par_PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS	### test rsync opts
par_PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS	rsync --protocol 30 -rlDzRRRRrsync --protocol 30 --rsync-path=cd\ ././.\;\ rsync -rlDzRRRRrsync --protocol 30 -zzrrllddRRRRrsync --protocol 30 --rsync-path=cd\ ././.\;\ rsync -zzrrllddRRRR
par_bar_m	### test --bar -m
par_bar_m	0
par_bar_m	50
par_bar_m	100
par_keep_order	### Test --keep-order
par_keep_order	job0
par_keep_order	job1
par_keep_order	job2
par_keeporder	### Test --keeporder
par_keeporder	job0
par_keeporder	job1
par_keeporder	job2
par_load_csh	### Gave Word too long.
par_load_csh	a
par_path_remote_bash	bug #47695: How to set $PATH on remote? Bash
par_path_remote_bash	BASH Path before: /bin:/usr/bin with no parallel
par_path_remote_bash	-bash: line 2: parallel: command not found
par_path_remote_bash	^^^^^^^^ Not found is OK
par_path_remote_bash	/bin:/usr/bin:/tmp OK
par_path_remote_csh	bug #47695: How to set $PATH on remote? csh
par_path_remote_csh	Warning: no access to tty (Bad file descriptor).
par_path_remote_csh	Thus no job control in this shell.
par_path_remote_csh	CSH Path before: /bin:/usr/bin with no parallel
par_path_remote_csh	parallel: Command not found.
par_path_remote_csh	^^^^^^^^ Not found is OK
par_path_remote_csh	parallel: Warning: Removed lo.
par_path_remote_csh	parallel: Error: There are no hosts left to run on.
par_path_remote_csh	Right now it seems csh does not respect /bin:/usr/bin:/tmp if set from Perl
par_path_remote_csh	Done