#!/bin/bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Ole Tange, http://ole.tange.dk and Free Software and Foundation, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Check servers up on http://www.polarhome.com/service/status/ unset TIMEOUT . `which env_parallel.bash` env_parallel --session P_ALL="openstep qnx pidora alpha tru64 hpux-ia64 syllable raspbian solaris openindiana aix hpux debian-ppc suse solaris-x86 mandriva ubuntu scosysv unixware centos miros macosx redhat netbsd openbsd freebsd debian dragonfly vax ultrix minix irix hurd beaglebone cubieboard2" # Skip ultrix # Skip irix until Perl is upgraded (I cannot due to too small disk quota) P_ALL="openstep qnx pidora alpha tru64 hpux-ia64 syllable raspbian solaris openindiana aix hpux debian-ppc suse solaris-x86 mandriva ubuntu scosysv unixware centos miros macosx redhat netbsd openbsd freebsd debian dragonfly vax minix hurd beaglebone cubieboard2" P="$P_ALL" #P="unixware freebsd netbsd" # tru64 takes 22s to run 4 parallels MAXTIME=50 RETRIES=3 # 11 too much for debian MAXPROC=${maxproc:-9} # 3 is too much for freebsd MAXINNERPROC=${maxinnerproc:-2} export PARALLEL_SSH="ssh -oLogLevel=quiet" # select a running master (debian-ppc, suse, ubuntu, redhat, or debian) # 2019-06-25 debian has too little free memory (and swap) # 2020-04-22 debian-ppc has read-only disk MASTER=$(parallel -j0 --delay 0.1 --halt now,success=1 $PARALLEL_SSH {} echo {} \ ::: {ubuntu,suse,redhat}.polarhome.com) parallel -j0 --delay 0.1 --retries $RETRIES \ rsync -L /usr/local/bin/{parallel,env_parallel,env_parallel.*[^~],parcat,stdout} \ ::: $MASTER:bin/ doit() { # Avoid the stupid /etc/issue.net banner at Polarhome: -oLogLevel=quiet PARALLEL_SSH="ssh -oLogLevel=quiet" export PARALLEL_SSH export MAXTIME export RETRIES export MAXPROC export RET_TIME_K="--memfree 100m -k --retries $RETRIES --timeout $MAXTIME" LC_ALL=C MAXPROC=$(echo $(seq 300 | parallel -j0 echo {%} | sort -n | tail -n1) /$MAXINNERPROC | bc) echo MAXTIME=$MAXTIME RETRIES=$RETRIES MAXPROC=$MAXPROC MAXINNERPROC=$MAXINNERPROC echo '### Filter out working servers' # pidora and syllable often gives false positive parallel --timeout $MAXTIME -j10 ssh syllable true ::: {1..10} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null & parallel --timeout $MAXTIME -j10 ssh pidora true ::: {1..10} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null & POLAR_ALL="`bin/parallel --memfree 100m -j0 -k --timeout 10 echo {} ::: $P`" POLAR="`bin/parallel --memfree 100m -j0 -k --timeout 10 $PARALLEL_SSH {} echo {} ::: $P`" diff <(echo "$POLAR_ALL") <(echo "$POLAR") S_POLAR=`bin/parallel -j0 $RET_TIME_K echo -S 1/{} ::: $POLAR` sshwithpass() { # Minix requires sshpass. The other servers will use ssh-keys host="$1" shift if [ "$host" == "minix" ] ; then q="$(parallel --shellquote ::: "$@")" # This only works from suse and redhat ssh -T -oLogLevel=quiet suse \ sshpass -f ~/.ssh/minix.password ssh -T -oLogLevel=quiet $host $q else ssh -oLogLevel=quiet $host "$@" fi } export -f sshwithpass copy() { # scp, but atomic (avoid half files if disconnected) host=$1 src="$2" dst="$3" cat "$src" | sshwithpass $host "mkdir -p bin;cat > bin/'$dst'.tmp && chmod 755 bin/'$dst'.tmp && mv bin/'$dst'.tmp bin/'$dst'" 2>&1 } export -f copy par_nonall() { parallel -j$MAXPROC $RET_TIME_K --delay 0.1 --tag \ --nonall $S_POLAR -S "1/sshwithpass minix" --argsep ,:- \ 'source ./setupenv 2>/dev/null; . `pwd`/setupenv;' "$@" # setupenv contains something like this (adapted to the local path and shell) # # PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH:/usr/local/bin # export PATH # . bin/env_parallel.sh } export -f par_nonall echo '### Copy commands to servers' # Dont copy stdout - it depends on /bin/bash env_parallel -vj$MAXPROC $RET_TIME_K --delay 0.03 --tag copy {2} {1} {1/} \ ::: bin/{parallel,env_parallel,env_parallel.*[^~],parcat} \ ::: $POLAR minix echo Done copying env_parallel -d '\n\n' -vkj$MAXINNERPROC --delay 2 <<'EOF' | echo echo '### Works on ...' echo par_nonall parallel echo Works on {} ::: '`hostname`' 2>&1 echo echo '### --number-of-cores/--number-of-cpus should work with no error' echo par_nonall 'parallel --number-of-sockets; parallel --number-of-cores' 2>&1 par_nonall 'parallel --number-of-threads; parallel --number-of-cpus' 2>&1 echo echo '### Fails if tmpdir is R/O' echo par_nonall "stdout parallel --tmpdir / echo ::: test read-only tmp | perl -pe '\$exit += s:/[a-z0-9_]+.arg:/XXXXXXXX.arg:gi; \$exit += s/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/0000/gi; END { exit not \$exit }' && echo OK readonly tmp" 2>&1 echo echo '### Does exporting a bash function make parallel fail?' echo 'If login shell is not bash compatible it fails' echo # http://zmwangx.github.io/blog/2015-11-25-bash-function-exporting-fiasco.html par_nonall 'echo test funcA funcA() { cat <(echo bash only A) } export -f funcA; bin/parallel funcA ::: 1' 2>&1 | LANG=C sort echo echo '### Does PARALLEL_SHELL help exporting a bash function' echo 'If login shell is not bash compatible it should work' echo mkdir -p tmp/bin cp /bin/bash tmp/bin cd tmp export PARALLEL_SHELL=bin/bash par_nonall 'echo test funcB funcB() { cat <(echo bash only B) } export -f funcB export PARALLEL_SHELL=bin/bash bin/parallel funcB ::: 1' 2>&1 echo echo '### env_parallel --install' echo '(bash ksh mksh zsh only)' echo par_nonall 'bin/env_parallel --install && echo install-OK' 2>&1 echo echo '### env_parallel echo env_parallel ::: run-OK' echo '(bash ksh mksh zsh only)' echo par_nonall 'env_parallel echo env_parallel ::: run-OK' 2>&1 echo echo '### env_parallel echo reading from process substitution :::: <(echo OK)' echo '(bash ksh mksh zsh only)' echo # csh on NetBSD does not support process substitution par_nonall 'env_parallel echo reading from process substitution :::: <(echo OK)' 2>&1 | grep -v ': /tmp/.*: No such file or directory' echo echo '### Test empty command name in process list' echo '(bash ksh mksh zsh only)' echo test_empty_cmd() { echo '### Test if empty command name in process list causes problems' perl -e '$0=" ";sleep 1000' & pid=$! parallel echo ::: OK_with_empty_cmd kill $pid } export -f test_empty_cmd export PARALLEL_SHELL=bin/bash PARALLEL='--env test_empty_cmd' par_nonall test_empty_cmd 2>&1 echo echo '### parset arr seq ::: 2 3 4' echo '(bash ksh mksh zsh only)' echo par_nonall 'parset arr seq ::: 2 3 4; echo ${arr[*]}' 2>&1 echo '### env_parset arr seq ::: 2 3 4' par_nonall 'start=2;env_parset arr seq \$start ::: 2 3 4; echo ${arr[*]}' 2>&1 echo echo '### parset var1,var2,var3 seq ::: 2 3 4' echo '(bash ksh mksh zsh ash dash only)' echo par_nonall 'parset var1,var2,var3 seq ::: 2 3 4; echo $var1,$var2,$var3' 2>&1 echo '### env_parset var1,var2,var3 seq ::: 2 3 4' par_nonall 'start=2; env_parset var1,var2,var3 seq \$start ::: 2 3 4; echo $var1,$var2,$var3' 2>&1 EOF perl -ne 'm{UX:sh ./bin/sh.: ERROR: source: Not found} and next; m{/usr/X11R7/bin/.: Permission denied.} and next; print' } env_parallel -u -S$MASTER doit ::: 1 | perl -pe 's:/home/(t/)?tange:~:g' # eval 'myfunc() { echo '$(perl -e 'print "x"x20000')'; }' # env_parallel myfunc ::: a | wc # OK # eval 'myfunc2() { echo '$(perl -e 'print "x"x120000')'; }' # env_parallel myfunc ::: a | wc # Fail too big env # Supported SSH keylength: # 16300: # debian-ppc netbsd openbsd qnx aix centos freebsd hpux hpux-ia64 # macosx mandriva miros raspbian redhat scosysv suse tru64 unixware # 8000: # solaris-x86 # 4000: # openindiana solaris