
unset run_test

# SSH only allowed to localhost/lo
# --retries if ssh dies
cat <<'EOF' | sed -e s/\$SERVER1/$SERVER1/\;s/\$SERVER2/$SERVER2/ | parallel -vj4 --retries 2 -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` -L1
echo '### --env _'
  fUbAr="OK FUBAR" parallel -S parallel@lo --env _ echo '$fUbAr $DEBEMAIL' ::: test
  fUbAr="OK FUBAR" parallel -S csh@lo --env _ echo '$fUbAr $DEBEMAIL' ::: test

echo '### --env _ with explicit mentioning of normally ignored var $DEBEMAIL'
  fUbAr="OK FUBAR" parallel -S parallel@lo --env DEBEMAIL,_ echo '$fUbAr $DEBEMAIL' ::: test
  fUbAr="OK FUBAR" parallel -S csh@lo --env DEBEMAIL,_ echo '$fUbAr $DEBEMAIL' ::: test

echo 'bug #40137: SHELL not bash: Warning when exporting funcs'
  . <(printf 'myfunc() {\necho $1\n}'); export -f myfunc; parallel --env myfunc -S lo myfunc ::: no_warning
  . <(printf 'myfunc() {\necho $1\n}'); export -f myfunc; SHELL=/bin/sh parallel --env myfunc -S lo myfunc ::: warning

echo '### zsh'

echo 'env in zsh'
  echo 'Normal variable export'
  export B=\'; 
  PARALLEL_SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh parallel --env B echo '$B' ::: a

  echo 'Function export as variable'
  export myfuncvar="() { echo myfuncvar \$*; }"; 
  PARALLEL_SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh parallel --env myfuncvar myfuncvar ::: a

  echo 'Function export as function'
  myfunc() { echo myfunc $*; }; 
  export -f myfunc; 
  PARALLEL_SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh parallel --env myfunc myfunc ::: a

  ssh zsh@lo 'fun="() { echo function from zsh to zsh \$*; }"; 
              export fun; 
              parallel --env fun fun ::: OK'

  ssh zsh@lo 'fun="() { echo function from zsh to bash \$*; }"; 
              export fun; 
              parallel -S parallel@lo --env fun fun ::: OK'

echo '### csh'
  echo "3 big vars run remotely - length(base64) > 1000"
  stdout ssh csh@lo 'setenv A `seq 200|xargs`; 
                     setenv B `seq 200 -1 1|xargs`; 
                     setenv C `seq 300 -2 1|xargs`; 
                     parallel -Scsh@lo --env A,B,C -k echo \$\{\}\|wc ::: A B C'
echo '### csh2'
  echo "3 big vars run locally"
  stdout ssh csh@lo 'setenv A `seq 200|xargs`; 
                     setenv B `seq 200 -1 1|xargs`; 
                     setenv C `seq 300 -2 1|xargs`; 
                     parallel --env A,B,C -k echo \$\{\}\|wc ::: A B C'

echo '### rc'
  echo "3 big vars run remotely - length(base64) > 1000"
  stdout ssh rc@lo 'A=`{seq 200}; 
                    B=`{seq 200 -1 1}; 
                    C=`{seq 300 -2 1}; 
                    parallel -Src@lo --env A,B,C -k echo '"'"'${}|wc'"'"' ::: A B C'

echo '### rc2'
  echo "3 big vars run locally"
  stdout ssh rc@lo 'A=`{seq 200}; 
                    B=`{seq 200 -1 1}; 
                    C=`{seq 300 -2 1}; 
                    parallel --env A,B,C -k echo '"'"'${}|wc'"'"' ::: A B C'

echo '### Test tmux works on different shells'
  (stdout parallel -Scsh@lo,tcsh@lo,parallel@lo,zsh@lo --tmux echo ::: 1 2 3 4; echo $?) | grep -v 'See output';
  (stdout parallel -Scsh@lo,tcsh@lo,parallel@lo,zsh@lo --tmux false ::: 1 2 3 4; echo $?) | grep -v 'See output';

  export PARTMUX='parallel -Scsh@lo,tcsh@lo,parallel@lo,zsh@lo --tmux '; 
  stdout ssh zsh@lo      "$PARTMUX" 'true  ::: 1 2 3 4; echo $status' | grep -v 'See output'; 
  stdout ssh zsh@lo      "$PARTMUX" 'false ::: 1 2 3 4; echo $status' | grep -v 'See output'; 
  stdout ssh parallel@lo "$PARTMUX" 'true  ::: 1 2 3 4; echo $?'      | grep -v 'See output'; 
  stdout ssh parallel@lo "$PARTMUX" 'false ::: 1 2 3 4; echo $?'      | grep -v 'See output'; 
  stdout ssh tcsh@lo     "$PARTMUX" 'true  ::: 1 2 3 4; echo $status' | grep -v 'See output'; 
  stdout ssh tcsh@lo     "$PARTMUX" 'false ::: 1 2 3 4; echo $status' | grep -v 'See output'; 
  echo "# command is currently too long for csh. Maybe it can be fixed?"; 
  stdout ssh csh@lo      "$PARTMUX" 'true  ::: 1 2 3 4; echo $status' | grep -v 'See output'; 
  stdout ssh csh@lo      "$PARTMUX" 'false ::: 1 2 3 4; echo $status' | grep -v 'See output'

echo '### works'
  stdout parallel -Sparallel@lo --tmux echo ::: \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\;\@ | grep -v 'See output'
  stdout parallel -Sparallel@lo --tmux echo ::: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | grep -v 'See output'

echo '### These blocked due to length'
  stdout parallel -Slo      --tmux echo ::: \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\;\@ | grep -v 'See output'
  stdout parallel -Scsh@lo  --tmux echo ::: \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\;\@ | grep -v 'See output'
  stdout parallel -Stcsh@lo --tmux echo ::: \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\;\@ | grep -v 'See output'
  stdout parallel -Szsh@lo  --tmux echo ::: \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\;\@ | grep -v 'See output'
  stdout parallel -Scsh@lo  --tmux echo ::: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 | grep -v 'See output'

echo '### bug #43746: --transfer and --return of multiple inputs {1} and {2}'
echo '### and:'
echo '### bug #44371: --trc with csh complains'
  cd /tmp; echo 1 > file1; echo 2 > file2; 
  parallel -Scsh@lo --transferfile {1} --transferfile {2} --trc {1}.a --trc {2}.b 
   '(cat {1}; echo A {1}) > {1}.a; (cat {2};echo B {2}) > {2}.b' ::: file1 ::: file2; 
  cat file1.a file2.b; 
  rm /tmp/file1 /tmp/file2 /tmp/file1.a /tmp/file2.b

echo '### bug #44143: csh and nice'
  parallel --nice 1 -S csh@lo setenv B {}\; echo '$B' ::: OK

echo '### bug #45575: -m and multiple hosts repeats first args'
  seq 1 3 | parallel -X -S 2/lo,2/: -k echo