package IO::Handle; use 5.006_001; use strict; our($VERSION, @EXPORT_OK, @ISA); use Carp; use Symbol; use SelectSaver; use IO (); # Load the XS module require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); $VERSION = "1.28"; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; @EXPORT_OK = qw( autoflush output_field_separator output_record_separator input_record_separator input_line_number format_page_number format_lines_per_page format_lines_left format_name format_top_name format_line_break_characters format_formfeed format_write print printf say getline getlines printflush flush SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR SEEK_END _IOFBF _IOLBF _IONBF ); ################################################ ## Constructors, destructors. ## sub new { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0] || "IO::Handle"; @_ == 1 or croak "usage: new $class"; my $io = gensym; bless $io, $class; } sub new_from_fd { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0] || "IO::Handle"; @_ == 3 or croak "usage: new_from_fd $class FD, MODE"; my $io = gensym; shift; IO::Handle::fdopen($io, @_) or return undef; bless $io, $class; } # # There is no need for DESTROY to do anything, because when the # last reference to an IO object is gone, Perl automatically # closes its associated files (if any). However, to avoid any # attempts to autoload DESTROY, we here define it to do nothing. # sub DESTROY {} ################################################ ## Open and close. ## sub _open_mode_string { my ($mode) = @_; $mode =~ /^\+?(<|>>?)$/ or $mode =~ s/^r(\+?)$/$1/ or $mode =~ s/^a(\+?)$/$1>>/ or croak "IO::Handle: bad open mode: $mode"; $mode; } sub fdopen { @_ == 3 or croak 'usage: $io->fdopen(FD, MODE)'; my ($io, $fd, $mode) = @_; local(*GLOB); if (ref($fd) && "".$fd =~ /GLOB\(/o) { # It's a glob reference; Alias it as we cannot get name of anon GLOBs my $n = qualify(*GLOB); *GLOB = *{*$fd}; $fd = $n; } elsif ($fd =~ m#^\d+$#) { # It's an FD number; prefix with "=". $fd = "=$fd"; } open($io, _open_mode_string($mode) . '&' . $fd) ? $io : undef; } sub close { @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->close()'; my($io) = @_; close($io); } ################################################ ## Normal I/O functions. ## # flock # select sub opened { @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->opened()'; defined fileno($_[0]); } sub fileno { @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->fileno()'; fileno($_[0]); } sub getc { @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->getc()'; getc($_[0]); } sub eof { @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->eof()'; eof($_[0]); } sub print { @_ or croak 'usage: $io->print(ARGS)'; my $this = shift; print $this @_; } sub printf { @_ >= 2 or croak 'usage: $io->printf(FMT,[ARGS])'; my $this = shift; printf $this @_; } sub say { @_ or croak 'usage: $io->say(ARGS)'; my $this = shift; local $\ = "\n"; print $this @_; } sub getline { @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->getline()'; my $this = shift; return scalar <$this>; } *gets = \&getline; # deprecated sub getlines { @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->getlines()'; wantarray or croak 'Can\'t call $io->getlines in a scalar context, use $io->getline'; my $this = shift; return <$this>; } sub truncate { @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $io->truncate(LEN)'; truncate($_[0], $_[1]); } sub read { @_ == 3 || @_ == 4 or croak 'usage: $io->read(BUF, LEN [, OFFSET])'; read($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3] || 0); } sub sysread { @_ == 3 || @_ == 4 or croak 'usage: $io->sysread(BUF, LEN [, OFFSET])'; sysread($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3] || 0); } sub write { @_ >= 2 && @_ <= 4 or croak 'usage: $io->write(BUF [, LEN [, OFFSET]])'; local($\) = ""; $_[2] = length($_[1]) unless defined $_[2]; print { $_[0] } substr($_[1], $_[3] || 0, $_[2]); } sub syswrite { @_ >= 2 && @_ <= 4 or croak 'usage: $io->syswrite(BUF [, LEN [, OFFSET]])'; if (defined($_[2])) { syswrite($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3] || 0); } else { syswrite($_[0], $_[1]); } } sub stat { @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->stat()'; stat($_[0]); } ################################################ ## State modification functions. ## sub autoflush { my $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller); my $prev = $|; $| = @_ > 1 ? $_[1] : 1; $prev; } sub output_field_separator { carp "output_field_separator is not supported on a per-handle basis" if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $,; $, = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub output_record_separator { carp "output_record_separator is not supported on a per-handle basis" if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $\; $\ = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub input_record_separator { carp "input_record_separator is not supported on a per-handle basis" if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $/; $/ = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub input_line_number { local $.; () = tell qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $.; $. = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub format_page_number { my $old; $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $%; $% = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub format_lines_per_page { my $old; $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $=; $= = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub format_lines_left { my $old; $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $-; $- = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub format_name { my $old; $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $~; $~ = qualify($_[1], caller) if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub format_top_name { my $old; $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $^; $^ = qualify($_[1], caller) if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub format_line_break_characters { carp "format_line_break_characters is not supported on a per-handle basis" if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $:; $: = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub format_formfeed { carp "format_formfeed is not supported on a per-handle basis" if ref($_[0]); my $prev = $^L; $^L = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $prev; } sub formline { my $io = shift; my $picture = shift; local($^A) = $^A; local($\) = ""; formline($picture, @_); print $io $^A; } sub format_write { @_ < 3 || croak 'usage: $io->write( [FORMAT_NAME] )'; if (@_ == 2) { my ($io, $fmt) = @_; my $oldfmt = $io->format_name(qualify($fmt,caller)); CORE::write($io); $io->format_name($oldfmt); } else { CORE::write($_[0]); } } sub fcntl { @_ == 3 || croak 'usage: $io->fcntl( OP, VALUE );'; my ($io, $op) = @_; return fcntl($io, $op, $_[2]); } sub ioctl { @_ == 3 || croak 'usage: $io->ioctl( OP, VALUE );'; my ($io, $op) = @_; return ioctl($io, $op, $_[2]); } # this sub is for compatability with older releases of IO that used # a sub called constant to detemine if a constant existed -- GMB # # The SEEK_* and _IO?BF constants were the only constants at that time # any new code should just chech defined(&CONSTANT_NAME) sub constant { no strict 'refs'; my $name = shift; (($name =~ /^(SEEK_(SET|CUR|END)|_IO[FLN]BF)$/) && defined &{$name}) ? &{$name}() : undef; } # so that can be deprecated sub printflush { my $io = shift; my $old; $old = new SelectSaver qualify($io, caller) if ref($io); local $| = 1; if(ref($io)) { print $io @_; } else { print @_; } } 1;