#!/bin/bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Ole Tange, http://ole.tange.dk and Free Software and Foundation, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later echo "### These tests requires VirtualBox running with the following images" echo 'vagrant@centos3' SERVER1=centos3 SSHUSER1=vagrant SSHLOGIN1=$SSHUSER1@$SERVER1 # server with shellshock hardened bash SERVER2= SSHUSER2=parallel export SSHLOGIN2=$SSHUSER2@$SERVER2 stdout ping -w 1 -c 1 centos3 >/dev/null || ( # Vagrant does not set the IP addr cd testsuite/vagrant/tange/centos3/ 2>/dev/null cd vagrant/tange/centos3/ 2>/dev/null cd ../vagrant/tange/centos3/ 2>/dev/null ( stdout vagrant up >/dev/null vagrant ssh -c 'sudo ifconfig eth1' | # Ignore empty ^M line grep .. ) & ) ( # Copy binaries to server cd testsuite/vagrant/tange/centos3/ 2>/dev/null cd vagrant/tange/centos3/ 2>/dev/null cd ../vagrant/tange/centos3/ 2>/dev/null cd ../../../.. scp -q .*/src/{parallel,sem,sql,niceload,env_parallel*} $SSHLOGIN1:bin/ ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'touch .parallel/will-cite; mkdir -p bin' # Allow login from centos3 to $SSHLOGIN2 (that is shellshock hardened) ssh $SSHLOGIN1 cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh $SSHLOGIN2 'cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys' ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub >>.ssh/authorized_keys; chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys' ssh $SSHLOGIN1 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no localhost true; ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '$SSHLOGIN2' true;' ) & . `which env_parallel.bash` env_parallel --session par_shellshock_bug() { bash -c 'echo bug \#43358: shellshock breaks exporting functions using --env name; echo Non-shellshock-hardened to non-shellshock-hardened; funky() { echo Function $1; }; export -f funky; PARALLEL_SHELL=bash parallel --env funky -S localhost funky ::: non-shellshock-hardened' bash -c 'echo bug \#43358: shellshock breaks exporting functions using --env name; echo Non-shellshock-hardened to shellshock-hardened; funky() { echo Function $1; }; export -f funky; PARALLEL_SHELL=bash parallel --env funky -S '$SSHLOGIN2' funky ::: shellshock-hardened' } # As the copied environment is written in Bash dialect # we get 'shopt'-errors and 'declare'-errors. # We can safely ignore those. export LC_ALL=C export TMPDIR=/tmp env_parallel --env par_shellshock_bug --env LC_ALL --env SSHLOGIN2 --env _ \ -vj9 -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` --retries 3 \ -S $SSHLOGIN1 --tag '{} 2>&1' \ ::: $(compgen -A function | grep par_ | sort) \ 2> >(grep -Ev 'shopt: not found|declare: not found|No xauth data')