package FileHandle; use 5.006; use strict; our($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK); $VERSION = "2.02"; require IO::File; @ISA = qw(IO::File); @EXPORT = qw(_IOFBF _IOLBF _IONBF); @EXPORT_OK = qw( pipe autoflush output_field_separator output_record_separator input_record_separator input_line_number format_page_number format_lines_per_page format_lines_left format_name format_top_name format_line_break_characters format_formfeed print printf getline getlines ); # # Everything we're willing to export, we must first import. # import IO::Handle grep { !defined(&$_) } @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK; # # Some people call "FileHandle::function", so all the functions # that were in the old FileHandle class must be imported, too. # { no strict 'refs'; my %import = ( 'IO::Handle' => [qw(DESTROY new_from_fd fdopen close fileno getc ungetc gets eof flush error clearerr setbuf setvbuf _open_mode_string)], 'IO::Seekable' => [qw(seek tell getpos setpos)], 'IO::File' => [qw(new new_tmpfile open)] ); for my $pkg (keys %import) { for my $func (@{$import{$pkg}}) { my $c = *{"${pkg}::$func"}{CODE} or die "${pkg}::$func missing"; *$func = $c; } } } # # Specialized importer for Fcntl magic. # sub import { my $pkg = shift; my $callpkg = caller; require Exporter; Exporter::export($pkg, $callpkg, @_); # # If the Fcntl extension is available, # export its constants. # eval { require Fcntl; Exporter::export('Fcntl', $callpkg); }; } ################################################ # This is the only exported function we define; # the rest come from other classes. # sub pipe { my $r = new IO::Handle; my $w = new IO::Handle; CORE::pipe($r, $w) or return undef; ($r, $w); } # Rebless standard file handles bless *STDIN{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDIN{IO} eq "IO::Handle"; bless *STDOUT{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDOUT{IO} eq "IO::Handle"; bless *STDERR{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDERR{IO} eq "IO::Handle"; 1; __END__