#!/usr/bin/env ksh # This file must be sourced in mksh: # # source `which env_parallel.mksh` # # after which 'env_parallel' works # # # Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Ole Tange, http://ole.tange.dk and Free # Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, # Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Ole Tange, http://ole.tange.dk and Free Software and Foundation, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later env_parallel() { # env_parallel.mksh _names_of_ALIASES() { alias | perl -pe 's/=.*//' } _bodies_of_ALIASES() { alias "$@" | perl -pe 's/^/alias /; sub warning { print STDERR "env_parallel: Warning: @_\n"; } if(/^alias (\S+)=\$.*\\n/) { warning("Alias \"$1\" contains newline."); warning("Make sure the command has at least one newline after \"$1\"."); warning("See BUGS in \"man env_parallel\"."); }' } _names_of_maybe_FUNCTIONS() { true not used } _names_of_FUNCTIONS() { typeset +f } _bodies_of_FUNCTIONS() { typeset -f "$@" } _names_of_VARIABLES() { typeset +p | perl -pe 's/^(type)?set( [-+][a-zA-Z0-9]*)* //; s/(\[\d+\])?=.*//' | uniq } _bodies_of_VARIABLES() { typeset -p "$@" } _ignore_HARDCODED() { # These names cannot be detected echo '(_)' } _ignore_READONLY() { readonly | perl -e '@r = map { chomp; # sh on UnixWare: readonly TIMEOUT # ash: readonly var='val' # ksh: var='val' # mksh: PIPESTATUS[0] s/^(readonly )?([^=\[ ]*?)(\[\d+\])?(=.*|)$/$2/ or # bash: declare -ar BASH_VERSINFO=([0]="4" [1]="4") # zsh: typeset -r var='val' s/^\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S[^=]*)(=.*|$)/$1/; $_ } <>; $vars = join "|",map { quotemeta $_ } @r; print $vars ? "($vars)" : "(,,nO,,VaRs,,)"; ' } _remove_bad_NAMES() { # Do not transfer vars and funcs from env_parallel _ignore_RO="`_ignore_READONLY`" _ignore_HARD="`_ignore_HARDCODED`" # Macos-grep does not like long patterns # Old Solaris grep does not support -E # Perl Version of: # grep -Ev '^(...)$' | perl -ne '/^( PARALLEL_ENV| PARALLEL_TMP| _alias_NAMES| _bodies_of_ALIASES| _bodies_of_FUNCTIONS| _bodies_of_VARIABLES| _error_PAR| _function_NAMES| _get_ignored_VARS| _grep_REGEXP| _ignore_HARD| _ignore_HARDCODED| _ignore_READONLY| _ignore_RO| _ignore_UNDERSCORE| _list_alias_BODIES| _list_function_BODIES| _list_variable_VALUES| _make_grep_REGEXP| _names_of_ALIASES| _names_of_FUNCTIONS| _names_of_VARIABLES| _names_of_maybe_FUNCTIONS| _parallel_exit_CODE| _prefix_PARALLEL_ENV| _prefix_PARALLEL_ENV| _remove_bad_NAMES| _remove_readonly| _variable_NAMES| _warning_PAR| _which_PAR)$/x and next; # Filter names matching --env /^'"$_grep_REGEXP"'$/ or next; /^'"$_ignore_UNDERSCORE"'$/ and next; # Remove readonly variables /^'"$_ignore_RO"'$/ and next; /^'"$_ignore_HARD"'$/ and next; print;' } _get_ignored_VARS() { perl -e ' for(@ARGV){ $next_is_env and push @envvar, split/,/, $_; $next_is_env=/^--env$/; } if(grep { /^_$/ } @envvar) { if(not open(IN, "<", "$ENV{HOME}/.parallel/ignored_vars")) { print STDERR "parallel: Error: ", "Run \"parallel --record-env\" in a clean environment first.\n"; } else { chomp(@ignored_vars = ); } } if($ENV{PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES}) { push @ignored_vars, split/\s+/, $ENV{PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES}; chomp @ignored_vars; } $vars = join "|",map { quotemeta $_ } @ignored_vars; print $vars ? "($vars)" : "(,,nO,,VaRs,,)"; ' -- "$@" } # Get the --env variables if set # --env _ should be ignored # and convert a b c to (a|b|c) # If --env not set: Match everything (.*) _make_grep_REGEXP() { perl -e ' for(@ARGV){ /^_$/ and $next_is_env = 0; $next_is_env and push @envvar, split/,/, $_; $next_is_env = /^--env$/; } $vars = join "|",map { quotemeta $_ } @envvar; print $vars ? "($vars)" : "(.*)"; ' -- "$@" } _which_PAR() { # type returns: # ll is an alias for ls -l (in ash) # bash is a tracked alias for /bin/bash # true is a shell builtin (in bash) # myfunc is a function (in bash) # myfunc is a shell function (in zsh) # which is /usr/bin/which (in sh, bash) # which is hashed (/usr/bin/which) # gi is aliased to `grep -i' (in bash) # aliased to `alias | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --show-dot --show-tilde' # Return 0 if found, 1 otherwise LANG=C type "$@" | perl -pe '$exit += (s/ is an alias for .*// || s/ is aliased to .*// || s/ is a function// || s/ is a shell function// || s/ is a shell builtin// || s/.* is hashed .(\S+).$/$1/ || s/.* is (a tracked alias for )?//); END { exit not $exit }' } _warning_PAR() { echo "env_parallel: Warning: $@" >&2 } _error_PAR() { echo "env_parallel: Error: $@" >&2 } if _which_PAR parallel >/dev/null; then true parallel found in path else _error_PAR 'parallel must be in $PATH.' return 255 fi # Grep regexp for vars given by --env _grep_REGEXP="`_make_grep_REGEXP \"$@\"`" unset _make_grep_REGEXP # Deal with --env _ _ignore_UNDERSCORE="`_get_ignored_VARS \"$@\"`" unset _get_ignored_VARS # --record-env if perl -e 'exit grep { /^--record-env$/ } @ARGV' -- "$@"; then true skip else (_names_of_ALIASES; _names_of_FUNCTIONS; _names_of_VARIABLES) | cat > "$HOME"/.parallel/ignored_vars return 0 fi # --session if perl -e 'exit grep { /^--session$/ } @ARGV' -- "$@"; then true skip else # Insert ::: between each level of session # so you can pop off the last ::: at --end-session PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES="`echo \"$PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES\"; echo :::; (_names_of_ALIASES; _names_of_FUNCTIONS; _names_of_VARIABLES) | perl -ne ' BEGIN{ map { $ignored_vars{$_}++ } split/\s+/, $ENV{PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES}; } chomp; for(split/\s+/) { if(not $ignored_vars{$_}) { print $_,\"\\n\"; } } '`" export PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES return 0 fi if perl -e 'exit grep { /^--end.?session$/ } @ARGV' -- "$@"; then true skip else # Pop off last ::: from PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES="`perl -e ' $ENV{PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES} =~ s/(.*):::.*?$/$1/s; print $ENV{PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES} '`" return 0 fi # Grep alias names _alias_NAMES="`_names_of_ALIASES | _remove_bad_NAMES | xargs echo`" _list_alias_BODIES="_bodies_of_ALIASES $_alias_NAMES" if [ "$_alias_NAMES" = "" ] ; then # no aliases selected _list_alias_BODIES="true" fi unset _alias_NAMES # Grep function names _function_NAMES="`_names_of_FUNCTIONS | _remove_bad_NAMES | xargs echo`" _list_function_BODIES="_bodies_of_FUNCTIONS $_function_NAMES" if [ "$_function_NAMES" = "" ] ; then # no functions selected _list_function_BODIES="true" fi unset _function_NAMES # Grep variable names _variable_NAMES="`_names_of_VARIABLES | _remove_bad_NAMES | xargs echo`" _list_variable_VALUES="_bodies_of_VARIABLES $_variable_NAMES" if [ "$_variable_NAMES" = "" ] ; then # no variables selected _list_variable_VALUES="true" fi unset _variable_NAMES PARALLEL_ENV="` $_list_alias_BODIES; $_list_function_BODIES; $_list_variable_VALUES; `" export PARALLEL_ENV unset _list_alias_BODIES _list_variable_VALUES _list_function_BODIES unset _bodies_of_ALIASES _bodies_of_VARIABLES _bodies_of_FUNCTIONS unset _names_of_ALIASES _names_of_VARIABLES _names_of_FUNCTIONS unset _ignore_HARDCODED _ignore_READONLY _ignore_UNDERSCORE unset _remove_bad_NAMES _grep_REGEXP unset _prefix_PARALLEL_ENV # Test if environment is too big if `_which_PAR true` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then parallel "$@" _parallel_exit_CODE=$? # Clean up variables/functions unset PARALLEL_ENV unset _which_PAR _which_TRUE unset _warning_PAR _error_PAR # Unset _parallel_exit_CODE before return eval "unset _parallel_exit_CODE; return $_parallel_exit_CODE" else unset PARALLEL_ENV; _error_PAR "Your environment is too big." _error_PAR "You can try 3 different approaches:" _error_PAR "1. Run 'env_parallel --session' before you set" _error_PAR " variables or define functions." _error_PAR "2. Use --env and only mention the names to copy." _error_PAR "3. Try running this in a clean environment once:" _error_PAR " env_parallel --record-env" _error_PAR " And then use '--env _'" _error_PAR "For details see: man env_parallel" return 255 fi } parset() { _parset_PARALLEL_PRG=parallel _parset_main "$@" } env_parset() { _parset_PARALLEL_PRG=env_parallel _parset_main "$@" } _parset_main() { # If $1 contains ',' or space: # Split on , to get the destination variable names # If $1 is a single destination variable name: # Treat it as the name of an array # # # Create array named myvar # parset myvar echo ::: {1..10} # echo ${myvar[5]} # # # Put output into $var_a $var_b $var_c # varnames=(var_a var_b var_c) # parset "${varnames[*]}" echo ::: {1..3} # echo $var_c # # # Put output into $var_a4 $var_b4 $var_c4 # parset "var_a4 var_b4 var_c4" echo ::: {1..3} # echo $var_c4 _parset_NAME="$1" if [ "$_parset_NAME" = "" ] ; then echo parset: Error: No destination variable given. >&2 echo parset: Error: Try: >&2 echo parset: Error: ' ' parset myarray echo ::: foo bar >&2 return 255 fi if [ "$_parset_NAME" = "--help" ] ; then echo parset: Error: Usage: >&2 echo parset: Error: ' ' parset varname GNU Parallel options and command >&2 echo parallel --help return 255 fi if [ "$_parset_NAME" = "--version" ] ; then echo "parset 20220223 (GNU parallel `parallel --minversion 1`)" echo "Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Ole Tange, http://ole.tange.dk and Free Software" echo "Foundation, Inc." echo "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later " echo "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it." echo "GNU parallel comes with no warranty." echo echo "Web site: https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel" echo echo "When using programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for publication" echo "please cite as described in 'parallel --citation'." echo return 255 fi shift # Bash: declare -A myassoc=( ) # Zsh: typeset -A myassoc=( ) # Ksh: typeset -A myassoc=( ) if (typeset -p "$_parset_NAME" 2>/dev/null; echo) | perl -ne 'exit not (/^declare[^=]+-A|^typeset[^=]+-A/)' ; then # This is an associative array eval "`$_parset_PARALLEL_PRG -k --parset assoc,"$_parset_NAME" "$@"`" # The eval returns the function! else # This is a normal array or a list of variable names eval "`$_parset_PARALLEL_PRG -k --parset var,"$_parset_NAME" "$@"`" # The eval returns the function! fi }