# The seq 30000000 should take > 1 cpu sec to run.
echo '### --soft -f and test if child is actually suspended and thus takes longer'
### --soft -f and test if child is actually suspended and thus takes longer
  niceload --soft -f 0.5 'seq 30000000 | nice wc;echo This should finish last' &   (sleep 1; seq 30000000 | nice wc;echo This should finish first) &   wait
30000000 30000000 258888897
This should finish first
30000000 30000000 258888897
This should finish last
echo '### niceload with no arguments should give no output'
### niceload with no arguments should give no output
echo '### Test -t and -s'
### Test -t and -s
  # This should sleep at least 2*1s and run 2*2s
  stdout niceload -v -t 1 -s 2 sleep 4.5 | head -n 4
Sleeping 1s
Running 2s
Sleeping 1s
Running 2s
echo 'bug #38908: niceload: Ctrl-C/TERM should resume jobs if using -p - Order may change, but not output'
bug #38908: niceload: Ctrl-C/TERM should resume jobs if using -p - Order may change, but not output
  # This should take 10 seconds to run + delay from niceload
  # niceload killed after 1 sec => The delay from niceload should be no more than 1 second
  stdout /usr/bin/time -f %e perl -e 'for(1..100) { select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); } print "done\n"' | int &   niceload -vt 1 -s 10 -p $! &   export A=$!;   sleep 2;   kill -s TERM $A;   wait;   echo Finished
Sleeping 1s
Running 10s
echo 'bug #38908: niceload: Ctrl-C should resume jobs if using -p'
bug #38908: niceload: Ctrl-C should resume jobs if using -p
  # This should take 10 seconds to run + delay from niceload
  # niceload killed after 1 sec => The delay from niceload should be no more than 1 second
  stdout /usr/bin/time -f %e perl -e 'for(1..100) { select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); } print "done\n"' | int &   niceload -vt 1 -s 10 -p $! &   export A=$!;   sleep 2;   kill -s INT $A;   wait
Sleeping 1s
Running 10s