pe 's/\0//g'| head -c 45000`
a=`rand | perl -pe 's/\0//g'| head -c 10000`
env_parallel -Slo echo ::: OK 2>&1
a=`rand | perl -pe 's/\0//g'| head -c 20000`
env_parallel -Slo echo should ::: fail 2>/dev/null || echo OK
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ par_no_route_to_host() {
export -f findhosts
export -f filterhosts
# Run this in the background
nice tmux new-session -d -s filterhosts$$-$RANDOM -c 'findhosts |
nice nohup bash -c 'findhosts |
filterhosts | filterhosts | filterhosts |
filterhosts | filterhosts | head > /tmp/filtered.$$
mv /tmp/filtered.$$ /tmp/filtered.hosts

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export -f par_tmux
# echo '### bug #48841: --tmux(pane) --fg should start tmux in foreground'
# stdout /usr/bin/time -f %e script -q -f -c /tmp/parallel-local7-script /dev/null | perl -ne '$_ >= 26 and $_ <= 45 and print "OK\n"'
cat <<'EOF' | sed -e 's/;$/; /;s/$SERVER1/'$SERVER1'/;s/$SERVER2/'$SERVER2'/' | stdout parallel -vj8 --delay 1 --timeout 100 --retries 1 -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` -L1 -r
cat <<'EOF' | sed -e 's/;$/; /;s/$SERVER1/'$SERVER1'/;s/$SERVER2/'$SERVER2'/' | stdout parallel -vj8 --delay 1 --timeout 20 --retries 3 -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` -L1 -r
echo '### tmux-1.9'
seq 510 512 | PARALLEL_TMUX=tmux-1.9 par_tmux

testsuite/tests-to-run/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ par_timeout_retries() {
echo '### test --timeout --retries'
# is up but does not allow login - should timeout
# is down - should timeout
# is down but on our subnet - should not timeout
stdout parallel -j0 --timeout 8 --retries 3 -k ssh {} echo {} \
# is down but on our subnet - should no route to host
stdout parallel -j0 --timeout 16 --retries 3 -k ssh {} echo {} \
grep -v 'Warning: Permanently added' | puniq
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ par_workdir_in_HOME() {
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | grep par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
compgen -A function | G "$@" par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
parallel --timeout 3000% -j6 --tag -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1' |
perl -pe 's:/usr/bin:/bin:g'

View file

@ -121,13 +121,15 @@ perl -ne '$/="\n\n"; /^Output/../^[^O]\S/ and next; /^ / and print;' "$testsuit
#+(zenity:2012805): Gtk-WARNING **: 02:25:32.662: cannot open display:
s,.zenity.*cannot open display:,,;
#+(zenity:3135184): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:03:27.525: Failed to open display
s,.zenity.*open display.*\n,,;
# --progress => 1:local / 4 / 4
s,1:local / . / .,1:local / 9 / 9,;
# bash: -c: line 1: .set a="tempfile"; if( { test -d "$a" } ) echo "$a is a dir"
s{.*bash: .*set a=".*".*test -d.*is a dir.*\n}{};
# /usr/bin/bash: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token .)
s{.*bash: .*syntax error near unexpected token.*\n}{};
# /usr/bin/bash: -c: line 5: syntax error: unexpected end of file
s{.*bash: -c: line .*\n}{};
# This is input_file
s{^This is input_file.*\n}{};
' | uniq

View file

@ -44,12 +44,14 @@ par_fg_line-buffer() {
sem --fg --line-buffer --id bugin20141226 echo OK
par_semaphore-timeout() {
par__semaphore-timeout() {
echo '### Test --st +1/-1'
stdout sem --id st --line-buffer "echo A normal-start;sleep 4;echo C normal-end"
stdout sem --id st --line-buffer --st 2 "echo B st1-start;sleep 4;echo D st1-end"
stdout sem --id st --line-buffer --st -2 "echo ERROR-st-1-start;sleep 4;echo ERROR-st-1-end"
stdout sem --id st --wait
) | sort
par_exit() {
@ -76,6 +78,6 @@ par_exit() {
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | grep par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
compgen -A function | G par_ "$@" | LC_ALL=C sort |
parallel --timeout 120 -j6 --tag -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1' |
perl -pe 's:/usr/bin:/bin:g'

testsuite/tests-to-run/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ par_influx() {
# create database & table
sql influx:/// "CREATE DATABASE parallel;"
sql --show-databases influx:///
sql --show-databases influx:/// | grep -v $(whoami)
# insert
(echo INSERT cpu,host=serverA,region=us_west value=0.64;
echo INSERT cpu,host=serverA,region=us_west value=0.65;
@ -57,5 +57,5 @@ par_influx() {
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | grep par_ | sort |
compgen -A function | G "$@" par_ | sort |
parallel -j0 --tag -k --joblog +/tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1'

View file

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ vagrant@centos3
par_shellshock_bug par_shellshock_bug 2>&1
par_shellshock_bug bug #43358: shellshock breaks exporting functions using --env name
par_shellshock_bug Non-shellshock-hardened to non-shellshock-hardened
par_shellshock_bug Function non-shellshock-hardened
par_shellshock_bug OK: Function non-shellshock-hardened
par_shellshock_bug bug #43358: shellshock breaks exporting functions using --env name
par_shellshock_bug Non-shellshock-hardened to shellshock-hardened
par_shellshock_bug Function shellshock-hardened
par_shellshock_bug OK: Function shellshock-hardened
OK: ssh vagrant@centos3 parallel

View file

@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ par__environment_too_big_zsh OK_bigfunc_remote
par__environment_too_big_zsh OK_bigfunc_quote
par__environment_too_big_zsh OK_bigfunc_quote_remote
par__environment_too_big_zsh Rest should fail
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 6XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar
par__environment_too_big_zsh fail_bigvar_remote
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 6XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 6XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote_remote
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 6XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (7XXXX >= 6XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_remote
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 6XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_quote
par__environment_too_big_zsh fail_bigfunc_quote_remote
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 5XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (5XXXX >= 5XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_remote
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 5XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 5XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigvar_quote_remote
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 5XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (7XXXX >= 5XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_remote
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 5XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_quote
par__environment_too_big_zsh parallel: Error: Command line too long (6XXXX >= 5XXXX) at input 0: fail_bigfunc_quote_remote
par__sockets_cores_threads ### Test --number-of-sockets/cores/threads
par__sockets_cores_threads 1
par__sockets_cores_threads 2
par__sockets_cores_threads 4
par__sockets_cores_threads 8
par__sockets_cores_threads 4
par__sockets_cores_threads 2
par__sockets_cores_threads ### Test --use-sockets-instead-of-threads
par__sockets_cores_threads threads done
par__sockets_cores_threads sockets done
@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ par_progress Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average secon
par_progress local:0/3/100%/9.9s 
par_progress Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
par_progress 1:local / 4 / 4
par_progress 1:local / 2 / 2
par_progress Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
par_progress local:0/3/100%/9.9s 
par_progress Computers / CPU threads / Max jobs to run
par_progress 1:local / 8 / 8
par_progress 1:local / 4 / 4
par_progress Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
par_progress local:0/3/100%/9.9s 

View file

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
par_-q_perl_program ### test08 -q and perl
par_-q_perl_program b
par_-q_perl_program d
par_0_no_newline A single zero without \n should not be ignored
par_0_no_newline 0
par_PARALLEL_ENV ### PARALLEL_ENV as variable
@ -221,6 +224,8 @@ par_empty_string_quote bug #37694: Empty string argument skipped when using --qu
par_empty_string_quote 3
par_env_parallel_pipefail ### test env_parallel with pipefail + inherit_errexit
par_env_parallel_pipefail OK
par_env_parallel_recordenv bug #65127: env_parallel --record-env and --recordenv should do the same.
par_env_parallel_recordenv There should be no difference
par_eof_on_command_line_input_source ### Test of eof string on :::
par_eof_on_command_line_input_source foo
par_exit_val ### Test bug #45619: "--halt" erroneous error exit code (should give 0)

View file

@ -1,3 +1,552 @@
par_--shellquote_command_len ### test quoting will not cause a crash if too long
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 1 1 1 4
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 2 1 1 10
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 3 1 1 28
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 4 1 1 82
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 5 1 1 244
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 6 1 1 730
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 7 1 1 2188
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 8 1 1 6562
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 1 1 1 5
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 2 1 1 11
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 3 1 1 29
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 4 1 1 83
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 5 1 1 245
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 6 1 1 731
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 7 1 1 2189
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 1 1 1 6
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 2 1 1 12
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 3 1 1 30
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 4 1 1 84
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 5 1 1 246
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 6 1 1 732
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 7 1 1 2190
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 1 1 1 7
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 2 1 1 13
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 3 1 1 31
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 4 1 1 85
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 5 1 1 247
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 6 1 1 733
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 7 1 1 2191
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 1 1 1 8
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 2 1 1 14
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 3 1 1 32
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 4 1 1 86
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 5 1 1 248
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 6 1 1 734
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 7 1 1 2192
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 1 1 1 9
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 2 1 1 15
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 3 1 1 33
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 4 1 1 87
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 5 1 1 249
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 6 1 1 735
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 1 1 1 10
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 2 1 1 16
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 3 1 1 34
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 4 1 1 88
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 5 1 1 250
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 6 1 1 736
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 1 1 1 11
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 2 1 1 17
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 3 1 1 35
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 4 1 1 89
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 5 1 1 251
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 6 1 1 737
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 1 1 1 12
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 2 1 1 18
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 3 1 1 36
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 4 1 1 90
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 5 1 1 252
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par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 10 0 0 0
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par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 3 1 1 37
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 4 1 1 91
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 5 1 1 253
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 6 1 1 739
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par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 10 0 0 0
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par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 3 1 1 28
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 4 1 1 82
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 5 1 1 244
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par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 7 1 1 2188
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 8 1 1 6562
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 1 1 1 5
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 2 1 1 11
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 3 1 1 29
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 4 1 1 83
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 5 1 1 245
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 6 1 1 731
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 7 1 1 2189
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 1 1 1 6
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 2 1 1 12
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 3 1 1 30
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 4 1 1 84
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 5 1 1 246
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 6 1 1 732
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 7 1 1 2190
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 1 1 1 7
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 2 1 1 13
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 3 1 1 31
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 4 1 1 85
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 5 1 1 247
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 6 1 1 733
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 7 1 1 2191
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 1 1 1 8
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 2 1 1 14
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 3 1 1 32
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 4 1 1 86
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 5 1 1 248
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 6 1 1 734
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 7 1 1 2192
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 1 1 1 9
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 2 1 1 15
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 3 1 1 33
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 4 1 1 87
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 5 1 1 249
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 6 1 1 735
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 1 1 1 10
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 2 1 1 16
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 3 1 1 34
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 4 1 1 88
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 5 1 1 250
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 6 1 1 736
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 1 1 1 11
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 2 1 1 17
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 3 1 1 35
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 4 1 1 89
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 5 1 1 251
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 6 1 1 737
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 1 1 1 12
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 2 1 1 18
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 3 1 1 36
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 4 1 1 90
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 5 1 1 252
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 6 1 1 738
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 1 1 1 13
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 2 1 1 19
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 3 1 1 37
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 4 1 1 91
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 5 1 1 253
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 6 1 1 739
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (88xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (16xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (49xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (147xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (7xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (22xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (68xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (206xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (8xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (26xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (78xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (236xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (88xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (265xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (10xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (32xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (88xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (16xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (49xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (147xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (7xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (22xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (68xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (206xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (8xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (26xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (78xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (236xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (88xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (265xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (10xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (32xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 1 1 2 6
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 2 1 2 12
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 3 1 2 30
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 4 1 2 84
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 5 1 2 246
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 6 1 2 732
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 7 1 2 2190
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 1 1 2 8
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 2 1 2 14
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 3 1 2 32
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 4 1 2 86
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 5 1 2 248
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 6 1 2 734
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 7 1 2 2192
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 1 1 2 10
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 2 1 2 16
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 3 1 2 34
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 4 1 2 88
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 5 1 2 250
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 6 1 2 736
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 1 1 2 12
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 2 1 2 18
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 3 1 2 36
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 4 1 2 90
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 5 1 2 252
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 6 1 2 738
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 10 0 0 0
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par_--shellquote_command_len " 5 5 1 2 254
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par_--shellquote_command_len ' 5 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 1 1 2 16
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 2 1 2 22
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 3 1 2 40
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 4 1 2 94
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 5 1 2 256
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 6 1 2 742
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 1 1 2 18
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 2 1 2 24
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 3 1 2 42
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 4 1 2 96
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 5 1 2 258
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 6 1 2 744
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 1 1 2 20
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 2 1 2 26
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 3 1 2 44
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 4 1 2 98
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 5 1 2 260
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 6 1 2 746
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 1 1 2 22
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 2 1 2 28
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 3 1 2 46
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 4 1 2 100
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 5 1 2 262
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 6 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 1 1 2 24
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 2 1 2 30
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 3 1 2 48
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 4 1 2 102
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 5 1 2 264
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 6 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 7 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 8 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 9 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 10 0 0 0
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (8xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (26xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (78xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (236xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 5 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (10xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (32xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (354xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (15xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (45xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (137xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (413xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (17xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (52xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (157xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (472xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 9 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (531xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 10 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (7xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (21xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len " 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 1 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 3 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 4 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (8xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (26xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (78xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (236xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 5 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (10xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (32xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (354xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (15xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (45xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (137xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (413xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (17xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (52xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (157xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (472xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (531xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (7xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (21xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_--shellquote_command_len ' 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_bug57364 ### bug #57364: Race condition creating len cache file.
par_linebuffer_files bug #48658: --linebuffer --files
par_linebuffer_files zstd normal

View file

@ -609,6 +609,8 @@ par_compare_exit_codes killed with different signals
par_compare_exit_codes sig=joblog_sig shell=parallel=joblog
par_compare_exit_codes par_compare_exit_codes
par_compare_exit_codes csh sig 2=0 130=1=1
par_compare_exit_codes posh sig 32=11 160=139=139
par_compare_exit_codes posh sig 33=11 161=139=139
par_compare_exit_codes posh sig 34=11 162=139=139
par_compare_exit_codes posh sig 35=11 163=139=139
par_compare_exit_codes posh sig 36=11 164=139=139
@ -676,9 +678,9 @@ par_compare_exit_codes fdsh sig 29=0 157=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh exit 157=0 157=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh sig 30=0 158=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh exit 158=0 158=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh sig 32=0 0=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh sig 32=0 160=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh exit 160=0 160=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh sig 33=0 0=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh sig 33=0 161=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh exit 161=0 161=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh sig 35=0 163=2=2
par_compare_exit_codes fdsh exit 163=0 163=2=2

View file

@ -2937,6 +2937,25 @@ par_race_condition1 9
par_race_condition1 10
par_reload_slf_every_second ### --slf should reload every second
par_reload_slf_every_second OK
par_retries_lb_jl Broken in 20240522
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: echo should be 5 lines >> "$tmp";sleep 20
par_retries_lb_jl should be 5 lines
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: echo 5 lines >> "$tmp";sleep 20
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: echo 5 lines >> "$tmp";sleep 20
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: echo 5 lines >> "$tmp";sleep 20
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: echo 5 lines >> "$tmp";sleep 20
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_retries_lb_jl parallel: Warning: echo 5 lines >> "$tmp";sleep 20
par_retries_lb_jl 5 lines
par_retries_lb_jl 5 lines
par_retries_lb_jl 5 lines
par_retries_lb_jl 5 lines
par_retries_lb_jl 5 lines
par_shard ### --shard
par_shard OK
par_shard OK

View file

@ -1176,6 +1176,20 @@ par_progress 1:local / 9 / 9
par_progress Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
par_progress par_progress local:0/0/0%/0.0s 
par_pty xargs Expect: 3 1
par_pty 3
par_pty 1
par_pty parallel Expect: 3 1 via psedotty 2
par_pty via pseudotty par_pty
par_pty via pseudotty par_pty
par_pty 1 par_pty
par_pty xargs Expect: 1 3
par_pty 1
par_pty 3
par_pty parallel Expect: 1 3 2 via pseudotty
par_pty via pseudotty par_pty
par_pty 1 par_pty
par_pty via pseudotty par_pty
par_replacement_slashslash ### Test {//}
par_replacement_slashslash . a
par_replacement_slashslash a a/b

View file

@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ par_sem_dir parallel: Error: Semaphoredir must be writable: '~/.parallel/semapho
par_timeout ### Test --timeout
par_timeout 1.1
par_timeout 1.1
par_timeout parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_timeout parallel: Warning: echo 7.7; sleep 7.7; echo 7.7
par_timeout parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_timeout parallel: Warning: echo 8.8; sleep 8.8; echo 8.8
par_timeout parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_timeout parallel: Warning: echo 9.9; sleep 9.9; echo 9.9
par_timeout 7.7
par_timeout 8.8
par_timeout 9.9
par_timeout parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_timeout parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_timeout parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_timeout parallel: Warning: echo 7.7; sleep 7.7; echo 7.7
par_timeout parallel: Warning: echo 8.8; sleep 8.8; echo 8.8
par_timeout parallel: Warning: echo 9.9; sleep 9.9; echo 9.9
par_tmux_termination ### --tmux test - check termination
par_tmux_termination See output with: tmux -S /TMP/tmsXXXXX attach

View file

@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@ SQLITE par_empty p_wrapper par_empty $SQLITE
SQLITE par_empty Do nothing: TBL99999 does not exist because it is not created
SQLITE par_empty Exit=0
SQLITE par_empty Exit=0
SQLITE par_empty Error: near line 1: in prepare, no such table: TBL99999 (1)
SQLITE par_empty Parse error near line 1: no such table: TBL99999
SQLITE par_no_table p_wrapper par_no_table $SQLITE
SQLITE par_no_table bug #50018: --dburl without table dies
SQLITE par_no_table 255

View file

@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ par__sshpass_with_password OK
par__sshpass_with_password ### Crazy passwords: `date>>/tmp/trap`;(|<*&)'
par__sshpass_with_password parallel: Warning: Using password or SSHPASS with --(n)onall exposes the password
par__sshpass_with_password parallel: Warning: on the command line, making it visible to local users via `ps`.
par__sshpass_with_password ssh: Could not resolve hostname host: No address associated with hostname
par__sshpass_with_password ssh: Could not resolve hostname host:
par__sshpass_with_password parallel: Warning: Using password or SSHPASS with --(n)onall exposes the password
par__sshpass_with_password parallel: Warning: on the command line, making it visible to local users via `ps`.
par__sshpass_with_password ssh: Could not resolve hostname host: No address associated with hostname
par__sshpass_with_password ssh: Could not resolve hostname host:
par__sshpass_with_password This must stay empty
par__sshpass_with_password This must stay empty:
par_csh_variable_newline ### Can csh propagate a variable containing \n
par_csh_variable_newline 1
par_csh_variable_newline 2

View file

@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ par__test_different_rsync_versions rsync-v3.2.4 Basic use works: rsync-v3.2.4
par__test_different_rsync_versions rsync-v3.2.5 Basic use works: rsync-v3.2.5
par__test_different_rsync_versions rsync-v3.2.6 Basic use works: rsync-v3.2.6
par__test_different_rsync_versions rsync-v3.2.7 Basic use works: rsync-v3.2.7
par__test_different_rsync_versions rsync-v3.3.0 Basic use works: rsync-v3.3.0
par__test_different_rsync_versions rsync-v3.3.0 Basic use failed - not tested: rsync-v3.3.0
par_bigvar_csh ### csh
par_bigvar_csh 3 big vars run remotely - length(base64) > 1000
par_bigvar_csh 1 200 692

View file

@ -44,555 +44,6 @@ par_--ssh_lsh OK
par_--ssh_lsh OK
par_--ssh_lsh OK
par_--ssh_lsh OK
par__--shellquote_command_len ### test quoting will not cause a crash if too long
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 1 1 1 4
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 2 1 1 10
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 3 1 1 28
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 4 1 1 82
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 5 1 1 244
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 6 1 1 730
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 7 1 1 2188
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 8 1 1 6562
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 1 1 1 5
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 2 1 1 11
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 3 1 1 29
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 4 1 1 83
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 5 1 1 245
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 6 1 1 731
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 7 1 1 2189
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 1 1 1 6
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 2 1 1 12
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 3 1 1 30
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 4 1 1 84
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 5 1 1 246
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 6 1 1 732
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 7 1 1 2190
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 1 1 1 7
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 2 1 1 13
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 3 1 1 31
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 4 1 1 85
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 5 1 1 247
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 6 1 1 733
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 7 1 1 2191
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 1 1 1 8
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 2 1 1 14
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 3 1 1 32
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 4 1 1 86
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 5 1 1 248
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 6 1 1 734
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 7 1 1 2192
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 1 1 1 9
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 2 1 1 15
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 3 1 1 33
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 4 1 1 87
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 5 1 1 249
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 6 1 1 735
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 1 1 1 10
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 2 1 1 16
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 3 1 1 34
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 4 1 1 88
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 5 1 1 250
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 6 1 1 736
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 1 1 1 11
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 2 1 1 17
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 3 1 1 35
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 4 1 1 89
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 5 1 1 251
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 6 1 1 737
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 1 1 1 12
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 2 1 1 18
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 3 1 1 36
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 4 1 1 90
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 5 1 1 252
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 6 1 1 738
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 1 1 1 13
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 2 1 1 19
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 3 1 1 37
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 4 1 1 91
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 5 1 1 253
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 6 1 1 739
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 10 0 0 0
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par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 3 1 1 28
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 4 1 1 82
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 5 1 1 244
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 6 1 1 730
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 7 1 1 2188
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 8 1 1 6562
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 1 1 1 5
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 2 1 1 11
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 3 1 1 29
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 4 1 1 83
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 5 1 1 245
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 6 1 1 731
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 7 1 1 2189
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 1 1 1 6
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 2 1 1 12
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 3 1 1 30
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 4 1 1 84
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 5 1 1 246
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 6 1 1 732
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 7 1 1 2190
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 1 1 1 7
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 2 1 1 13
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 3 1 1 31
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 4 1 1 85
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 5 1 1 247
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 6 1 1 733
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 7 1 1 2191
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 1 1 1 8
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 2 1 1 14
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 3 1 1 32
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 4 1 1 86
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 5 1 1 248
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 6 1 1 734
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 7 1 1 2192
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 1 1 1 9
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 2 1 1 15
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 3 1 1 33
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 4 1 1 87
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 5 1 1 249
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 6 1 1 735
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 1 1 1 10
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 2 1 1 16
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 3 1 1 34
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 4 1 1 88
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 5 1 1 250
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 6 1 1 736
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 1 1 1 11
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 2 1 1 17
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 3 1 1 35
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 4 1 1 89
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 5 1 1 251
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 6 1 1 737
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 1 1 1 12
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 2 1 1 18
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 3 1 1 36
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 4 1 1 90
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 5 1 1 252
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 6 1 1 738
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 1 1 1 13
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 2 1 1 19
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 3 1 1 37
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 4 1 1 91
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 5 1 1 253
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 6 1 1 739
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (88xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (16xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (49xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (147xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (7xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (22xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (68xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (206xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (8xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (26xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (78xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (236xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (88xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (265xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (10xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (32xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 " 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (88xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (16xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (49xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (147xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (7xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (22xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (68xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (206xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (8xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (26xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (78xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (236xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (9xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (29xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (88xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (265xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (10xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (32xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len -Slo -j10 ' 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 1 1 2 6
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 2 1 2 12
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 3 1 2 30
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 4 1 2 84
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 5 1 2 246
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 6 1 2 732
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 7 1 2 2190
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 1 1 2 8
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 2 1 2 14
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 3 1 2 32
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 4 1 2 86
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 5 1 2 248
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 6 1 2 734
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 7 1 2 2192
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 1 1 2 10
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 2 1 2 16
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 3 1 2 34
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 4 1 2 88
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 5 1 2 250
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 6 1 2 736
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 1 1 2 12
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 2 1 2 18
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 3 1 2 36
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 4 1 2 90
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 5 1 2 252
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 6 1 2 738
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 10 0 0 0
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par__--shellquote_command_len " 5 5 1 2 254
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par__--shellquote_command_len " 6 2 1 2 22
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par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 4 1 2 96
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 5 1 2 258
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 6 1 2 744
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 1 1 2 20
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 2 1 2 26
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 3 1 2 44
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 4 1 2 98
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 5 1 2 260
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 6 1 2 746
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 1 1 2 22
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 2 1 2 28
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 3 1 2 46
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 4 1 2 100
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 5 1 2 262
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 6 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 1 1 2 24
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 2 1 2 30
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 3 1 2 48
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 4 1 2 102
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 5 1 2 264
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 6 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 7 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 8 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 9 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 10 0 0 0
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (8xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (26xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (78xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (236xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 5 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (10xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (32xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (354xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (15xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (45xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (137xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (413xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (17xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (52xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (157xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (472xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 9 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (531xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 10 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (7xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (21xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len " 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: "
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 1 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 1 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 1 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 2 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 2 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 2 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 3 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 3 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 3 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 3 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 4 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (8xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 4 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (26xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 4 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (78xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 4 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (236xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 5 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (10xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 5 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (32xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 5 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (98xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 5 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (295xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 6 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (13xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 6 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (39xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 6 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (118xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 6 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (354xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (15xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (45xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (137xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 7 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (413xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (17xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (52xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (157xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 8 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (472xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (6xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (19xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (59xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (177xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 9 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (531xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: '''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 6 parallel: Error: Command line too long (7xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 7 parallel: Error: Command line too long (21xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 8 parallel: Error: Command line too long (65xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 9 parallel: Error: Command line too long (196xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par__--shellquote_command_len ' 10 10 parallel: Error: Command line too long (590xxxx >= 6xxxx) at input 0: ''''''''''
par__basefile_cleanup ### bug #46520: --basefile cleans up without --cleanup
par__basefile_cleanup bug_46520
par__basefile_cleanup bug_46520

View file

@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ par_--env_underscore_fish aliases and arrays in functions work
par_--env_underscore_fish aliases functions work
par_--env_underscore_fish aliases functions work
par_--env_underscore_fish myecho $myarray functions $argv
par_--env_underscore_fish ^
par_--env_underscore_fish in function 'myfunc' with arguments 'work'
par_--env_underscore_fish OK if ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no myecho
par_--env_underscore_fish script (line 4):
par_--env_underscore_fish myecho $myarray functions $argv
par_--env_underscore_fish ^
par_--env_underscore_fish in function 'myfunc' with arguments 'work'
par_--env_underscore_fish called on line 99 of file script
par_--env_underscore_fish OK if ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no myecho
@ -124,21 +124,13 @@ par_--env_underscore_ksh aliases in functions work
par_--env_underscore_ksh aliases in functions work
par_--env_underscore_ksh /bin/ksh: myecho: not found
par_--env_underscore_ksh OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_--env_underscore_ksh script[9]: myecho: not found
par_--env_underscore_ksh script: myecho: not found
par_--env_underscore_ksh OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_--env_underscore_ksh /bin/ksh: myfunc: not found
par_--env_underscore_ksh OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_--env_underscore_ksh script: line 2: myfunc: not found
par_--env_underscore_ksh OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_--env_underscore_mksh ### mksh
par_--env_underscore_mksh W: script[9]: not_copied_alias: inaccessible or not found
par_--env_underscore_mksh W: script[9]: not_copied_func: inaccessible or not found
par_--env_underscore_mksh OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_--env_underscore_mksh OK if no myecho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_--env_underscore_mksh W: /bin/mksh: myfunc: inaccessible or not found
par_--env_underscore_mksh OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_--env_underscore_mksh W: script[9]: myfunc: inaccessible or not found
par_--env_underscore_mksh OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_--env_underscore_mksh ### Testing of --env _
par_--env_underscore_mksh variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_--env_underscore_mksh variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
@ -146,6 +138,8 @@ par_--env_underscore_mksh variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_--env_underscore_mksh variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_--env_underscore_mksh variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_--env_underscore_mksh variables in aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_--env_underscore_mksh EW: script[9]: not_copied_alias: inaccessible or not found
par_--env_underscore_mksh EW: script[9]: not_copied_func: inaccessible or not found
par_--env_underscore_mksh error=OK
par_--env_underscore_mksh error=OK
par_--env_underscore_mksh aliases in and arrays in functions work
@ -153,7 +147,13 @@ par_--env_underscore_mksh aliases in and arrays in functions work
par_--env_underscore_mksh aliases in functions work
par_--env_underscore_mksh aliases in functions work
par_--env_underscore_mksh aliases in functions work
par_--env_underscore_mksh The myecho alias is replaced in the function causing this not to fail
par_--env_underscore_mksh aliases in functions work
par_--env_underscore_mksh The myecho alias is replaced in the function causing this not to fail
par_--env_underscore_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: myfunc: inaccessible or not found
par_--env_underscore_mksh OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_--env_underscore_mksh EW: script[9]: myfunc: inaccessible or not found
par_--env_underscore_mksh OK if no myfunc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
par_--env_underscore_sh ### sh
par_--env_underscore_sh ### Testing of --env _
par_--env_underscore_sh variables in aliases work
@ -426,55 +426,55 @@ par__man_dash exit value 2 should be 2
par__man_dash Unknown option: no-such-option
par__man_dash exit value 255 should be 255
par__man_fish ### fish
par__man_fish Unknown option: no-such-option
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish ### From man env_parallel
par__man_fish aliases with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish aliases with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish aliases with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish aliases with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish aliases with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish arrays
par__man_fish arrays
par__man_fish arrays
par__man_fish arrays
par__man_fish functions with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish functions with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish functions with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish functions with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish functions with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish multiline
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish multiline
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish multiline
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish multiline
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish multiline
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish arrays with = & " ! ' work, too
par__man_fish work,
par__man_fish too
par__man_fish arrays
par__man_fish with = & " ! '
par__man_fish work,
par__man_fish too
par__man_fish arrays
par__man_fish with = & " ! '
par__man_fish work,
par__man_fish too
par__man_fish arrays
par__man_fish with = & " ! '
par__man_fish work,
par__man_fish too
par__man_fish multi
par__man_fish level
par__man_fish env_parallel
par__man_fish exit value 2 should be 2
par__man_fish Unknown option: no-such-option
par__man_fish exit value 255 should be 255 `sleep 1`
par__man_fish functions with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish functions with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish functions with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish functions with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish functions with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish level
par__man_fish multi
par__man_fish multiline
par__man_fish multiline
par__man_fish multiline
par__man_fish multiline
par__man_fish multiline
par__man_fish too
par__man_fish too
par__man_fish too
par__man_fish too
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish variables with = & " ! ' work
par__man_fish with = & " ! '
par__man_fish with = & " ! '
par__man_fish with = & " ! '
par__man_fish with = & " ! '
par__man_fish work,
par__man_fish work,
par__man_fish work,
par__man_fish work,
par__man_ksh ### ksh
par__man_ksh ### From man env_parallel
par__man_ksh aliases with = & " ! ' work
@ -1108,19 +1108,19 @@ par_env_parallel_--session_fish ### Test env_parallel --session
par_env_parallel_--session_fish fish: Unknown command: aliasbefore
par_env_parallel_--session_fish fish:
par_env_parallel_--session_fish aliasbefore must_fail
par_env_parallel_--session_fish ^
par_env_parallel_--session_fish fish: Unknown command: aliasbefore
par_env_parallel_--session_fish script (line 6):
par_env_parallel_--session_fish aliasbefore must_fail
par_env_parallel_--session_fish ^
par_env_parallel_--session_fish fish: Unknown command: funcbefore
par_env_parallel_--session_fish fish:
par_env_parallel_--session_fish funcbefore must_fail
par_env_parallel_--session_fish ^
par_env_parallel_--session_fish fish: Unknown command: funcbefore
par_env_parallel_--session_fish script (line 6):
par_env_parallel_--session_fish funcbefore must_fail
par_env_parallel_--session_fish ^
par_env_parallel_--session_fish no_before
par_env_parallel_--session_fish no_before
par_env_parallel_--session_fish no_before
@ -1242,20 +1242,16 @@ par_env_parallel_--session_ksh after varafter_OK
par_env_parallel_--session_ksh after varafter_OK
par_env_parallel_--session_ksh array after arrayafter_OK
par_env_parallel_--session_ksh array after arrayafter_OK
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: /bin/mksh: aliasbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: script[9]: aliasbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: /bin/mksh: funcbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: script[9]: funcbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh ### Test env_parallel --session
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh ### level0 should be hidden, level1 should be transferred
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh fail
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: script[9]: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: script[9]: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: script[9]: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: script[9]: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh fail
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: /bin/mksh: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l1var
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l1func
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l1alias
@ -1267,20 +1263,20 @@ par_env_parallel_--session_mksh level1 array OK
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh ### level0+1 should be hidden, level2 should be transferred
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh fail
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: script[9]: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: script[9]: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: script[9]: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: script[9]: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh fail
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: /bin/mksh: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh fail
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: script[9]: level1func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: script[9]: level1alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: script[9]: level1func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: script[9]: level1alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh fail
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: /bin/mksh: level1func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: /bin/mksh: level1alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: level1func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: level1alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l2var
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l2func
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l2alias
@ -1292,12 +1288,12 @@ par_env_parallel_--session_mksh level2 array OK
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh ### level0 should be hidden, level1+2 should be transferred
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh fail
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: script[9]: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: script[9]: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: script[9]: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: script[9]: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh fail
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh W: /bin/mksh: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: level0func: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: level0alias: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l1var
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l1func
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l1alias
@ -1339,6 +1335,10 @@ par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l2var
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l2func
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh l2alias
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh level2 array OK
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: aliasbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: script[9]: aliasbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: /bin/mksh: funcbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh EW: script[9]: funcbefore: inaccessible or not found
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh no_before
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh no_before
par_env_parallel_--session_mksh no_before
@ -1817,8 +1817,6 @@ par_funky_ash ' par_funky_ash  !"#$%&'"'"'()*+,-./0123456789
par_funky_ash 3 arg alias_works
par_funky_ash 3 arg alias_works_over_ssh
par_funky_bash -funkymultiline
par_funky_bash -funkymultiline
par_funky_bash space 6
@ -1830,8 +1828,8 @@ par_funky_bash 3 arg alias_works
par_funky_bash 3 arg alias_works_over_ssh
par_funky_bash Funkyline- par_funky_bash  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€<>ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰ŠŒ<E280B9>Ž<EFBFBD><C5BD>“”•˜™šœ<E280BA>žŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ-funkyline
par_funky_bash Funkyline- par_funky_bash  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€<>ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰ŠŒ<E280B9>Ž<EFBFBD><C5BD>“”•˜™šœ<E280BA>žŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ-funkyline
par_funky_bash Funkymultiline-
par_funky_bash Funkymultiline-
par_funky_bash Funkymultiline-
par_funky_bash Funkymultiline-
par_funky_bash assoc_val_a
par_funky_bash assoc_val_a
par_funky_bash function_works

View file

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ par_path_remote_bash bug #47695: How to set $PATH on remote? Bash
par_path_remote_bash StArT
par_path_remote_bash BASH Path before: /bin:/usr/bin with no parallel
par_path_remote_bash -bash: line 3: parallel: command not found
par_path_remote_bash ^^^^^^^^ Not found is OK
par_path_remote_bash /bin:/usr/bin:/tmp OK
par_path_remote_bash OK: if not found ^^^^^^^^
par_path_remote_bash OK: /bin:/usr/bin:/tmp
par_path_remote_csh bug #47695: How to set $PATH on remote? csh
par_path_remote_csh StArT

View file

@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ par_bash_embed You can also activate GNU Parallel for interactive use by:
par_bash_embed . ./parallel-embed
par_csh_embed Not implemented
par_env_parallel_big_env ### bug #54128: command too long when exporting big env
par_env_parallel_big_env should not fail
par_env_parallel_big_env OK
par_env_parallel_big_env OK
par_filter_hosts_parallel_not_installed bug #62672: Triggered a bug with --filter-host
par_filter_hosts_parallel_not_installed parallel: Warning: Could not figure out number of cpus on nopathbash@lo (). Using 1.
@ -189,8 +189,15 @@ par_filter_hosts_parallel_not_installed OK
par_filter_hosts_parallel_not_installed parallel: Warning: Could not figure out number of cpus on nopathbash@lo (). Using 1.
par_filter_hosts_parallel_not_installed OK
par_fish_embed Not implemented
par_ksh_embed --embed
par_ksh_embed Redirect the output to a file and add your changes at the end:
par_ksh_embed /usr/local/bin/parallel --embed > new_script
par_ksh_embed Put
par_ksh_embed your
par_ksh_embed code
par_ksh_embed here
par_ksh_embed parallel_OK
par_ksh_embed env_parallel --env OK
par_ksh_embed ./parallel-embed[XXX]: perl: /usr/bin/perl: cannot execute [Argument list too long]
par_ksh_embed env_parallel: Error: Your environment is too big.
par_ksh_embed env_parallel: Error: You can try 3 different approaches:
@ -201,13 +208,6 @@ par_ksh_embed env_parallel: Error: 3. Try running this in a clean environment on
par_ksh_embed env_parallel: Error: env_parallel --record-env
par_ksh_embed env_parallel: Error: And then use '--env _'
par_ksh_embed env_parallel: Error: For details see: man env_parallel
par_ksh_embed --embed
par_ksh_embed Put
par_ksh_embed your
par_ksh_embed code
par_ksh_embed here
par_ksh_embed parallel_OK
par_ksh_embed env_parallel --env OK
par_ksh_embed ParsetOK
par_ksh_embed Put
par_ksh_embed your

View file

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ par_special_ssh 98
par_special_ssh 99
par_special_ssh 100
par_timeout_retries ### test --timeout --retries
par_timeout_retries ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host par_timeout_retries
par_timeout_retries ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host par_timeout_retries
par_timeout_retries parallel: Warning: This job was killed because it timed out:
par_timeout_retries parallel: Warning: ssh echo
par_timeout_retries parallel: Warning: ssh echo

View file

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
160d3159 9480cf5c a101512f 150b7ac0 206a65dc 86f2bb6b bdf1a2bc 96bc6d06
7f8237c2 0964b67f bccf8a93 332528fa 11e5ab43 2a6226a6 ceb197ab 7f03c061
$ bash
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 1: ` fetch -o - ) >'
parallel -k echo ::: A B C > abc-file
parallel -k echo ::: D E F > def-file
perl -e 'printf "A\0B\0C\0"' > abc0-file
@ -18,11 +17,8 @@
perl -e 'for(1..30000){print "$_\n"}' > num30000
perl -e 'for(1..1000000){print "$_\n"}' > num1000000
(echo %head1; echo %head2; \
sleep .3
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sleep .3
perl -e 'for(1..10){print "$_\n"}') > num_%header
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 1: ` perl -e 'for(1..10){print "$_\n"}') > num_%header'
perl -e 'print "HHHHAAABBBCCC"' > fixedlen
parallel echo ::: A B C
parallel -a abc-file echo
@ -349,7 +345,6 @@ foo
perl -e 'print "@ARGV\n"'
/usr/bin/bash: line 2: Warning:: command not found
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 3: ` Warning: are doing (in which case: YOU ARE AWESOME!) or you forgot'
parallel --trim r echo pre-{}-post ::: ' A '
pre- A-post
parallel --trim l echo pre-{}-post ::: ' A '
@ -499,7 +494,6 @@ Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complet
seq 1000 | parallel -j10 --bar '(echo -n {};sleep 0.1)' \
2> >(perl -pe 'BEGIN{$/="\r";$|=1};s/\r/\n/g' |
zenity --timeout=15 --progress --auto-kill --auto-close)
parallel --joblog /tmp/log exit ::: 1 2 3 0
cat /tmp/log;
parallel --joblog /tmp/log exit ::: 1 2 3 0
@ -726,8 +720,6 @@ BASH_FUNC_replace_tmpdir%%
@ -1083,7 +1075,6 @@ Warning: unknown mime-type for "Arguments @ARGV\n" -- using "application/octet-s
Error: no such file "Arguments @ARGV\n"
#!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap /usr/bin/python
print 'Arguments', str(sys.argv)
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 4: ` print 'Arguments', str(sys.argv)'
#!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap /bin/bash
echo Arguments "$@"
@ -1096,10 +1087,8 @@ Arguments
#!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap /usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla --slave
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
print(paste("Arguments ",args))
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 3: ` args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)'
#!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap ARG={} /usr/bin/gnuplot
print "Arguments ", system('echo $ARG')
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 3: ` print "Arguments ", system('echo $ARG')'
#!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap /usr/bin/ruby
print "Arguments "
puts ARGV
@ -1113,12 +1102,9 @@ Error: no such file "Arguments "
printf (" %s", arg_list{i});
printf ("\n");
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 3: ` printf ("Arguments");'
#!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap /usr/bin/clisp
(format t "~&~S~&" 'Arguments)
(format t "~&~S~&" *args*)
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 3: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 5: syntax error: unexpected end of file
#!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap /usr/bin/php
echo "Arguments";
@ -1130,11 +1116,9 @@ Error: no such file "Arguments "
/usr/bin/bash: line 2: ?php: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 4: ` foreach(array_slice($argv,1) as $v)'
#!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap /usr/bin/node
var myArgs = process.argv.slice(2);
console.log('Arguments ', myArgs);
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 1: ` var myArgs = process.argv.slice(2);'
#!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap /usr/bin/lua
io.write "Arguments"
for a = 1, #arg do
@ -1143,11 +1127,9 @@ Arguments
/usr/bin/bash: line 3: io.write: command not found
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 4: ` for a = 1, #arg do'
#!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap ARGV={} /usr/bin/csharp
var argv = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ARGV");
print("Arguments "+argv);
/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 3: ` var argv = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ARGV");'
sem 'sleep 1; echo The first finished' &&
echo The first is now running in the background &&
sem 'sleep 1; echo The second finished' &&

View file

@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
par__semaphore-timeout ### Test --st +1/-1
par__semaphore-timeout A normal-start
par__semaphore-timeout B st1-start
par__semaphore-timeout C normal-end
par__semaphore-timeout D st1-end
par__semaphore-timeout parallel: Warning: Semaphore timed out. Exiting.
par__semaphore-timeout parallel: Warning: Semaphore timed out. Stealing the semaphore.
par_bg_p_should_error ### Test bug #33621: --bg -p should give an error message
par_bg_p_should_error parallel: Error: Jobs running in the background cannot be interactive.
par_exit ### Exit values
@ -93,10 +100,12 @@ par_exit 30 environment: line 1: PID Power failure bash -c 'kill -'$1'
par_exit 31 Bash exit value 159
par_exit 31 Sem exit value 159
par_exit 31 environment: line 1: PID Bad system call (core dumped) bash -c 'kill -'$1' $$'
par_exit 32 Bash exit value 0
par_exit 32 Sem exit value 0
par_exit 33 Bash exit value 0
par_exit 33 Sem exit value 0
par_exit 32 Bash exit value 160
par_exit 32 Sem exit value 160
par_exit 32 environment: line 1: PID Unknown signal 32 bash -c 'kill -'$1' $$'
par_exit 33 Bash exit value 161
par_exit 33 Sem exit value 161
par_exit 33 environment: line 1: PID Unknown signal 33 bash -c 'kill -'$1' $$'
par_exit 34 Bash exit value 162
par_exit 34 Sem exit value 162
par_exit 34 environment: line 1: PID Real-time signal 0 bash -c 'kill -'$1' $$'
@ -255,13 +264,6 @@ par_mutex 18
par_mutex 19
par_mutex 20
par_mutex done
par_semaphore-timeout ### Test --st +1/-1
par_semaphore-timeout A normal-start
par_semaphore-timeout parallel: Warning: Semaphore timed out. Stealing the semaphore.
par_semaphore-timeout B st1-start
par_semaphore-timeout C normal-end
par_semaphore-timeout parallel: Warning: Semaphore timed out. Exiting.
par_semaphore-timeout D st1-end
par_stdin ### bug #60579: Sem: Allow reading from stdin and setting -a
par_stdin 10 10 21
par_stdin 10 10 21

View file

@ -89,5 +89,5 @@ par_sql_on_cmdline ### Test reading sql on command line
par_sql_on_cmdline Test reading SQL from command line
par_sql_on_cmdline Yes it does
par_tablesize ### Test --table-size --tablesize
par_tablesize 94
par_tablesize 94
par_tablesize 93
par_tablesize 93

View file

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ par_influx name: databases
par_influx name
par_influx ----
par_influx _internal
par_influx tange
par_influx parallel
par_influx name: cpu
par_influx time host region value
@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ par_sqlite bytes
par_sqlite 3072
par_sqlite Current command: sqlite3
par_sqlite foo
par_sqlite sqltest.sqlite3: SQLite 3.x database, last written using SQLite version 3037002, file counter 1, database pages 2, cookie 0x1, schema 4, UTF-8, version-valid-for 1
par_sqlite sqltest.sqlite3: SQLite 3.x database, last written using SQLite version 3045001, file counter 1, database pages 2, cookie 0x1, schema 4, UTF-8, version-valid-for 1
par_sqlite n|t
par_sqlite 1|Line 1
par_sqlite 2|Line 2