echo '### Test race condition on 8 CPU (my laptop)'; seq 1 5000000 > /tmp/parallel_test; seq 1 10 | parallel -k "cat /tmp/parallel_test | parallel --pipe --recend '' -k gzip >/dev/null; echo {}"; rm /tmp/parallel_test ### Test race condition on 8 CPU (my laptop) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 echo '**' ** echo "### Test --tmpdir running full. bug #40733 was caused by this" ### Test --tmpdir running full. bug #40733 was caused by this stdout parallel -j1 --tmpdir $SHM cat /dev/zero ::: dummy parallel: Error: Output is incomplete. Cannot append to buffer file in /tmp/shm/parallel. Is the disk full? parallel: Error: Change $TMPDIR with --tmpdir or use --compress. echo '**' ** echo "### bug #48290: round-robin does not distribute data based on business" ### bug #48290: round-robin does not distribute data based on business echo "Jobslot 1 is 8 times slower than jobslot 8 and should get much less data" Jobslot 1 is 8 times slower than jobslot 8 and should get much less data seq 10000000 | parallel --tagstring {%} --linebuffer --compress -j8 --roundrobin --pipe --block 300k 'pv -qL {%}00000'| perl -ne '/^\d+/ and $s{$&}++; END { print map { "$_\n" } sort { $s{$a} <=> $s{$b} } keys %s}' 1 2 3 5 4 7 6 8