20130722 * --round-robin with --pipe will write all blocks to already running jobs. * --env can now transfer Bash function for remote execution. That is pretty cool! * GNU Parallel was used (unfortunately with improper citation) in: Understanding the Impact of E-Commerce Software on the Adoption of Structured Data on the Web http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-38366-3_9#page-1 * GNU Parallel was used (unfortunately with improper citation) in: CWI at TREC 2012, KBA track and Session Track http://trec.nist.gov/pubs/trec21/papers/CWI.kba.session.final.pdf * Mitigation of Adverse Effects Caused by Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interactions through Optimal Wall Shaping. http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2013-2653 * Using GNU parallel to convert images. http://www.brunokim.com.br/blog/?p=18 * A quick way to parallelize. http://timotheepoisot.fr/2013/07/08/parallel/ * GNU Parallel 20130522 ('Rana Plaza') 发布,并行作业执行. http://www.open-open.com/news/view/371301 * Quite a few bug fixes and man page updates. 20130622 * --xapply now recycles arguments if an input source has more arguments than others. * The sleep time between jobs is now both increased and decreased exponentially. * 10 seconds installation check the signature using GnuPG if GnuPG is installed. * Developer job asking for GNU Parallel expertise. http://careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/35562/developer-big-data-geo-and-web-climate-central * A small utility program to run youtube-dl in parallel. https://github.com/dlh/youtube-dl-parallel * Parallelizing Freesurfer: http://blog.cogneurostats.com/?p=148 * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20130522 * --ctrlc is now default if --pipe is not used; thus making it possible to kill remotely started jobs simply by pressing Ctrl-C. * --timeout 200% now means kill jobs that take more than twice the time of the median run time of a job. * Jobs are now distributed round robin when having mulitiple --sshlogin instead of filling up one --sshlogin at a time. * niceload: darwin version of --io --mem --swap. Thanks to Anders F Björklund. * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20130422 * 10 seconds installation: wget -O - pi.dk/3 | sh * HPUX CPU/core detection. Thanks to Javier Tarradas. * CPU detection for HURD, IRIX, SCO OpenServer and (old) HPUX. * --ctrlc will send SIGINT to tasks running on remote computers and thus killing them. * --load now uses 'ps' to see immediately see the number of running processes instead of 'uptime' thus making --load react much faster. * Testing on Centos 3.9 and FreeBSD 7 revealed a lot of compability bugs. Some of these required quite extensive changes making this release beta quality. * --retries works with --onall. * The new --load computation now works on FreeBSD 7. * --nice works under tcsh. * GNU Parallel is officially supported in NetBSD. http://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc/parallel/parallel/README.html * GNU Parallel is accepted for openSUSE. http://software.opensuse.org/package/gnu_parallel * GNU Parallel can be installed under Microsoft Windows (CygWin). http://blogs.msdn.com/b/hpctrekker/archive/2013/03/30/preparing-and-uploading-datasets-for-hdinsight.aspx * Excuses for not installing GNU Parallel. http://oletange.blogspot.dk/2013/04/why-not-install-gnu-parallel.html * Job advert that requires GNU Parallel competence. http://versium.com/about/careers/ * Parallelizing Batch Jobs for Fun and Profit. http://mikeseidle.com/tech/programming/2013/03/parallelizing-batch-jobs * Processing Transcription Start Sites(TSS) for the entire Mouse genome. http://qbrc.swmed.edu/2013/03/gnu-parallel-speeding-up-unix-commands-and-scripts/ * GNU parallel is used throughout Scrimer. http://scrimer.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ * GNU Parallel helped making public documents searchable. http://danpalmer.me/blog/articles/2013-04-06-unlocking-hillsborough.html * Identifying big movie files (German). http://blackappsolutions.wordpress.com/2013/03/23/wenn-der-plattenplatz-knapp-wird-filme-identifizieren-die-viel-platz-belegen/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20130222 * --resume works with --pipe. * --resume-failed will go through --joblog, redo the failed jobs and then continue like --resume. * Negative positional arguments count from the end: {-1} means the last argument, {-2} the second to last. * NetBSD CPU detection. * --blocksize increases exponentially if it smaller than a full record. * Processing n-line records (--pipe -L n) is now much faster. * --tollef is obsoleted after discussion on the mailing list. * GNU Parallel is the highest rated tool on: http://www.biostars.org/show/tools/?sort=votes&since=all%20time * GNU Parallel was loved during FSFE's #ilovefs campaign. http://fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130212-01.en.html * Using GNU Parallel with s3cmd (Japanese). http://blog.suz-lab.com/2013/02/s3cmd-gnu-paralells3.html * Intro to GNU Parallel (Chinese). http://guiquanz.github.com/2013/02/12/gnu-parallel-intro/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20130122 * --sshdelay Delay starting next ssh by secs seconds. GNU parallel will pause secs seconds after starting each ssh. secs can be less than 1 seconds. * Official OpenBSD port: http://ftp.openbsd.org/ports/sysutils/parallel/ * Official DragonFlyBSD package: http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.dragonflybsd.org/packages/amd64/DragonFly-3.0.0/stable/parallel/ * Post about niceload in Hungarian: http://commandline.blog.hu/2013/01/02/niceload * 自炊スキャンデータをKobo Gloに最適化 http://interstadial.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/ * GNU parallel+ssh で複数のリモートホストに複数のコマンドを実行させる http://oshiire.to/archives/1686 * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20121222 * --shebang-wrap makes is possible to parallelize scripts by putting parallel in the shebang line (the first #! line in scripts). * --delay puts in a delay after starting each job. Useful to avoid raceconditions and thundering herd problems. * --results now uses / as separator instead of TAB and thus creates subdirs. Thanks to Drew Frank. * parallel: OpenBSD CPU detection. Thanks to Michał Markowski. * niceload --sensor allows for negative numbers to signify a lower number means the limit is lower. * niceload --prg suspend a named program that is already running. * niceload multiple --pid suspend process ids that are already running. * Convertir des images avec find et imagemagick http://roger.b.over-blog.com/article-convertir-des-images-avec-find-et-imagemagick-113416637.html * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20121122 * niceload --sensor makes it possible to use a program to control if a program should be suspended. * GNU Parallel was part of the justification for Nordic Free Software Award 2012 https://fsfe.org/news/2012/news-20121112-01.html * Dateien schneller packen und konvertieren mit GNU parallel http://www.linux-community.de/Archiv/Tipp-der-Woche/Dateien-schneller-packen-und-konvertieren-mit-GNU-parallel * Processing images from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Narrow Angle Camera http://lunokhod.org/?p=774 * GNU Parallel is used in types2: Type and Hapax Accumulation Curves http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/josuomel/types2/ * GNU Parallel used in: A Hybrid Factor Analysis and Probabilistic PCA-based system for Dictionary Learning and Encoding for Robust Speaker Recognition http://www.superlectures.com/odyssey2012/lecture.php?id=8&lang=en http://www.cse.iitm.ac.in/~mrsri/ppca.pdf * Mapreduce avec parallel, cat et une redirection http://datacratic.com/site/blog/mapreduce-avec-parallel-cat-et-une-redirection * GNU Parallel for Large Batches of Small Jobs https://support.scinet.utoronto.ca/wiki/images/7/7b/Tech-talk-gnu-parallel.pdf * GNU Parallel used in black belt tip (8:50-10:12) https://aws.amazon.com/apac/awspodcast/episode20/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20121022 * --results structures output files so they can be imported using Pandas (http://pandas.pydata.org/). Useful when doing simulations to select output from some arguments. * Use --env to transfer environment variables through ssh to remote machines. * GNU Parallel is accepted for Ubuntu Quantal. http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/parallel * GNU Parallel was requested for OpenSUSE (go vote!) https://features.opensuse.org/314461 * Kneth's Korner: Map/Reduce and GNU Parallel http://kenneth.geisshirt.dk/2012/10/mapreduce-and-gnu-parallel.html * Blog post in Japanese by Siguniang. https://siguniang.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/notes-on-gnu-parallel-the-command-line-power-tool/ (Siguniang mentions the logo is called 'The Cafe Wall Illusion') http://www.michaelbach.de/ot/ang_cafewall/index.html * GNU Parallel, where have you been all my life? http://ssdigit.nothingisreal.com/2012/09/gnu-parallel-where-have-you-been-all-my.html * Reference-free ddRADseq analysis tools uses GNU Parallel. https://github.com/brantp/rtd#readme * When bash just isn’t quick enough. https://soimasysadmin.wordpress.com/2012/08/15/gnu-parallel-when-bash-just-isnt-quick-enough/ * Using GNU Parallel to Package Multiple Jobs in a Single PBS Job. http://www.nas.nasa.gov/hecc/support/kb/Using-GNU-Parallel-to-Package-Multiple-Jobs-in-a-Single-PBS-Job_303.html * GNU Parallel Notes. http://xed.ch/help/parallel.html * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20120822 * Due to a bugfix the main flow has changed. Making this release beta quality. * Parallel Proxy Scraper & Checker Tool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXCeR_XsP6o * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20120722 * GNU Parallel was presented at Chiang Mai Bar Camp http://barcampchiangmai.org/ See write up here: http://www.cnx-software.com/2012/07/02/use-gnu-parallel-to-speed-up-script-execution-on-multiple-cores-andor-machines/ * I don't always max out all my CPUs, but when I do, I do it with GNU Parallel. http://memegenerator.net/instance/22638454 * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20120622 * '-L n --pipe' will use records of n lines. This is useful when processing data that have fixed records with a fixed number of lines (e.g. fastq). * --filter-hosts will remove down hosts. For each remote host: check that login through ssh works. If not: do not use this host. Currently you can not put --filter-hosts in a profile, $PARALLEL, /etc/parallel/config or similar. This is because GNU Parallel uses GNU Parallel to compute this, so you will get an infinite loop. This will likely be fixed in a later release. * --pipe now uses fork() instead of busy wait. The performance should be better on computers with >10 cores while remaining the same on computers with few cores. * GNU Parallel will be represented at Chiang Mai Bar Camp. http://barcampchiangmai.org/ * Indexing Big Data on Amazon AWS: The Screencast (Check out his T-shirt at 18:40-21:00). http://www.opensourceconnections.com/2012/06/06/indexing-big-data-on-amazon-aws-screencast/ * biotoolbox uses GNU Parallel. https://code.google.com/p/biotoolbox/wiki/Pod_novo_wrapper * Spiceweasel uses GNU Parallel. https://github.com/mattray/spiceweasel * GNU Parallel part of The Administrators Challenge. http://challenge.twistedrack.com/questions/qs3.php * Finding Oldest Firefox Code using GNU Parallel. http://gregoryszorc.com/blog/2012/06/18/finding-oldest-firefox-code/ * Bug fixes (quite a few for remote job running) and man page updates. 20120522 * Timings in --joblog now with milliseconds. * Thesis using GNU Parallel (correctly cited; hooray!). http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/etd_projects/222/ * Package for AIX. http://www.perzl.org/aix/index.php?n=Main.Parallel * Prokka uses GNU Parallel. http://bioinformatics.net.au/prokka-manual.html * GNU Parallel was presented at MUUG. http://muug.mb.ca/blog/meetings/2012/05/09/may-8th-2012-rtfm-gnu-parallel1/ * Blog post: Manipulating many or large files with GNU parallel. http://compbiously.blogspot.com/2012/05/manipulating-many-or-large-files-with.html * Blog post: Running commands in parallel using bash. http://blog.michaelboman.org/2012/04/running-commands-in-parallel-using-bash.html * Blog post: Efficient log processing. http://www.francoismaillet.com/blog/?p=399 * Blog post about GNU Parallel and Amazon EC2. http://blog.kevinformatics.com/post/4970574713/interested-in-your-experience-using-gnu-parallel-in * Blog post in Hungarian. http://commandline.blog.hu/2012/05/03/gnu_parallel * Popularity of GNU Parallel in Debian explodes. http://qa.debian.org/popcon-graph.php?packages=parallel * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20120422 * A race condition bug caused restructuring of a central piece of the code. Thus this release of GNU Parallel should be considered beta quality. * sql --dbsize will now list sizes of all databases if given no database. * GNU Parallel is now in Debian Unstable. apt-get install parallel * Article: Computational and experimental analyses of retrotransposon-associated minisatellite DNAs in the soybean genome. http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/supplementary/1471-2105-13-s2-s13-s1.pdf * Blog post: GNU parallel - the best thing since sliced bread. https://arrayal.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/gnu-parallel-the-best-thing-since-sliced-bread/ * Blog post: GNU Parallel makes everything faster. http://compbiously.blogspot.com/2012/03/gnu-parallel-makes-everything-faster.html * Blog post (German): Howto: GNU parallel. http://d24m.de/2012/04/05/howto-gnu-parallel/ * Blog post: Running in Parallel http://interactivity.ifactory.com/2012/04/running-in-parallel/ * 20000 watched the first intro video. http://pi.dk/1 * The first 5 have received their GNU Parallel merchandise https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/merchandise.html * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20120322 * Parallel Process Database Dumps. http://blog.mattoates.co.uk/2012/02/parallel-process-database-dumps.html * Using GNU Parallel to process images from Mars. http://lunokhod.org/?p=468 * Using GNU Parallel with bzgrep. http://filip.rembialkowski.net/did-you-know-gnu-parallel/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20120222 * --workdir . will use the current working dir. If the current working dir is beneath your home dir, the value . is treated as the relative path to your home dir. This means that if your home dir is different on remote computers (e.g. if your login is different) the relative path will still be relative to your home dir. * A texinfo file is now generated from the POD file using pod2texi. * The bioinformatics article "Fast large-scale clustering of protein structures using Gauss integrals" mentions GNU Parallel. They forgot to add the reference. Please remember --bibtex if you use GNU Parallel in an article. http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/4/510.short * The first supporter received his merchandise. Did you order yours? https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/merchandise.html * How to use GNU Parallel with samtools. http://zvfak.blogspot.com/2012/02/samtools-in-parallel.html * How to use GNU Parallel for vacuuming PostgreSQL tables. http://blog.timmattison.com/archives/2012/01/24/mini-hack-parallel-vacuuming-in-postgresql/ * Converting e-books with Calibre and GNU Parallel. http://www.linkhal.de/blog/2012/01/converting-massive-e-book-collections-with-calibre-and-gnu-parrallel/ * Using GNU Parallel for tailing logfiles from multiple servers. http://silviud.blogspot.com/2012/02/shell-parallel-processing.html * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20120122 * --header : uses the first input line as column names and you can then use {colname} as a replacement string in the command. This also works with multiple :::'s. * --header <regexp> matches a header as a regular expression and repeats the header for each block with --pipe. * --resume resumes from the last unfinished job. Useful if you stop GNU Parallel and restart it later with the same arguments. * niceload now propagates exit status correctly. * Show your support for GNU Parallel. For a limited time you can get a GNU Parallel T-shirt+mug+pen+100 postcards at 20 EUR. See https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/merchandise.html * Options -g -B -T -U -W -Y are retired as warned 6 months ago. * GNU Parallel referenced in article on Holographic Grid Cloud. Thanks to Stefano Gallozzi. http://arxiv.org/pdf/1112.6128 * Article in IEEE Software on GNU Parallel. Thanks to Diomidis Spinellis. http://www.spinellis.gr/blog/20110911/ * An article on Narwhal which uses GNU Parallel. They forgot to add the reference. Please remember --bibtex if you use GNU Parallel in an article. http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2011/11/08/bioinformatics.btr613.full.pdf * Blog post on using GNU Parallel to speed up BLAST queries: http://blog.mckuhn.de/2012/01/embarrassingly-parallel-blast-search.html * Video showing Wake-on-LAN with GNU Parallel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mB-yIyKFLQ * Using GNU Parallel with Solr. http://sujitpal.blogspot.com/2011/12/solr-report-generation-with-python.html * First job ad including GNU Parallel: http://seeker.dice.com/jobsearch/servlet/JobSearch?op=101&dockey=xml/7/6/76f858de083a094f74b1a5d3ba53ffc5@endecaindex * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20111222 * --timeout will now kill grandchildren. * Interview in Hacker Public Radio. http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=0860 * Blog post in Chinese. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3f7652740100y0ju.html * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20111122 * GNU Parallel package for Fedora. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/parallel * Using GNU Parallel with Mozilla cross referencing. https://blog.mozilla.com/it/2011/11/15/mxr-improvements/ * Neat flash presentation of GNU Parallel. http://prezi.com/0nq74b2elgtx/about-gnu-parallel/ * How to create tar files of dirs in parallel. https://joneslee85.wordpress.com/2011/11/22/shell-tips-how-to-recursively-archive-many-folders/ * Article in Admin Network&Security by Ben Martin. http://www.admin-magazine.com/HPC/Articles/GNU-Parallel * Blog post in Polish. http://blog.tiger.com.pl/2011/01/05/gnu-parallel/ * Blog post on using GNU Parallel of Mac OS X. http://www.0xcb0.com/2011/10/19/running-parallel-bash-tasks-on-os-x/ * Blog post in English about using zip with GNU Parallel. http://nuclear-imaging.info/site_content/2011/05/11/gnu-parallel/ * Blog post in English by researcher. http://zandyware.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/gnu-parallell-make-best-use-of-your-multicore-computer/ * Blog entry in Chinese. http://blog.csdn.net/tossense/article/details/6889026 * Blog entry in Japanese on managing many servers. http://hiroakis.com/blog/2011/11/13/gnu-parallel/ * GNU Parallel is now part of ppbs. http://physiology.med.cornell.edu/faculty/mason/lab/ppbs/introduction/introduction.html * How to use GNU Parallel with MCX. http://mcx.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi?MMC/Doc/MMCCluster * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20111022 * --tag prepends lines with the argument(s). If used with --(n)onall the line will be prepended with the sshlogin instead. * --shellquote does not run the command but quotes it using \'s. Useful for making quoted composed commands. * --profile can now be repeated merging multiple profiles. * --bibtex now gives the BibTeX entry. Thanks to Aleksandr Levchuk for testing. * Makefile for simple .deb package. cd packager/debian; make * sql: --list-databases lists the databases. * GNU Parallel officially in Fedora 16 http://www.spinics.net/lists/fedora-package-announce/msg67130.html * Blog post on recompression FLAC audio. http://blog.oxplot.com/2011/08/reflac-flac-cleanser.html * The most complex use of ::: I have seen so far. http://agentzlerich.blogspot.com/2011/09/following-up-on-previous-failures-ive.html * Example of using GNU Parallel with sudo. http://loopkid.net/articles/2011/10/07/recursive-chmod-and-chown-on-files * Use wget and gnu parallel to download mp3s at rocket speed. http://sdbrain.posterous.com/use-wget-and-gnu-parallel-to-download-mp3s-at * First CV referring to GNU Parallel. http://www.peopleperhour.com/freelancers/stephen_/internet_researcher_and_protocol_develop/140602 * Cartwright labs usage of GNU Parallel. http://cartwrightlab.wikispaces.com/The+Most+Bang+for+Your+Buck * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20110822 * --timeout implemented so that slow commands can be killed * CPU detection improved for Mac OSX. Thanks to Wayne E. Seguin. * Example of a parallel webcrawler in the man page. * Backup up PostgreSQL with GNU Parallel. Thanks to Stephane Wirtel. http://wirtel.be/2011/07/15/rsync_parallel/ * Blog post in Japanese. http://dminor11th.blogspot.com/2011/08/gnu-parallel.html * Blog post about optimizing JPEGs. Thanks to Thomas Jost. http://schnouki.net/2011/07/22/optimizing-jpeg-pictures/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20110722 * niceload: --hard will suspend a program if a limit is reached - as opposed to just slowing the program down. * niceload: --soft will slow the program down - as opposed to suspending the program completely. * niceload: --run-io will slow down a program if disk io goes above a certain limit. * niceload: --run-load will slow down a program if loadaverage goes above a certain limit. * niceload: --run-mem will slow down a program if free memory goes below a certain limit. * niceload: --run-noswap will slow down a program if the computer is swapping. * niceload: --start-io, --start-load, --start-mem, --start-noswap will defer starting a program until the system is below the limit. * --io, --load, --mem, and --noswap sets both --run-* and --start-*. * niceload got a major rewrite and is now object oriented. * GNU Parallel was presented at Nordic Perl Workshop 2011. http://conferences.yapceurope.org/npw2011/talk/3416 * Blog post about zcat and GNU Parallel. Thanks to Dr. John. http://drjohnstechtalk.com/blog/2011/06/gnu-parallel-really-helps-with-zcat/ * 2 blog posts in Japanese. Thanks to Negima. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/negima1976/20110607/1307412660 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/negima1976/20110628/1309252494 * Blog post for bioinformatics. Thanks to Chris Miller. http://chrisamiller.com/science/2010/05/26/use-parallel-for-easy-multi-processor-execution/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20110622 * --onall will run all the jobs on all the computers. This is useful for systemadinistrators having multiple servers. * --nonall runs like --onall but reads no arguments from stdin (standard input), so is possible to do: parallel --nonall -S computer1,computer2 uptime * Context replace now works with multiple input sources: parallel -X echo {1}-{2} ::: 1 2 3 ::: a b c * --noswap do not start a job on a server that is swapping. * Article: Parallel processing without Hadoop! http://www.solutionhacker.com/parallel-processing-without-hadoop/ * Article in Linux Magazine (Spanish). Thanks to Ben Martin. http://www.linux-magazine.es/issue/67/ * First blog post in Korean. Thanks to 민병국. http://blog.daum.net/_blog/BlogTypeView.do?blogid=02RQ3&articleno=13380895&admin=# * Blog post in Japanese. Thanks to Naoya Nakazawa. http://www.sssg.org/blogs/naoya/archives/2003 * Blog post in English. Thanks to Dagon. http://hekate.homeip.net/2011/05/29/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20110522 * Multiple ::: can be put on the command line and will be treated similar to contents from multiple -a's. * ::: and :::: can now be mixed on the command line. Use {1} .. {n} to refer to inputs from the different input sources. * --xapply is now needed to get xapply's behaviour of reading one line from each of the input sources. * Multiple input sources will cause all combinations of arguments from the sources to be generated. E.g. 'parallel echo {1}+{2} ::: 1 2 ::: a b c' will print 1+a 1+b 1+c 2+a 2+b 2+c. This can often replace nested loops. * Implemented {//} for the input line with the basename removed (dirname). * New video showing the new ::: and :::: input sources. http://tinyogg.com/watch/iOdhU/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOX1EyHkQwc * GNU Parallel now has a logo. http://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/logo.png * Article about GNU SQL in USENIX Magazine ;login: (print) http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/2011-04/ * Using GNU Parallel with EC2. Thanks to Kevin Wu. http://blog.kevinformatics.com/post/4970574713/interested-in-your-experience-using-gnu-parallel-in * Review with idea for {..} and {...} in Japanese. Thanks to ichii386. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ichii386/20110426 * Upgrade GNU Parallel using Macports. Thanks to Phil Hollenback. http://www.hollenback.net/index.php/MacportsParallel * Robert from Echo One discusses using processes instead of threads: http://rrees.wordpress.com/2011/04/25/many-cores-many-threads/ * How to run GNU Parallel on a SLURM cluster. Thanks to Kevin Stock. http://www.kevinstock.org/2011/04/using-the-ri-cluster/ * Short article about using GNU Parallel with lame: http://loopkid.net/articles/2011/04/30/accelerate-lame-mp3-conversion * Using GNU Parallel to run tail -f in Japanese. Thanks to Clouder. http://blog.clouder.jp/archives/001140.html * BBC Research & Development uses GNU Parallel: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/researchanddevelopment/2010/11/prototyping-weeknotes-41-26112.shtml * Short article about using GNU Parallel on RHEL. Thanks to Rishi Deshpande. http://nuclear-imaging.info/site_content/2011/05/11/gnu-parallel/ * Using GNU Parallel for FLAC->MP3 conversion. Thanks to Derek Marcotte. http://derek.chezmarcotte.ca/?p=286 * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20110422 * {#} now works as an alias for $PARALLEL_PID. * --eta now estimates way more accurately. * CPU detection code for AIX thanks to Christian Netrwal. * --joblog contains exitcode. * Thanks to Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason for reading my code. * GNU Parallel was presented at: - LUGA, Augsburg, 2011-03-26, http://www.luga.de/Aktionen/LIT-2011/Programm - OSAA.dk, Aarhus, 2011-04-12 * Blog entry in Japanese. Thanks to Riywo. http://blog.riywo.com/2011/04/19/022802 * Example of how to use GNU Parallel on PBS clusters. Thanks to Andrew J Dolgert: http://web0.tc.cornell.edu/wiki/index.php?title=Gnu_Parallel * First example of using GNU Parallel in Hebrew. Thanks to omry. http://nd.gd/jk * Intro video got past 10000 hits. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpaiGYxkSuQ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20110322 * --tollef to be switch compatible with Tollef's parallel. This will cause -l to mean --load, and the argument separator will be -- instead of ::: * --gnu will force GNU Parallel to behave like GNU Parallel even if --tollef is set. * Site wide config file: /etc/parallel/config This should solve the issue with some packagers renaming GNU Parallel to gparallel to avoid the naming conflict. By putting --tollef in the site wide config file you can deinstall Tollef's parallel and install GNU Parallel instead without any change for users or scripts. This is useful for packagers that currently rename GNU Parallel or simply do not distribute GNU Parallel because the command name conflicts with Tollef's parallel. * -L 0 -n 0, and -N 0 implemented. They will read one argument, but insert 0 arguments on the command line. Useful if you just want to run the same command with the same arguments a number of times. * GNU Parallel is now in Fink. Thanks to Jesse Alama. http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/parallel * Opscode Cookbook for Chef. Thanks to Joshua Timberman. https://github.com/opscode/cookbooks/tree/master/gnu_parallel * Man page examples translated into Japanese. Thanks to Koshigoe. http://w.koshigoe.jp/study/?%5Bsystem%5D+GNU+parallel+%BB%C8%CD%D1%CE%E3#l13 * GNU Parallel will be presented at: - LUGA, Augsburg, 2011-03-26, http://www.luga.de/Aktionen/LIT-2011/Programm - OSAA.dk, Aarhus, 2011-04-12 * Video of presentation from FSCONS 2010-11-07. The presenter was _really_ hoarse that day (Something to do with loads of alcohol the night before). http://vimeo.com/20838834 * Review with examples in German. Thanks to M. Nieberg. http://kenntwas.de/2011/linux/gnu-parallel/ * A review of the --pipe option in German. Thanks to Mathias Huber. http://www.linux-magazin.de/NEWS/GNU-Parallel-20110205-stueckelt-Daten * A small example of grepping maillogs. Thanks to François Maillet. http://www.francoismaillet.com/blog/?p=399 * Using GNU Parallel instead of xargs. Thanks to James Cuff. http://blog.jcuff.net/2011/02/on-train-ride-in.html * Using GNU Parallel from 0install (German). Thanks to AdaMin. http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/gnu-parallel-mit-zero-install-kurzinfo-kein-wi/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20110205 * --pipe splits piped data into blocks. Each block is piped to a program for processing. The piping and the programs will be run in parallel. Useful if the data you want to process is data for a program and not arguments. * --blocksize sets the blocksize in bytes for --pipe. The blocksize is approximate. It can deviate as much as the size of one record. Default is 1M. * --recstart sets the string matching the start of a record. Default is "". * --recend sets the string matching the end of a record. Default is '\n'. To specify none use --recend "". If both --recstart and --recend are set, the end of a record must be followed immediately by a start of a record. This is useful if either recend or recstart can occur in the middle of a record. * --remove-rec-sep removes the string matched by --recstart and --recend. * --regexp will make GNU Parallel treat --recstart and --recend as regular expressions. * --output-as-files will put the output of the programs into files and instead of giving the output GNU Parallel will output the name of these files. * -N if used with --pipe sets the number of records to read. * New video showing --pipe at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ntxT-47VPA * GNU Parallel was presented at FOSDEM. * Article in USENIX Magazine ;login: (print) http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/2011-02/ * GNU Parallel is now on ohloh.net. Thanks to Wim Muskee. https://www.ohloh.net/p/gnu-parallel * Advanced recursive example. Thanks to Ruarí Ødegaard. http://my.opera.com/ruario/blog/2011/01/24/editing-debian-packages-more-fun-with-gnu * Small example on using GNU Parallel through 0install (German). http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/gnu-parallel-mit-zero-install-kurzinfo-kein-wi/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20110122 * --joblog makes a simple log of completed jobs. * -X now spreads arguments between job slots when reaching last argument. Use -j1 to avoid this. * People on the email list have voted -j+0 to be the new default instead of -j9. * First review in Polish. Thanks to Patryk Krawaczyński. http://nfsec.pl/root/2458 * Review in Spanish (in print). https://www.linux-magazine.es/issue/67/moreinfo.html * Review in English. Thanks to Brian Gough. http://blogs.fsfe.org/bjg/2011/01/gnu-parallel-a-map-operator-for-the-command-line/ * Review in French. Thanks to Denis Dordoigne. http://linuxfr.org/2010/12/29/27715.html * Review in Spanish. http://gufete.net/index.php?entry=entry110116-200022 * Article with advanced recursive example. Thanks to Ruarí Ødegaard http://my.opera.com/ruario/blog/2011/01/18/fun-with-gnu-parallel * Use case for memcache. http://www.dctrwatson.com/2010/12/how-to-dump-memcache-keyvalue-pairs-fast/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20101222 * GNU niceload is now part of GNU Parallel. GNU niceload slows down a program if the load average is above a certain limit. * Implemented --tmpdir to buffer standard output and standard error in a different place. * Implemented --load to wait until the load is below a limit before starting another job on that computer. * Implemented --nice set the niceness of jobs running both locally and remotely. * Implemented --dry-run to print the job without running it. * Implemented --tty as the old default of assigning a tty to the first job causes problems. * Review with focus on clusters. Thanks to Taylor Gillespie http://www.unixpronews.com/unixpronews-49-20101019GNUParallelSpeedUpProcessingWithMulticoresClusters.html * Review with focus on protein similarity. http://kevinformatics.tumblr.com/post/2142473893/cluster-like-computing-using-gnu-parallel * Review in Spanish. http://gr3p.com/2010/12/gnu-parallel-acelera-tus-scripts-en-linux * Quite a few bug fixes and man page updates. 20101202 * Implemented {/} for the input line with the path removed (basename). * Implemented {/.} for the input line with extension and path removed (basename). * Output from --progress is now sent to standard error instead of standard output. * --eta was broken and counted down from 0. Now fixed. * Standard output and standard error are flushed after every job so if standard output does not end with a newline it will still be grouped with the rest of standard output. * --command, -c, --file, and -f are now removed as options. They were never used in practice. * GetOptionsFromArray rewritten to work with old Perl libraries. * The file COPYING now contains the GNU General Public License 3 * Major rewrite to make the code more object oriented and easier to maintain in the future. 20101113 * Using -j myfile the number of jobs can be changed while GNU Parallel is running simply by changing the content of myfile. * Implemented --profile to use different .parallel/config for different situations. * Ugly newlines in $PARALLEL and .parallel/config are no longer needed. Instead you have to use \ in front of special shell characters. * --workdir puts the files transferred to remote machines in a specified directory. * $PARALLEL_PID is set to the process id of GNU Parallel. * $PARALLEL_SEQ is set to the sequence number of the job. * -v now only shows the command to run. Use -v -v to show the ssh/rsync wrapping. * Slow spawning error is now only a warning. * If stdin is a tty and input is read from stdin you now get a warning. * GNU sql: \n and \x0a in arguments is replaced with newline. * Patch for Debian package and spelling mistakes. Thanks to Rogério Brito <rbrito at ime dot usp dot br> * Mac OS X Homebrew package. Thanks to Jonathan Palardy <jonathan dot palardy at gmail dot com> * FreeBSD port. Thanks to Chris Howey <howeyc at gmail dot com> * Pardus package. Thanks to Fethican Coşkuner <fethicanc at gmail dot com> * First review in Chinese. Thanks to 曾義峰: http://antbsd.twbbs.org/~ant/wordpress/?p=2876 * First review in print: http://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2010 Nov 2010 * First review in Spanish: http://www.muylinux.com/2010/10/18/gnu-parallel-computacion-paralela-a-golpe-de-comando * First review in Dutch thanks to Koen Vervloesem <koen at vervloesem dot eu>: http://techworld.nl/technologie/33493/gebruik-al-je-processorkernen-met-gnu-parallel.html * Blog review thanks to R. Tyler Croy <tyler at monkeypox dot org>: http://unethicalblogger.com/posts/2010/11/gnuparallel_changed_my_life * 5000 views of the intro video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpaiGYxkSuQ * As usual a bunch of bugfixes and more usage examples in the man page. * GNU Parallel was presented at FSCONS 2010-11-07: http://www.fscons.org/fs/gnu-parallel Hopefully the video will be online soon. 20100922 * See GNU Parallel live at FSCONS 2010-11-07: http://www.fscons.org/fs/gnu-parallel * Untested Debian and xUbuntu packages available through OpenSUSE build service: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=parallel&project=home%3Atange * Using --retries a job will be retried on another computer if it fails. This is useful if some jobs fail for no apparent reason (such as network failure). * BSD xargs -o (open /dev/tty) is now default for the job running in foreground. Useful for interactive commands like: ls | parallel -Xuj1 vi * GNU sql now supports SQLite. * Renamed .dburl.aliases to .sql/aliases and /etc/sql/aliases. * GNU sql now support --list-tables * Alias for DBURL can contain '?query' part with %-quoting. 20100906 * Using --shebang GNU Parallel can be used as the parser for a script. E.g: #!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang traceroute (followed by lines of hosts) * First community generated bugfixes * Alt Linux package of GNU Parallel. Thanks to Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux dot org> * Sunfreeware package of GNU Parallel. Thanks to Steven M. Christensen <sunfreeware at gmail.com> * Untested CentOS, Fedora, Mandriva, RedHat, and SUSE packages available through OpenSUSE build service: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=parallel&project=home%3Atange * Review of GNU Parallel. Thanks to Andrew McFague amcfague at wgen dot net http://www.andrew-mcfague.com/linux/utilities-linux/ commands-every-serious-nix-user-should-know/#parallel * First 1000 views of the intro video * sql - a small script to access sql bases from the command line which is a handy companion to parallel --colsep 20100822 * Counting semaphore functionality: start a job in the background. If N jobs are already running, wait for one to complete. Examples: sem 'sleep 2; echo foo'; sem 'sleep 1; echo bar'; sem --wait sem -j2 'sleep 2; echo foo'; sem -j2 'sleep 1; echo bar'; sem --wait * With --colsep a table can be used as input. Example: cat tab_sep_table | parallel --colsep '\t' echo col1 {1} col2 {2} * --trim can remove white space around arguments. * --sshloginfile '..' means use ~/.parallel/sshloginfile * Zero install package. Thanks to Tim Cuthbertson <tim3d dot junk at gmail dot com> * OpenSUSE package. Thanks to Markus Ammer <mkmm at gmx-topmail dot de> * NixOS package. Thanks to Ludovic Courtès <ludo at gnu dot org> * Web review http://oentend.blogspot.com/2010/08/gnu-parallel.html Thanks to Pavel Nuzhdin <pnzhdin at gmail dot com> * Web review http://psung.blogspot.com/2010/08/gnu-parallel.html Thanks to Phil Sung <psung at alum dot mit dot edu> 20100722 * Arguments can now be given on the command line. Example: parallel bzip2 ::: *.txt * xapply like functionality. Example: parallel diff {1} {2} :::: filelist1 filelist2 parallel diff {1} {2} ">"{1.}-{2.}.diff :::: filelist1 filelist2 * Arch Linux package. Thanks to Peter Simons <simons at cryp dot to> * Mandriva package. Thanks to Sandro Cazzaniga <kharec at mandriva dot org> * -L -l -n -s now implies -X unless -m is set 20100620 * New video showing the new options. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpaiGYxkSuQ or at http://tinyogg.com/watch/TORaR/ and http://tinyogg.com/watch/hfxKj/ * 100% options complete with xargs. All options for xargs can now be used in GNU Parallel - even the more exotic. * --basefile for transferring basedata. When running jobs on remote computers --basefile will transfer files before the first jobs is run. It can be used to transfer data that remains the same for each job such as scripts or lookup tables. * --progress shows progress. To see how many jobs is running on each server use --progress. It can be turned on even after GNU Parallel is started. * --eta shows estimated time left in seconds. * --halt-on-error stops if an error occurs. GNU Parallel will default to run all jobs - even if some of them fail. With --halt-on-error GNU Parallel can ignore errors, wait for the currently running jobs to finish, or stop immediately when an error occurs. 20100601 * GNU Parallel now has support for running jobs on remote machines * Intro video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlXDtd_pRaY http://openvideo.dailymotion.com/video/xdmqwz_gnu-parallel-script-processing-and_tech 20100424 * GNU Parallel is now official GNU software