#!/bin/bash PAR="nice nice parallel -j2 --pipe --keeporder --block 150000 --tmpdir=/dev/shm" export PAR XAP="nice nice parallel --xapply" export XAP NICEPAR="nice nice parallel" export NICEPAR cat <<'EOF' | sed -e s/\$SERVER1/$SERVER1/\;s/\$SERVER2/$SERVER2/ | stdout parallel -vj4 -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` -L1 echo 'bug #41613: --compress --line-buffer no --tagstring'; diff <(nice perl -e 'for("x011".."x110"){print "$_\t", ("\n", map { rand } (1..100000)) }'| $NICEPAR -N10 -L1 --pipe -j6 --block 20M --compress pv -qL 1000000 | perl -pe 's/(....).*/$1/') <(nice perl -e 'for("x011".."x110"){print "$_\t", ("\n", map { rand } (1..100000)) }'| $NICEPAR -N10 -L1 --pipe -j6 --block 20M --compress --line-buffer pv -qL 1000000 | perl -pe 's/(....).*/$1/') >/dev/null || (echo 'Good: --line-buffer matters'; false) && echo 'Bad: --line-buffer not working' echo 'bug #41613: --compress --line-buffer with --tagstring'; diff <(nice perl -e 'for("x011".."x110"){print "$_\t", ("\n", map { rand } (1..100000)) }'| $NICEPAR -N10 -L1 --pipe -j6 --block 20M --compress --tagstring {#} pv -qL 1000000 | perl -pe 's/(....).*/$1/') <(nice perl -e 'for("x011".."x110"){print "$_\t", ("\n", map { rand } (1..100000)) }'| $NICEPAR -N10 -L1 --pipe -j6 --block 20M --compress --tagstring {#} --line-buffer pv -qL 1000000 | perl -pe 's/(....).*/$1/') >/dev/null || (echo 'Good: --line-buffer matters'; false) && echo 'Bad: --line-buffer not working' echo 'bug #41412: --timeout + --delay causes deadlock'; seq 10 | parallel -j10 --timeout 1 --delay .3 echo; parallel -j3 --timeout 1 --delay 2 echo ::: 1 2 3; parallel -j10 --timeout 2.2 --delay 3 "sleep {}; echo {}" ::: 1 2 7 8 9 echo '### Test --spreadstdin - more procs than args'; rm -f /tmp/parallel.ss.*; seq 1 5 | stdout $NICEPAR -j 10 --spreadstdin 'cat >/tmp/parallel.ss.$PARALLEL_SEQ' >/dev/null; cat /tmp/parallel.ss.*; rm -f /tmp/parallel.ss.* echo '### Test --spreadstdin - more args than procs'; rm -f /tmp/parallel.ss2.*; seq 1 10 | stdout $NICEPAR -j 5 --spreadstdin 'cat >/tmp/parallel.ss2.$PARALLEL_SEQ' >/dev/null; cat /tmp/parallel.ss2.*; rm -f /tmp/parallel.ss2.* nice nice seq 1 1000 | $NICEPAR -j1 --spreadstdin cat "|cat "|wc -c nice nice seq 1 10000 | $NICEPAR -j10 --spreadstdin cat "|cat "|wc -c nice nice seq 1 100000 | $NICEPAR -j1 --spreadstdin cat "|cat "|wc -c nice nice seq 1 1000000 | $NICEPAR -j10 --spreadstdin cat "|cat "|wc -c seq 1 10 | $NICEPAR --recend "\n" -j1 --spreadstdin gzip -9 >/tmp/foo.gz; rm /tmp/foo.gz echo '### Test --spreadstdin - similar to the failing below'; nice seq 1 100000 | $NICEPAR --recend "\n" -j10 --spreadstdin gzip -9 >/tmp/foo2.gz; diff <(nice seq 1 100000) <(zcat /tmp/foo2.gz |sort -n); diff <(nice seq 1 100000|wc -c) <(zcat /tmp/foo2.gz |wc -c); rm /tmp/foo2.gz echo '### Test --spreadstdin - this failed during devel'; nice seq 1 1000000 | md5sum; nice seq 1 1000000 | $NICEPAR --recend "\n" -j10 --spreadstdin gzip -9 | zcat | sort -n | md5sum echo '### Test --spreadstdin -k'; nice seq 1 1000000 | $NICEPAR -k --recend "\n" -j10 --spreadstdin gzip -9 | zcat | md5sum echo '### Test --spreadstdin --files'; nice seq 1 1000000 | shuf | $NICEPAR --files --recend "\n" -j10 --spreadstdin sort -n | parallel -Xj1 sort -nm {} ";"rm {} | md5sum echo '### Test --number-of-cpus'; stdout $NICEPAR --number-of-cpus echo '### Test --number-of-cores'; stdout $NICEPAR --number-of-cores echo '### Test --use-cpus-instead-of-cores'; (seq 1 8 | stdout parallel --use-cpus-instead-of-cores -j100% sleep) && echo CPUs done & (seq 1 8 | stdout parallel -j100% sleep) && echo cores done & echo 'Cores should complete first on machines with less than 8 physical CPUs'; wait echo '### Test --tag ::: a ::: b'; stdout $NICEPAR -k --tag -j1 echo stderr-{.} ">&2;" echo stdout-{} ::: a ::: b echo '### Test --tag ::: a b'; stdout $NICEPAR -k --tag -j1 echo stderr-{.} ">&2;" echo stdout-{} ::: a b echo '### Test --tag -X ::: a b'; stdout $NICEPAR -k --tag -X -j1 echo stderr-{.} ">&2;" echo stdout-{} ::: a b echo '### Test bash redirection <()'; $NICEPAR 'cat <(echo {}); echo b' ::: a echo '### Test bug https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?33352' # produce input slowly to parallel so that it will reap a process # while blocking in read() # Having found the solution it is suddenly very easy to reproduce the # problem - even on other hardware: # # perl -e '@x=1 .. 17000; for(1..30) { print "@x\n"}' | pv -qL 200000 # |parallel -j2 --pipe --keeporder --block 150000 cat | md5sum # # This gives different md5sums for each run. # # The problem is that read(STDIN) is being interrupted by a dead # child. The chance of this happening is very small if there are few # children dying or read(STDIN) never has to wait for data. # # The test above forces data to arrive slowly (using pv) which causes # read(STDIN) to take a long time - thus being interrupted by a dead # child. echo "# md5sum - directly" nice perl -e '@x=1 .. 17000; for(1..100) { print "@x\n"}' | md5sum echo "# parallel | md5sum" nice nice perl -e '@x=1 .. 17000; for(1..100) { print "@x\n"}' | pv -qL 1000000 | $PAR cat | md5sum echo "# --recend ''" nice nice perl -e '@x=1 .. 17000; for(1..100) { print "@x\n"}' | pv -qL 1000000 | $PAR --recend '' cat | md5sum echo "# --recend '' --files" nice nice perl -e '@x=1 .. 17000; for(1..100) { print "@x\n"}' | pv -qL 1000000 | $PAR --recend '' --files cat | parallel -Xj1 cat {} ';' rm {} | md5sum echo "# --recend '' --files --tmpdir" nice nice perl -e '@x=1 .. 17000; for(1..100) { print "@x\n"}' | pv -qL 1000000 | $PAR --recend '' --files --tmpdir /dev/shm cat | parallel -Xj1 cat {} ';' rm {} | md5sum echo "# --recend '' --files --halt-on-error" nice nice perl -e '@x=1 .. 17000; for(1..100) { print "@x\n"}' | pv -qL 1000000 | $PAR --recend '' --files --halt-on-error 2 cat | parallel -Xj1 cat {} ';' rm {} | md5sum echo '### Test of -j filename - non-existent file'; nice stdout parallel -j no_such_file echo ::: 1 echo '### Test of -j filename'; echo 3 >/tmp/jobs_to_run1; parallel -j /tmp/jobs_to_run1 -v sleep {} ::: 10 8 6 5 4; # Should give 6 8 10 5 4 echo '### Test ::::' echo '### Change --arg-file-sep' $XAP --arg-file-sep :::: -k echo {1} {2} :::: <(seq 1 10) <(seq 5 15) $XAP --arg-file-sep .--- -k echo {1} {2} .--- <(seq 1 10) <(seq 5 15) $XAP --argfilesep :::: -k echo {1} {2} :::: <(seq 1 10) <(seq 5 15) $XAP --argfilesep .--- -k echo {1} {2} .--- <(seq 1 10) <(seq 5 15) echo '### Test xapply --max-replace-args' seq 0 7 | $XAP -k --max-replace-args=3 echo {3} {2} {1} echo '### Test -N' seq 1 5 | $XAP -kN3 echo {1} {2} {3} echo '### Test -N with 0' seq 0 7 | $XAP -kN3 echo {1} {2} {3} echo '### Test :::: on nonexistent' stdout $XAP -k echo {1} {2} {3} :::: nonexistent echo '### Test :::: two files' $XAP -k echo {1} {2} :::: <(seq 1 10) <(seq 5 15) echo '### Test -d, ::::' $XAP -kd, 'echo a{1} {2}b' :::: <(echo 1,2,3,) <(echo 5,6,7,8) echo '### Test -d, :::: one file too much' $XAP -kd, echo 'a{1}' '{2}b' :::: <(echo 1,2,3,) <(echo 5,6,7,8) <(echo 9,0) echo '### Bug: did not quote' $XAP echo {1} {2} :::: <(echo '>') <(echo b) echo '### Quote test triplet 1' $XAP -kv :::: <(echo 'echo a'; echo 'echo b') $XAP -kv -a <(echo 'echo a'; echo 'echo b') (echo 'echo a'; echo 'echo b') | $XAP -kv echo '### Quote test triplet 2' $XAP -kv echo :::: <(echo 'echo a'; echo 'echo b') $XAP -kv -a <(echo 'echo a'; echo 'echo b') echo (echo 'echo a'; echo 'echo b') | $XAP -kv echo echo '### Quoting if there is a command and 2 arg files' $XAP -kv echo :::: <(echo 'echo a') <(echo 'echo b') echo '### Quoting if there is a command and 2 arg files of uneven length' $XAP -kv echo :::: <(echo 'echo a';echo a1) <(echo 'echo b') echo '### Quoting if there is no command and 2 arg files' $XAP -kv :::: <(echo 'echo a') <(echo 'echo b') echo '### Quoting if there is no command and 2 arg files of uneven length' $XAP -kv :::: <(echo 'echo a';echo echo a1) <(echo 'echo b') echo '### Test multiple -a' $XAP -kv -a <(echo a) -a <(echo b) echo {2} {1} $XAP -kv echo {2} {1} :::: <(echo a) <(echo b) echo '### Multiple -a: An unused file' $XAP -kv -a <(echo a) -a <(echo b) -a <(echo c) echo {2} {1} $XAP -kv echo {2} {1} :::: <(echo a) <(echo b) <(echo c) echo '### Multiple -a: nonexistent' stdout $XAP -kv echo {2} {1} :::: nonexist nonexist2 stdout $XAP -kv -a nonexist -a nonexist2 echo {2} {1} echo '### Test {#.}' $XAP -kv -a <(echo a-noext) -a <(echo b-withext.extension) -a <(echo c-ext.gif) echo {3.} {2.} {1.} echo "### Tests that failed for OO-rewrite" parallel -u --semaphore seq 1 10 '|' pv -qL 20; sem --wait; echo done echo a | parallel echo {1} echo "echo a" | parallel nice parallel -j1 -I :: -X echo 'a::b::^c::[.}c' ::: 1 echo "### BUG: The length for -X is not close to max (131072)" seq 1 4000 | nice parallel -k -X echo {.} aa {}{.} {}{}d{} {}dd{}d{.} |head -n 1 |wc echo "### BUG: empty lines with --show-limit" echo | $NICEPAR --show-limits echo '### Test -N' seq 1 5 | $NICEPAR -kN3 echo {1} {2} {3} echo '### Test --arg-file-sep with files of different lengths' $XAP --arg-file-sep :::: -k echo {1} {2} :::: <(seq 1 1) <(seq 3 4) echo '### Test respect -s' $NICEPAR -kvm -IARG -s15 echo ARG ::: 1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 88888888 999999999 echo '### Test eof string after :::' $NICEPAR -k -E ole echo ::: foo ole bar echo '### Test -C and --trim rl' $NICEPAR -k -C %+ echo '"{1}_{3}_{2}_{4}"' ::: 'a% c %%b' 'a%c% b %d' echo '### Test empty input' /tmp/jobs_to_run2; (sleep 3; echo 10 >/tmp/jobs_to_run2) & parallel -j /tmp/jobs_to_run2 -v sleep {} ::: 3.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1