#!/bin/bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Ole Tange, http://ole.tange.dk and Free Software and Foundation, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later par_csv_not_installed() { echo '### Give error if CSV.pm is not installed when using --csv' sudo parallel mv {} {}.hidden ::: /usr/share/perl5/Text/CSV.pm stdout parallel --csv echo ::: this should give an error sudo parallel mv {}.hidden {} ::: /usr/share/perl5/Text/CSV.pm } par_sem_dir() { echo '### bug #58985: sem stall if .parallel/semaphores is chmod 0' chmod 0 ~/.parallel/semaphores sem echo chmod 700 ~/.parallel/semaphores } par_parcat_mixing() { echo 'parcat output should mix: a b a b' mktempfifo() { tmp=$(mktemp) rm "$tmp" mkfifo "$tmp" echo "$tmp" } slow_output() { string=$1 perl -e 'print "'$string'"x9000,"start\n"' sleep 2 perl -e 'print "'$string'"x9000,"end\n"' } tmp1=$(mktempfifo) tmp2=$(mktempfifo) slow_output a > "$tmp1" & sleep 1 slow_output b > "$tmp2" & parcat "$tmp1" "$tmp2" | tr -s ab } par_tmux_termination() { echo '### --tmux test - check termination' TMPDIR=/tmp doit() { perl -e 'map {printf "$_%o%c\n",$_,$_}1..255' | stdout parallel --tmux 'sleep 0.2;echo {}' :::: - ::: a b | replace_tmpdir | perl -pe 's:(/tms).....:$1XXXXX:;' } export -f doit stdout parallel --timeout 120 doit ::: 1 } par_linebuffer_tag_slow_output() { echo "Test output tag with mixing halflines" halfline() { perl -e '$| = 1; map { print $ARGV[0]; sleep(1); print "$_\n" } split //, "Half\n"' $1 } export -f halfline parallel --delay 0.5 -j0 --tag --line-buffer halfline ::: a b } par_distribute_input_by_ability() { echo "### bug #48290: round-robin does not distribute data based on business" echo "### Distribute input to jobs that are ready" echo "Job-slot n is 50% slower than n+1, so the order should be 1..7" seq 20000000 | parallel --tagstring {#} -j7 --block 300k --round-robin --pipe \ 'pv -qL{=$_=$job->seq()**3+9=}0000 |wc -c' | sort -nk2 | field 1 } par_print_before_halt_on_error() { echo '### What is printed before the jobs are killed' mytest() { HALT=$1 (echo 0.1; echo 3.2; seq 0 7; echo 0.3; echo 8) | parallel --tag --delay 0.1 -j4 -kq --halt $HALT \ perl -e 'sleep 1; sleep $ARGV[0]; print STDERR "",@ARGV,"\n"; '$HALT' > 0 ? exit shift : exit not shift;' {}; echo exit code $? } export -f mytest parallel -j0 -k --tag mytest ::: -2 -1 0 1 2 } par_bug56403() { echo 'bug #56403: --pipe block by time.' ( sleep 2; # make sure parallel is ready echo job1a; sleep 2; echo job2b; echo -n job3c; sleep 2; echo job3d ) | parallel --blocktimeout 1 -j1 --pipe --tagstring {#} -k cat ( sleep 2; # make sure parallel is ready echo job1a; sleep 1; echo job1b; echo -n job2c; sleep 4; echo job2d ) | parallel --blocktimeout 3 -j1 --pipe --tagstring {#} -k cat } par_delay_Xauto() { echo 'TODO: --retries for those that fail and --sshdelay' echo '### bug #58911: --delay Xauto' tmp=$(mktemp) doit() { perl -e '$a=shift; $m = -M $a < 0.0000001; system "touch", $a; print "$m\n"; exit $m;' "$1"; } export -f doit before=`date +%s` out=$(seq 30 | parallel --delay 0.03 -q doit "$tmp") after=`date +%s` # Round to 5 seconds normaldiff=$(( (after-before)/5 )) echo $normaldiff before=`date +%s` out=$(seq 30 | parallel --delay 0.03auto -q doit "$tmp") after=`date +%s` autodiff=$(( (after-before)/5 )) echo $autodiff rm "$tmp" } export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_) compgen -A function | grep par_ | sort | # parallel --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` -j10 --tag -k '{} 2>&1' parallel --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` -j1 --tag -k '{} 2>&1'