2016-07-02 18:00:51 +02:00

98 lines
3.4 KiB

# The testsuite depends on this:
sudo aptitude install imagemagick expect autossh
# DEBIAN package
sudo aptitude install dpkg-dev build-essential debhelper
sudo aptitude install postgresql mysql-server
echo '# Create PostgreSQL'
sudo su - postgres -c 'createdb '`whoami`
sudo su - postgres -c 'createuser '`whoami`
sudo su - postgres -c "sql pg:/// \"ALTER USER \\\"`whoami`\\\" WITH PASSWORD '`whoami`';\""
echo '# Create MySQL'
sudo su - mysql mysqladmin create `whoami`
sql mysql://root:"$mysqlrootpass"@/mysql "DROP DATABASE `whoami`;DROP USER '`whoami`'@'localhost';"
sql mysql://root:"$mysqlrootpass"@/mysql "CREATE DATABASE `whoami`;CREATE USER '`whoami`'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '`whoami`'; GRANT ALL ON `whoami`.* TO '`whoami`'@'localhost';"
sudo aptitude install ash csh fdclone fish fizsh ksh mksh pdksh posh rush sash tcsh yash zsh
export SSHPASS
shells="bash sh csh ash tcsh zsh ksh fish fizsh mksh pdksh posh rc sash yash nopathbash nopathcsh"
create_shell_user() {
sudo deluser $shell && sudo mv /home/$shell /tmp/$shell.$RANDOM
sudo groupdel $shell
sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "$shell for parallel,,," $shell &&
echo "$shell:$SSHPASS" | sudo chpasswd &&
sshpass -e ssh-copy-id $shell@lo &&
echo "ssh-keyscan" &&
ssh $shell@lo 'ssh-keyscan -t rsa lo >> .ssh/known_hosts' &&
echo "chsh" &&
sudo chsh -s $(which $shell || which ${shell#"nopath"}) $shell &&
echo | ssh -t $shell@lo ssh-keygen &&
ssh $shell@lo 'cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys' &&
ssh $shell@lo cat .ssh/ | ssh parallel@lo 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' &&
ssh $shell@lo env_parallel --install
export -f create_shell_user
parallel -u --timeout 15 --retries 2 --tag -j1 create_shell_user ::: $shells
# sh fails if not run by itself
parallel -u --timeout 15 --retries 2 --tag -j1 create_shell_user ::: sh
parallel -j10 ssh {}@lo ssh {}@lo echo {} OK ::: $shells
ssh parallel@lo 'ssh-keyscan -t rsa lo >> .ssh/known_hosts'
ssh parallel@lo 'cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
ssh_copy_id() {
ssh $from cat .ssh/ | ssh $to 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
export -f ssh_copy_id
shellsplus="parallel $shells"
parallel --bar -j200% --timeout 3 --retries 10 --tag ssh_copy_id {1}@lo {2}@lo ::: $shellsplus ::: $shellsplus
parallel -j10 ssh {1}@lo ssh {2}@lo echo {} OK ::: $shellsplus ::: $shellsplus
# change paths to no path
ssh nopathbash@lo 'echo >> .bashrc PATH=/bin:/usr/bin'
# Remove env_parallel from .profile
ssh nopathbash@lo 'perl -i.bak -pe s/.*env_parallel.*// .profile .bashrc'
ssh nopathcsh@lo 'echo >> .cshrc setenv PATH /bin:/usr/bin'
ssh nopathbash@lo 'echo $PATH'
ssh nopathcsh@lo 'echo $PATH'
ssh-copy-id localhost
# SHELLS: lsh-client against openssh server
sudo aptitude install lsh-client
mkdir .lsh
lsh-make-seed -o ".lsh/yarrow-seed-file"
lsh --sloppy-host-authentication --capture-to ~/.lsh/host-acls lo echo Added host-auth
lsh-keygen | lsh-writekey -c none
lsh-export-key --openssh < ~/.lsh/ | lsh localhost 'cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys'
lsh-export-key --openssh < ~/.lsh/ | ssh csh@localhost 'cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys'
# To configure zsh
parallel --record-env
sudo aptitude install gnuplot octave ruby r-base-core libdbd-pg-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl pxz pixz
sudo cp /usr/bin/tmux /usr/local/bin/tmux1.8