#!/bin/bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Ole Tange, http://ole.tange.dk and Free Software and Foundation, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later tmp="$(mktemp -d)" # Test with tmpdir with spaces TMPDIR="$tmp/ " export TMPDIR mkdir -p "$TMPDIR" par_basic_shebang_wrap() { echo "### Test basic --shebang-wrap" script="$TMPDIR"/basic--shebang-wrap qscript=$(parallel -0 --shellquote ::: "$script") cat < "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/perl print "Shebang from perl with args @ARGV\n"; EOF chmod 755 "$script" args() { echo arg1; echo arg2; echo "arg3.1 arg3.2"; } "$script" "$(args)" echo "### Test basic --shebang-wrap Same as" parallel -k /usr/bin/perl "$qscript" ::: "$(args)" echo "### Test basic --shebang-wrap stdin" args | "$script" echo "### Test basic --shebang-wrap Same as" args | parallel -k /usr/bin/perl "$qscript" rm "$script" } par_shebang_with_parser_options() { seq 1 2 >/tmp/in12 seq 4 5 >/tmp/in45 echo "### Test --shebang-wrap with parser options" script="$TMPDIR"/with-parser--shebang-wrap qscript=$(parallel -0 --shellquote ::: "$script") cat < "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/perl -p print "Shebang from perl with args @ARGV\n"; EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" /tmp/in12 /tmp/in45 echo "### Test --shebang-wrap with parser options Same as" parallel -k /usr/bin/perl -p "$qscript" ::: /tmp/in12 /tmp/in45 echo "### Test --shebang-wrap with parser options stdin" (echo /tmp/in12; echo /tmp/in45) | "$script" echo "### Test --shebang-wrap with parser options Same as" (echo /tmp/in12; echo /tmp/in45) | parallel -k /usr/bin/perl "$qscript" rm "$script" echo "### Test --shebang-wrap --pipe with parser options" script="$TMPDIR"/pipe--shebang-wrap qscript=$(parallel -0 --shellquote ::: "$script") cat < "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k --pipe /usr/bin/perl -p print "Shebang from perl with args @ARGV\n"; EOF chmod 755 "$script" echo "### Test --shebang-wrap --pipe with parser options stdin" cat /tmp/in12 /tmp/in45 | "$script" echo "### Test --shebang-wrap --pipe with parser options Same as" cat /tmp/in12 /tmp/in45 | parallel -k --pipe /usr/bin/perl\ -p "$qscript" rm "$script" rm /tmp/in12 rm /tmp/in45 } par_shebang_wrap_perl() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_perl cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/perl print "Arguments @ARGV\n"; EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_python() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_python cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/python3 import sys sys.argv.pop(0) print('Arguments', str(sys.argv)) EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_bash() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_bash cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /bin/bash echo Arguments "$@" EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_sh() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_sh cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /bin/sh echo Arguments "$@" EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_ksh() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_ksh cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/ksh echo Arguments "$@" EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_zsh() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_zsh cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/zsh echo Arguments "$@" EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_csh() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_csh cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /bin/csh echo Arguments "$argv" EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_tcl() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_tcl cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/tclsh puts "Arguments $argv" EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_R() { # Rscript fucks up if $TMPDIR contains space TMPDIR=/tmp script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_R cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla --slave args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) print(paste("Arguments ",args)) EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_gnuplot() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_gnuplot cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k ARG={} /usr/bin/gnuplot print "Arguments ", system('echo $ARG') EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_ruby() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_ruby cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/ruby print "Arguments " puts ARGV EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_octave() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_octave cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/octave printf ("Arguments"); arg_list = argv (); for i = 1:nargin printf (" %s", arg_list{i}); endfor printf ("\n"); EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_clisp() { # clisp cannot handle dirs w/ shell wildcards TMPDIR=/tmp script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_clisp cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/clisp (format t "~&~S~&" 'Arguments) (format t "~&~S~&" *args*) EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_php() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_php cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/php EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_nodejs() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_nodejs cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/node var myArgs = process.argv.slice(2); console.log('Arguments ', myArgs); EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_lua() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_lua cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k /usr/bin/lua io.write "Arguments" for a = 1, #arg do io.write(" ") io.write(arg[a]) end print("") EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } par_shebang_wrap_csharp() { script="$TMPDIR"/shebang_wrap_csharp cat <<'EOF' > "$script" #!/usr/local/bin/parallel --shebang-wrap -k ARGV={} /usr/bin/csharp var argv = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ARGV"); print("Arguments "+argv); EOF chmod 755 "$script" "$script" arg1 arg2 "arg3.1 arg3.2" rm "$script" } export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_) # Tested with -j1..8 # -j6 was fastest #compgen -A function | grep par_ | sort | parallel -j$P --tag -k '{} 2>&1' compgen -A function | grep par_ | LC_ALL=C sort | parallel -j6 --tag -k '{} 2>&1' rmdir "$TMPDIR" "$tmp"