### Full test set (except mem)
testsuite: 3

3: ../src/parallel tests-to-run/* wanted-results/* startdb prereqlocal prereqremote
	TRIES=3 time bash Start.sh '' mem || true
	touch ~/.parallel/will-cite
	make stopvm

### Limited testsets - run once
# No 100s, 300s, mem, polarhome, tutorial
1: ../src/parallel tests-to-run/* wanted-results/* prereqlocal startdb prereqremote
	TRIES=1 time bash Start.sh '' '00s|mem|polarhome|tutorial' || true
	touch ~/.parallel/will-cite
	make stopvm

# Mem
mem: ../src/parallel tests-to-run/*mem* wanted-results/*mem* prereqlocal
	time bash Start.sh mem NONE || true
	touch ~/.parallel/will-cite
	make stopvm

# Tutorial
tutorial: ../src/parallel tests-to-run/*tutorial* wanted-results/*tutorial* prereqlocal
	TRIES=1 time bash Start.sh tutorial NONE || true
	touch ~/.parallel/will-cite
	make stopvm

# 100s and 300s
100s: ../src/parallel tests-to-run/*00s* wanted-results/*00s* prereqlocal
	time bash Start.sh 00s NONE || true
	touch ~/.parallel/will-cite
	make stopvm

# Polarhome
polarhome: polar

polar: ../src/parallel tests-to-run/*polar* wanted-results/*polar* prereqlocal
	time bash Start.sh polar NONE || true
	touch ~/.parallel/will-cite

# *local* only
local:	testlocal

testlocal: ../src/parallel tests-to-run/*local* wanted-results/*local* prereqlocal installparallel
	time bash Start.sh local mem

# short and local
short:	testlocalshort

testlocalshort: ../src/parallel tests-to-run/*local* wanted-results/*local* prereqlocal installparallel
	TRIES=1 time bash Start.sh local 'mem|100s|300s'

# sql
testdb: ../src/parallel tests-to-run/*sql* wanted-results/*sql* prereqdb
	time bash Start.sh sql NONE

# Portable tests that runs everywhere
	# Cache sudo password
	sudo echo
	time bash Portable.sh

### Prerequisites
prereqlocal: installparallel startvm
	tcsh -c echo tcsh installed || (echo tcsh is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	seq 1 2 >/dev/null || (echo seq is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	stdout echo || (echo stdout is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	convert -version >/dev/null || (echo convert is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	echo 1+2 | bc >/dev/null || (echo bc is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	echo | gawk '{print "gawk is installed"}' || (echo gawk is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	expect -c 'spawn cat; puts "expect is installed"' || (echo expect is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	echo | pv -qL 10 || (echo pv is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	echo | script -c echo -q /dev/null || (echo script is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	niceload true || (echo niceload is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	which timeout || (echo timeout is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	which autossh || (echo autossh is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	which lsh || (echo lsh is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	timeout 20 ssh sh@lo true || (echo ssh sh@lo is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	timeout 5 ssh csh@lo true || (echo ssh csh@lo is required for testsuite; /bin/false)
	parallel -j1 ssh-keygen -R parallel-server{} ::: 1 2 3 || true
	parallel 'ssh vagrant@parallel-server{} mkdir -p bin; scp `which parallel` vagrant@parallel-server{}:bin/' ::: 1 2 3 4

prereqremote: installparallel startvm
	parallel -j0 --timeout 10 --tag ssh vagrant@parallel-server{} parallel --minversion 20121021 ::: 1 2 || (echo parallel on remote required for testsuite; /bin/true)

	parallel --tag -k 'cd vagrant/generic/{} && vagrant up' ::: centos8 freebsd11 freebsd12 rhel8

	parallel --tag -k 'cd vagrant/generic/{} && vagrant suspend' ::: centos8 freebsd11 freebsd12 rhel8

	true should start Oracle in vagrant
	#echo shutdown abort | sudo su - oracle -c "sqlplus / as sysdba"
	sudo parallel /etc/init.d/{} status '||' /etc/init.d/{} restart ::: postgresql mysql # oracle-xe
	VBoxManage startvm OracleXE || true
	parallel 'ping {} | read' :::  oracle11.tange.dk

### Distribution
installparallel: ../src/parallel
	cd .. && make -j && sudo make -j install

	rm -rf input-files/random_dirs_no_newline
	rm -rf input-files/random_dirs_with_newline

	rm -rf input-files/random_dirs_*_newline || /bin/true
	rm -rf tmp || /bin/true
	( cd ..; tar -cvj --exclude .git --exclude '#*#' --exclude '*~' --exclude CVS -f /tmp/parallel.tar.bz2 parallel-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] )
	mv /tmp/parallel.tar.bz2 parallel-$$(date +"%Y%m%d").tar.bz2
	rsync -Havessh parallel-$$(date +"%Y%m%d").tar.bz2 download.savannah.nongnu.org:/releases/parallel/

### Measure timings
timings: tests-to-run/* ../src/parallel
	ls tests-to-run/*.sh | parallel echo /usr/bin/time -f "'%e\ %P'" bash >/tmp/timing.script
	stdout bash -x /tmp/timing.script | tee /tmp/timing.out
	echo + .usr.bin.time_END >>/tmp/timing.out
	perl -ne '/\+ .usr.bin.time/ and do { print $$last.$$h; $$h=$$_ }; chomp; s/.*\0//;$$last = $$_' /tmp/timing.out |sort -n >timings

	vmstat 1 | timestamp --isotime > vmstat.timestamp.1 &
	stdout make 1 | timestamp --isotime | tee make.timestamp.1
	killall vmstat
	mv vmstat.timestamp.1 vmstat.timestamp
	mv make.timestamp.1 make.timestamp
	sort vmstat.timestamp make.timestamp | perl -pe '/tests-to-run(\S+)/ and $$p=$$1; print "$$p "' | field 6,1,2 | perl -ne '/^\d+ / and print' | histogram -i vh