mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 18:37:55 +00:00
291 lines
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291 lines
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# Simple jobs that never fails
# Each should be taking 0.3-1s and be possible to run in parallel
# I.e.: No race conditions, no logins
cd /tmp
sudo umount -l smalldisk.img
dd if=/dev/zero of=smalldisk.img bs=100k count=1k
yes|mkfs smalldisk.img
mkdir -p /mnt/ram
sudo mount smalldisk.img /mnt/ram
sudo chmod 777 /mnt/ram
) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
cat <<'EOF' | sed -e 's/;$/; /;s/$SERVER1/'$SERVER1'/;s/$SERVER2/'$SERVER2'/' | stdout parallel -vj8 -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` -L1
echo '### Test bug #45619: "--halt" erroneous error exit code (should give 0)';
seq 10 | parallel --halt now,fail=1 true;
echo $?
echo '**'
echo '### Test exit val - true';
echo true | parallel;
echo $?
echo '**'
echo '### Test exit val - false';
echo false | parallel;
echo $?
echo '**'
echo '### Test bug #43284: {%} and {#} with --xapply';
parallel --xapply 'echo {1} {#} {%} {2}' ::: a ::: b;
parallel -N2 'echo {%}' ::: a b
echo '**'
echo '### bug #47501: --xapply for some input sources'
# Wrapping does not work yet
parallel -k echo ::: a b c aWRAP :::+ aa bb cc ::: A B :::+ AA BB AAwrap
echo '**'
echo '### Test bug #43376: {%} and {#} with --pipe'
echo foo | parallel -q --pipe -k echo {#}
echo foo | parallel --pipe -k echo {%}
echo foo | parallel -q --pipe -k echo {%}
echo foo | parallel --pipe -k echo {#}
echo '**'
echo '### {= and =} in different groups separated by space'
parallel echo {= s/a/b/ =} ::: a
parallel echo {= s/a/b/=} ::: a
parallel echo {= s/a/b/=}{= s/a/b/=} ::: a
parallel echo {= s/a/b/=}{=s/a/b/=} ::: a
parallel echo {= s/a/b/=}{= {= s/a/b/=} ::: a
parallel echo {= s/a/b/=}{={=s/a/b/=} ::: a
parallel echo {= s/a/b/ =} {={==} ::: a
parallel echo {={= =} ::: a
parallel echo {= {= =} ::: a
parallel echo {= {= =} =} ::: a
echo '**'
echo '### {} as part of the command'
echo p /bin/ls | parallel l{= s/p/s/ =}
echo /bin/ls-p | parallel --colsep '-' l{=2 s/p/s/ =} {1}
echo s /bin/ls | parallel l{}
echo /bin/ls | parallel ls {}
echo ls /bin/ls | parallel {}
echo ls /bin/ls | parallel
echo '**'
echo '### bug #43817: Some JP char cause problems in positional replacement strings'
parallel -k echo ::: '<27><<3C>>' '<27><1 $_=2<>>' 'ワ'
parallel -k echo {1} ::: '<27><<3C>>' '<27><1 $_=2<>>' 'ワ'
parallel -Xj1 echo ::: '<27><<3C>>' '<27><1 $_=2<>>' 'ワ'
parallel -Xj1 echo {1} ::: '<27><<3C>>' '<27><1 $_=2<>>' 'ワ'
echo '**'
echo '### --rpl % that is a substring of longer --rpl %D'
parallel --plus --rpl '%'
--rpl '%D $_=::shell_quote(::dirname($_));' --rpl '%B s:.*/::;s:\.[^/.]+$::;' --rpl '%E s:.*\.::'
'echo {}=%;echo %D={//};echo %B={/.};echo %E={+.};echo %D/%B.%E={}' ::: a.b/c.d/e.f
echo '**'
echo '### Disk full'
cat /dev/zero >$SMALLDISK/out;
parallel --tmpdir $SMALLDISK echo ::: OK;
echo '**'
echo '### bug #44546: If --compress-program fails: fail'
parallel --line-buffer --compress-program false echo \;ls ::: /no-existing; echo $?
parallel --tag --line-buffer --compress-program false echo \;ls ::: /no-existing; echo $?
(parallel --files --tag --line-buffer --compress-program false echo \;sleep 1\;ls ::: /no-existing; echo $?) | tail -n1
parallel --tag --compress-program false echo \;ls ::: /no-existing; echo $?
parallel --line-buffer --compress-program false echo \;ls ::: /no-existing; echo $?
parallel --compress-program false echo \;ls ::: /no-existing; echo $?
echo 'bug #41613: --compress --line-buffer - no newline';
echo 'pipe compress tagstring'
perl -e 'print "O"'| parallel --compress --tagstring {#} --pipe --line-buffer cat; echo "K"
echo 'pipe compress notagstring'
perl -e 'print "O"'| parallel --compress --pipe --line-buffer cat; echo "K"
echo 'pipe nocompress tagstring'
perl -e 'print "O"'| parallel --tagstring {#} --pipe --line-buffer cat; echo "K"
echo 'pipe nocompress notagstring'
perl -e 'print "O"'| parallel --pipe --line-buffer cat; echo "K"
echo 'nopipe compress tagstring'
parallel --compress --tagstring {#} --line-buffer echo {} O ::: -n; echo "K"
echo 'nopipe compress notagstring'
parallel --compress --line-buffer echo {} O ::: -n; echo "K"
echo 'nopipe nocompress tagstring'
parallel --tagstring {#} --line-buffer echo {} O ::: -n; echo "K"
echo 'nopipe nocompress notagstring'
parallel --line-buffer echo {} O ::: -n; echo "K"
echo 'Compress with failing (de)compressor'
parallel -k --tag --compress --compress-program 'cat;true' --decompress-program 'cat;true' echo ::: tag true true
parallel -k --tag --compress --compress-program 'cat;false' --decompress-program 'cat;true' echo ::: tag false true
parallel -k --tag --compress --compress-program 'cat;false' --decompress-program 'cat;false' echo ::: tag false false
parallel -k --tag --compress --compress-program 'cat;true' --decompress-program 'cat;false' echo ::: tag true false
parallel -k --compress --compress-program 'cat;true' --decompress-program 'cat;true' echo ::: true true
parallel -k --compress --compress-program 'cat;false' --decompress-program 'cat;true' echo ::: false true
parallel -k --compress --compress-program 'cat;false' --decompress-program 'cat;false' echo ::: false false
parallel -k --compress --compress-program 'cat;true' --decompress-program 'cat;false' echo ::: true false
parallel -k --line-buffer --compress --compress-program 'cat;true' --decompress-program 'cat;true' echo ::: line-buffer true true
parallel -k --line-buffer --compress --compress-program 'cat;false' --decompress-program 'cat;true' echo ::: line-buffer false true
parallel -k --line-buffer --compress --compress-program 'cat;false' --decompress-program 'cat;false' echo ::: line-buffer false false
parallel -k --tag --line-buffer --compress --compress-program 'cat;true' --decompress-program 'cat;false' echo ::: tag line-buffer true false
parallel -k --tag --line-buffer --compress --compress-program 'cat;true' --decompress-program 'cat;true' echo ::: tag line-buffer true true
parallel -k --tag --line-buffer --compress --compress-program 'cat;false' --decompress-program 'cat;true' echo ::: tag line-buffer false true
parallel -k --tag --line-buffer --compress --compress-program 'cat;false' --decompress-program 'cat;false' echo ::: tag line-buffer false false
parallel -k --tag --line-buffer --compress --compress-program 'cat;true' --decompress-program 'cat;false' echo ::: tag line-buffer true false
parallel -k --files --compress --compress-program 'cat;true' --decompress-program 'cat;true' echo ::: files true true | parallel rm
parallel -k --files --compress --compress-program 'cat;false' --decompress-program 'cat;true' echo ::: files false true | parallel rm
parallel -k --files --compress --compress-program 'cat;false' --decompress-program 'cat;false' echo ::: files false false | parallel rm
parallel -k --files --compress --compress-program 'cat;true' --decompress-program 'cat;false' echo ::: files true false | parallel rm
echo 'bug #44250: pxz complains File format not recognized but decompresses anyway'
# The first line dumps core if run from make file. Why?!
stdout parallel --compress --compress-program pxz ls /{} ::: OK-if-missing-file
stdout parallel --compress --compress-program pixz --decompress-program 'pixz -d' ls /{} ::: OK-if-missing-file
stdout parallel --compress --compress-program pixz --decompress-program 'pixz -d' true ::: OK-if-no-output
stdout parallel --compress --compress-program pxz true ::: OK-if-no-output
echo 'bug #41613: --compress --line-buffer no newline';
perl -e 'print "It worked"'| parallel --pipe --compress --line-buffer cat; echo
echo '### bug #44614: --pipepart --header off by one'
seq 10 >/tmp/parallel_44616;
parallel --pipepart -a /tmp/parallel_44616 -k --block 5 'echo foo; cat';
parallel --pipepart -a /tmp/parallel_44616 -k --block 2 --regexp --recend 3'\n' 'echo foo; cat';
rm /tmp/parallel_44616
echo '### TMUX not found'
TMUX=not-existing parallel --tmux echo ::: 1
echo '**'
parallel -j4 --halt 2 ::: 'sleep 1' burnP6 false; killall burnP6 && echo ERROR: burnP6 should be killed
parallel -j4 --halt -2 ::: 'sleep 1' burnP5 true; killall burnP5 && echo ERROR: burnP5 should be killed
parallel --halt error echo ::: should not print
parallel --halt soon echo ::: should not print
parallel --halt now echo ::: should not print
echo '**'
echo '### bug #44995: parallel echo {#} ::: 1 2 ::: 1 2'
parallel -k echo {#} ::: 1 2 ::: 1 2
echo '**'
testquote() { printf '"#&/\n()*=?'"'" | PARALLEL_SHELL=$1 parallel -0 echo; };
export -f testquote;
parallel --tag -k testquote ::: ash bash csh dash fdsh fish fizsh ksh ksh93 mksh pdksh posh rbash rc rzsh sash sh static-sh tcsh yash zsh
echo '**'
echo '### bug #45769: --round-robin --pipepart gives wrong results'
seq 10000 >/tmp/seq10000;
parallel -j2 --pipepart -a /tmp/seq10000 --block 14 --round-robin wc | wc -l;
rm /tmp/seq10000
echo '**'
echo '### bug #45842: Do not evaluate {= =} twice'
parallel -k echo '{= $_=++$::G =}' ::: {1001..1004}
parallel -k echo '{=1 $_=++$::G =}' ::: {1001..1004}
parallel -k echo '{= $_=++$::G =}' ::: {1001..1004} ::: {a..c}
parallel -k echo '{=1 $_=++$::G =}' ::: {1001..1004} ::: {a..c}
echo '**'
echo '### bug #45939: {2} in {= =} fails'
parallel echo '{= s/O{2}//=}' ::: OOOK
parallel echo '{2}-{=1 s/O{2}//=}' ::: OOOK ::: OK
echo '**'
echo '### bug #45998: --pipe to function broken'
myfunc() { echo $1; cat; }; export -f myfunc; echo OK | parallel --pipe myfunc {#}
echo '**'
echo 'bug #46016: --joblog should not log when --dryrun'
parallel --dryrun --joblog - echo ::: Only_this
echo '**'
echo 'bug #45993: --wd ... should also work when run locally'
parallel --wd /bi 'pwd; echo $OLDPWD; echo' ::: fail
parallel --wd /bin 'pwd; echo $OLDPWD; echo' ::: OK
parallel --wd / 'pwd; echo $OLDPWD; echo' ::: OK
parallel --wd /tmp 'pwd; echo $OLDPWD; echo' ::: OK
parallel --wd ... 'pwd; echo $OLDPWD; echo' ::: OK | perl -pe 's/\d+/0/g'
parallel --wd . 'pwd; echo $OLDPWD; echo' ::: OK
echo '**'
echo 'bug #46232: {%} with --bar/--eta/--shuf or --halt xx% broken'
parallel --bar -kj2 --delay 0.1 echo {%} ::: a b ::: c d e 2>/dev/null
parallel --halt now,fail=10% -kj2 --delay 0.1 echo {%} ::: a b ::: c d e
parallel --eta -kj2 --delay 0.1 echo {%} ::: a b ::: c d e 2>/dev/null
parallel --shuf -kj2 --delay 0.1 echo {%} ::: a b ::: c d e 2>/dev/null
echo '**'
echo 'bug #46231: {%} with --pipepart broken. Should give 1+2'
seq 10000 > /tmp/num10000;
parallel --pipepart -ka /tmp/num10000 --block 10k -j2 echo {%};
rm /tmp/num10000
echo '**'
echo '{##} bug #45841: Replacement string for total no of jobs'
parallel -k --plus echo {##} ::: {a..j};
parallel -k 'echo {= $::G++ > 3 and ($_=$Global::JobQueue->total_jobs());=}' ::: {1..10}
parallel -k -N7 --plus echo {#} {##} ::: {1..14}
parallel -k -N7 --plus echo {#} {##} ::: {1..15}
parallel -k -S 8/: -X --plus echo {#} {##} ::: {1..15}
echo '**'
echo 'bug #47002: --tagstring with -d \n\n'
(seq 3;echo;seq 4) | parallel -d '\n\n' --tagstring {%} echo ABC';'echo
echo '**'
echo 'bug #47086: [PATCH] Initialize total_completed from joblog'
rm -f /tmp/parallel-47086;
parallel -j1 --joblog /tmp/parallel-47086 --halt now,fail=1 echo '{= $_=$Global::total_completed =};exit {}' ::: 0 0 0 1 0 0;
parallel -j1 --joblog /tmp/parallel-47086 --halt now,fail=1 --resume echo '{= $_=$Global::total_completed =};exit {}' ::: 0 0 0 1 0 0
echo '**'
echo 'bug #47290: xargs: Warning: a NUL character occurred in the input'
perl -e 'print "foo\0not printed"' | parallel echo
echo '**'
echo '### 1 .par file from --files expected'
find /tmp{/*,}/*.{par,tms,tmx} 2>/dev/null -mmin -10 | wc -l
find /tmp{/*,}/*.{par,tms,tmx} 2>/dev/null -mmin -10 | parallel rm
sudo umount -l /tmp/smalldisk.img |