
62 lines
2.6 KiB

### These tests requires VirtualBox running with the following images
echo 'bug #40136: FreeBSD: No more processes'
bug #40136: FreeBSD: No more processes
# Long line due to FreeBSD's /bin/sh stupidity
sem --jobs 3 --id my_id -u 'echo First started; sleep 5; echo The first finished' && sem --jobs 3 --id my_id -u 'echo Second started; sleep 6; echo The second finished' && sem --jobs 3 --id my_id -u 'echo Third started; sleep 7; echo The third finished' && sem --jobs 3 --id my_id -u 'echo Fourth started; sleep 8; echo The fourth finished' && sem --wait --id my_id
First started
Second started
Third started
The first finished
Fourth started
The second finished
The third finished
The fourth finished
echo 'Test --compress --pipe'
Test --compress --pipe
jot 1000 | parallel --compress --pipe cat | wc
1000 1000 3893
echo 'bug #41613: --compress --line-buffer no newline';
bug #41613: --compress --line-buffer no newline
perl -e 'print "It worked"'| parallel --pipe --compress --line-buffer cat; echo
It worked
echo 'bug #40135: FreeBSD: sem --fg does not finish under /bin/sh'
bug #40135: FreeBSD: sem --fg does not finish under /bin/sh
sem --fg 'sleep 1; echo The job finished'
The job finished
echo 'bug #40133: FreeBSD: --round-robin gives no output'
bug #40133: FreeBSD: --round-robin gives no output
jot 1000000 | parallel --round-robin --pipe -kj3 wc | sort
299592 299592 2097144
299594 299594 2097158
400814 400814 2694594
jot 1000000 | parallel --round-robin --pipe -kj4 wc | sort
149797 149797 1048579
235145 235145 1646016
299593 299593 2097151
315465 315465 2097150
echo 'bug #40134: FreeBSD: --shebang not working'
bug #40134: FreeBSD: --shebang not working
(echo '#!/usr/bin/env -S parallel --shebang -rk echo'; echo It; echo worked) > shebang;
chmod 755 ./shebang; ./shebang
echo 'bug #40134: FreeBSD: --shebang(-wrap) not working'
bug #40134: FreeBSD: --shebang(-wrap) not working
(echo '#!/usr/bin/env -S parallel --shebang-wrap /usr/bin/perl :::'; echo 'print @ARGV,"\n";') > shebang-wrap;
chmod 755 ./shebang-wrap; ./shebang-wrap wrap works
echo 'bug #40134: FreeBSD: --shebang(-wrap) with options not working'
bug #40134: FreeBSD: --shebang(-wrap) with options not working
(echo '#!/usr/bin/env -S parallel --shebang-wrap -v -k -j 0 /usr/bin/perl -w :::'; echo 'print @ARGV,"\n";') > shebang-wrap;
chmod 755 ./shebang-wrap; ./shebang-wrap wrap works with options
/usr/bin/perl -w ./shebang-wrap wrap
/usr/bin/perl -w ./shebang-wrap works
/usr/bin/perl -w ./shebang-wrap with
/usr/bin/perl -w ./shebang-wrap options