par_pipe_retries	### bug #45025: --pipe --retries does not reschedule on other host
par_pipe_retries	parallel: Warning: Could not figure out number of cpus on a.a (). Using 1.
par_pipe_retries	 165668  165668 1048571
par_pipe_retries	localhost-:
par_pipe_retries	 134362  134362  940534
par_pipe_retries	localhost-:
par_pipe_retries	parallel: Error: --retries cannot be combined with --roundrobin.
par_lsh	### --ssh lsh
par_lsh	parallel: Warning: Could not figure out number of cpus on lo (). Using 1.
par_lsh	OK
par_lsh	parallel: Warning: Could not figure out number of cpus on lo (). Using 1.
par_lsh	OK
par_input_loss_pipe	### bug #36595: silent loss of input with --pipe and --sshlogin
par_input_loss_pipe	      1   10000   48894
par_env_parallel_onall	bug #54352: env_parallel -Slo --nonall myfunc broken in 20180722
par_env_parallel_onall	Myfunc works
par_env_parallel_onall	Myfunc works
par_controlmaster_eats	bug #36707: --controlmaster eats jobs
par_controlmaster_eats	OK1
par_controlmaster_eats	OK2
par_command_len_shellquote	### test quoting will not cause a crash if too long
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 1	      1       1       4
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 2	      1       1      10
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 3	      1       1      28
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 4	      1       1      82
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 5	      1       1     244
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 6	      1       1     730
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 7	      1       1    2188
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 8	      1       1    6562
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 9	      1       1   19684
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 1	      1       1       5
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 2	      1       1      11
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 3	      1       1      29
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 4	      1       1      83
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 5	      1       1     245
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 6	      1       1     731
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 7	      1       1    2189
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 8	      1       1    6563
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 1	      1       1       6
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 2	      1       1      12
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 3	      1       1      30
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 4	      1       1      84
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 5	      1       1     246
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 6	      1       1     732
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 7	      1       1    2190
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 8	      1       1    6564
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 1	      1       1       7
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 2	      1       1      13
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 3	      1       1      31
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 4	      1       1      85
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 5	      1       1     247
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 6	      1       1     733
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 7	      1       1    2191
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 1	      1       1       8
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 2	      1       1      14
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 3	      1       1      32
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 4	      1       1      86
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 5	      1       1     248
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 6	      1       1     734
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 7	      1       1    2192
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 1	      1       1       9
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 2	      1       1      15
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 3	      1       1      33
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 4	      1       1      87
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 5	      1       1     249
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 6	      1       1     735
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 7	      1       1    2193
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 1	      1       1      10
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 2	      1       1      16
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 3	      1       1      34
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 4	      1       1      88
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 5	      1       1     250
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 6	      1       1     736
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 7	      1       1    2194
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 1	      1       1      11
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 2	      1       1      17
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 3	      1       1      35
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 4	      1       1      89
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 5	      1       1     251
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 6	      1       1     737
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 7	      1       1    2195
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 1	      1       1      12
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 2	      1       1      18
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 3	      1       1      36
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 4	      1       1      90
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 5	      1       1     252
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 6	      1       1     738
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 7	      1       1    2196
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 1	      1       1      13
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 2	      1       1      19
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 3	      1       1      37
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 4	      1       1      91
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 5	      1       1     253
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 6	      1       1     739
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 7	      1       1    2197
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 1	      1       1       4
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 2	      1       1      10
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 3	      1       1      28
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 4	      1       1      82
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 5	      1       1     244
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 6	      1       1     730
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 7	      1       1    2188
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 8	      1       1    6562
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 9	      1       1   19684
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 1	      1       1       9
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 2	      1       1      27
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 3	      1       1      81
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 4	      1       1     243
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 5	      1       1     729
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 6	      1       1    2187
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 7	      1       1    6561
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 8	      1       1   19683
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 1	      1       1      14
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 2	      1       1      44
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 3	      1       1     134
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 4	      1       1     404
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 5	      1       1    1214
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 6	      1       1    3644
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 7	      1       1   10934
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 8	      1       1   32804
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 1	      1       1      19
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 2	      1       1      61
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 3	      1       1     187
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 4	      1       1     565
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 5	      1       1    1699
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 6	      1       1    5101
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 7	      1       1   15307
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 1	      1       1      24
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 2	      1       1      78
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 3	      1       1     240
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 4	      1       1     726
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 5	      1       1    2184
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 6	      1       1    6558
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 7	      1       1   19680
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 1	      1       1      29
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 2	      1       1      95
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 3	      1       1     293
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 4	      1       1     887
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 5	      1       1    2669
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 6	      1       1    8015
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 7	      1       1   24053
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 1	      1       1      34
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 2	      1       1     112
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 3	      1       1     346
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 4	      1       1    1048
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 5	      1       1    3154
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 6	      1       1    9472
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 7	      1       1   28426
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 1	      1       1      39
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 2	      1       1     129
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 3	      1       1     399
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 4	      1       1    1209
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 5	      1       1    3639
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 6	      1       1   10929
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 7	      1       1   32799
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 1	      1       1      44
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 2	      1       1     146
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 3	      1       1     452
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 4	      1       1    1370
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 5	      1       1    4124
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 6	      1       1   12386
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 7	      1       1   37172
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 1	      1       1      49
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 2	      1       1     163
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 3	      1       1     505
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 4	      1       1    1531
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 5	      1       1    4609
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 6	      1       1   13843
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 7	      1       1   41545
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 1 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131049) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131049) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 2 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131049) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131049) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 3 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (885735 >= 131049) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (131220 >= 131049) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131049) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 4 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131049) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (164025 >= 131049) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (492075 >= 131049) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 5 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1476225 >= 131049) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 6 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (229635 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (688905 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 7 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2066715 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (262440 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (787320 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 8 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361960 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (885735 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 9 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2657205 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (328050 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (984150 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	" 10 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952450 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 1 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131049) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131049) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 2 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131049) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131049) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 3 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (885735 >= 131049) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (131220 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 4 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (164025 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (492075 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 5 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1476225 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 6 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (229635 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (688905 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 7 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2066715 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (262440 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (787320 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 8 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361960 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (295245 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (885735 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 9 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2657205 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (328050 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (984150 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote	-Slo -j10	' 10 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952450 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 1	      1       2       6
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 2	      1       2      12
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 3	      1       2      30
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 4	      1       2      84
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 5	      1       2     246
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 6	      1       2     732
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 7	      1       2    2190
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 8	      1       2    6564
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 1	      1       2       8
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 2	      1       2      14
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 3	      1       2      32
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 4	      1       2      86
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 5	      1       2     248
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 6	      1       2     734
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 7	      1       2    2192
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 1	      1       2      10
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 2	      1       2      16
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 3	      1       2      34
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 4	      1       2      88
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 5	      1       2     250
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 6	      1       2     736
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 7	      1       2    2194
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 1	      1       2      12
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 2	      1       2      18
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 3	      1       2      36
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 4	      1       2      90
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 5	      1       2     252
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 6	      1       2     738
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 7	      1       2    2196
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 1	      1       2      14
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 2	      1       2      20
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 3	      1       2      38
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 4	      1       2      92
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 5	      1       2     254
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 6	      1       2     740
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 7	      1       2    2198
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 1	      1       2      16
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 2	      1       2      22
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 3	      1       2      40
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 4	      1       2      94
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 5	      1       2     256
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 6	      1       2     742
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 7	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 1	      1       2      18
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 2	      1       2      24
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 3	      1       2      42
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 4	      1       2      96
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 5	      1       2     258
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 6	      1       2     744
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 7	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 1	      1       2      20
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 2	      1       2      26
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 3	      1       2      44
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 4	      1       2      98
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 5	      1       2     260
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 6	      1       2     746
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 7	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 1	      1       2      22
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 2	      1       2      28
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 3	      1       2      46
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 4	      1       2     100
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 5	      1       2     262
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 6	      1       2     748
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 7	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 1	      1       2      24
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 2	      1       2      30
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 3	      1       2      48
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 4	      1       2     102
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 5	      1       2     264
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 6	      1       2     750
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 7	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 1	      1       2       6
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 2	      1       2      12
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 3	      1       2      30
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 4	      1       2      84
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 5	      1       2     246
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 6	      1       2     732
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 7	      1       2    2190
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 8	      1       2    6564
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 1	      1       2      12
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 2	      1       2      30
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 3	      1       2      84
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 4	      1       2     246
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 5	      1       2     732
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 6	      1       2    2190
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 7	      1       2    6564
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 1	      1       2      18
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 2	      1       2      48
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 3	      1       2     138
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 4	      1       2     408
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 5	      1       2    1218
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 6	      1       2    3648
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 7	      1       2   10938
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 1	      1       2      24
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 2	      1       2      66
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 3	      1       2     192
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 4	      1       2     570
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 5	      1       2    1704
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 6	      1       2    5106
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 7	      1       2   15312
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 1	      1       2      30
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 2	      1       2      84
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 3	      1       2     246
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 4	      1       2     732
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 5	      1       2    2190
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 6	      1       2    6564
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 7	      1       2   19686
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 1	      1       2      36
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 2	      1       2     102
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 3	      1       2     300
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 4	      1       2     894
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 5	      1       2    2676
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 6	      1       2    8022
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 7	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 1	      1       2      42
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 2	      1       2     120
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 3	      1       2     354
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 4	      1       2    1056
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 5	      1       2    3162
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 6	      1       2    9480
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 7	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 1	      1       2      48
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 2	      1       2     138
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 3	      1       2     408
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 4	      1       2    1218
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 5	      1       2    3648
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 6	      1       2   10938
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 7	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 1	      1       2      54
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 2	      1       2     156
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 3	      1       2     462
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 4	      1       2    1380
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 5	      1       2    4134
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 6	      1       2   12396
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 7	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 1	      1       2      60
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 2	      1       2     174
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 3	      1       2     516
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 4	      1       2    1542
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 5	      1       2    4620
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 6	      1       2   13854
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 7	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 8	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 9	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 10	      0       0       0
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131049) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote		" 1 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131049) at input 0: "
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (131220 >= 131049) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131049) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 2 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131049) at input 0: ""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131049) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131049) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote		" 3 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131049) at input 0: """
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (262440 >= 131049) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (787320 >= 131049) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote		" 4 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361960 >= 131049) at input 0: """"
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (328050 >= 131049) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (984150 >= 131049) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 5 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952450 >= 131049) at input 0: """""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 7	parallel: Error: Command line too long (131220 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 6 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (3542940 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 7	parallel: Error: Command line too long (153090 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (459270 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1377810 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 7 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (4133430 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 7	parallel: Error: Command line too long (174960 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (524880 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1574640 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 8 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (4723920 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 7	parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 9 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (5314410 >= 131049) at input 0: """""""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 7	parallel: Error: Command line too long (218700 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (656100 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1968300 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote		" 10 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (5904900 >= 131049) at input 0: """"""""""
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131049) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote		' 1 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131049) at input 0: '
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (131220 >= 131049) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131049) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 2 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131049) at input 0: ''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131049) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131049) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 3 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131049) at input 0: '''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (262440 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (787320 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 4 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2361960 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (328050 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (984150 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 5 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (2952450 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 7	parallel: Error: Command line too long (131220 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (393660 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1180980 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 6 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (3542940 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 7	parallel: Error: Command line too long (153090 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (459270 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1377810 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 7 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (4133430 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 7	parallel: Error: Command line too long (174960 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (524880 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1574640 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 8 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (4723920 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 7	parallel: Error: Command line too long (196830 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (590490 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1771470 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 9 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (5314410 >= 131049) at input 0: '''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 7	parallel: Error: Command line too long (218700 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 8	parallel: Error: Command line too long (656100 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 9	parallel: Error: Command line too long (1968300 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_command_len_shellquote		' 10 10	parallel: Error: Command line too long (5904900 >= 131049) at input 0: ''''''''''
par_basefile_cleanup	### bug #46520: --basefile cleans up without --cleanup
par_basefile_cleanup	bug_46520
par_basefile_cleanup	bug_46520
par_basefile_cleanup	bug_46520
par_basefile_cleanup	ls: cannot access 'bug_46520': No such file or directory
par_autossh	### --ssh	 autossh - add commands that fail here
par_autossh	OK
par_autossh	OK
par_autossh	/usr/lib/autossh/autossh: invalid option -- '-'
par_autossh	usage: autossh [-V] [-M monitor_port[:echo_port]] [-f] [SSH_OPTIONS]
par_autossh	    -M specifies monitor port. Overrides the environment
par_autossh	       variable AUTOSSH_PORT. 0 turns monitoring loop off.
par_autossh	       Alternatively, a port for an echo service on the remote
par_autossh	       machine may be specified. (Normally port 7.)
par_autossh	    -f run in background (autossh handles this, and does not
par_autossh	       pass it to ssh.)
par_autossh	    -V print autossh version and exit.
par_autossh	Environment variables are:
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_GATETIME    - how long must an ssh session be established
par_autossh	                          before we decide it really was established
par_autossh	                          (in seconds). Default is 30 seconds; use of -f
par_autossh	                          flag sets this to 0.
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_LOGFILE     - file to log to (default is to use the syslog
par_autossh	                          facility)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_LOGLEVEL    - level of log verbosity
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_MAXLIFETIME - set the maximum time to live (seconds)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_MAXSTART    - max times to restart (default is no limit)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_MESSAGE     - message to append to echo string (max 64 bytes)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_PATH        - path to ssh if not default
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_PIDFILE     - write pid to this file
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_POLL        - how often to check the connection (seconds)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_FIRST_POLL  - time before first connection check (seconds)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_PORT        - port to use for monitor connection
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_DEBUG       - turn logging to maximum verbosity and log to
par_autossh	                          stderr
par_autossh	rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
par_autossh	rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.2]
par_autossh	/usr/lib/autossh/autossh: invalid option -- '-'
par_autossh	usage: autossh [-V] [-M monitor_port[:echo_port]] [-f] [SSH_OPTIONS]
par_autossh	    -M specifies monitor port. Overrides the environment
par_autossh	       variable AUTOSSH_PORT. 0 turns monitoring loop off.
par_autossh	       Alternatively, a port for an echo service on the remote
par_autossh	       machine may be specified. (Normally port 7.)
par_autossh	    -f run in background (autossh handles this, and does not
par_autossh	       pass it to ssh.)
par_autossh	    -V print autossh version and exit.
par_autossh	Environment variables are:
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_GATETIME    - how long must an ssh session be established
par_autossh	                          before we decide it really was established
par_autossh	                          (in seconds). Default is 30 seconds; use of -f
par_autossh	                          flag sets this to 0.
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_LOGFILE     - file to log to (default is to use the syslog
par_autossh	                          facility)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_LOGLEVEL    - level of log verbosity
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_MAXLIFETIME - set the maximum time to live (seconds)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_MAXSTART    - max times to restart (default is no limit)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_MESSAGE     - message to append to echo string (max 64 bytes)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_PATH        - path to ssh if not default
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_PIDFILE     - write pid to this file
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_POLL        - how often to check the connection (seconds)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_FIRST_POLL  - time before first connection check (seconds)
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_PORT        - port to use for monitor connection
par_autossh	    AUTOSSH_DEBUG       - turn logging to maximum verbosity and log to
par_autossh	                          stderr
par_autossh	rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
par_autossh	rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(235) [Receiver=3.1.2]