#!/bin/bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Ole Tange, http://ole.tange.dk and Free Software and Foundation, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later SERVER1=parallel-server1 SERVER2=parallel-server2 SERVER3=parallel-server3 SSHUSER1=vagrant SSHUSER2=vagrant SSHUSER3=vagrant export SSHLOGIN1=$SSHUSER1@$SERVER1 export SSHLOGIN2=$SSHUSER2@$SERVER2 export SSHLOGIN3=$SSHUSER3@$SERVER3 #SERVER1=parallel-server1 #SERVER2=lo #SSHLOGIN1=parallel@parallel-server1 #SSHLOGIN2=parallel@lo #SSHLOGIN3=parallel@parallel-server2 par_force_number_of_cpu() { echo '### Check forced number of CPUs being respected' echo 'ssh is slow, so should only get 7. : should get the rest' seq 1 20 | stdout parallel -k -j+0 -S 1/:,7/$SSHLOGIN1 "hostname; echo {} >/dev/null" | sort | uniq -c | sort | field 1 } par_special_ssh() { echo '### Test use special ssh' echo 'TODO test ssh with > 9 simultaneous' echo 'ssh "$@"; echo "$@" >>/tmp/myssh1-run' >/tmp/myssh1 echo 'ssh "$@"; echo "$@" >>/tmp/myssh2-run' >/tmp/myssh2 chmod 755 /tmp/myssh1 /tmp/myssh2 seq 1 100 | parallel --sshdelay 0.03 --retries 10 --sshlogin "/tmp/myssh1 $SSHLOGIN1,/tmp/myssh2 $SSHLOGIN2" -k echo } par__filter_hosts_different_errors() { echo '### --filter-hosts - OK, non-such-user, connection refused, wrong host' hostname=$(hostname) stdout parallel --nonall --filter-hosts -S localhost,NoUser@localhost,,"ssh" hostname | grep -v 'parallel: Warning: Removed' | perl -pe "s/$hostname/myhostname/g" } par_timeout_retries() { echo '### test --timeout --retries' # is up but does not allow login - should timeout # is down - should timeout # is down but on our subnet - should not timeout stdout parallel -j0 --timeout 8 --retries 3 -k ssh {} echo {} \ ::: $SSHLOGIN1 $SSHLOGIN2 $SSHLOGIN3 | grep -v 'Warning: Permanently added' | puniq } par__filter_hosts_no_ssh_nxserver() { echo '### test --filter-hosts with server w/o ssh, non-existing server' stdout parallel -S,,,$SSHLOGIN1,$SSHLOGIN2,$SSHLOGIN3 --filter-hosts --nonall -k --tag echo | grep -v 'parallel: Warning: Removed' } par_controlmaster_is_faster() { echo '### bug #41964: --controlmaster not seems to reuse OpenSSH connections to the same host' echo '-M should finish first - eventhough there are 2x jobs' export SSHLOGIN1=sh@lo nl="$(printf "\n\n.")" export TMPDIR="/tmp/ctrl_master/$nl'$nl" mkdir -p "$TMPDIR" (parallel -S $SSHLOGIN1 true ::: {1..20}; echo No --controlmaster - finish last) & (parallel -M -S $SSHLOGIN1 true ::: {1..40}; echo With --controlmaster - finish first) & wait rm -r "/tmp/ctrl_master" } par_workdir_in_HOME() { echo '### test --workdir . in $HOME' cd && mkdir -p parallel-test && cd parallel-test && echo OK > testfile && stdout parallel --workdir . --transfer -S $SSHLOGIN1 cat {} ::: testfile | grep -v 'Permanently added' } export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_) compgen -A function | grep par_ | LC_ALL=C sort | parallel --timeout 3000% -j6 --tag -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1' | perl -pe 's:/usr/bin:/bin:g' cat <<'EOF' | sed -e s/\$SERVER1/$SERVER1/\;s/\$SERVER2/$SERVER2/\;s/\$SSHLOGIN1/$SSHLOGIN1/\;s/\$SSHLOGIN2/$SSHLOGIN2/\;s/\$SSHLOGIN3/$SSHLOGIN3/ | parallel -vj3 -k -L1 -r echo '### TODO: test --filter-hosts proxied through the one host' EOF rm /tmp/myssh1 /tmp/myssh2 /tmp/myssh1-run /tmp/myssh2-run