#!/bin/bash cd testsuite 2>/dev/null rm -rf tmp mkdir tmp cd tmp echo '### test parallel_tutorial' rm -f /tmp/runs export SERVER1=parallel@lo export SERVER2=csh@lo export PARALLEL=-k perl -ne '$/="\n\n"; /^Output/../^[^O]\S/ and next; /^ / and print;' ../../src/parallel_tutorial.pod | egrep -v 'curl|tty|parallel_tutorial|interactive|example.(com|net)|shellquote|works' | perl -pe 's/username@//;s/user@//; s/zenity/zenity --timeout=12/; s:/usr/bin/time:/usr/bin/time -f %e:; s:ignored_vars:ignored_vars|sort:; # Remove \n to join all joblogs into the previous block s:cat /tmp/log\n:cat /tmp/log;:; # When parallelized: Sleep to make sure the abc-files are made /%head1/ and $_.="sleep .3\n\n"x10; ' | stdout parallel -j7 -vd'\n\n' | perl -pe '$|=1; # --tmux s:(/tmp\S+par).....(/tms):$1XXXXX$2:; # --files s:(/tmp\S+par).....(....):$1XXXXX$2:; # --eta --progress s/ETA.*//g; s/local:.*//g; # Sat Apr 4 11:55:40 CEST 2015 s/... ... .. ..:..:.. \D+ ..../DATE OUTPUT/; # Timestamp from --joblog s/\d{10}.\d{3}\s+..\d+/TIMESTAMP\t9.999/g; # Remote script s/(PARALLEL_PID\D+)\d+/${1}000000/g; # /usr/bin/time -f %e s/^(\d+)\.\d+$/$1/; # Base 64 string s:[+/a-z0-9=]{50,}:BASE64:ig; # --workdir ... s:parallel/tmp/aspire-\d+-1:TMPWORKDIR:g; # + cat ... | (Bash outputs these in random order) s/\+ cat.*\n//; # + echo ... | (Bash outputs these in random order) s/\+ echo.*\n//; # + wc ... (Bash outputs these in random order) s/\+ wc.*\n//; # + command_X | (Bash outputs these in random order) s/.*command_[ABC].*\n//; # Due to multiple jobs "Second started" often ends up wrong s/Second started\n//; # Due to multiple jobs "tried 2" often ends up wrong s/tried 2\n//; ' # 3+3 .par files (from --files), 1 .tms-file from tmux attach ls /tmp/par*.par /var/tmp/par*.par /tmp/*.tms /tmp/*.tmx 2>/dev/null | wc -l find /tmp/par*.par /var/tmp/par*.par /tmp/*.tms /tmp/*.tmx -mmin -10 2>/dev/null | parallel rm