#!/bin/bash # Check servers up on http://www.polarhome.com/service/status/ P_ALL="alpha tru64 hpux-ia64 syllable pidora raspbian solaris openindiana aix hpux qnx debian-ppc suse solaris-x86 mandriva ubuntu scosysv unixware centos miros macosx redhat netbsd openbsd freebsd debian dragonfly vax ultrix minix irix hurd beaglebone cubieboard2" P_NOTWORKING="vax alpha openstep" P_NOTWORKING_YET="ultrix irix" P_WORKING="openbsd tru64 debian freebsd redhat netbsd macosx miros centos unixware pidora ubuntu scosysv raspbian solaris-x86 aix mandriva debian-ppc suse solaris hpux openindiana hpux-ia64" P_WORKING="openbsd tru64 debian freebsd redhat netbsd macosx miros centos unixware pidora ubuntu scosysv raspbian solaris-x86 aix mandriva debian-ppc suse solaris hpux openindiana hpux-ia64" P_TEMPORARILY_BROKEN="minix hurd dragonfly" P="$P_WORKING" POLAR=`parallel -k echo {}.polarhome.com ::: $P` S_POLAR=`parallel -k echo -S 1/{}.polarhome.com ::: $P` # 20150414 --timeout 80 -> 40 # 20151219 --retries 5 -> 2 # 20160821 --timeout 10 -> 100 (DNS problems) # 20171122 --timeout 100 -> 20 (Raising it did not get more successes) TIMEOUT=20 RETRIES=4 echo '### Tests on polarhome machines' # On each remote machine: # $HOME/setupenv is a sourcable script that sets path+activates env_parallel # It is platform dependant echo 'Setup on polarhome machines' # Avoid the stupid /etc/issue.net banner at Polarhome: -oLogLevel=quiet stdout parallel -kj0 --delay 0.2 ssh -oLogLevel=quiet {} mkdir -p bin ::: $POLAR & par_onall() { stdout parallel -j0 -k --retries $RETRIES --timeout $TIMEOUT --delay 0.1 --tag \ --onall $S_POLAR "$@" } export -f par_onall test_empty_cmd() { echo echo '### Test if empty command in process list causes problems' echo perl -e '$0=" ";sleep 1' & bin/perl bin/parallel echo ::: OK_with_empty_cmd } export -f test_empty_cmd stdout parallel -j0 -k --retries $RETRIES --timeout $TIMEOUT --delay 0.03 --tag \ --nonall --env test_empty_cmd -S macosx.polarhome.com test_empty_cmd > /tmp/test_empty_cmd & copy() { host=$1 src="$2" dst="$3" cat "$src" | stdout ssh -oLogLevel=quiet $host "cat > bin/'$dst'.tmp && chmod 755 bin/'$dst'.tmp && mv bin/'$dst'.tmp bin/'$dst'" } export -f copy stdout parallel -kj30 -r --retries $RETRIES --timeout $TIMEOUT --delay 0.13 --tag -v \ copy {2} {1} {1/} \ ::: /usr/local/bin/{parallel,env_parallel,env_parallel.*} \ ::: $POLAR copy_and_test() { H=$1 # scp to each polarhome machine does not work. Use cat # Avoid the stupid /etc/issue.net banner with -oLogLevel=quiet echo '### Run the test on '$H cat `which parallel` | stdout ssh -oLogLevel=quiet $H 'cat > bin/p.tmp && chmod 755 bin/p.tmp && mv bin/p.tmp bin/parallel && bin/perl bin/parallel echo Works on {} ::: '$H && stdout ssh -oLogLevel=quiet $H 'bin/perl bin/parallel --tmpdir / echo ::: test read-only tmp' | perl -pe '$exit += s:/[a-z0-9_]+.arg:/XXXXXXXX.arg:gi; $exit += s/\d\d\d\d/0000/gi; END { exit not $exit }' && echo OK } export -f copy_and_test stdout parallel -j6 -k -r --retries $RETRIES --timeout $TIMEOUT --delay 0.1 --tag -v copy_and_test {} ::: $POLAR echo echo '### Test remote wrapper working on all platforms' echo parallel -j0 --nonall -k --timeout $TIMEOUT $S_POLAR hostname echo echo '### Does exporting a bash function kill parallel' echo # http://zmwangx.github.io/blog/2015-11-25-bash-function-exporting-fiasco.html par_onall 'func() { cat <(echo bash only A); };export -f func; bin/parallel func ::: ' ::: 1 echo echo '### Does PARALLEL_SHELL help exporting a bash function not kill parallel' echo PARALLEL_SHELL=/bin/bash par_onall 'func() { cat <(echo bash only B); };export -f func; bin/parallel func ::: ' ::: 1 echo echo '### env_parallel echo :::: <(echo OK)' echo '(bash only)' echo par_onall 'bin/env_parallel --install && echo {}' ::: install-OK par_onall 'source setupenv || . `pwd`/setupenv; env_parallel echo env_parallel :::' ::: run-OK par_onall 'source setupenv || . `pwd`/setupenv; env_parallel echo reading from process substitution :::: <(echo {})' ::: OK | # csh on NetBSD does not support process substitution grep -v ': /tmp/.*: No such file or directory' # eval 'myfunc() { echo '$(perl -e 'print "x"x20000')'; }' # env_parallel myfunc ::: a | wc # OK # eval 'myfunc2() { echo '$(perl -e 'print "x"x120000')'; }' # env_parallel myfunc ::: a | wc # Fail too big env # Can this be made faster using `ssh -M`? # Can it be moved to virtualbox? # Started earlier - therefore wait wait; cat /tmp/test_empty_cmd rm /tmp/test_empty_cmd